It’s Good Friday On Turtle Island

Or as we say here in Justin’s Canada, the 15th day of Ramadan.

Will Dear Leader intervene? Heads explode at the Toronto Star, as their new CEO compares vax passports to communism.

He admires their basic dictatorship. China goes full Trudeau.

Rex Murphy on the trucker protest.  Will Justin tax pickup trucks?  Devoted Catholic Saint Justin, mentions certain holidays except Good Friday, from his vacation spot in Whistler.

Dementia Joe shakes hands with thin air.  A related meme.

Woke Sex??  Men arrested for raping Bengal lizard.

Warning: CBC link.  Indians and environmental terrorists get ready to stop mining in Northern Ontario.

41 Replies to “It’s Good Friday On Turtle Island”

    1. Buddy, as I recall getting rid of the excise tax was supposed to occur when the GST was introduced. . looks like we were lied to once again, once again, hahahahahahaha.

      1. No, no, no……the GST replaced the MST…the Excise Tax is an MST name change which makes it a whole ‘nother animal. 🙂

        1. I seem to recall the GST replacing and banning any more MST (invisible) type taxes.
          Renaming it an Excise tax doesn’t change its illegal status.
          Consequentialy the Trudeau carbon tax is illegal and an increase in the GST should have been the route taken to tax carbon.
          The GST Being visible ruins that option.

          1. Correction.. calling a new invisible tax an Excise tax doesn’t change its illegal status.

          2. <i?"Consequentialy the Trudeau carbon tax is illegal…"

            Upon reading that, and being the law-loving patriot that he is, I’m sure he’ll stop it immediately…

  1. If you don’t think trucks will be taxed by a “green levy” then congratulations – you have attained moron status. They might be sly about and set the tax to gross weight (e.g. anything over 1500 kg). That way they can tax the incoming electric vehicles along with the outgoing gas guzzlers. And because the average person is an idiot who has no idea who much his/her/their vehicle weighs, they won’t bat an eyelash at 1,500 kg until their vehicle registration is due, or until they go to buy a new “small-sized” SUV that weighs 5,200 lbs. Then they will learn the difference between gross and curb weight and they will learn how to convert lbs to kg. By then it will be too late.

    1. Does anyone honestly think that this has anything to do with “saving” the environment? It’s been abundantly clear that Prinz Dummkopf, et. al., despise the working class and many of those vehicles are purchased and used by those same deplorables. The tax is just another way of continuing his war on the peasants.

      1. Ask Trudeau why CHINA does’nt or won’t suffer from Global warming while adding 500 new coal-fired power plants to their existing 2000 while we in Canada closed 12 coal-fired plants and we have nothing but global warming and are paying through the teeth so Justine can “FIX” our weather.
        When do we go to war with China for destroying planet earth?
        Before or after?

      2. BA, I consider the turd a petulant vindictive manchild. He really is a narcissistic thin skinned little prick.
        I think he’s picking on truckers because they were the ones that were protesting and calling him hurtful names. Then he got an earful about it when he appeared at the EU. I would bet that really pissed him off, so he’s doing this to get back particularly at truckers. However, I also agree that he despises us all, and will do what ever he can to make our lives more difficult. So yeah, continuing his war on us peasants!

        1. It’s not just truckers he’s after but anyone who drives a diesel-fuelled vehicle, as I found out over the past few weeks. If he had his way, we’d be paying 10x more per litre….. all to save the planet, of course.

    2. I think the truck tax will be a thousand for a small light duty truck, S-10, Mazda size, two grand for a half ton, three for the three quarter ton and a full four for one ton trucks.
      SUV’s will not escape nor will passenger cars.
      These people are zealots. They will not be denied.
      You will own nothing! You will be happy!

  2. TorStar CEO compares vaccine passport to communism:
    I’ve had the vaccine.
    I’ve had covid.
    The vaccines underperform.
    The vaxxed and the unvaxxed spread covid.
    A passport to go places in your own country is what communist countries did.

    Detractors: She’s anti-vaxx.

    The mentality of Canada’s ruling class in a nutshell.

      1. In the last couple of months I’ve seen 4 vehicles that have just out and out drove off the road deep into the toolies. Two of them went off on the wrong side of the road. Yesterday my father in law told me he was driving and his vision suddenly went blurry and his ears started ringing while he was driving. He had to pull off the road and wait for it to pass. Granted he’s getting up there in years but he said he’s never experienced anything like that. I’m starting to wonder if we’re seeing some kind delayed reaction to the jab.

        1. And I personally know two people who came down with Bells Palsy last year. Never knew anyone who got it before.

        2. Two to five years Arty, anything can happen, as the people who took the shots are effectively lab rats in a massive experiment.

      2. Not just the immune system. The long term effects are completely unknown.
        Deaths are up in the least at risk categories, the fifteen to fifty cohort.
        We’ve yet to see what genetic deformities will occur, and they will occur. Count on it.
        Men make puny gods.

    1. Arty…in particular that Nili Kaplan MD noted later on in that article.

      “…How to put this politely… Shame on anyone who emboldens antivaxx rhetoric in Canada. Comparisons to communism?!
      @TorontoStar: Your CEO just contibuted to spread of disinformation about vaccines. These are Glogovac’s principles? Vaccines save lives. This IS about safety…”

      Yea…Safety eh..?? This Liberal Voting PLUT is full of shit…bitch should learn how to spell first. and I Note that she conflates the mRNA JAB and lumps it into all Vaccines ..right.??

      I truly hope Elon buys Twatter – and Re-instates EVERYONE who was Deplatformed….long long overdue to counter much of the Leftist Pro Vaxx BULLSHIT emanating from that source with REAL data.

