33 Replies to “Who Will Be Leader Of The Stupid Party?”

  1. Does it matter who’ll lead the CPC? The libs and dippers now have a permanent joint majority and will drive this country into the ground together for however long it takes before Canada gives up its last gasp. Trudeau will rule forever.

    1. LIke I mentioned in the other thread, Jagbert was always a political whore.

  2. I am afraid I have come to view the Conservative Party as perpetually looking for a leader. A big problem is the rift between progressive conservatives like Brown and real conservatives like Polivere. I don’t know what can be done to bring those groups together. Firing the leader again and again does not seem to get the party to where it needs to be.

  3. The Conservatives are too dumb to choose Pierre Poilievre as leader. He’s the best of the best to lead the country if he can get through the stupidity of the Conservative party and their operatives. That Charest and McKay are still even considered is all we need to know about the stagnation in that party.

    1. Having gone to a few “Conservative Party” functions in the past, I came to the conclusion that it’s just a club. They don’t really care about winning elections, they just want to have their little club and go to each other’s parties on the taxpayer’s dime. Not very Conservative either, most of them. The NDPee is the same, just a different club.

      The Liberals are the ones who -really- dig to win, all the time. They’ll do and say anything to win. It’s the Cheerleaders club. Conservatives are the chess club, the NDPee is the jock sportsball club, and the Greenies are the dope-smokers club. Cheerleaders always win, right? They take all the money and get all the perks, the other clubs take the crumbs from their table.

      Pierre Pierre Poilievre is too loud for the chess club. They’ll pick Jean Charest, because he’s been in the club the longest. Not because he can win. Pierre Poilievre, if he loses the leadership bid, should defect to the People’s Party and start kicking the CPC in the nethers every week.

    2. Lol.
      The (fake) Conservative party of Canada is almost as liberal as the LPC.
      The Uniparty of LibCons will destroy this country anyway.

      Vote for real conservatism; vote PPC

  4. The Lib-NDP coalition will only move harder and faster to turn Canada into a socialist hellhole over the next three years.
    If Pierre and the Cons were to be elected with a majority they’d have to fix something beyond repair.
    But they won’t get the chance.
    The majority of Canadians want hardcore socialism and its here and growing and so is the pain.

  5. There are those that will continually bitch about the state of things in Canada ,we have a chance with PP to change things,buy a membership,get involved with with your local party association etc.Once in a while we all need to stand back and realize the constant whining and snivelling does nothing to change what we want changed and I include myself in that scenario.Calling them the stupid party doesn’t help anyone other than the left wingers.Please try and remain positive it’s out only chance to straighten Canada out

    1. Tom, I have been supporting them since day one and I support the Ontario Party as well. Modest financial donations are all I can manage but I guess every bit helps.

      1. That’s good VOWG I have supported them as well.Even had the kids involved knocking on doors etc but they are to busy these days.It’s a great feeling when all that work pays off and your candidate gets elected.Huge thanks to Saskatchewan 14 for 14 Conservative seats elected.Well done

  6. The Conservatives, and Republicans, have to become the middle finger in the air to all that’s going on but they are essentially cowards. If the past is prologue, (Trump notwithstanding) they oppose until they get a chance to lead and then they comply, hold the steering wheel but never turning it.

      1. Conservatives have always been the least poxed whore to me. I would have voted WCC if they had a chance but if the Conservative candidate had a chance, there went my vote, donations and time in the hope of preventing worse. Harper gave me hope. I worked like hell for him and donated till it hurt, so when he continued to sell Canada to the chicoms it was the greatest political disappointment of my life. PP is saying mostly the things he needs to say to get the small c vote, but have you looked at the organizations to which he belongs?

  7. WOW, how is this even allowed, two parties appointing themselves as a coalition? Then Trudeau has the gall to even mention the word democracy?

    1. That’s because we’re mere playthings to him. He doesn’t like us, he doesn’t love us, and he certainly doesn’t respect us. We are his subjects and are, therefore, obligated by him to obey his will.

    2. Is this actually a coalition? The Dippers, in exchange for propping the little turd, got nothing in return. What it is, is the NDP begging for their lives and continued existence. Sniveling, feckless little shit Jagmeet didn’t even get a cabinet post. Why don’t these parties simply merge?

      1. The NDP has no hope of ever forming a government on their own so they win by allowing the LPC who care more about power than than life itself, to perform the fiscal incontinence that the NDP would otherwise do to the citizens of the future. Would the Liberal cabinet look and feel any different if Jagmeet were in the wide angle picture frame? He wouldn’t stand out other than colour choice of head gear.

