
Hasn’t this family already been through enough? There is no need to  further add to their misery by turnIng their personal tragedies into a public propaganda piece.  

The media really has no shame.

55 Replies to “Ghouls”

    1. Mr. Viegas would tell her to stop playing Minecraft or texting her friends and do her homework. “No way,” she’d respond, often with colourful language. “Get lost, old man

      What an ODD … REALLY ODD … bit to include in the story about this young girl’s death “from COVID” (implied). Yet not a single bit of info about her cause of death, underlying co-morbidities, or just HOW a young girl dies so quickly of this virus. I cannot help but read this as PURE PROPAGANDA that has strategically omitted key information about this death.

      “They wouldn’t print it if it wasn’t true” … Right?

      1. The fear porn has to be kept at a certain level Kenji or it is not effective. The child maybe one in ten million who die from a virus but that will never be told by the MSM.

      2. They included that bit to make her appear as just some young kid, like all the others, possibly YOURS, and she DIED, due to Covid. It could be your kid (Lord Kitchener poster here). Be fearful, be afraid and do what you are told.

      3. I have a relative who works in ICU. They have had a number of younger patients in with covid. (Younger being under 40.)
        Every single one of them has been morbidly obese.
        Every. Single. One.
        The good Dr from Idaho also made that observation on this site. Sounds as though this girl fit that description.
        I’m sure the media will get right on this correlation.

        1. I’m afraid that’s the case for this girl, who was quite overweight judging by her photo. No less tragic for the family.
          To see an entire family affected like this is nonetheless disconcerting. Meanwhile Fauxdough plays science games.

          “Viegas had contracted COVID-19 as well as pneumonia. Her mother is currently in intensive care with COVID-19, while her younger brother is also infected and in isolation, but doing OK.”

        2. I’ll also bet she was seriously Vitamin D deficient. I’d go so far as to say she would not have died if she hadn’t been. Science/studies back that up.

      4. The article said she had COVID plus pneumonia. Double attack on the lungs. Should have taken her to the hospital. Not a nice ending for this young girl. Brampton is filled with multi-generational homes so the positive person may stay in quarantine but everyone else just carries on.

      1. I didn’t see it, but I’ve been wondering where he would cross the line…for the fifth or so time.

  1. Not just the media. St Bonnie of Henry is famous for her trotting out the dead children, using exceptions and outliers to prove a rule.

    “See, see, a child died, ANYONE can die of COVID!!!!!”

    Average age of thousands of deaths is 75, due to COVID. That’s the rule. A 2 year old and a 13 year old die as well, tragedies, yes, and as rare as a snowball in hell.

    Shame on the medical community, that has become the de facto back room government of the day.

  2. Laboured breathing in children is being diagnosed as asthma and rates are rising for some mysterious reason that closely correlates with their obesity levels.

    The article states that this poor kid was poorly parented because she was allowed to disrespect her father, it also said she loved eating hot dogs etc. But doesn’t mention her actual physical condition. If her parents allowed her to talk back to them, they could easily have given in to her demands for overeating too. And that might have killed her.

    No way to know. She could be like one of the random people killed by flu each year. Very sad.

    1. Exactly … you have to read between the lines to suspect the girl had problems … multiple problems. I suppose the author feels themselves clever … even “artistic” for beating around the bush regarding her underlying medical conditions. She was struggling to inhale, panicking, and told to slow down her breathing … did she die of hyperventilation? Die of a panic attack?

  3. **The next day, April 22, she became one of the youngest Canadians to die from COVID-19 – and part of a growing trend of younger victims in the pandemic’s third wave.**

    Then the very next sentence.

    **Severe outcomes from COVID-19 infections remain exceedingly rare in children.**

  4. Mr. Viegas was under strict self-isolation orders from public health and wasn’t sure if he should call an ambulance.

    So daddy delayed proper medical care for his daughter … because he was bombarded with FEAR of all things COVID … such that he let his daughter die without proper medical care.

    Doctors said she not only had COVID-19, but also pneumonia.

    Had COVID-19 … but what did she die of? Pneumonia? Reminds me of a motorcycle crash being listed as a COVID death … because the rider HAD the COVID antibodies. This has crossed the threshold into Theatre of the Absurd.

    1. AFAIK that’s just idiot journalism. Pneumonia is a lung infection, so it is a symptom, rather than a specific disease. The infection could be caused by any number of agents including Covid.

