297 Replies to “Did Some New Polling Numbers Come Out?”

  1. I bet he found out Senate was not going to pass it and his house of cards would come tumbling down.

  2. Remember when the House of Commons passed a motion unanimously to designate the Proud Boys as a terrorist entity? Which means it’s illegal to support them, you can have your bank accounts frozen and even go to jail.
    Funny, I don’t remember them ever blowing anything up, assassinating anyone, or hell, even setting anything on fire.

    I remember thinking at that time that if they can do that to the Proud Boys they can and will do it to anyone. And here we go – first the Truckers. Next you and me.

    1. That was also Jughead who moved for that motion.

      I let my MP know I was not happy with him for voting Yea.

  3. But at least the mask is now off and we can see how easy it is for a dictator to take over. And now we must figure out ways to ensure it never happens again.

    1. Get rid of the Emergency Act and OICs, for starters, or put a qualifier on their use, like “Only in the event of an invasion by a foreign standing army of regulars.”

    2. Don’t forget we need to wipe out all the WEF puppets from all levels of governments, corporations and institutions forever.

      Also Trudope showed their Globalist Poker Fascists Hand and now the Crypto’s are fortifying and building there systems workaround to be secure forever from the Globalist.GovFascists

      We are winning.

  4. So the purpose of Monday’s vote was to make sure Singh knew and to make sure everyone else knows that Singh is Trudeau’s bitch.

  5. I bet FOI requests are coming in fast and hard.
    Did Jag have a change of heart?
    Did the Banksters threaten him? Did the Banksters threaten the Turd through Jag?
    Was the Senate gonna throw it out?
    Did the Turd come to his senses?
    On the other hand, us peons have no business knowing how our country is actually run.
    I think a forensic audit of every single sitting MP and Senator’s communications over the last week is in order, for starters.

    1. “Did the Turd come to his senses?”

      That is the only event that absolutely DID NOT, and never will, happen.

  6. Don’t care. Too late. Should never have played that tune in the first place. He and his band and the Dipper background singers are all dead to me.

  7. I know a guy, let me call him Noah Guy who went to pay his bills yesterday at the ATM. He got logged on and got to the point of paying them but the system would not let him. Luckily the bank was open and he went in to see why he couldn’t pay his bills. The teller told him that she didn’t know but he was able to pay the bills inside the bank. He said he normally takes out a small amount of cash but this time he took out a very large amount telling them he intended to leave Canada and take a large amount with him.

    Maybe Noah wasn’t the only guy?

  8. The banking sector is screwed. I’m still trying to withdraw as much as possible.

    “My bad,” doesn’t stop my fear of bank runs.
    And fears of bank runs cause bank runs.
    And there’s a bank run.

    1. Maybe one solution would be to close all financial accounts with the worst offender (TD?), followed by a permanent boycott of that one bank.

      “Pour l’encourager les autres” …

  9. Our fractional reserve banks likely saw huge capital outflows which puts them outside their requirements to backstop their loans. Ill bet they are in danger of failing the stress tests. Ill bet the withdrawls or threats there of were in the 100’s of billions.

    Also who the hell is ever going to trust a Canadian Bank again when we apparently have a charter that offers no protections and laws that say that the government can freeze and sieze your assets – both individually and CORPORATELY!!

    Alot of corporations are reviewing/ending their exposure.

    I was wondering whether the Libs got forced into this, and I think this gives us the answer. The rally was just getting to big and frankly too wonderful. The truckers and their supporters never took the bait – all so gloriously positive.

    It united Canadians coast to coast unlike anything i have ever seen in my lifetime.

    So the Libs had their hand forced – clearly not by public support but more likely by those who they really answer to.

    And by including corporations in thier vindictive little act – in order to not have truckers be shielded by the corporate veil -they opened up every corporation invested in Canada to the same.

    Until legislation is passed that requires parliamentary approval BEFORE emergency powers can be enacted – and if they are no freeze and seize will be allowed (to name a couple of things) money is going to go elsewhere.

    The senate thing is just cover I think – its the big big money that talks

    Trudeau and Jackoff are done.

    Watch for Carney to be brought in – in fact maybe the two dimwits Trudeau and Freeland were set up just to make room for Carney

    He will be sold as being able to bring back the trust to Canadian Banks (which would be another big f***ing lie)

    Plus CUPE better not ever be allowed to strike again – or anyone else.

    1. “In the eyes of some people in Canada, similar protests and demonstrations should be referred to differently in different places. In Hong Kong, they are “human rights movement”, but in Canada they are “a threat to democracy”. Such stark double standard is unacceptable.”

      Oh, that’s rich!

  10. Two things:

    “YOU” are *****d letters to MPs and Senators,


    Banks shitting their pants.

  11. Iceland as of tomorrow is cancelling all Covid regulations, masking, mandates and testing

  12. Liberal lackey: Dear Leader, I bring bad news — the deplorables in the Senate are revolting, and the vote there will be lost.
    Emperor Justine The Most Virtuous: Revolting? Yes, they certainly are and they have ruined my appetite. Revoke the decrees and prepare my speech to declare victory. Make sure our enemies list is updated. Leave some heads on the pikes at the palace gates to encourage the peasants. Now, about my sock collection…

    1. Twelfth of never probably. But a Max Bernier majority government might go that route. Once again, look for that around the eleventh of never.

