6 Replies to “During a Crisis, Heroes Come Out of the Most Unexpected Places”

  1. I had to step away from the desktop to pull up We Are Standing at the Battle Line on the big screen and crank the amp so the neighbors know exactly where I stand.

  2. Okay, this may be slightly off topic but is about the freedom convoy protest. Last week I lamented about the integrity of the RCMP about to take another hit. They are about to prove what I said. They are going to go after the truckers in Coutts.


    They break in and steel property. They aid and abet illegal union activities. But if you’re regular taxpayers, they will get out the head busting gear.

  3. We had bloody well stand with the truckers now or by the next federal election Alberta will be a wasteland.
    Given the attitude of the federal Liberals under Trudeau and his environment minister Mr. Gibeault (sp?), they will have the oil industry hereabouts shut down totally. The hatred exhibited by just those two could, and will, inflict massive cutbacks to “Save the Planet.”
    Remember the 1980s and Trudeau 1.0 and Marc Lalonde?
    Brace yourselves!
    The truckers are our last hope.
