158 Replies to “Chauvin Guilty On All Counts”

    1. The Jury had no choice.
      To convict on all counts shows they had no choice.
      The media would be tearing them apart at home.
      They had three choices and chose them all so the media can’t go after them.
      This too allows the defense to put in an appeal.

      It was a shit trial and the Jury knew their lives would be screwed if they chose the proper verdict.

      1. *
        this was a willing sacrifice to the gawds of
        political correctness
        . anybody who has ever
        watched an episode of cops or live pd knows
        that chauvin did nothing out of line.

        the fact that a man with 4 times the lethal dose
        of fentanyl in his system
        can be deemed to be
        a murder victim speaks to the mindset of the
        newly awakened wokie whores.

        this one will stand up there with the oj simpson
        verdict as one of the most skewed verdicts in
        american criminal justice history.


        1. I am watching AnalDischargeSharpton pretending to pray on Fox.. Sound off as with Truedoodoo, ’cause can’t stand his lies.. his voice.. What a world we live in today!

          1. I’ve heard he’s a self-declared clergyman. In other words, he’s not ordained.

        2. Epic blood pressure.
          Congestive heart failure.
          Methamphetamine ( meth )
          Fenyanol ( Heroin)

          All cops will cuff and step way away. Anyone 4-90 that dies, with a cop within 10 feet, that cop is libel.

      2. A cop arrests a suspect for a $20 counterfeit charge, detains him and chokes him to death while the whole thing is being videoed on camera. How stupid can stupid get?? The ordeal lasts 9+ minutes, and you want that rotten bastard Chauvin back on the street?? I hope he gets cornholed every second day of the rest of his miserable life!! After that, I hope he rots in hell!

  1. My guess is we’ll still see some Burning, Looting and Murdering though. Lots of commies out there needing to act out to give their empty lives meaning.

  2. Cause of death? Evidently irrelevant.
    Welcome to a nation of iPhone convictions. If it “looks bad” … you’re guilty.

    BTW … every single DUI that results in a death HAS to be charged with Second Degree murder by the standards of this case … at least. Right?

    1. “Cause of death? Evidently irrelevant.”

      Absolutely. A thug that killed and destroyed lives for the system just got thrown to the wolves by the very system he served. Excellent. The fact that the charges are bogus makes this whole thing better.

          1. context is not the loud mouth R~4’s strong point. Now tell us were you got yer info from, the same lying media that tried destorying Trump for 41/2 years, kriste you are a bigger idiot then unDork and alla asshole combined

          2. I got the info about his record from … drumroll… his official record as released by his police department. Shocking, I know.

      1. So why was he not convicted for all those other crimes?

        How is this conviction just? The evidence showed he did nothing wrong.

        He was supposed to be tried on the evidence for THIS supposed crime. His record cannot be entered into evidence.

        1. “The evidence showed he did nothing wrong. ”

          That’s a lie. He totally killed George Floyd for no reason.

          1. Floyd died of a drug overdose.
            body cam footage from another angle showed Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade.
            This was a lynching.
            He will get off on appeal anyway.
            Plus Mad Max Waters opened her big trap to intimidate the jury guarantees that.
            The irony. That racist bitch will free the person she wanted in jail for ever.

          2. UnMe – “He totally killed George Floyd for no reason.”
            How? By holding him down, pinching his nose and forcing him to swallow 3 times the lethal dose of fentanyl?

            Or maybe it was by restraining him on the ground with a knee on his shoulder blade, we know how lethal that can be!

    2. Conviction by video started with Rodney King. Forget about context and what happened beforehand.

  3. The CBC was excited that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson were at the courthouse. I expect they will be giving speeches and asking for donations. Private planes are expensive.

  4. Yes!!!
    Excellent news.
    The thug got what he deserved.
    Bogus charges, bogus verdict, poetic injustice.

      1. Don’t think the verdict matters much. Ghetto is what ghetto does. Carbacues were scheduled regardless.

      1. The left, the cops, the judiciary and the swamp have wiped their collective asses with the sanctity of the judicial process. They have corrupted it to serve the deep state. race grievance mongers and judicial activists. Chauvin was a willing, active, enthusiastic, participant in this for his entire professional life. I fell no more sorry for him getting chewed up by the machine than I feel sorry about Robespierre getting guillotined.

