Safe And Effective ®

Let me begin by stressing that I’m not an anti-vaxxer — not by any stretch of the imagination. And every time I use this post title, I want you to remember that.

It’s not just that I’ve had childhood vaccines and a couple of tetanus shots, but vaccines remain the most important step forward for the health and longevity of purebred companion dogs (of which I am a breeder) of the last 100 years. Vaccines are a way of life here, and like many of you in the agriculture industry, I routinely administer them myself. They protect against the horrors of parvovirus and distemper. Diseases that once wiped out a lifetime of work in a week are no longer a threat, and for that I am grateful.

That said…

Holy Hell, failures like this have a way of making you sit up and pay attention.

Something strange started happening to calves in Europe in 2007: Horrific blood clotting issues & depletion of bone marrow Read how in 2010, under pressure, Pf!zer finally withdrew the BVD vacc!ne linked to Bleeding Calf Syndrome

From 2011: Vaccine linked to ‘bleeding calf syndrome’

Bleeding calf syndrome (bovine neonatal pancytopenia or BNP) affects new born calves resulting in low blood cell counts and depletion of the bone marrow. It first emerged in 2007 and a serious number of cases are reported each year. In affected calves, bone marrow cells which produce platelets are also destroyed. Consequently the calves’ blood does not clot and they appear to bleed through undamaged skin. There is evidence that BNP is linked to the use of a particular vaccine against “Bovine viral diarrhea virus” (BVDV). […]

Prof Till Rümenapf from Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen commented that, “Alloantibodies (antibodies generated by one individual of a species against another of the same species) are produced by the mother if she has different MHC I than the bovine cells used to grow the vaccine. These do not harm the mother. However if her calf has the same MHC I as the vaccine production cells, the antibodies in her colostrum will destroy the calf’s cells, including those of the bone marrow. Destruction of megakaryocytes results in the calf being unable to produce platelets and consequently its blood cannot coagulate.”

I can guarantee no one at Pfizer saw that coming. Let’s hope they learned something from it.

63 Replies to “Safe And Effective ®”

  1. My opinion is our masters that choose to hide their identities, feel we have hit an extinction level event from using the poison…Fossil Fuels that we have even aerosol this product.
    So, they don’t care what this vaccination does as long as it changes our species to adapt by changing our DNA.
    Almost every health science study agrees that our species is declining from our environmental abuse of Fossil Fuels.
    Our politicians and media love keeping us in confusion rather than being totally truthful in what they are trying to accomplish.
    Governments forcing bad technology will only make the situation far worse than it needs to be.

    Shouldn’t trust your government, they are NOT in your best anymore.

    1. WTF …. can u express your point in an understandable way??
      feel we have hit an extinction level event from using the poison…Fossil Fuels that we have even aerosol this product ?????

      1. Okay.
        Oil is a poison.
        You put it on any plant or an animal drinks it, it will die rather quickly.
        We use water to bond oil with steam making it into viable multitude of products such as gas, diesel, propane, plastics, etc.
        It’s still a poison and you drink it, you will die.
        But, we had adapted our lifestyle to use this product worldwide.
        Hence, we have poisoned ourselves.

        So, they want to change our DNA to adapt to what we have done.

        1. That is just bonkers.
          There are more poisons on this planet that will kill us than will not.

          The current “vaccines” or whatever they are, are being distributed illegally. They have not been properly tested. The availability of viable generic – read cheap – drugs like Ivermectin, HCQ and others was purposely suppressed so Emergency Use authorizations could be granted. This is an ongoing international criminal enterprise and our “trusted” institutions and governments have been compromised. Lockdowns, masks, distancing, none of that was needed. When our politicians are lying to us on a daily basis and the media covers it all up, who speaks for the individual taxpayer getting ripped off?
          Time for the guillotines?

          1. Ivermectin & HCQ are overrated treatments.

            The vaccines are not illegal. They were rushed but this just shows what can be accomplished with out all the red tape.

