27 Replies to “Prices are going Down”

  1. So … monopolies (what this tool called “consolidation”) of meat markets baaaaad … but monopolies of high tech still just fine. Got it.

  2. When were prices ever going down?

    Inflation in Canada never came close to two percent—ask anybody trying to buy a house. It was just masked by the ample supply of cheap crap from China made by people willing to work for slave wages.

    Our global corporate betters are finding out what happens when you run out of cheap foreign labour.

  3. I am shocked that the prices of fruits and vegetables would be lower at end of August than the end of December. Is there no end to the miracles this Administration can work?

  4. When the mob can’t feed their children, they tend get undiplomatic.
    Man will suffer those abuses while they are tolerable

    1. Lack of food will kill every politician who created the problem. Doesn’t matter what freaking party they belong to. Eventually some people will wake up to the fact that they have been screwed, and not in a nice way.

  5. You see, if you stop eating, you won’t even notice the price of food.

    Keep telling you, these people went to school for a long time to learn how to change the syntax to shoot the shit.

    It will be interesting what the proletariat will be thinking about that.

    An interview with a designated man on the street could clear that up.

    Eventually, it may stop the downhill run once the proletariat get to be hungry.
    There will be nowhere else to go but ahead with revolution.

  6. The Greeks had a guy who was tasked with manipulating inflation numbers for years by constantly changing the index – he was called the ‘magician’ or some such. Inflation bad? Take out the goods that increased in price and suddenly inflation is normal!
    Anyone who buys anything knows this guy is full of crap but it doesn’t matter cause it’s not meant to be believed. Just meant to maintain the facade that everything is fine.

  7. I am not sure whether it is just because I am old , but, I no longer give shit. Try and starve me I will kill you , try and take my money, I will kill you, try and vaccinate me, I will kill you. Angry, you sure a hell better know I am.

    1. VOWG…LOL

      YOU SIR ARE not in any way shape oR form WRONG ON THAT.

      Angry..?? It’s gone beyond Angry
      Livid…yea, pretty much….to SOMEWHERE approaching MURDEROUS…and yep, am in the process of stocking up my pantry/larder…with a shit ton of non perishables

  8. Because of the way governments calculate inflation, I’d add a significant amount to their official numbers. Then there’s uptick in shrink-flation where the contents of food items are smaller but price stays the same or increases.

    Wild deer, moose, duck and goose prices haven’t gone up at all. Luckily we have a freezer half full of the former two and hunting season for the latter is close, if you like wild birds (I find it a bit greasy). As for pork, wild boar is invasive here and can pretty much be shot on sight while hunting big game, although I’m not sure of the official rules. The little Hungarian partridges that hang out in my hedge roses and the field full of geese behind us may also be required to do their part to fight food inflation…we’re all in this together, after all. In winter, the guys go ice fishing. Our nice sized garden and greenhouse should give us lots of canned and frozen veggies to further dent the grocery bill.

    Yet more reasons to live outside of cities, with firearms and a little planning, you’ll never go hungry.

  9. In its raw form nothing more than an anti-meat commercial. Surprised we didn’t hear “insect prices remain relatively stable and are a very good buy at this point in time”

  10. “Then there’s uptick in shrink-flation where the contents of food items are smaller but price stays the same or increases.”

  11. Says a lying spokesman who has never gone grocery shopping in his life. But we’re all stupid. We don’t realize that when our grocery bills go up that prices have really gone down.

    He also fails to talk about another prevalent trend–“shrink-flation”–where a large number of popular items have gotten smaller while the price has remained the same.

    Yet the press says it’s rude to throw stones at these lying bastards when they come to our towns and lie. They’re lucky they’re not tarred and feathered.

    1. There are options. If the price of groceries goes up by 5% and you cut the pay of your chauffeur by 10% you might see low inflation. But it’s tricky. You have to do the math.

  12. Are the only Democrats left the hardcore, psycho ones? You have to be truly delusional to believe anything from the party and it’s loyalist media, now.

    Which brings me to this question… Where do “red-pilled” liberals go since the “Walkaway Campaign” has been shut down? I used to value those videos as a great learning tool about leftardism. One of the more common threads was how cruelly many of their friends and family turned on them for challenging the status quo. I remember at least twice, gay individuals saying it was easier to come out of the closet on their gayness than their ‘conservativeness’.

    Some had no choice but to change their job, lose friends and family, or even have to move as a result of their newly discovered values. When you think about it, bigger sacrifices than many ‘conservative’ politicians would ever consider making to accomplish anything positive.

    I think we are starting to get a legitimate feel of what German society was like during Hitler’s rise to power. To that end, the unvaccinated, anti-lockdown crowd are apparently the current left’s first ‘Jews’….. you can just ask Australians about that point.

  13. “That’s some mighty fine economics work there, Lou.”

    (h/t Chief Wiggums on The Simpsons)

  14. I was going to increase spending by 10%, but now I’m only increasing by 5%, so I’ve cut spending!

  15. Money fiat printing up 30%, but paychecks, prices up only 20%, so prices DOWN 10%!
    Also many things that are unavailable thus cost zero. That helps keep prices down. Zero is a low price.

  16. I went into Subway for lunch after 1 1/2 year absence. The sandwich I bought then that I remember as $5.50 is now $9.50. Is this the Liberals 3% inflation.

  17. In Canada your essentials like food and fuel are not used in the inflation calculations, too volatile.
    Then they base your annual CPP, OAS, and GIS increase on the same inflation calculations…..
    So do many private companies for wage increases and their pension adjustments.
    So the increase in money can’t keep up with the increasing cost of essentials.
    Then there is the “seasonally adjusted” inflation calculations too.