  5. Wow. They really went there. Did not expect that.

    This is like the OJ jury in reverse. “If the glove don’t fit you still cain’t acquit.”

    Lots and lots of cops watching this right now and thinking “I need to get a new job.” Repercussions will be coming, I’m sure.

    1. Your right.
      Many cops will be wondering if they’re next.
      Doing everything correctly and above board and still get tossed in the can and convicted.
      Really makes you look at your job choice.

      1. “Many cops will be wondering if they’re next.”

        Good. Many people are wondering if they are going to be next when a jackbooted thugs approaches. Unless cops are held responsible and adequately punished for every, even the tiniest, bit of thuggery, I am perfectly fine with them fearing the cruel capricious system.

        1. Bad cops have to be brought to heel.

          I have personally seen cops go way over the top for no reason. It’s rare, imho, but not something to be ignored.

        2. An innocent man is to be sent to prison for a crime he did not commit to appease the enemies of the rule of law. He will probably be murdered in prison by a thug trying to make a name for himself.

          The cop who busted you for having a joint in your pocket in high school did you a goddamn favour.

          Grow up.

          1. A thug who cynically abused the system and victimized others not gets a taste of his own medicine. Well deserved and no amount of jackboot licking will change that.

    2. What new job?
      What else are they qualified for? Bouncer? Escort service? No other job requires that little qualification for that much reward and that little accountability.

        1. How absolutely true, zero qualifications, zero experience, zero common sense, and a work ethic that would make Rip Van Winkel appear to be a workaholic. A trust fund baby and a skate board instructor surrounded by a bunch of sycophants that would stand in line to get a sip of his bath water. We are governed by this light weight and a cabinet that would be better qualified as a student council.

    3. Any cop whose response to this is ‘I can’t do my job’ shouldn’t have that job.

      Just don’t murder people. It’s not that hard.

      1. You will now get the level of policing you deserve.

        Hope you are comfortable with armed robbery, home invasions gang-rape and carjackings.

        FIDO policing. Until, that is, the Cartels step up and fill the void, doing the ‘community policing’ the actual police will no longer be doing.

        In that case, I hope you are comfortable with the Cartel enforcers chopping up petty thugs like Floyd with chainsaws for unpaid debts, and running his mouth.

        Oh and there’s the whole ‘shoot him in the hands with a shotgun for stealing’ thing that is now so popular in the Brazil ghettoes, along with chainsaw beheadings, and hanging the bodies of Feds and judges from bridges.

        Because whatever good cops are left are right now making plans for a career change. You better believe it.

        … and nature, as well as most cities, abhors a vacuum…

        1. Your lurid fantasies are noted and discarded appropriately. There never was any ‘Ferguson Effect’.

      2. UnMe
        April 20, 2021 at 11:59 pm
        “Any cop whose response to this is ‘I can’t do my job’ shouldn’t have that job.

        Just don’t arrest non-white criminals. It’s not that hard.”
        Fixed it for ya.

  6. Most likely, the jury feared for their own lives if they did NOT convict.

    The police officer is likely guilty of assault, from what I read on this case. The victim was a dead man walking.

  7. A travesty. Old Georgie ODs on fentanyl, and it’s someone else’s fault, of course.

      1. UnMe
        What effen world do you live in, it’s certainly not mine!
        Chauvin did nothing wrong.
        He will be a free man.

    1. No it will not!.
      Keep dreaming douchenozzle.
      The system is too corrupt and the fear of ghetto rampage is too great.
      You beloved thug is FUBAR.
      He will receive a max sentence too.

        1. Take your IQ score, keep adding that number until you lost count, my IQ is order of magnitude beyond that.

      1. May I use unrelated incidents; reported by the very street thugs who’s existence you acknowledge, against you if ever I am a juror on your case?
        I shan’t for that is patently Un-American. Constitutionally un-American.
        Shame on you, regardless of what you infer DC may or may not have done.

