48 Replies to “Fauci Lied”

    1. Government scapegoats should the World get some sense again.
      ‘Oh, I was just following our experts and their science’.

    2. They don’t want people talking to each other because they might start organizing.

      1. Hence, the social distancing rule of 6 feet for a virus that can travel 30 feet in aerosol form. If you are under 6 feet, then the state needs you to be under observation as you might be conspiring. Never mind that you can’t be heard from a distance if you are under 6 feet. It is all about control and nothing about a disease and I am quite certain you would agree with that last part.

    3. ”Telling citizens even if you are masked you can not even speak to other humans.”

      Don’t those citizens know by now, that’s what cell-phones are for?! //sarc off//

    4. The dumb Aussies have spent so much time shagging sheep they’ve turned into mutton. What a bunch of losers.

  1. Senator Paul tells him to his face he will be held accountable for 4-5 million deaths.. A whole bunch of assholes just puckered. This is going viral everywhere.

    1. It is not limited to Fauci as you already know. It would have components of the US military (the Chinese aren’t making accusations for nothing), it would include big pharma. If Fauci looked like he was going down, he would be eliminated faster than Jeffrey Epstein.

      1. Absolutely. It’s patently obvious that some really nasty shit was going down at the Wuhan Lab (and untold others). And WHY? were we funding these ethically repulsive bio-experiments in Communist China? For the same reason the world’s manufacturing has been outsourced to Communist China … because there are NO regulations (after you negotiate payments to the Party officials). There are no workplace regulations, no environmental regulations, nothing. There is no way this shit would be allowed in America.

        Fauxci thinks he can STILL lie about his bio-weapon experiments… because The Communist Party will give him cover … Fauxci needs to get bankrupted … and worse.

        1. And don’t forget the 2 Chicom lab researchers who were fired from their jobs in a Winnipeg research lab. In spite of numerous requests/demands for an explanation, none has been forthcoming. The whole thing stinks.

        2. The virus that hit Iran in the beginning came from a different source, and one other nasty little sh*thole in the Middle East has level-4 capacity, so it was bigger than just Wuhan.

  2. I’ve been saying for the past few months that Fauci is putting himself out there every week spouting off knowingly-ridiculous COVID recommendations (eg 2 yr olds requiring masks) to divert the conversation away from his involvement with the Wuhan Lab and it’s GoF research program. Rand Paul is onto him.

    1. I’ve been calling him Dr. Faustus for some months since I learned he was funsding the Chinese lab in this research because it had been prohibited in the US.

    2. His recommendation for masking school children is asinine and subversive to American Freedom. The man is on some kind of absurd self promotion bent. A self-important twit. The very face of the Deep bureaucratic State that needs eradication.

    1. He gets immunity because the FBI are just as corrupted and won’t arrest him.

      1. Under International Law he has NO IMMUNITY or Statute of Limitations on Crimes Against Humanity.

        1. Yup. I can’t find any update for the Nuremberg charges against the WHO that were making the rounds a couple of months ago. Just the same sites come up when I search. Nothing new except a flurry of “nothing to see here! stop looking! stop looking!” since April.

          1. #NurembergDerangmentSyndrome You aren’t seeing anything, for the same reason there was never a Nuremberg trial for communism.

            I can only laugh at the delusuon. There is no point getting angry.

  3. Any American involved in paying communist China to develop biological weapons to be used against us needs to be swinging from a rope.

  4. Paul has a background in medicine and that makes Fauci squirm because Paul can call him on his BS.

    1. And notice that Fauci didn’t provide any correction or description of what constitutes gain of function research – he merely called Fauci wrong.

  5. Fauci defends himself. Paul defends Americans. Fauci has much to lose. Paul has nothing to lose. Who you gonna believe?

  6. Are you really surprised? Fauci would also tell you that Cambodia, Cuba, China, the USSR, East Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary, North Korea, Viet Nam, Czechoslolovakia, etc., etc….are not and were not real communism either.

  7. Fauci obviously hasn’t pleased his Satanic handlers, so he’s being slowly perp walked on camera as revenge for screwing up his overblown, malicious promises. He had the same look on his face as the guy who got his gonads crushed in the chair by Gene Hackman in Mississippi (CDC) Burning.

  8. I won’t be surprised if Rand Paul kills himself/falls asleep at the wheel/dies in a plane crash/ gets accused of sleeping with an underage goat in the next few months.

    1. He’ll accidentally fall out a window and accidentally shoot himself in the back five times on the way down. So tragic. 🙁 Joe Biden will cry on camera.

    2. Doubt it, more likely Fauci will get Arkansized. He has served his purpose and is becoming too much of a liability.

  9. Here is the crux – people like Fauci cannot be made to be embarrassed; such people are incapable of humility because that would require a soul and a moral centre, therefore, its a useless endeavor to even try.

    1. Fauci is a sociopath, or maybe a psychopath: complete absence of empathy.

      The only person he cares about is himself.

  10. DeMarxists, like other political griflters, collectivists and totalitarians in the past (but I repeat myself), don’t answer the question they’re asked, but the question they decide they received or want, to which they provide a rehearsed, boilerplate response but ironically assume what the questioner really meant by the question they didn’t bother to answer in the first place. Hyperbole meets mendacity meets obfuscation. Iow SNAFU.

  11. Well, when Fauci passes away we can with a straight face that he died of COVID.

  12. Of course the gubmint tasked with reducing deadly virus deaths invents and launches a 5 million dead people and counting pandemic.

  13. Fauci is counting on the fact he used cut-outs, namely Eco Health to launder the money that went to the Wuhan Lab and the Wuhan Research team, EXCEPT the Wuhan team even listed the original NIH Grant Number.

    Fauci is counting on the DOJ to cover for him. Just like Klinesmith and so many others were covered for.

    Rand Paul in danger? His neighbor already tried taking him out. He ended up losing part of his lung from that attack. Anyone that wants to hurt Rand Paul may want to DDG (duck duck go) or Startpage “Calvo Sotelo.” Here is a hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Civil_War

    Don’t worry, The barking seals and robotic voices of the Left are rushing to defend Saint Fauci, the Patron Saint of Pestilence.

  14. The funniest part was watching Fauci obfuscate by taking umbrage at something that wasn’t asked. Poor piece of deflection fail.

  15. Did anyone else notice Fauci’s left hand shaking with palsy type tremors, while he was replying to Senator Paul? The only time the shaking slowed, was when he grabbed the microphone. He’s just been dropped into a bucket of”deep deep kimchee”, and boy, does he know it!