            Lockdowns were panic induced in March/April of 2020. Then they just became COVID theatre by flailing politicians looking to impress idiot voters thereafter.

            You’re guillotine idea is interesting.

        2. Great theory.
          Poison for who and what?
          Them microbes eating the natural oil upwelling on our ocean floors do not seem to care?
          At what concentration?
          As for such “benign motives” of the “Vaccinators” ,Pull the other one.
          Japanese Soldiers ate axle grease as butter during the Burma Campaign.
          Half the miracle cures of the late 1880s and early 1900s had “Oil “bases.

          Such “help” as modifying our DNA is unnecessary for humans are two legged rats and adapt to almost any environment..Or are you insinuating we are no longer adaptable creatures?

          1. Why am I correct that oil is a poison?
            Any machine we use that runs on any type of Fossil Fuels will kill you in an enclosed area.
            We have been very inventive in making it portable and useful…but it still will kill you as it is air borne in our species creativity in using oil.
            We used to have water gel problems in extreme cold as well. Could be the reason we started using alcohol in fuel.

          2. By that way of looking at it water is a poison because if you dunk your head too long and try to breath it, you die. Just like the car exhaust.

        3. Jopjo

          where did you get this Stupidity from..??
          “..We use water to bond oil with steam ……”
          I suppose we also take lead and turn it into gold hmm..??

          Put the bong away bud….pls.

          1. Same process as making a cup of coffee where flavor is infused into the water evenly.
            This process gives us our fuels from oil.
            Slightly different process for making alcohol. Which is why oil has a difficult time to intermixed when alcohol and gas is combined. Mixing oil fails… you know that oil and water? Same thing with alcohol.

  2. So BVD what we used to call scours. Easily prevented by calving in a clean environment. So they created a vaccine so you could calve in manure and a wet environment. And it backfired. Perhaps the off spring of humans who have been v axed for the illness that cant be named will suffer the same fate. When you play games with nature the outcome can have unintended consequences. Line up for your goo shot. Trust the science.

    1. Bvd is a virus that in the first three months causes abortion, the next three months the calf survives but is permanently infected with bvd, generally the last third will produce a living calve that clears itself of the infection. The vironic animals tend to be the super spreaders, the old vet’s recommended putting one in with the non pregnant animals to deliberately infect them building a permanent immunity. The young vet’s just want us to vaccinate, I refused!

  3. Your protestations that you’re not an anti-vaxxer are in vain – expressing any doubt whatsoever about the official line, even the parts that contradict the other parts, marks you as a science denier. You are not allowed to deviate from the government dicta.

    Unless it’s about the safety of GMO foods – the government scientists are all liars, charlatans, and shills for their corporate masters when it comes to that stuff.

    1. My daughter’s 35th birthday is coming up and we were discussing events around her birth. It was a difficult birth and her mother hemorrhaged and for a few tense moments I thought I might lose them both. After it was all over, our obstetrician came to have a serious discussion in a sit down with us. In the past he would have ordered a couple of pints of blood to make up for what was lost but he was hesitating now. The government was assuring us the blood supply was safe and there was no danger that there was HIV or Hep C in the blood supply. However he was very concerned the government was wrong. There would be consequences to not having the blood, including a longer recovery and the potential for anemia. What did we want to do? I asked him if this were his wife what would be do. He said adamantly there was no way would he accept government assurances the blood supply was safe. My wife promised to rest more and eat liver. By the time my daughter was two we had heard of several women who got HIV from post partum blood transfusions and the government was scrambling to to figure out what had gone wrong.

      I had forgotten all about that until we started talking about my daughter’s birth. There is a pattern here. And now doctors can’t have quiet discussions with their patients about informed decisions that might include doubting the government because they might lose their license.

  4. Just wait. Another year or two. “Bleeding calf” will be a veritable picnic in comparison what’s going to happen to millions around the world who were jabbed like sheep to slaughter.