        1. Un-American you say? Yes. I am not American but that is besides the point.
          Constitutionally un-American. Yes absolutely.
          Karma ain’t constitutional or American either.

          1. Moron, we are speaking of an American case, ergo the Constitution is relevant.
            And speaking of karma, you best watch yours. Your comments are writing a lousy outcome for you. Cannot wait to see you squeal when lies are used against you to deprive you of liberty.

      2. Colon
        The consequences of not overturning the conviction are far greater than a few broken windows and burnt cars.
        If the police cannot do their job without fear of reprisal and the public lose complete faith in the justice system a little looting and a riot will be considered small potatoes.

        1. Yawn, police cannot do their job because they lost support of the population.
          Police lost support of the population because they serve the corrupt state and not the citizenry. That is why cops find themselves increasingly isolated and without friends. This will only continue and escalate.

          1. You arrogant POS you are full of it.
            The defund BS is already in reverse.
            There are bad cops, yes
            Bad judges, yes.
            Bad plumbers yes
            What does a grad from med school get called when he barley passes, Doctor.
            There are shit stains in every walk of life. You identify and avoid and if you can expose.

    1. I hope it’s not the case, but I have the feeling that it’ll be like a major sports victory celebration that will turn into celebratory riots and looting….only it won’t be isolated to just one city.

  8. FCOL, what is wrong with you knuckleheads, Chauvin was clearly guilty of causing an unnecessary death, you know, a knee on the neck for a couple of minutes is enough at the most, the rest is just vicious behaviour on his part. FFS!

    1. Did you not get to see the body camera’s?
      He had it on his shoulder and also adjusted his body into recovery position.
      As the Emergency services was coming and this is under 10 minutes.
      The media version by just from the crowd did not show behind the wheel. Which the prosecution exclusively used.

    2. His knee wasn’t on convicted felon and lifelong piece of shit George Floyd’s neck, as the unedited cam footage showed.

      Convicted felon and lifelong piece of shit George Floyd died from yet another drug overdose, after a life of drug abuse, thuggery and crime.

      The US “justice” system is a joke. Anyone who supports this verdict is an imbecile, unfit for human society, and needs to be fired into the sun.

      1. I haven’t been following this too closely so forgive me, but aren’t opioid overdosers generally in an extremely relaxed comatose state? How do they reconcile this with the decision to restrain him so forcefully for so long? Genuinely curious, I’m guessing I missed something.

        1. He had a multitude of drugs in his system.. One was meth.. the stay up for days drug!

        2. He was a big man, 6’5″ and muscular, he was put in the squad car and fought his way out. Watch the body cam footage.

        3. They’re lying racists. There’s no reason to believe Floyd was ODing or that his death would have happened if George Floyd hadn’t killed him.

          1. “if George Floyd hadn’t killed him”

            Freudian slip, UnMe? Floyd essentially killed himself with his lifestyle.
            Chauvin was at worse guilty of being a poor policeman insensitive to the medical distress in Floyd. And where were the
            other cops present at the Floyd arrest? Chauvin was in the forefront of the video so he draws the short straw.
            A case of assault based on not following proper police procedures might have been made but the verdict of murder is outrageous. But then the verdict was preordained in this show trial worthy of the CCP. A fair trial would have been conducted far from the location of the alleged crime where jurors would not be subject to violence or death for delivering the “wrong” verdict.

          2. UnMe – “They’re lying racists. There’s no reason to believe Floyd was ODing or that his death would have happened if George Floyd hadn’t killed him.”

            He had 3 times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system as well as crystal meth. but that wouldn’t kill him because…?

            But a knee on his shoulder blade was fatal?

            The body cam video was…faked somehow? How did they get Floyd to play his part?

    3. After following the entire trial process on Legal Insurrection, reading many of the posted transcripts and followups, viewing many of the videos shown the jury, watching the trial instructions and the two sides address the jury, I think the charges against Chauvin were not proven beyond a reasonable doubt by the prosecution.

