96 Replies to “Things You’re Gonna See On The CBC”

      1. This also happened in Ottawa on the last Remembrance Day. The legacy media didn’t mention it so they didn’t have to explain why. The reason that it was done was to prevent potential Islamist truck bombers from blowing up the war memorial and the dignitaries attending.

        1. I guess it’s standard practice in most cities ever since 9-11.
          But do they do it for AntiFa, BLM, The Tamil Tigers and various Native protests ?

      2. Justin’s handlers recommended not to turn it into another Tiananmen. A road grader is marginally more subtle than heavy tanks. Plausible deniability would suggest that they are pre positioning the equipment in anticipation of a blizzard.

    1. Just did a quick return trip on HWY 1 into Vancouver and return. Got caught in the trucker protest. The truckers and many, many personal vehicle supporters were well behaved, stayed in one lane and only slowed the traffic flow by a small amount. Lots of folks at the roadside and on the overpasses waving and recording. Many folks also on the street corners in the city.

      I estimate the length of the convoy that I experienced suggest it was at least 4 hours long, moving at perhaps 30-50 kmh on the highway. Also ran alongside the convoy inside Vancouver for a bit and they were moving quite well, heading toward the City Hall area.

      There might be a wee traffic jam when they decide to turn around…

    2. We have been trying to get rid of the CBC for 60 years. A total waste of money. All the credible people that they did have left years ago. I won’t comment on this individuals pce of work. She doesn’t deserve to have her name banted about. Looking at the clip she doesn’t even believe what she is saying. She knows she is lying to satisfy her boss Justeeeen. (By the way where is he?)
      What a joke

    3. TBF … Tucker Carlson is a “Russian Asset” … and he supports the truckers … so, no … it’s not far-fetched at all … if you’re a mental patient with a microphone.

      1. You find her fetching ?
        She’s been placed there to make Rosie BARFton look thinner, comparatively among the ” gals “.

  1. Experts Agree that CBC is communist.
    Some Are Asking why CBC is communist.
    Many Speculate on why CBC is communist.
    Questions Remain about CBC’s communism.

    I should get a job in the media!

    “Honey, it is far fetched to ask.”
    Freaks and weirdos.

    1. No, not far-fetched. More like brain-dead.
      4000 km away from Ottawa in Salmon Arm today around 40 protestors lined the Trans-Canada Highway with flags and signs and smiles, and the percent of passing motorists honking and cheering from cars and trucks was higher than the percentage of votes that the Liberals got from eligible Canadian voters in the last election.
      Trudeau is the fringe. Trudeau’s divisive rhetoric is unacceptable.
      I saw more Canadians smiling and more enthusiasm today than I’ve seen smiling and enthusiasm in the last three months. That’s what Trudeau considers unacceptable. If he can make us smile again by hiding, imagine what he could do by resigning.

      1. Forgot to mention… I didn’t hear anyone whispering in Russian or see rubles changing hands.
        But I wasn’t there the whole time.

  2. And there is our “national” voice.

    Sounds like a big FU to its citizenry. Either they laugh at you as they lie, or you are the ones they are mocking.

    1. They’re dead serious about doing anything they can to deflect attention away from the Turd. I’m very sad to say that they have my father-in-law convinced that this is a plot by Putin to occupy people with internal problems so that he can carve off a piece of Ukraine. If they can get enough people arguing amongst themselves then it gives the Turd an opening to slink away yet again.

  3. Oh, dear God. ”Muh Rushinz!”

    So this is how the 21st Century’s gonna play out? One effing government-sponsored disinformation campaign after another?

  4. Her eye blinking and fumbling words screams that she is lying. She is trying to remember a script. Watched enough FJB and Dik-tater Castro to recognize the pattern already!!

    1. To paraphrase George Costanza, “It’s not lying if she believes it”, and she works for the CBC so she believes it.

  5. Oh for God’s sake. ‘This can’t possibly be a genuine protest! It CAN’T! Not in a Canada that’s the best of all possible Liberal worlds!’

    I’m watching the protest rally on YouTube – I’ve never seen so many unmasked people in Ottawa in 2 years. It’s like pre-Covid. Maybe 5% are wearing masks, and they might just be using them to keep warm.

    Bet in another day or so the CBC will be muttering darkly about “January 6 – style insurrection” and trying to smear these people.

    1. Remember ‘Yellow journalism’?

      Yup, – and I think that’s why Trudeau fled Ottawa,
      so he could color coordinate with the press.

