February 19, 2022: Reader Tips

This evening we present you this beautiful video, taken in Germany within the past day.

Here’s a funny video that demonstrates what life will be like should the Woke ever win.

William A. Jacobson, of Legal Insurrection, has shared this: When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Look Like Justin Trudeau’s Canada

Your best tips of the past day are much appreciated!

Bonus: Here are the next two Faces of Protest portraits taken by Dan Aponte (on Facebook) :

46 Replies to “February 19, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. Huh. And Canuckistan gets the real Nazi.

    Massive U-Turn: Austria to Repeal Almost All ‘Corona Apartheid’ Rules Targeting Unvaxxed


    “In what amounts to a seismic u-turn in policy, Austria is to relax all ‘Corona Apartheid’ rules targetting the nation’s unvaccinated, despite having previously promised to keep unjabbed individuals under perpetual lockdown.”

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  2. https://www.ckom.com/2022/02/18/more-than-670-tickets-handed-out-at-intersections-in-january-sgi/

    So the cops in Saskatoon had a sting to get ya if ya did a rolling stop. It’s the law.

    Just another reason to fight to be free. Seriously? Rolling stops? I have been a defender of police. I have family and friends in service. Hard to defend them advertising how they crack down on rolling stops.

    Don’t break the law!!

    I jay walked today on a residential side street walking my dog. Fuckers would have a hard on to ticket me for that

    If I get my banking locked up over this…. My wife and I still have individual accounts. And she makes more than me suckers!!!

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    1. A stop sign is only there in case you have to stop.
      Outside the socialist infested cities, I treat stop signs as a yield sign.
      We live in an upside down world. Ticketing drivers for rolling stops? Yes pick on the easy ones and ignore the real crimes. Police have lost all respect. Thugs in a uniform.

  3. I notice that all these photos from the Ottawa protest have people looking to their left.

    What’s over there to the left that causes them such concern?

    Is it the east block perhaps?

  4. History sure rhymes. Poland 1982, (CC gives good translation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yewJ8xCnQ8 yes, he survived but the images remained hardcoded in the minds of millions. The same happened earlier today in Ottawa when Potato’s Cossacks charged the crowd.
    Don’t expect a victory overnight, it took seven more years for us to win our freedom back.

  5. Here’s a TV movie that was broadcast more than 40 years ago, Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb:


    It stars Patrick Duffy, Kim Darby, and Billy Crystal. I haven’t seen it in a long time, but I do remember that it was a fairly decent re-telling of the events leading up to Hiroshima.

    In addition, it spends some time showing how the Tibbetses (Duffy and Darby) experienced marital difficulties because of the necessity for secrecy plus the time that he spend preparing for the mission. Their marriage eventually ended in divorce.

  6. Tamara Lich was arrested on charges of “counselling to commit the offence of mischief”.

    It’s the vilest revolt, the most dire emergency, the greatest threat to our nation in this generation according to our leaders, and all they can bring against her is mischief.

    It would seem that mischief is important.

  7. L- https://twitter.com/Cernovich
    Cernovich169.9K TweetsFollowSee new TweetsFollowCernovich@CernovichFilms, August@FiveTimesAugust·26mSooo… they went from “You’re going to kill Grandma if you leave your house unvaccinated.” to “If you’re unvaccinated Grandma leaves the house we’re going to trample her with a horse.” 14234607

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  8. Seems to me, that nearly every Country on the planet has had more people Demonstrating over the Trudeau Tyranny than Canadians themselves.

    What a fucking disgusting Country….ignorant Stupid pile of Leftist me first Unionized Zooming jerked off MotherFuckers.

    I want out.
    US Visa Pls….At least there I am legally allowed to arm/defend myself.

    1. Tell me about it.

      As I mentioned in another thread, I went to buy groceries earlier today. I deliberately went in without a mask as a way of supporting the truckers and protesting Prinz Dummkopf’s self-appointment to lord and master of this country.

      There was only one other customer maskless. Everybody else shopping there wore a face diaper. I had one or two grannies give me the evil eye because I was bare-faced. It makes one wonder if they really deserve to be free.

