42 Replies to “Trudeau Has The Answer Regarding Kabul. Vaccines.”

    1. Just so you know this is happening in Israel now and will be coming here soon.
      To all you double vexxed who took it to travel or shop, etc are you now prepared to put more Government Goo into you as THEY keep moving the goal posts around.
      How many more boosters, 4, 6, 8 , one every 6 months ?

      THEY WILL NOT FUKING STOP until you are dead, get it.

      From Vlad Tepes Blog comments ,

      ” Meanwhile, in Israel, only the triple-vaxxed with be eligible for the COVID passport:


      This is the future for anyone who supports mandatory “vaccinations” and the COVID passports. Your “fully vaxxed” status will expire unless you get the boosters. Welcome to the future you deserve. “

  1. I still cannot fathom how anyone is so stupid they can’t see that Trudeau is about as fit for the prime minister’s office as a mildly retarded cocker spaniel with incontinence problems. But then I remind my self MPAI, especially Canadians.

    1. I can’t fathom why so many doctors(and scientists and intelligent people etc) are taking an experimental gene therapy with no track record for a virus that basically kills old sick people.
      Nobody in the world can tell you what the effects may be in 5, 10 years.

      But it sure is the answer to a lot of the financial burdens particular to the aging, expensive health care societies of the West………hmmmmmmmmmm…..

  2. The headline is as dishonest as any from the Toronto Star against the CPC. Trudeau DID address the Afghanistan question, with his usual bullshit and bafflegab, but he did answer it, THEN he segued into vaccines and O’Toole at about the one minute mark of a 1:48 video clip.

    When MY side lies, it’s okay, when THEIR side lies,it’s horrendous. The big difference between us is the color of our ties.

  3. Evidently … Your Dear Leader’s G7 conference call with the brain-damaged Byedin-Heiress didn’t go so well. I guess President brain-damage didn’t hear or understand what the G7 were saying … so he’s OBEYING the ‘TolleyBon’ and getting out of Dodge by Aug. 31

    Sayyyyyyy … maybe your Dear Leader will help us get some of the $58B in state of the art military hardware back from the ‘TolleyBon’. I’m sure if he just asks nicely … and shakes his flowing tresses … ?

    1. Please Mr. Talleybon gimme back my ammo,
      Dark days are comin’ and me want to go home…
      Hey! It be dark daaayysss, yo,
      Dark days comin’ and me want to goooo home….

  4. A strong democracy allows it’s free citizens to decide taking a non-vaccine, mandates are pure communist drivel. In the mental health industry they call what’s happening to Justy as devolving?

    1. A free people tells the government what to do not the other way around. My vote gave no one the power to make me a slave or a prisoner.

    1. And Karl! West Ham are having a fantastic start to the 2021 Season as they are on top of the league with two consecutive blow-out wins. Oh, and all that Industrialized bourgeoisie stuff? Pure nonsense.

  5. We know that even in a minority situation Trudeau completely controls the executive branch of government, and with his side deals with the NDP he has no problem getting any legislation through Parliament. What he’s unsure of are the Parliamentary committees. An NDP MP could go off script in committee, or the NDP leadership could use committees to exact additional leverage over Trudeau to get more baksheesh. Trudeau does not want a Parliamentary examination into corruption. A previous LIberal PM, WLMK, was in a similar situation when leading a minority government that was mired in corruption scandals and the Opposition was investigating in committee. King shut down Parliament, as has Trudeau, but unfortunately King subsequently won a majority government, and he was immune from investigation. Perhaps Junior will not be so fortunate.

    I would think it likely that Trudeau will retain control of the government, but perhaps he will only get another minority. He might even lose seats. He might even get less of the nationwide popular vote than last time. And his 33% popular vote last election, (going from memory), was the LOWEST popular vote EVER for a government in Canadian history. I think the previous record was 35%.