  13. Robotic Voiceover: “This is a test of the Emergency Act. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the Federal, State and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, (optional — stations may mention the types of emergencies likely to occurr in their area) the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. This station (optional — insert station call sign) serves the (operational area name) area. This concludes this test of the Emergency Act.”

    In an actual emergency the public would be given Civil Defense instructions.

    1. Instead, we now have Amber Alerts that would wake the dead because a disgruntled father 300 miles away from me took their kid; most likely to save the kid from a court-ordered sex change.

  14. Get on the horn with the MPs and ask them why we still have any federal covid mandates.

    By the way that crazy Liberal broad was wrong about the honking.
    ‘Honk Honk’ is code for ‘Resign you corrupt piece of shit’.

  15. The Bong has been pilloried around the globe. Outed for the fool he is.

    At home he is sliding downhill. There is trouble with his leadership in the LPC. Bad news abounds. I suspect he’s being ‘told’ what to do. Sr libranos are starting to get nervous.

    I didn’t think he’d allow it to get to a vote in the HoC. He never even showed up to vote himself. He floated the idea that it was a confidence vote but it was never declared one. He’d have been in the house if it was.

    The bullshit is almost over this guy. The end draws nign.

  16. What a disgusting SOB for a prime minister…..a poor excuse for a shit house monitor.
    Bets are he was getting slammed by his own MPs as well. Too late, the world was watching.

  17. Canada, are you happy to have a gutless coward leading your country? He deserves to be taken out into the back alley and dispatched with a single round to the head. So……what are you waiting for?

  18. Well I am pissed.
    I wanted the rest of our evil parasitic overload to be extended the opportunity to self identify.
    I was looking forward to that Senate Vote.
    However as we are now in the era of broad sweeping witch hunts.
    I accept dear Leaders declaration of war.

    1. “The Turd has been Flushed!”

      You can still hear him? You can still see him? Don’t think that for a minute.

      And don’t relinquish the pressure till he is.

  19. The beatings.. The confiscation of private property.. The blatant lies to justify it.. It didn’t seem real, but it was..

  20. Wow. But in a good way.
    I went to bed in Oz wondering if I was going to need to start help smuggling Canadian’s out of the country and wake up to discover Castro’s Son has taken the L and flipped.

    so… cautiously happy.

  21. Perhaps Freeland pulled the trigger on freezing accounts too soon and gave the game away:

    “Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland essentially broke the financial code of Omerta, by highlighting how easy it is for government to seize your bank accounts, credit cards, retirement accounts, insurance, mortgages, loan access and cut you off from money. Worse yet, the short-sighted Canadian government via Minister Freeland announced their ability to control cryptocurrency exchanges in their country and block access within a financial mechanism that exists almost entirely as an insurance policy and hedge against the exact actions the government was taking.”

  22. I think that the banks got to him, but the damage has been done and it will take a couple of generations to re-build the trust that has been sacrificed. I will continue to remove as much of my banking business as I can over the next few months, I suggest that all of you do the same. We don’t need a massive run on the banks as they will try and mitigate a massive withdrawal but they cannot mitigate a slow steady withdrawal of capital over the next month or so. Bleed them dry through the death of a thousand cuts. Once again we have the numbers that can overpower in the long run, but we have to remain united behind the truckers that have shown us the way.

  23. He revoked it only because he is trying to shed the “Blackface Hitler” handle.
    Too late, he earned it.
    He is an international laughing stock and will be for ever roasted.

  24. “Ontario terminates state of emergency…”

    Proving yet again that Douggie is nothing more than Potato’s bottom bitch. Start packing Douggie, your treason will never be forgotten. The wrong Ford got cancer.

  25. In hockey terms, if you drop your gloves and the team enforcer skates to the bench, you know you’re about to be traded. But now you have to fight the goon anyway.

    As Nelson Muntz would say, “ha ha.”

  26. This is not over, the “Liberal’ dicktatorial (sic) clique have tested it and found that there are many, as many as 60% of the population of this country that are for unknown reason scared shitless and wholly support the diktat.
    It would be naïve to think that this is over.
    The “Liberals” with the help of the socialist extremists and “Conservatives” will shortly make laws patterned on the state of emergency to control the other 30% that rather like freedom from them so they can go about making a living for themselves without the dictatorial interference.
    The key here is to convince at least 30% of the 60% that freedom is the essence of human existence. Everything else follows in syllogism.

    With the education that is corrupted by ideology this maybe one of the hardest things to overcome.

    What is rather interesting, growing up in a country run by communists, the general population knew and among themselves they would openly talk about it, that the system is complete sham, a pretend, a fantasy. Even the communists knew that. So you have the whole population knowingly living a political lie. Another interesting part was then that the schools were teaching real stuff, talking about freedom, talking about decency. Must say that the education was superior to any in the western democracies.

    Aha, what the hell am I talking about? Eh?
    Well once you turned 18, got your internal passport, that ended just about everything you learned about life and speaking of freedom became a liability.
    Does that sound familiar when you listen to the media cartel?

  27. Yes, this means very little until Trudeau and Freeland are gone. Might as well take Carney with them. Otherwise it will be business as usual. Mandatory federal vax passports, social credit scores, and green theology with increasing carbon taxes and pressure to eliminate oil and gas, thereby decreasing our standard of living.

    Business as usual.

  28. Trudeau rescinded martial law because Putin threatened sanctions against Canada.

    Well, it should have happened.