  9. I hadn’t heard from Michelle Malkin in a while: Why Airbnb Banned Me (And My Hubby, Too!)

    “I spoke at a peaceful conference held by an organization that is deemed a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League.” Note: James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family” is also considered a hate group by Southern Poverty Law.

    “The speech delved into the K-20 metastasis of anti-white curriculum, the corporate media’s whitewashing of black-on-Asian attacks, and the long campaign to censor nationalist dissidents who put America first. A week after my talk, San Francisco-based Airbnb notified me that I was banned from using its services ever again and imperiously deleted my account. Poof!”

    “the only way to appeal Airbnb’s decision is “[i]f our understanding that you participated in the 2021 American Renaissance Conference is incorrect.””


  10. A chant for the truckers:

    The whole world is watching!!

    Little Potato is worried about stature in the world so let us remind him that he is being watched.

  11. Canada expresses grave concerns over the targeting of ten of Hong Kong’s most prominent pro-democracy activists for participation in a peaceful assembly.
    —Marc Garneau Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Also by Marc:
    Democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are enshrined in the Basic Law

    The same day Chris Barber and Tamara Lich were arrested.

    1. For me, the single most surprising aspect of the face diaper issue is the heavy compliance by young people. Most esp. the Chinese, tho to their credit I haven’t encountered a single Chinese Karen since I stopped about two months ago. Even after school, the kids mostly keep them on.

      What an amazingly successful propaganda campaign!

  12. Not sure if anyone is paying attention to the Transmountain Pipeline that the Federal Government bought from Kinder Morgan in 2018 for $4.5 billion and over-paid by $1 billion according to the parliamentary budget officer.


    “Finance Minister Bill Morneau, the man who helped broker the deal for the government, said Thursday the price paid was actually lower than the $4.5 billion figure he initially cited when he announced the purchase in May 2018.”

    Remember that guy?

    Well that was then and this is now.


    Yes, the price of the $4.5 billion pipeline expansion has ballooned to $21.4 billion and it isn’t even finished. Chrystia Freeland said the government won’t put in any more money.

    When this debacle first appeared my son and I were working out in our gym. I sarcastically said “we used to take the government’s estimates and multiply by two. Now we multiply by four”. This would put the project at $20 billion so I was wrong again. Never under-estimate the extent to which the government can screw something up.

    1. When I used to work in the oil industry many years ago, I remember a description for someone completely inept, namely “He’s so stupid he’d screw up the Lord’s Prayer.”

      That easily describes that mob of idiots who’re in charge.

      1. BAD-R, we have a saying in the mining industry that a “world-class deposit” is one that is so rich, even the government can’t screw up the economics.

        Well we were wrong. Look at the James Bay Ring of Fire, look at most of South America, look at Africa. Look at the Transmountain Pipeline, look at Mongolia. Governments around the world are screwing up the economics of large projects without even breaking a sweat.

        1. And then there was a vice-president at a company I used to work for more than 30 years ago. He had been canned as a result of a restructuring and his departure wasn’t seen as much of a loss.

          He was described as being so inept that he wouldn’t known how to have a good time in a whorehouse with $100 bills in his pocket.

  13. Busy new-s cycle obviously, with the he police suppression of the Freedom Convoy and next week’s invasion of Ukraine. So Deputy Minister on Friday announced that her corrupt government will no longer fund the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion:

    Little noticed by the big media cartel, but this could imply that the feds might shut down the pipeline, after Trudeau had promised it would be built. And Western Canada is screwed once more.

  14. So, I’ve happily been off of news all year. If anything big happens, I’d hear about it without hour to hour stress levels.

    So, the first rule of bank runs is probably to not talk about bank runs….

    However, I know several people who are withdrawing as much cash as they can. Limits by RBC have up and down. I’ve been taking out some cash ‘just in case.’ There was a friendly conversation with bank staff which ended with me politely stating that since the government can take away money from us for no reason, I no longer have faith in the Canadian banking system.

    A guy behind me said he was there to take out everything. I told him good for him and to tell his friends. He said he was…

    Not all of us here are preppers…but I’m well stocked on water and food. Or incredibly rich. Or ever imagined things would go south Sooo fast.

