34 Replies to “Ten Percent For The Big Guy”

  1. 1 Psaki
    2 Psaki
    3 Psaki

    The Russians came up with three levels of stupidity a few years ago when this redheaded ignoramus was in Russia as a “spokesperson.”
    They couldn’t believe how utterly moronic she was.

    Now we poor Americans have to listen to her crap every day.

    1. No you don’t. There is a button on the remote which looks like O/I. Just press it and see the witch disappear into thin air. The magic is in your hands.

      “Fair is foul, and foul is fair / Hover through the fog and filthy air”; three witches in Macbeth (Act 1, Scene 1)

  2. We knew all this back in 2020 before the election and the media covered it up. So why is the media suddenly asking about it? What has changed in the cosy relationship between Joe’s handlers and the media? Why has it changed? That’s the real question.

    1. Yes a good point. Is it a faction positioning for post-Biden or could the NYT notstop some news coming out so they got ahead of it.

    2. Justin

      I think they too are coming to the conclusion, albeit 25 yrs late to the game, that Biden is absolutely NOT Qualified to sit in the Big chair…and the questioning of his and the crackheads relationships with Russian, Ukrainian & Chinese Billionaires, other individuals & Companies is a clear sign to me, he (& son), are off the Table…

      Am NO Fan of MSM…but they have my support in going after this Crime Family. Just a damned shame that level of investigative curiousity was never leveled at the Clintons or OBama’s…eh.?? Two other notable CRIME FAMILYS

      1. I think they’re just lancing this boil now to get it done and dusted well before it can affect the midterms. By that time, most Americans will have forgotten all about it, with elite collusion; and they’ll all be enthralled watching “The Juicy Jussie Show’ and reruns of ‘Veep’ to even greatly care and to get them ready for their new mistresses…

    3. What’s changed is that as opinion makers and that they are cozy with the DNC, this is an attempt to influence their audience that maybe it’s time for Ol Joe to retire.
      They don’t want him to run again and they are trying to prime the pump.
      The unanswered bit is who decided the media should start using this talking point?
      I have no idea who She would be.

    4. It’s obvious- they want their first woman president and as a a bonus she covers two minorities. It proves they are oh so virtuous. The fact she is totally incompatent matters not.

  3. Is there anything more useless than a US presidential press gallery where the the Press Secretary parrots the party line, practices obfuscation skills and deniability. If the President isn’t up to answering to the media what’s the point although at least there is the appearance of a free press in the gallery as opposed to Canada where only the approved can ask questions and only the approved are on the payroll.

  4. When will Biden pardon his son?

    And as for the Psaki assertion that Biden will stay out of the investigation of his son, of course Biden will not interfere. He’ll have one of his minions do it.

    1. Now we discover that prez Wino Joe Biden is, and has been a felon.
      Obama said, “Joe you don’t have to do this. ” Becomes president anyway.

      IF, BIG IF.
      Republican & independents take congress , Impeached him, discover all the criminal activities ‘BIG GUY’ is involved with, Chinese, Russian, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.
      His administration was illegal from January 20th 2020. All his bullshit Mandates, everything he said or did will become void.
      Grab a box of Cracker Jack’s and enjoy the classic court room drama.
      If there are any fucking Cracker Jack’s left ?

      1. The only person republicans dislike more than joe, is Trump.
        The uniparty has their guy, and their war.
        We will have PBS extolling the virtues of Hunter & clan.

      2. They won’t impeach him because it’s a democrat mess.
        The democrats don’t want him running again but the only way they can stop him if he won’t step down is through impeachment.
        Make them do it.

  5. At least the hard questioning has moved beyond just Peter Doocy. That is a positive sign. He really upset Jen Psaki who wouldn’t know the truth of any statement without a cattle prod.

    1. Generically, she is the Designated Liar. Every Democrat administration has one.

      I keep hoping someone will ask her why she isn’t a black woman.

  6. What Democrats accuse Republicans of doing is what Democrats are guilty of.

    The Biden family received $3.5 million from Russia, but they accused Trump of colluding with Russia.

    The main accomplice of the Democrats – the Main Stream Media – are who help Democrats spread that brainwashing pile crap of lies.

  7. I don’t like Psaki and if I had to listen to her in person I’d want to stand well up-wind of her but I forced myself to listen to this clip and did not see her “freeking out”.

  8. All of the America-hating, destructive, Swamp creatures in the Biden administration, I think I hate this mendacious lying commie the very most.

  9. The most frightening thing is the fact that 50 current and past CIA top brass, the mainstream media and big tech all lied in unison to make sure Biden was elected. Subsequent polling shows that the coverup swung the election in Biden’s favour.

    There is talk about the Republicans getting the CIA types to face public congressional questioning. Might make for an interesting show!

  10. Come on, guys, Lyin’ Psaki is fuckable in a MILFy sort of way. I’d tap that in an nanosecond.

  11. Psaki sais “we’re done here” and that truly sais we’re done here. She is paid to say that as she did for Obumer but there will come a time when that doesn’t wash anymore, her last breath, at that point she will be judged. Not by man but by God.

