20 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. History as told by the likes of Oliver Stone … or the equivalent of ‘Drunk History’

  2. Current teaching methods have much to answer for. An incoherent history is high on the list. A patchwork history is higher on the list. The one element of truth doesn’t make up for all of the lies of omission that came before it.

  3. I wonder if numbnuts realizes that the term Palestine is a Roman derivative of philistine and was meant as an insult to the inhabitants of the region.
    Something they picked up from the Greeks.

  4. If you want to speak specifically about the state of Israel and the idea of Zionism it was started decades before Hitler.
    People as butt-plug ignorant as this need to be publicly caned.

    1. Buddy..

      You’re on the right track…but seems to me that “Gods Chosen” people have been shat upon for at least 3 Millenia. In the last 2 centuries it’s been Russian Pogroms, then German Genocide, with the entire Islamic world since that time, trying to emulate the Germans. Hitler was really just one of MANY who have persecuted the Jews throughout History

      ISRAEL was born of said persecution…Adolf simply one of the more recent that helped that along. But lets ALSO not forget that the Grand Mufti of Islam spent quite a bit of time in Germany Nov 1941 and onwards….cant imagine why..??

      1. The Ashkenazi or European Jews are apparently on average two standard deviations smarter than everyone else in Europe. I have been thinking about this for years. Is this intelligence bonus the result of fifty generations of persecution? Have the less gifted of their communities been “ weeded out” ? We know that outright war results in great leaps and bounds in technology. Does human evolution proceed at an observable pace? Is this post going to survive the censor? I mean no harm or insult to any, I’m not even certain that what I’m thinking is correct, If it is what does that say to the plans for universal minimum incomes, or socialism in general ? Is Lassiet-faire capitalism the best economic system for this effect ? Will this spell checker ever let me spell Lasseit- faire correctly? Please, no reason to be angry I’m just curious.

  5. History started in 1945 dontcha know?

    I wonder who ethnically cleansed the Jews from their wide ranging ancestral homelands between 700 and 1945?

    >Rocks and trees will callout to Muslims and say, “O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.

    I guess we’ll never know.

  6. The history is wrong, but not because of whatever the conservative line is. The Nazis were very in favour of the Israel state, they funded it until war broke out with the British. There’s a book about this called The Transfer Agreement, and it is safe to say that had the Nazis not paid for so many Jews to move there, and for other expenses like infrastructure, Israel probably would not exist today.

    Palestine was about 4% Jewish in the 1870s.

    Also, calling Israel the Jewish Homeland would seem to ignore that they defeated the Philistines for it. I’m not opposed to the right of conquest, but just say something for what it is.

    1. “they defeated the Philistines”

      The Philistines were initially invaders, likely from Greece.

  7. Israel was intended, to be sure, as a miserable Middle Eastern reservation to which the Great Powers hoped to persuade the Jews to go and wait for extinction.

    The plan was for something like the Jewish Autonomous Oblast founded by Stalin in the Far East, an uninhabitable wasteland literally as far from Moscow as possible. Even in Stalin’s day few Jews willingly settled there, so at the time of his death he was starting to make plans to deport them there by force

    The free, prosperous country that is the modern State of Israel? That is a product of the Holocaust.

    That is what finally woke up the Jews of Europe and made them see that their safety would never be guaranteed in a Gentile state, and their gifts and contributions would never be appreciated. The “live and let live” types had been gassed the day they arrived in Auschwitz.

  8. God gave the land to Abraham. Israel was one of his grandsons. Jacob inherited the land from his father Isaac, who was Abraham’s son.

    1. Yes. Yes he did.

      The Jews are the Chosen People of God. Making war on the Jews is only a good idea if you want God to destroy your own civilization.

      Every time the pagans forget that, the price goes up.

      In the end one of two things will come to pass:

      1. The world will be governed by men who fear the Lord and keep his Commandments, and see to it that His Law is strictly enforced, with the Messiah as their King.

      2. God will transfer the dominion of the planet to a much less rebellious and conceited species than we proved to be. Dogs come to mind for some reason.

    2. and God created Israel. Apparently he still takes care of them, us, not so much. We have turned our backs on Him and that usually ends in disaster.

      1. And there isn’t an alternative civilization waiting to pick up where we left off.

        Forced to choose between human extinction and allowing good men who fear the Lord to take the reins, our masters will happily drag us into Darwin’s dustbin with them. They don’t care to live in a world they can’t rule.