    But I’m wondering what people here would recommend in terms of dealing with this situation now. I see the banking system as a government weapon against us.

    Is anyone leaving any money in? We’re leaving in month to month for bills.

    Is there any safe place to transfer money to? I’m not sold on Bitcoin. I’m not a citizen of other countries. I wouldn’t trust a bank I haven’t been to. And I’d imagine those transfers could be tracked.

    Even though it’s a premium, how about gold and silver even if it’s from the banks? Something I can hold next week is worth more my frozen bank accounts.

    Even several months of cash can be hidden relatively easily, even in a small house. But if people have ideas, that’d be great.

    I’m just seeking advice in these times. Thanks in advance.
    I have Eastern European friends who have actually gone through this and we’re meeting soon.

    On the plus side, even though I’m the slowest one here, I’m well stocked, have some money out of the bank and can watch the mobs go after our leaders when this goes belly up. I have to think half of most Canadians would be hurt by bank failures just for day to day stuff and then our leaders finally get targeted….hopefully.


  15. If it weren’t for Justin Castreau taking up so much media bandwidth, this might be a story at SDA – “AOC calls Tucker Carlson ‘trash’ for saying she is not a woman of colour”.

    Tucker offended her with these lines:
    ““There is no place on Earth outside of American colleges and newsrooms where Sandy Cortez” – Carlson’s derisory nickname for the New York congresswoman – “would be recognized as a quote, woman of color, because she’s not!

    “She’s a rich entitled white lady. She’s the pampered obnoxious ski bunny in the matching snowsuit who tells you to pull up your mask while you’re standing in the lift line at Jackson Hole. They’re all the same. It doesn’t matter what shade they are.””


  16. We need a law for Canada for when a government goes full fascist like Trudeau that involves an ending like Mussolini or Ceausescu. Instead of police trampling grannies they should be joining the struggle against fascism.

    1. Prinz Dummkopf sure hates Rebel News reporters. Remember what his goons did to the Menzoid two months ago?

      1. Yes, David the Menzoid’s looking good, at last. He’s in Ottawa talking to people on the street, right under the nose of the police barrier. I just finished watching Viva Frei from Ottawa–he flashed his camera towards David doing his thing. Sounded like he was in awe of The Menzoid. He’s become a legend. Ditto for both Davids, imo.

        About Viva Frei, an interesting factoid: he said that he talked to someone recently who fled the Country HRH admires most. The gentleman said that the recent statement HRH made about the Canadian convoy being merely a “fringe minority” is not an original one. He literally ripped off that statement from what happened all those years ago, in THAT famous Square in THAT most admired Country. Seems that at every turn, THAT HRH is not very original.

        1. He, like that great Romanian scientist I referred to below, is incapable of thinking for himself. When you’re rich and privileged like he is, it’s easier to pay someone to do think for you and reap all the rewards from that.

          He spent his entire life being a shiftless, workshy, lazy-assed freeloader.

          1. Nice rant. Money can’t buy intelligence. Prinz is pixxing off a lot of people. Another diaspora is on the horizon this time from Canada instead of merely from Quebec. Here’s what Montrealer, Dr. Gad Saad had to say. (5:04)


            I’m betting he will leave Quebec. He taught in the USA years ago but kept roots in Canada.

          2. Don’t forget that many monarchs in ancient times weren’t all that well-educated and some were even illiterate. Then again, why did they need to be scholastic when, to maintain power, the only skill they really needed was to wield a sword? Think? Write? Why bother when there were courtiers who could do that for them?

          3. Real monarchs tried to maintain a certain amount of class despite having shorter lives and procreation being their number one priority.

            PET probably bought and paid for sonny’s education in more ways than one. He is the ultimate head case. Canadians are going to suffer and die and many have already for that megalomaniac.

    1. I read about that– it was a well known Joke like calling a butcher asking for pigs feet and then telling the butcher to put shoes on them so no one would notice…doesn’t change anything, sort of like putting lipstick on a pig. Poor woman.