      “Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung primarily affecting the small air sacs known as alveoli.[3][14] Symptoms typically include some combination of productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever and difficulty breathing.[1] The severity of the condition is variable.[1]

      Pneumonia is usually caused by infection with viruses or bacteria, and less commonly by other microorganisms.[a] Identifying the responsible pathogen can be difficult. Diagnosis is often based on symptoms and physical examination.[8] Chest X-rays, blood tests, and culture of the sputum may help confirm the diagnosis.[8] The disease may be classified by where it was acquired, such as community- or hospital-acquired or healthcare-associated pneumonia.” – wikipedia

      1. Traditionally, many old people die of pneumonia, now they are dying of “covid-19” which produces pneumonia?

      2. I have had pneumonia a few times in my life and did this month. He knows that I only make appointments when something real is happening and does not prescribe unnecessary drugs. My doctor is an excellent and focused diagnostician. Over the phone, and wisely, he did not send me off for covid or any other stupid testing, but just prescribed an antibiotic that had worked before. In two days, I had my life back.

  5. It’s too bad more people haven’t heard of Ivermectin, not even in the article did it make an appearence, only vaccinations….Why?

    Our “journalists”, have failed us on so many levels.

  6. Google the girls name. Unfortunately the parents allowed their daughter to get obese by 13. This was left out of the story of course. Its too bad but we aren’t going to be able to deal with this unless we face the hard facts

  7. This story was just discussed on Toronto’s Breakfast Television with such dark emotion I will never stop throwing up. A doctor with no connection to this poor family scolded society’s “systemic discrimination” and called for taxpayer-funded paid sick leave. Then he and the panel bemoaned the politicization of the pandemic. Shameless.
    And of course the story’s comments are closed… “for abuse”.

  8. It seems that our health care system is not offering treatments such as Ivermectin or HCQ. Why not? Surely making these treatments available (proven effective in many cases) would reduce the numbers in hospitals and save lives. Anyone with symptoms and a positive test should ask for this.

    1. I’ve been getting the glassy-eyed “you must be a QAnon conspiracy theorist” mantra when I point out the strong anecdotal evidence that the HCQ Z-pac and Ivermectin can prevent or minimize the effects of COVID-19 infection. When I respond with “if this virus is so lethal that we have to shut down the entire country for months and turn the country into a police state to Save the Children, shouldn’t we be using every tool available, just in case? We know these drugs won’t hurt you, and COVID-19 is GALLOPING OUT OF CONTROL, and we’re approving untested, unverified viral gene therapies for it – surely we can give severe patients these drugs when they’re diagnosed? If it saves just one life?” the BSOD is epic.

      1. That’s because if there’s a viable drug therapy, it is illegal to issue an emergency authorization to a vaccine that is still in trials.
        THIS is why there was such a big push to step on using readily available drugs as possible therapies. They wanted to clear the way for their vaccines.

        1. What seems to happen is that if someone tests positive the Dr. tells the patient to go home and monitor ‘things’ and if it gets worse head to the hospital. No attempt is made by the Doc, at that visit, to provide any treatment e.g. Vit D/Ivermectin/Hydroxy. Then the hospital also monitor ‘things’ until patient ends up in ICU.

      2. That’s not anecdotal evidence. Studies show it works. And the many doctors who use it and can verify that are not “anecdotal.”

    2. Questions Linda, that I’ve thrown out…not only here, but Weekly to the Premier of Alberta’s official E-Mail, my MLA & Fed MP.

      All ya ever get in return is confirmation of their preferred BS Narrative if they even bother to reply.

      This story is perfectly inline with MSM Fear Porn over last yrs Seasonal Flu….(I mean come on eh.? Influenza A & B just Disappeared.??? I don’t believe in Magic)

  9. Covid is pneumonia and this case looks similar to the ‘galloping’ pneumonia which killed Jim Henson. I know of an 8 year old succumbing to a virus within days which occurred over 60 years ago. Tragic but not turned into useful propaganda.

  10. Strangely, the dad was worried she’d be sent to the shiny new hospital in Oakville, which is a whole 34 minutes away from Brampton.

  11. In Durham Region, Ontario (Bordering Toronto to the east) there have been 335 deaths attributed to Covid. 217 have been residents of long term care homes. 16 have been under aged 60, none have been under 20. 219 have been over 80. Out of about a million population I like my odds better with Covid than I do with any experimental vaccine.

