Midwit Ruling Class

Quite an impressive list of accomplishments they’ve chalked up lately.

John Robson

Look at Tuesday’s National Post front page. Theresa Tam, our chief medical technocrat, said well yes, vaccines sort of work but who really knows? Uh, we hoped you did. Then there was “’Everyone confused’ following flip-flops” about federal Bill C-10, whose purpose and content seem obscure even to the hapless minister trying to ram it through. And the cyberattack on the “main oil pipeline supplying the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.”

25 Replies to “Midwit Ruling Class”

  1. Our governments over the decades have made EVERYTHING illegal…
    That is why we have to import EVERYTHING as our governments have imposed fines, jail or confiscation on everything in Canada. I don’t care what business or job in Canada is running right now, they are breaking some regulation or restriction.
    Exemptions are an illusion should you get a complaint filed. Farmers using foreign labor is breaking the law. Just no complaint has been filed to look at them.

  2. Canada is not a post national state like our wanking Prime Minister tried to tell us, it is a failed state and just doesn’t know it. It was a silly experiment to try and create a transcontinental nation in the frozen bits. Even our heroic first nations never managed that.

  3. A month ago my son picked up a part time job with the local health department at the vaccine clinic. He had to get vaccinated before starting. Yesterday he tested positive and we are now on a 2 week quarantine. But we can’t safely reopen the country until everyone gets vaccinated. Right.

    1. The vaccines are a placebo, either functionally or socially or both. And Pfizer et al. are making out like bandits over it all, so there must be hella kickbacks somewhere.

      1. Let’s see… government backed labs create government backed viruses. Government backed vaccine manufacturers create a mystery product to sell back to the government. Then the government backed manufacturers have government paid scientists who claim you need not one, not two, not three, but likely annual vaccinations all paid for by government. I would call this more than double dipping. Being that it is taxpayers who are paying the government in the first place, we truly are being raped at both ends by whoever the lucky bastards are who profit off of this. Those bastards are no doubt paying the powers in government to keep that gravy train flowing. We are a slave to the ones who pay us and a slave to the ones who tax us.

  4. Yes, common sense is no only rare, it basically does not exist. The people who voted for it, will never see or acknowledge their own part in it.

    It is the same phenomena that keeps people voting for the party with “conservative in the name”. Decades after anything conservative has been attempted, or even vocalized. Everyone that comes to your door has an identical “climate action plan”, but people are still telling themselves that they can see a difference. That one of them is “the lesser evil”.

    One of them will beclown themselves trying to goad me with name calling. But I don’t even bother to remember the troll names anymore.

  5. The reality is nothing they do will alter the course of the whu who flu. It will eventually run out of hosts and join the plethora of flu viruses that we are exposed to every year. Keep this mind, nothing they do will stop the spread of the virus. If you are worried you can take comfort in the fact that 99.8% of everyone who gets it will recover. Wish I had odds of winning the lottery that were that good.

    1. Sorry … something went REALLY WRONG with my connection.

      BTW … ^^^^^^^100%^^^^^^^^ What VOWG said above

    2. VOWG

      Well it seems to me “they” have that covered.
      Watch for a new, likely more deadly virus to appear should the Wuhan flu run its course. Govt’s world wide now know they can run roughshod over their respective populations….this shit will continue ad nausea.

      UNTIL enough people fill the streets and take down these nazi MOFO’s. For some reason I don’t see that happening while I still live. far too many flaccid males and woke beotches in this country for that to ever happen. NEUTERED the lot.

  6. Do these things really need to be repeated?

    “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis…”
    – David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive member

    “Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead…Democracy has failed us, a new system of global governance, based on environmental imperatives, must be implemented quickly…”
    – Club of Rome statement

    “We are moving toward a NEW WORLD ORDER, the world of Communism and we shall never turn off that road.”
    – Mikhail Gorbachev, Club of Rome member, 1997

    “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
    – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Program and Club of Rome executive member

    Our self-appointed lords and masters have never been shy about making their intentions clear, because they know damn well how passive we are no matter what they do. We need a revolution all right – against them.

    1. OSF.

      NAILED it. And I might add, those noted are just a very few of your true NAZI scum….those whose forefathers financed Adolf & Benito’s rise to power.

      1. Glad ya liked the quotes. The Club of Rome is very much alive, Gorbachev is still a member, as are some former Secretaries-General of the UN. Here’s the quote we all need, from the man whose thoughts should be taught in every school starting in kindergarten:

        “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it.”
        – H. L. Mencken

        He knew this in 1919 FFS – why do so few of us get it over a hundred years later?