    3. Liz, in a parliamentary democracy two nominally competing parties but ideologically near identical pathologies can agree to vote together as they please. It is not any less democratic than the existence of parties altogether. The party system essentially eliminates individual representation. You may think your are voting for the man, woman, or beast but unless they toe the party line, they are out in the cold which would be alright if everyone else were too.

    4. Yes. This is Canada and any party in the minority can appeal to another party and fuck the country.

  8. Dear Leader appeared before his loyal media this morning. He explained that he had to form an alliance with the NDP because the Conservatives are so toxic. He says its not a coalition because no NDP members will be in cabinet. They will simply vote with the Liberals on all legislation as lapdogs. With a huge budget deficit and the addition of billions in baby sitting services, the NDP will get a drug plan and dental plan. No word on how he’s going to pay for it. It also continues the federal government’s intrusion on provincial areas of responsibility. The new deal will also increase global warming scams and end fossil fuels.

    1. I have been eyeing a nice stallion up the road for future travel needs.
      Maybe I should just get a couple of draft horses to pull the wagon.

      1. I am not a good rider. I only get on a horse to remind them that they need to mind their manners around the children. It takes a special kind of cowboy to control a stallion. The only stallion I ever rode, threw me three times. His owner was an excellent horseman and that stallion behaved himself when Mr. Burt rode him. Because I was not an accomplished rider, that stallion did not respect me. I was lucky that I was not seriously injured. So, if you are not an accomplished and dedicated horseman the workhorses would be the wise choice but they are not comfortable to ride and you need five acres of hayfields and some oats. I am so lucky as to have a neighbour four doors down, from whom I can rent a friendly , gentle, ridding academy mare or gelding, should the need arise but I would much rather get my Harley to run on alcohol. I wonder if I can get that done?

  9. Now that Justin and Jagmeet have formally announced their coalition, is it now time to do away with elections. It appears they do not matter anyway. It’s hard to predict what will be left of this country at 2025

  10. The scariest part of this new deal, is that the new NDP/Liberal coalition has promised to make changes at Elections Canada, so that the Liberals are in power forever.

  11. I don’t much care what happens in the so-called “Conservative” party. They are the controlled opposition “right” wing of the corrupt Uniparty vulture.

    The only conservative party in Canada is the PPC. I support them and they have my vote. However, if I don’t see a massive uptick in support for them, I’m going to conclude the country is unwilling to save itself.

    At that point, all my support will go to a western separation party. The next election is Canada’s Last Chance.

    1. Good points, WY.
      Looking fwd I assess full-on misery for the peasants. This future 1/3 world banana republic can do w/o me. Wife & I listed our house and plan to emigrate to Uruguay

  12. J & J healthcare will bankrupt the country. Neither fear printing money to cover immediate expenses but the grandkids will be stuck with the debt load.

  13. Individual Liberals might grow a conscience! Could happen.

    Peter Hair Hare should be asked about his role in building a Fine track that allows wannabe dictator and doctators go after anyone and everyone.

  14. The Con Party turns leaders into kittens.

    And who can even believe the leadership vote tally is honest! It’s too murky, complicated and conducted behind closed doors.

    Expect Poilievre to lose by a vote or 2 to a Charest like candidate despite every indication giving him a landslide.

  15. Never underestimate the the blind pig stupidity of the Conservative Party of Canada to consistently pick the wrong leader, over and over again. These idiots will probably pick Charest next time.

  16. I really don’t see any of the attemptees as worthy, except peter pepper! That said,it has been stated that peter pepper has been trained by the WEF young leaders forum as a potential up and comer. I don’t know if that WEF thing is true, or an attempt to discredit him. No matter who they decide to place in the leader position, I don’t really think much will change for us plebes. The canada goose is cooked, it’s just deciding the time when to take it out of the oven. I am past my best before date and no longer give a crap. We have been betrayed by all of them, and there is no going back, at least, not in the next decade or two. Somehow, I don’t think there are any plans by any of them, to return to some semblance of sanity. However, I will not go out on my knees, I can at least promise you that!

  17. Jean Charest is the Lia Thomas of his party.

    You know there is something that doesn’t seem quite kosher, but it doesn’t stop all those moaning about Max and his PP wrecking their counterfeit conservative party’s chances, if they take take a pass on Charest and don’t think someone who supports the carbon tax(I will stick to economic issues) re-elects Blackie who does.

    Rick DeSantis just today declared a biologically born woman the actual swim champion(no legal effect, however) in NCAA women’s swimming.

    It’s probably too much to hope that the CPC chooses an actual genuine conservative.