    1. I have printed “I told you cards” for the sheeple

      and am waiting anxiously for the sheeple to start dropping

  5. From following the links, the root of the problem for that vaccine appears to be how they were cultured:

    “The presence of MHC I in this vaccine highlights the potential risks of growing vaccine in cells derived from the same species the vaccine is intended for. Other vaccines for BVDV, with different production methods and formulations, apparently do not cause these problems.”

    This illustrates how one error in the vaccine production chain can cause awful unintended consequences. Yet faith in pharmaceutical companies and the infallibility of science is almost religious right now. To question it is heresy. Ironically, that type of faith, belief and demands for conformity is quite possibly as far away as you can get from scientific thinking.

    I think that vaccines are in the Top 5 of scientific discoveries that have helped humanity but people need to understand that mistakes happen in science and politics can amplify the damage.

    1. LC

      Damned straight its faith..!!
      Cause the ~70% that have partaken in the jab, sure as hell did zero research and/or more likely ignored any potential issues.

      “I gotta get this 7 month experimental NON Approved wonder jab Cause, I wanna Travel”

      BLIND faith with absolute Religious like 1300’s era desperation & persecution where deviance from said ‘Faith” is to be burned at the stake of the Official Govt/MSM Narrative.

      Whats the numbers now from the EU and VAERS..??
      ~25,000 Dead
      ~1.45 Million with Adverse effects.

      Guillotines – LOTS of them. In fact enough for the Entire Body Politic + MSM in the Western Hemisphere. 100% Guilty of attempted GENOCIDE

      1. I have friends and family who have been vaccinated so I truly hope that all is well with the vaccines. They all had reasons for getting the vax. They aren’t stupid or uneducated. They are busy people with busy lives. They all share a trust in government and experts so they don’t think they need to do their own research. I initially shared my concerns in a non- confrontational, pleasant manner and then left it at that. No hard feelings, all relationships intact. Respecting personal choice is important.

        OTOH, from a purely dystopian fiction point of view, can you imagine if the survivors from a vaccine apocalypse were the people now refusing to take the mRNA/DNA vaccines? Given the personality traits of the refuseniks, it would be an entirely different society. Not sure if that would be good or bad.

        1. Could also be the reverse. The globalists release a second vastly more lethal bug that rapidly kills all those who refused this vaccine. Too late at that point (they’ll close off supply). Gets rid of all the people who won’t obey in the New World Order.

          So, roll the dice. I’m avoiding the jab for now. Hope I don’t regret it later.

          1. I suppose but those who refused the shot could reevaluate their risk/benefit calculations and take the vaccine while sheltering in place at home until the vaccine kicks in. That’s assuming they haven’t acquired natural immunity over the last 1.5 years giving them a good chance of having complete or partial immunity to variants because natural infection gives a broad range of immunity to similar or mutated viruses.

            Unfortunately, the vaxxed cannot untake the injection and the vax looks like it has a narrower range of recognizing similar or mutated viruses. Plus the othe vaccines risks like ADE and whatever other “rare” side effects pop up over time.

            I like my odds so far. And since the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission, the vaccinated have all the risks of the covid virus *plus* all the risks of the experimental vaccine.

            *turning of the vaccine would not be tolerated because at that point it would be viewed as murder. There are lines that I doubt modern society would tolerate being crossed.

        2. They were obviously stupid enough
          and Un educated enough
          to get jabed

          More room for the rest of us on the roads soon then?

      2. steakman, The majority of “excuses” I hear is, “I wanna travel”. If the vaccinated start dropping like flies, they won’t be doing much traveling, except to the hospital.
        Frigging Lemmings!

        1. Even better if they drop in some foreign land
          they can burry or cremate them

  6. It’s interesting how many people that normally get their annual flu shots are passing on this one.

  7. I’ll preface my comment by writing that I’m not a parent (unfortunately…) and I’m to old to become one. I got a shingles shot 2 years ago and about 3 years before that a tetanus shot due to a knee injury. Nobody wants lock jaw.
    I also have one Moderna shot and the 2nd is coming in 2 weeks – but only due to family/business pressure.