      Are the other three police officers involved now accessories to a felony murder ?
      Will there be an appeal, and will it be successful ?
      What degree of non-compliance with arrest will now be deemed acceptable by police ?
      How will the escalation of riotous mob behaviour be countered by authorities reliant on law enforcement personnel to ensure citizen safety and security ?

      Art Follows Life dept.
      Four Dead in Ohio:

    4. Knucklehead, YOU are missing the point.

      It was never about whether Chauvin used excessive force or whether Floyd had pre-existing conditions.

      It’s about a nation-wide mob and what it is willing to inflict on a country.

      The forced evacuation of Phnom Penh will look orderly in comparison to what is coming up.

    5. You mean on the shoulder blade, not the neck. No signs of bruising on the neck. Whcih there would be in a straight strangulation. But then you didn’t read the reports, did you.

  9. Now the little darlings will loot in celebration. Garbage stinks because it does, it doesn’t need a reason.

    1. *
      “the little darlings will loot in celebration”

      maybe they’ll shock us all and call off the looting
      and burn… yeah, who am i kidding?


      1. And color TV s are a he11 of a lot easier to carry than they were in the days of Rodney King, every ghetto ape regardless of their ethnicity deserve a free color TV dontcha know.

  10. The only people on that jury were people that wanted to be on that jury and wanted to convict him.

    Looting is still on for tonight though, right?

    1. The US took another big step towards third world status today, law enforcement will take another step back, to allow ghetto dwellers more freedom and leniency to burn loot murder.

      Mexico is a safer place than many US inner city jungles

    2. The people on that jury were afraid to NOT convict him! When they walked into that Jury room to deliberate they had already made up their minds that the sacrifice of Chauvin was their only option. They knew very well what the results of an aquitall would be. Not only did they want to avoid the looting and burning of the city but they also were in fear of the safety of themselves and their families. It would be very easy for anyone to find their address, place of employment and where their kids go to school.

  11. Odds on the retirement rates and officers transfering to safer services outside of the city in the next 2 yr to over 50%?
    The city will have their diversity rates they want sooner than later.
    Why would any officer think anyone has their backs in that cesspool?

  12. And now what everybody was waiting for, Trudeau’s remarks on the verdict. Blackie’s loyal CBC website has the video giving his reaction. Among other things he reminds everyone that Canadians are racist bastards too.

  13. My trip past downtown Minneapolis at 3:00 took 2 hours instead of 20 minutes because of the long convoys of National Guard trucks and out-of-town cops coming in on the freeways to help handle the riots.

    I’m guessing no real riots here tonight. This is quite the display of force. Finally.

  14. L – In the Soviet Union and Red China show trials were or are normal, as politics decides guilt, pre-trial. Now, decades of mass indoctrination by Cult. Marixist identity group(class warfare) has proven that Marxism can subvert, at least at one level, the Common-Law jury system.

    1. Though, it requires a politicization, a breakdown of law and order to first terrorize jurors.
    2. Also, it requires abandonment of the Christian ethic to tell the truth, to not to bear false
    witness, as a *transcendental value.
    3. Would a Texas, Wyoming or South Dakota jury be so subject to intimidation or would the
    cohesiveness of the community prevent it? Self-defence and defence of the community and of Constitutional values goes deep but has always had to survive instances of human frailty.

    *”Here I stand. I can do no other !”(Martin Luther) The history of Western Civilization was built on the shoulders of those, whose conscience required them to face risk even death: crucifixion, burning at the stake or beheading. The archetype of the hero requires risk, even sacrifice, to attain that status. It requires risk and sometime sacrifice to maintain the foundational institutions, too. Hence the status of Remembrance Day for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Victory has a price, sometimes a high one, the price of defeat portends a greater
    loss. If there is no hill you are willing to die on, there will no hill to live on or be buried on, and no shining city on it.

    One more example of an institution having no more integrity than that of the character of
    the individuals, who make it up.