    If Trudeau doesn’t win a majority, I think the party grandees might start getting uncomfortable. Liberal bigwigs want winners. Trudeau can’t rely upon party loyalty has all the insiders know he throw subordinates under the bus every time he has to save his political hide. He’s a narcissistic creep and no one around him likes him. Many would love to see him gone.

    Another minority government with falling popular support and I wouldn’t be surprised if Junior gets pushed out eventually. Internal party dissension would fester similar to what happened to Chretien. And Chretien was an electoral winner compared to Junior.

    1. One final comment I’ll add to above is that all the Liberal MPs and cabinet know that Trudeau is only where is he right now because of Daddy. As worthless as they all are, not everyone is where they are because of outright nepotism, as is Trudeau. And as dumb and insufferable as they all might be, none are so dumb and insufferable as is Junior. Every day as they cast their glances around the HoC, and their gaze falls upon Junior, they must realize in their heart of hearts, “what a useless, stupid ****”.

      If such people think that Junior has passed his best-before date with the voters, their Trudeau fervour will weaken into Trudeau tepidity. I’m sure, even as dumb as Trudeau is, even he knows what his “colleagues” think of him. He could develop Nero-like paranoia. Everyone is a potential traitor. We could all be in for even more “interesting times”.

      1. “If he had any integrity at all, he wouldn’t have run.“
        – Dr. Jordan B Peterson

      2. You have encapsulated the situation.

        Bongo called the election because the dragnet is closing in on his corruption. The game is up. A majority is his only way out.

        Inside the librano party he has no friends. The movers and shakers have had it with his bullshit.
        He wins a majority or they fry him.

        I think I detect the aroma of a frying pan heating up…

        1. “I love the smell of Trudeau being roasted on a spit in the morning. It smells of….. victory.”

    2. In turdopea

      Freeland approached the party controllers(the bronfmans) before the last election to see if they would install her a leader, so she is champing at the bit , as we type.

  6. I too support strong vaccine mandates in Afghanistan. That’s clearly our top priority.

    Or whatever.

  7. The idiot does this on constant bases.
    Asked a question, in the parliament or wherever, his answer is about something else altogether.
    Been watching this for a long time, there is no follow up from the media cartel.
    In the parliament, he will just talk bullshit to kill time.
    In his defense, he does not know a damn thing, if certain butt did not talk about it, will just say everything is for the future of Canadians.
    Never to be questioned.

  8. Easy now Mofo’s. I’m kinda dumb for sure and prolly not a great example, but Buddy is a pure Canadian thing.
    I know a Kiwi forces guy who kept looking to meet Buddy as he kept hearing stories on the American base he was stationed at from Canadian forces guys about “Buddy”. It was quite a while before he realized it was generic.
    What’s wrong with Blackie? Or Fuckface?

      1. I am now trending to calling that idiot…
        “Castro McCastrated Face” at this late hour.
        Oh, and hey, Karen fan gurls….have you not yet noticed that Justine has a bad, inbred complexion? Not only that, but his attempt to look clean shaving and youthful 2015 again is as convincing as a tribute band to the Tragically Hip, with Rick Mercer standing in for the bad singer that died. And for the record, the “hip” were anything but tragic and hip.
        Sorry the dude died, but just saying.

    1. Copulatory Countenance works for me or Fecalpate or Richardpate or Flaccid Richard.

      Unfortunately, those are names which are more than 4 letters long and have more than one syllable. That might tax that semblance of a brain of his.

  9. I’ve been listening to some talk radio out of Toronto.
    They are on the Bong.

    He is getting pounded. Today he was blithering on incoherently about house prices. He is realizing there are no fawning groupies. He can’t draw a crowd and is getting heckled at every stop.

    Bring it!

    1. Outstanding.
      Toronto of all places.
      Hmmm, could it have been AM 640 Talk Radio per chance ?
      John Oakley or Alexa Pierson ( fair warning I have an absolute crush on this smart, sexy , conservative girl ) ?

  10. We can all rest easy because of eastern Canada we will still have Trudope for another term. POOR CANADA.