    Maybe with the mRNA vaccine, it isn’t what it does to people, but to their offspring?
    I hope it is benign if not efficacious because the bleeding calf syndrome seems quite horrible.

  8. This must be some kind of crime.
    Pfizer deserves to go down and disappear.
    The feel of it is that they got so big, they can do anything to nature and get away with it, not unlike the big internet scammers doing to their consumers.
    Look for a change of name in near future.

  9. It really isn’t about the vaccine…it’s the approach. They’re being pushy…and I loathe pushy people. Strange how we spend most of our time on this board railing against a government and bureaucracies who we wouldn’t trust to run a lemonade stand much less take advice from about what’s safe and what isn’t when it comes to health decisions.
    Forgive me for being skeptical…the tainted blood scandal of the eighties is still fresh on my mind and a stark reminder how sociopaths in gov’t and outside entities really don’t give a shit about you and will go to great lengths using your tax dollars to tell you there’s nothing wrong.

    The inquiry uncovered cost-cutting attempts, which favoured for-profit paid-plasma schemes; cover-ups; and widespread political interference;…”

    No kidding huh? Colour me shocked.

    1. I know two folks who perished thanks to that scandal: one a colleague of my father’s in his 60s; the other a mere teenager with haemophilia. It seems to me none of the culprits did jail time or were otherwise held accountable. Bureaucrats Kill (sometimes). Or rather, government incompetence kills (often).

  10. I think you’ll find that the overwhelming majority of people who are opposed to taking these jabs are not anti-vaxxers.
    I also bristle at their disingenuous label “vaccine-hesitant”. I made my decision with no hesitation whatsoever! F’off with your nasty toxic jab! I don’t need it and I don’t want it!
    I have many other things to say about this, but one thing stands out: If the fact that several jurisdictions are offering entry in a lottery as incentive for signing up for the jab doesn’t send up red flags, I really don’t know what to say to you. I suspect you’re beyond help.

    1. ED…Bang on.

      Declaration: I am not an anti vaxxer- in Fact I’ve likely had more Shots in the arms than most here..its what happens when you are in the military: Inoculated against any parasitical, viral or bacterial agent know to man. Plus Ive had Shingles, both Hep shots since that time..along with 10 yr interval tetanus as well.

      I find the COERCION being utilized to get the deaf-dumb-blind (70% of our population), is eerily similar to what the Nazi’s used to entice the Jews to embark the Cattle Cars to Eastern Poland: “arbeit macht frei”. (they were told they were going to work kampfs).
      Same shit – Same Desired End result IMO.

      The weird thing is when I attempted to inform any of my family (I’ve stopped for the past 6 months now…its useless), they got all pissy with me… now, for the past 6 months have not really spoken to any of them…including Sis and Bro in law who got jabbed and 2 weeks later were diagnosed as Wuhan Flu /Brazilian positive…..all walking about with eyes wide SHUT.

      For certain, whatever the enticement, their (Global Capitalists aka National Socialists), desire to eradicate us is plain to see for those willing to open their EYES.

      1. I know a stupid dude who got his 16 yr old kid jabbed today so he can take him to Florida when the border opens up

        Hopefully the kid won’t be a C-19 Jab statistic

    2. Edward Teach:

      Yeah, I had zero hesitation about rejecting the jab, and bi-gawd I’m prepared to pay a very stiff social price for that.

      But it is part of a piece. As I told a friend recently, even at 72 I can HONESTLY say that I had zero seconds of anxiety about Covid. However lots and lots and lots of anxiety over the creeping totalitarianism and as per VOWG the sheep living around me. In two large grocery stores yesterday there was one un-masked man. Me No Mask.