  12. The likely explanation for this death is “organising pneumonia” or what is sometimes referred to as “cryptogenic organising pneumonia.” The cryptogenic means it is hard to spot and it moves very fast, so fast it kills people for doing things like deciding to wait until morning to go to the hospital. It doesn’t happen to just anyone. There is normally some kind of underlying genetic predisposition or condition although that may well be in someone who appears normal. It is described here:

    It is rare in adolescents but not unheard of. This family has suffered a terrible tragedy. However it is extremely rare, probably rarer than throwing a blood clot from taking the vaccine.

    Now there is a well known and well credentialed pulmonologist, Dr. Kory, who has found that COVID infection can trigger “organising pneumonia”. The treatment is simple, effective and cheap with almost no side effects. Ivermectin. The earlier in the infection it is administered the better.

    However, the same powers that be who have decided on the lunacy of whole population lockdowns have deliberately ignored all the science involved in ivermectin and have blocked the use of ivermectin to the point where any doctor in Canada who prescribes it risks losing his license.

    Dr. Kory describes in an interview wth Dr. John Campbell how he started out thinking if he just presented his data the establishment would listen but he now finds himself thinking like a “conspiracy theorist”. For those of you who may not know him, Campbell is about as mainstream medical as they come and pro-vaccine and pro-lockdowns. However he also the unfortunate habit of examining all the scientific literature for himself instead of just taking the word of government experts.

    See: Part 1
    and Part 2

    1. he started out thinking if he just presented his data the establishment would listen but he now finds himself thinking like a “conspiracy theorist”

      The doctor who discovered that stomach ulcers were caused by H. pylori and not stress had to go the mad scientist route of deliberately infecting himself, getting diagnosed by multiple doctors unaware of what he was doing, and then curing himself with his antibiotic protocol, to get anyone to listen.

      The medical establishment is a bunch of vicious mean girls when there’s nothing but ego at stake. They’ve never been scientists.

    2. “However, the same powers that be who have decided on the lunacy of whole population lockdowns have deliberately ignored all the science involved in ivermectin and have blocked the use of ivermectin to the point where any doctor in Canada who prescribes it risks losing his license.”
      This is unbelievable. Those who had a this deadly decision should be put in jail.

  13. It is disgusting how the media, and now twitter MDs on crusade, will use people.

    In my experience, medical stories like this usually are missing crucial facts because a lot of people don’t want to disclose full medical information to the whole world, understandably. It is illegal for the medical team to verify it due to privacy regulations unless they feel like losing their licenses (they are too scared to do it even if the patient provides written consent, which she cannot do here). Or the journo leaves it out cause it doesn’t fit in with the narrative.

  14. I think before anyone goes off on the media for this, keep in mind: the girl was a MINOR. None of this was publishable without parental consent. None of it. Not even her name.

  15. It’s ALL bullshit.

    Just give me 3 simple, unadultered statistics from over the past few years and I can probably figure out the rest for myself.

    Total deaths.
    Total deaths from COVID 19.
    Total deaths from regular flu.

    But, as I have stated before, I believe the data has been so tainted from their sources that truly accurate stats for the above are now an impossibility. Want to bet that deaths from ‘regular flu’ have all but disappeared?

    To me, analyzing current ‘official’ COVID data is even more pointless than doing an election ‘recount’ when you know the problem was actually faked and fraudulent votes.

    1. As most here know, CO. I’m 100% in agreement with you on that.

      How easY it must have been in 2017/2018 to PLAN this entire shitshow…eh?

      Simply by changing the name of the 2020 Flu season from Influenza A/B to Covid19.

      As I stated earlier, I don’t believe in Magic. Aka the Lies & Propaganda spewed by Health Mouthpieces, Govt Leaders and that Gutter filth, the MSM.

      Seasonal Influenza has been here all along…CLOAKED and in stealth mode…doing what it’s done for millennia. The FEAR over its re-naming supported via reliance on BS computer modelling & a BS PCR test totally incapable of determining any differentiation among the dozens of corona viruses that have ALWAYS CIRCULATED OUT THERE.

      The perfect scam.

      It truly IS BULLSHIT.

  16. Number 1 determinant of Covid fatality – age.
    Number 2 – Vitamin D shortage
    Number 3 – obesity – obesity and Vitamin D shortage usually co-exist
    Number 4 – diabetes – obesity and diabetes often co-exist

    If you have a fat kid supplement with Vitamin D3. Doctors are too busy selling the narrative that everyone is at risk so they don’t spread this simple live saving advice. I doubt any normal healthy kid has every died of Covid.

  17. The federal NDP leader at a press conference, apparently thinks she died because of no paid sick leave in Ontario.