  7. Excuse me, but this dead horse still needs flogging…

    This outright government incompetence and malevolence is only possible because we have no media keeping them in check. In fact, the media are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of their jobs, covering up government corruption instead of exposing it.

    Without the heavy cover provided by corrupt legacy and social media, the Libs, Dems, school boards, BLM, deep state, Antifa, SJW’s, etc, etc, would lose most of their power and influence.

    Now, just imagine how impotent King Trudeau would be if an honest and intelligent media were covering him. He would be gone in short order. Defeat western media and the disingenuous Trudeau’s, O’Tooles, Kenney’s, etc, etc of this country could not function without being laughed off the stage.

    In other words, I believe we conservatives have our political enemies ranked incorrectly. The Libs or Dems aren’t enemy #1, our traitorous media are.

  8. John usually hits the mark dead-on, and even if he misses by a little bit, he’s always worth the read. Cull the public service, and stop listening to self-appointed experts, especially after they turn out to be egregiously wrong.

    Who would have thunk, though, that Joe Who was a dick? [eyeroll]

    1. John Robson is a really good writer. I hung out with him a bit the night that Alison Redford won her first and only election in Alberta.

      He was world weary then but these days he’s totally annihilated like most of us commenting here…which makes his writing great.

      I’m not sure his boomer vintage will allow him to accept the currently unacceptable on his path out of Conservative Inc. however.

      We’ll see.

      1. Robson talks a mean game but when it’s time to put his money where his mouth is, he bails. When serious opposition to the present crew of inept clones that dominate politics today comes along, Robson has always trashed it. He went insane like all his media buddies when the deplorables voted Trump in. He couldn’t understand what the yellow vest movement in France was upset about. He dismissed Bernier as “an imperfect being and a flawed politician”. Robson is afraid of change. He is basically just PC-lite or perhaps alt-woke.

  9. The gross incompetence of people in the government of Canada that went to school for a long time is nothing short of tragedy.

    It’s as the saying goes, they don’t know if they are going or coming.

    The mass media cartel tells the proletariat that the ‘experts’ know stuff.
    The proletariat never gets to know that the ‘experts’ are wrong on constant bases, without fail.

    The so called ‘Liberal’ party will get elected again with the idiot in charge.
    So then there is that.

  10. Western Separation is unstoppable.
    Confederated Canada has set the event in motion.
    The “National Debt” is the cement foundation of an Independent West.

    Because we will come to the choice very soon,pay the eastern parasites Bill or tell them to Freeze in the dark..
    Stupid is defined as ,Doing the same thing,repeatedly,expecting a different result.
    The Milkcow of the West,whines and wants a new deal..
    The East gets that milk for free,at zero cost to them,why should they change?

    “oh they only beat us when they elect a Trudeau”
    “He only beats me when he drinks”and on any day ending in Y.

    Voting yourself other peoples wealth,because you can.
    Ends when that wealth is gone.
    Only question:”Are we there yet”?

    Inflation is leaping,costs have increased by 2/3 on most parts and material in last 6 months..
    Buy useful things.
    Tools you can use to your own ends .
    Stuff that endures for your future barter needs.
    And of course ,refresh your own security..Because the system you have been taking for granted,will most likely be leading the looters.
    History is clear.
    Those who prepare for bad times and stock up essentials against future need..Are the first to be looted..
    But those who hold paper “securities” usually have something to paper an outhouse with.

    All pools of identifiable wealth will be looted.
    This is Kleptocracy.
    Private Property,as our Progressive Comrades understand it,is defined as “Whats yours is mine,but what I have is mine”.
    “I stole it fair and square”.

    Or in Confederation Speak:”I am entitled to my entitlements”.

    Interesting thing,about past civil collapses,so many people watch in awe and with perfect vision,then say”It cannot happen here”
    “It will never get that bad”.
    As they eat their house pets.
    Roaming bands of bandits is a recurring theme of human nature.
    Taking what other people have…So much easier than growing it yourself…Until everyone has nothing.

    Stupidity and Evil are faces of the same critter.
    If you expect to survive,you had better have invested in Base Metal Charms,able to reach out and touch a Stupid at 100 yards.And have made clear agreements with trusted neighbours.
    Religion is coming back,with the post modern prayer.
    “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”.

    Government has always been dangerous.
    Like fire,you can use it to serve community needs,but you must be cautious,or you burn your house down,losing everything.For fire,like government ,will consume everything it can.
    The wind behind our forest fire of governance has been welfare,social services.
    For Government does not help the poor.
    It consumed them.
    They are now “clients”,serviced by a huge bureaucracy.
    Oh well,fire has about run out of fuel..
    Ashes and ruin.
    Can you survive till green shoots are edible?