    3. Mr Teach, I posted almost an identical statement on an SDA thread yesterday. Yeah, pushy beyond normal reason, and personally, I think there are much darker forces at work on this than most will accept. Including governments, big tech, conglomerates, Amazon. Facebook, Youtube, and the like. I don’t know if we’ll ever get the full truth, but I would lay down good money to bet this goes all the way to the World Economic Forum/Davos. This green idiocy is also part of it, not that “they” have concerns about saving the planet, “they” have concerns about saving planetary resources for themselves and their offspring. The rest are just the “useful idiots” they have convinced to march in deaf, dumb, and blind, unison with them!

  11. I am amused and bemused by the leap of faith required to accept The Government Goo,Have Faith they shriek..As they arrest Preachers of an older religion and harass the worshippers gathering to pray for God’s protection from the Government Virus..
    Perhaps I am too embittered to see otherwise,but the Dread Covid Theatre is a declaration of War.
    The Parasitic Overload has decreed their Host to have no Rights,No freedoms and they themselves to have no responsibilities.
    No where and no one is safe from their “help”.
    Law and Order is dead.
    When the State is the largest Criminal Organization ,acting against its own people..
    Things get very interesting indeed.

    The only truth we can observe.
    What are we to make of statements such as this;

    “If you get your Government Goo,your freedoms will be given back to you”
    “None of those restrictions apply to any level of Government”.
    Or the classic;
    “We must vaccinate those who have recovered from the Dread Covid”,followed by “We must experiment on the children to protect the (union) adults”..
    “We borrowed ,creating all this debt, so you taxpayers would not have too”.

    15 months ago ,I would have dismissed anyone describing this theatre,as having flipped out,taking things to illogical conclusions..
    Having lived it,the best Impossibly stupid Shit Show of my experience, I conclude I was never sceptical enough.

    That new country needs defined real soon,with the built in knowledge that banishing fools and bandits is a time honoured civilizational requirement.
    Assault Style Liberals and Do-Gooders must be ejected as soon as they announce themselves,standard rules,banishment on pain of death,should they return.

    As Canada collapses around us,we can reflect on the wisdom of coddling the useless and clueless,especially the genius of electing them to positions of authority.

    As a Westerner,I say we are getting what our Eastern Comrades Voted for “Nice and Hard”.
    But we have only ourselves to thank for tolerating the decades of theft and abuse.
    For a country without shared values cannot stand..What values do you share with the eastern Voter?
    or should that be the Eastern Urban Voter?

    1. Not Eastern Comrades, but Liberal Byatches and their Soy Boy Kaakhold husbands

  12. ‘The vaccines are perfectly safe.
    Except for the blood clots that we didn’t see coming and can’t explain, but there is nothing to worry about because the vaccines are perfectly safe.
    Except for the heart inflammation problems that we didn’t see coming and can’t explain, but there is nothing to worry about because the vaccines are perfectly safe.
    Except for the spike proteins travelling into the organs and bone marrow, which didn’t see coming and can’t explain, but there is nothing to worry about because the vaccines are perfectly safe.
    Except for the menstrual changes that we didn’t see coming and can’t explain, but there is nothing to worry about because the vaccines are perfectly safe.’

    I detect a pattern….

  13. Hearing at the use congress, 4 scientists answer questions on Wuhan virus gain of function.

    GOP Medical Witnesses: COVID-19 ‘Exactly What You’d Expect If You’d Gone Through Gain-Of-Function’

    Views that are not popular in popular and will not be brought up by the media cartel until forced by the weight of evidence.

    1. LEv

      Good video – great catch..!!!

      5 Reasons why this is NOT a Natural Virus. (Dr Richard Muller)

      1: No pre Pandemic Infections. Has NEVER happened with ANY other natural Viral outbreak – ever.

      2: Absence of a Host Animal

      3: Uprecedented Genetic PURITY

      4: No Known Natural origin of the spike Protein…insertion can only happen on purpose

      5: Virus was optimized to infect HUMANS. Can ONLY happen via Gain of function.