  6. The CBC is a practitioner of the propaganda techniques heralded by Joseph Goebbels, in this case the big lie, which one would have thought would have been exhausted after Trump was driven from office by the US counterparts to the CBC. The fact that the de facto coalition of government of the Canadian left has ominous parallels with the Nazis of the early 1930s and in the case of the sad leftist imitators of their US counterparts who essentially turned Jan 6 into another Reichstag Fire event, they are attempting the same here with the Truckers Convoy and freedom protest. That the CBC are the moral equivalent of instigators for the Nazis Brown Shirts should not surprise anyone not addicted to the fear porn and drooling cover for the Spawn inherent in the mainstream media.

    1. The CBC is a government run propaganda agency. You are right, it’s no different than Goebbels work for the Nazis. If you search for her on Youtube, you’ll find Climate Barbie, drunkenly proclaiming one of his main tenets: If you tell a lie enough times, people will begin to believe it. These people literally study his writing. Or Mao… Stalin.. it makes no difference.

    2. The CBC is a practitioner of the propaganda techniques heralded by Joseph Goebbels, in this case the big lie

      The Big Lie is considered a brutalist and unsophisticated technique in professional propaganda circles, although it can certainly be effective in achieving desired results in the short term.

      Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, is usually thought of as the founder of modern, scientific, psychological propaganda. His many books are all classics.

      As I understand it, Hitler was constantly berating his underlings at how ineffective he thought the 3rd Reich’s propaganda was. He looked to Hollywood as the gold standard.

      According to wikipedia, the Nazis offered Bernays employment. Well, I guess they weren’t so stupid they couldn’t recognize the master.

  7. Has anyone ever seen a stupider person than this idiot? Mein gott lady are you stupid. I am almost without words.

    I think I’ve found the source of women stupid enough to talk into backside pornography. I knew they had to be somewhere.

  8. Dear mother of gawd, did she really assert that Russia is behind the trucker protests. Jesus wept, how does someone that dim get on TV? Never mind it is CBC communist network.

  9. Yes, it’s Russia for sure.

    They are uncomfortable with our walk toward communism and are trying to stop it.

    Stupid stories for stupid people.

  10. Kate – start a SDA Hall of Fame for clips of people so embarrassingly stupid no one would ever believe a being evolved beyond a mollusk could say it.

    1. This one is Hank Johnson stupid.

      And so typical CBC.

      Then again, the US Media unanimously said the same thing.

      For 5 years.

      And counting.

      “Rep. Hank Johnson, a Georgia Democrat, asked if adding a few thousand people to Guam would make the island “become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

  11. Those sneaky Russians…the villain that keeps on giving. It has been rumoured for years that the Liberal Party of Canada is full of US Democrat strategists. This confirms it.

  12. Talking head at the CBC just said that the demonstrators are not really angry at Trudeau.

    1. Then it must be true that everyone sporting a F*** Trudeau flag/sign just really wants to date him.

  13. I just looked under my bed and found a CBC reporter hiding from a truck driver.

      1. look under the reporter, you’ll find Justin.

        And he probably enjoys it, no matter what that reporter’s pronouns.

  14. The worst of it is tomorrow, my elderly parents will tell me “its the Russians” like it is some great geopolitical insight. The CBC is such an abuse of trust. Subscription only, you want it you pay for it. No public funding, period.

  15. This is why I stopped listening to the CBC literally decades ago, when I grew up and no longer watched Lorne Green’s New Wilderness. Imagine one of your neighbours talking to you and every day you walk by and chat with him. And every so often he reaches out and jams his finger in your eye socket. And then sometimes when you turn to leave, he takes his pocket knife and embeds it in your back. How often would you continue talking to him… for me that’s the CBC.

  16. Conservative Tree house is reporting the story, good lord by this time tomorrow global media will be reporting Canada was invaded by Russia and Trudy has fled to China controlled BC to keep democracy safe.

    1. Heh….probably so! And how does this revelation from the Mother Corp make any sense? How would the Russians benefit from this? Canada has little or no means of force projection in an Eastern European conflict. The muzhiks have nothing to gain by destabilizing the Canadian government over our Ukraine stance. (If you call hashtag wars a “stance”, that is.)
      These people lost their minds ages ago.

    2. Heh….probably so! And how does this revelation from the Mother Corp make any sense? How would the Russians benefit from this? Canada has little or no means of force projection in an Eastern European conflict. The muzhiks have nothing to gain by destabilizing the Canadian government over our Ukraine stance. (If you call hashtag wars a “stance”, that is.)
      These people lost their minds ages ago.