      1. Translation, shame on anyone who disagrees with the officially approved line of thinking. Let me see your papers.
        We’ve came a long ways in a very short time.

      2. We know the not-vaccines are killing tens of thousands and injuring millions and have zero efficacy. There is no “vaccine”, just a gene therapy experiment.

  3. Remember the Chinese falling over dead so the CCP did lockdowns and it was praised and copied by our .gov’s of our world when the media fear induced fake pandemic hit.


    Shanghai residents are pinned to the ground and arrested by dozens of hazmat suit-wearing Communist officials after objecting to their apartments becoming a quarantine centre

    China controls what can be seen by the outside world so this is being deliberately released.

    Will’s follow China’s lead again?

    Remember all those camps that have been or being built and the soon Shanghai of our cities citizens.

    The Emergency Powers will never end for our .gov’s and media will always step right into the next emergency.

    Enjoy the reprieve people, this evil will descend upon us and the sheep are being programmed again to fear first and then accept it for their and our communal safety…

    1. Shanghai, is giving the world a peak at just what is in store once we have (One World Government).
      The NORM will become… Secret Lockdowns, secretly disappearing people and whole cities.
      A Pandemic, a protest, these are things you will never hear of again.

  4. It burns, burns, burns, the Ring of Fire, the Ring of Fire.
    It will burn out way before it gets developed. Because it will never be developed.

    1. It takes 15 years to open a mine. The Ring of Fire was discovered in 2007, so you shouldn’t expect a mine until 2022. Whoops?

      1. “First you will see the studies.”

        Steve, I believe you missed a few steps.

        Yes, first, the studies. Then the studies of the studies. Then the studies of the studies of the studies. Then the studies will need to be redrawn because, Globull Warming. And, just when you thought that a road may be apropos, they’ll discover a sacred tree frog and the entire ordeal will need to be repeated and subsequently, cancelled. This, after nearly bankrupting the interested parties. Shortly thereafter, the land will be sold to the ChiComs who will be allowed to develop the resource as they see fit, without further restriction. The Big Guy will receive his 10% and the brain dead among us will continue to vote Lieberal.

        1. Remember what happened to the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline 45 years ago? It was studied to death before it was cancelled–I mean, “postponed”.

          “Oh, the caribou migration will be disrupted.” Fine. The design was revised to allow them to go under them.

          “The noise from the compressors will disturb them.” Uh, we’ve had pipelines and compressor stations for decades in Alberta and northern B. C. The animals take a look out of curiosity and go back to what they’ve been doing for generations.

          “It’ll melt the permafrost!” Then reduce the contact with the ground or use more insulation. That’s what was done for the Alaska pipeline.

          Finally, Berger pulled out the cards he was hiding up his sleeve. “We need more natives in the workforce, so we have to delay it for a generation.” You mean there weren’t any natives who were already tradesmen or who could operate heavy equipment? Oh, you mean pipeline operators! A year or two at a technical college could get you a Class 4 operator’s ticket. What’s so hard about that?

          The game was rigged against the pipeline all along. PET wanted it and Berger when through the farcical process to produce the expected outcome. When the final report was released, people I knew in the oil business all had the same response: horse….. puckey…..

          1. I remember all of that. It will be no different with the Ring of Fire. Even worse (better?), there are the ‘non-migratory woodland caribou ecotype’ in the area, a ‘species’ at risk according to Federal and Provincial legislation. The Ring of Fire will never, ever be developed. But all the FN’S within 1000 km will receive millions of dollars in exchange for….nothing

          2. Scuttling the MVP was the opening shot in PET’s NEP, though it wasn’t called that in 1977. His plans for killing Alberta’s economy were simply delayed by the election of the Joe Who Conservatives.

            An alternate route for the pipeline, following the Alaska Highway, was actively considered but after the MVP went nowhere, so did the AHP.

            Yeah, Prinz Dummkopf is doing only what his Daddy would have liked to do. It had and still has SFA to do with the “environment” or “saving the planet”. It’s complete and utter hatred for a region in the country that rejected both Trudeaus.

  5. The new CEO of TorRedStar (Glogovac): “did the living in a communist country thing, thank you” How did she manage to get hired to that position? What a mistake from Prime Moron & Co! Her life in that CEO chair will be very short.

  6. Glogovac’s current job is CEO of a fundraising platform – nothing new for her in her new job as CEO of the Red Star. Providng she can start at it – imagine the severance she’d get before even starting the job.

  7. Stop the groundless criticism. Biden was shaking hands paws with his good friend, Harvey.

      1. He owed me $50. I took one of his feet. Looks like hell on the key chain, and probably not that lucky.

        1. May as well use the balance for hasenpfeffer, then. And his fur used to trim a parka or something.

          Then, we have the problem of Jessica…

  8. “Doctor” Nili Kaplan-Myrth led the charge to vaccinate children.
    She also was the “doctor” that whined and complained about on-line “hate,” and proudly advocated for a new law to “protect” her, and those that think like her.
    Well, in light of all this, she should be the first in line. There! I said it! Come and get me!

  9. Raping a monitor lizard? If you’ve ever seen the women in Maharashtra state, you would see how it could have been an honest mistake.

  10. It seems to me we are being governed by groups of individuals incapable of forming an opinion. The Covid decrees were formulated by advisory boards comprising so called experts who, we can be sure, were selected for their connection to a political party. The Budget was cobbled together in a similar manner especially the sections requiring the attentions of the Net Zero Advisory Board, a group appointed to advise the Government. Who appointed this group, who are they, what are their credentials and affiliations, how much are they paid, how often do they sit and ruminate. I do wish we had a Journalist, somewhere, anywhere, capable of shedding a bright light on the advisory boards that hide in the dark recesses.