      Is anyone surprised..?? I’m not.
      Have said all along this was man made & PLANNED

      1. Fauci’s lab in one of the Carolinas perfected the gain of Function virus, by adding Srs, Mers, even HIV
        this was out more than 18 months ago.

        Then His Chicomm Girlfriend took it to Wuhan, where Fuci again paid for more work through third parties
        using government funding

        Then all hell broke loose

        and lo and behold, the Chico deaths stand at 4636 with 91,892 cases and only 160 million tests

        I smell a chicomm Rat when I view the Chinese numbers

        Remember when 20 million cell phones went silent in china?

  14. The optimism and irresponsibility of politicians and bureaucrats in experimenting on population is mind boggling.

    Even if the vaccines may be safe for most people, there are many that may be affected negatively for different reasons. Nobody in government(s) cares about them, just let vaccinate everybody, restrict and shame unvaccinated.

    The same idiocy with mask wearing. The carbon dioxide will build up with extended use of masks , the breath is warmer and the body does not ventilate properly. There are no immediate effects and again most (healthy) people may not be affected, but for others covering their faces for months may be as healthy as smoking.

    1. According to the media my unvaccinated family are incubators potentially spreading the variants, anxiously awaiting my yellow Star of David.

      1. Good. Maybe THIS is how we finally get liberals to stay the hell away from us.

    2. Ex, There is a youngish woman (mid thirties) who works at a local store. She had so much inflammation on her facial skin, swelling, peeling, red and blotchy, she could not wear a mask. The cause was the blow by from exhalation. That’s what it did to her skin, imagine what it’s doing to our lungs. Another woman I know, from another store has high anxiety issues when wearing a mask. I only wear a mask inside a private business that requires it to attend that business. As soon as I’m out, the mask is off. What this is doing to children is probably worse.

  15. Marek’s disease is another example where the vaccine for a disease has unintended results.

  16. As someone who has travelled to pretty much every hell hole on the planet, I have been injected with more stuff than I can (or care to) remember to ward off strange diseases but the nonsense around these vaccines (mixing and matching, using beyond their expiry date, giving second shots beyond any recommended period) is more than passing strange and we all know that the rationale is as much political as medical.
    The self imposed panic and hysteria led us here where the ‘only way out’ are partially tested vaccines. This is not the way a sophisticated, advanced civilization should operate.

    1. Exactly.
      You don’t have to choose a side to see that their assurances that there are no long term side effects of the brand new vaccines are complete nonsense. Unless they have a time machine.

      You don’t have to choose a side to understand that silencing every critic is dangerous as hell.
      Anyone with a brain, regardless of their opinion of the vaccines, can see the dangers in that approach.

      I have a fairly strong scepticism about the vaccines, silencing critics and censoring information isn’t making me less sceptical.
      Telling me that there are no long term side effects of a brand new poorly tested treatment isn’t helping their credibility.

  17. Kate, I forgave you for trashing “disgraced” Judy Mikovits, after which I read her book Plague of Corruption. Among many revelations she had nothing but contempt for Tony (made man) Fauci who I believe was instrumental in setting up her “disgrace”.

    Nor am I an anti-vaxxer. In fact, until the Covid hoax, I despised anti-vaxxers and thought Robert Kennedy Jr. was an airhead.

    But I was wrong, as you were about Mikovits. No shame in being wrong. It evidences intellectual growth.

  18. Too bad there are no vaccines for the whu who flu. The current vaccines are as far from being vaccines as ginger ale is from beer.

  19. I’m not anti-vaccine either.. I just simply will not vaccinate myself against getting a sore throat.

  20. Many years ago I emailed you about vaccine reactions. You did not believe it and mentioned how important you think they are for your dogs. Fair enough. But when my nephew reacted at 4 months to dpt, blue baby, interrupted SIDS and then that vaccine was recalled and reformatted due to many reactions, drug companies knew. They are immune from liability. They don’t care.