    3. Heh….probably so! And how does this revelation from the Mother Corp make any sense? How would the Russians benefit from this? Canada has little or no means of force projection in an Eastern European conflict. The muzhiks have nothing to gain by destabilizing the Canadian government over our Ukraine stance. (If you call hashtag wars a “stance”, that is.)
      These people lost their minds ages ago.

      1. Kate: Sorry for the multiples, something weird happened at this end. Please delete at will.

  17. The CBC has clearly been infiltrated by racist Russian plants and they are trying to sow seeds of division in Canada to break it up. Hope it works.

  18. Evidently if you are a hypocrite (spelled either L-I-B-E-R-A-L or D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T) you can have your cake and eat it too. According to the CBC Russia was behind the election success of Trump, but now Russia is trying to remove Trudeau from office. Somehow I think the average Canadian is going to discern a disconnect in this line of thought. Do the heads at CBC realize that their dwindling viewership numbers is a direct result of trying to pass this claptrap off as news or have they become so detached from reality that they believe their own BS! Here is a little flash that the last three generations of journalists may have missed, opinionated gossip never was or will be recognized as news by thinking people. Trying to pass opinions off as news is as Rex Murphy once exclaimed “is below tripe!”

  19. I do believe the CBC would be better employed reporting on communist china flooding into canaduh.

    Whatever happened to the two chinese scientists expelled from the national research lab in Winnipeg story CBC?

    How much chinese money supported the libranos in the last election CBC?

    Enquiring minds want to know

    1. A better question would be how much money did the Trudeau Foundation receive from Chinese contributors? The second question would be was it greater than the 31 million the Bidens received?

  20. It’s ok to blame Russia since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
    If the soviets where still in power this would be a plot by those gun toting Americans.

  21. Well of course. We conservative truck drivers are so weak willed that we can be swayed by some slick talking Russian operatives. The Russians see how gullible and stupid we are and the next thing you know we’re storming Ottawa and demanding freedom.
    Liberals rely heavily on stereotypes about the right.

    1. There was a post on here a while ago about Yuri Bezmenov. He was also a Soviet defector. Some video of him occasionally pops up on my YouTube. His interviews go into astonishing detail of how the Soviets had infiltrated a lot of “elite” western institutions and bureaucracies.

      He came to Canada and got a new identity. He briefly worked for the CBC. The Soviets were monitoring broadcasts and they recognized his voice. They filed a formal complaint through their embassy to Trudeau. Then there were denunciations of anti-Soviet bias made against him within the Mother Corp. He got quit. He then got a job in academia. But he died, suddenly, horribly, completely unexpectedly (a la Blackadder), of a massive heart attack in his 50s.

      Yup, the “Canadian intellectual establishment” (such as it is) has loved Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist regimes and ideology.

      1. Everybody should watch the full hour long interview with Yuri Bezmenov from the early 1980s.
        He describes exactly what is happening here today.

  22. Can I “just ask“ if it’s a CPC plot to get the CBC to “just ask” if it’s a Russian plot?

  23. Quickly,release a bunch of Russian catchphrases to the Truckers,a modern version of the Liberals Little Red Book..
    For use only in conversing with CBC operatives.
    CBC is too stupid to recognize their own idiocy,but what an opportunity to 4 Chan the scumbags.
    “Comrade CBC?,I have proof of Russian Operatives inciting the crowd”…
    Play footage of CBC directing their cameras away from the crowd…

  24. Our masters are encountering a genuine workers’ and peasants’ movement for the first time in their lives. Naturally they’re convinced it’s a Jewish (“Russian”) plot, because that’s their explanation for everything.

    The CBC know that no Canadian in his right mind still listens to them. Their job is to tell the parasites what they want to hear.

  25. What is the difference between the Canadian MSM and the bunny boiler from Fatal Attraction?

    You know, other than what’s his name got to bang her first?

    CBBC = Canadian Bunny Boiler Crazies?

    We’re watching the suicide of the Canadian MSM.

  26. I stubbed my toe on the coffee table this morning, I’m pretty sure the Russians moved it last night.

  27. The Russians are like the Scarlet Pimpernel “They them here, they see them there, they see them everywhere.” Strangely though they do not ever see or report a communist in government anywhere.

    In case anyone quibbles, Russia is a post Communist state. It is now an oligarchy run by people who have gone beyond communism. No less sinister though.

  28. The Son King flees a pleasant uprising.

    The only government institution supportive of the truckers is the carbon tax division, which sees it as a windfall.

  29. “The people are angry and they’re coming to Ottawa. What should we do?”

    “Blame Russia.”


    “Yes, seriously.”

    “How could that possibly fool anybody? Are people that stupid?”

    “I’m the PM, do you need any other proof?”