    Now the Appeals Court judges will find their integrity being put on trial, too. Not having the administration of Justice brought into disrepute is their sworn duty and raison d’etre. Like a
    Medieval castle, there is a layered defence for the Justice system. Thus breaching a single layer, while serious, it is not fatal, if the any of the others hold true.

    1. If the innermost layer has already fallen, as was shown by Texas vs Pennsylvania, then what outer layer can be expected to hold?

  15. Isn’t she just a treat.

    Pelosi thanks Floyd for giving his life for ‘justice’
    Pelosi faces intense backlash after thanking George Floyd for ‘sacrificing his life for justice’

  16. Well if you have not recognized the obvious by now,how can you be helped?
    Law and Order is gone.
    Due Process abandoned.
    Those who swore oaths to uphold the constitution celebrate their treason.
    North America is crumbling.
    A “more perfect union” is needed,where those hellbent can go their own way.
    War between Host and Parasite is unavoidable.
    The parasite now holding power and showing their unrelenting lust for destruction of those who feed them.

    Everything in nature goes in cycles,currently the pests are at maximum infestation.
    This too will pass.
    As such a population destroys its food supply and then starves,engages in cannibalism and strange religious rituals.
    What do you chose?
    Prey or Predator?

    1. I predict there will be pockets of civil war breaking out throughout the states. Maybe once the antifa types destroy a progressive sacred cow (think Starbucks, Apple or Google’s HQs) and Biden declares martial law, the electorate might finally give their collective heads a shake…..after first blaming “white supremacists”, Q-anoners, and Fox News”.

  17. He will be safer in jail cause out on the street there will be plenty vigilante assassins rallied up by Waters, Sharpton and Biden.

    1. The idiot who killed her is being actively hunted by several cells as we speak. He is definitely in hiding. No matter, the ‘freedom fighters’ will find him eventually. He has to be lucky every day of the rest of his life. The freedom fighters, as Lord Mountbatten discovered, have to only get lucky once.

  18. In one July 2019 arrest, prosecutors say, Derek Chauvin kicked an intoxicated male in the midsection, then applied a neck restraint until he fell unconscious. In June 2017, Chauvin restrained an arrested female by placing his knee on her neck while she was prone on the ground, prosecutors said.

    Prosecutors said in those cases and in two others, Chauvin held the restraints “beyond the point when such force was needed under the circumstances.”

    I have no sympathy for Chauvin. Justice was served. Having your knee on a cuffed suspects neck for 9 min 29 secs is not standard policy anywhere with 4 other officers available to assist. Keeping your knee there for an additional 4 minutes even after being advised that the suspect was unconscious and an additional 2 minutes after no pulse was found is murder.

    Maybe Floyd wasn’t the best of citizens. Maybe he had a drug problem. But he didn’t deserve the treatment he got at the hands of the police that day.

    1. so north, why don’t you and the COLON go take policing jobs, and show us how it’s done. I wanted to be a detective when I was a kid, but I would have just glocked the prick, and saved my knee!

      1. If you can’t take the heat,, well you know how the rest goes. Having to deal with the scum of society is by choice. It does not give you carte blanche to violate protected rights.

        1. Until that is, no one but the Cartels and gangsters is actually interested in being a cop. Like in Haiti. Or in Zimbabwe.

          Let me know how that policing model works out for you.

        2. Chauvin went by the book.
          He did not violate any rights.
          Floyd was an intoxicated known violent offender.
          Totally unpredictable situation.
          What the f**k is wrong with you people.

    2. To you as well; may I use incidents in your past to condemn you on unrelated charges if ever I ama juror in your case?

      1. Sure thing. If I ever become a LEO, feel free to use anything I have done in the past as a LEO against me, if it has direct bearing on my actions today. And in Chauvins case it does, doesn’t it. Quit being obtuse.

        1. But you are too much of a gutless, snivelling coward to ever try your hand at being an LEO yourself, aren’t you? Eff off, you twat.

    3. “Maybe Floyd wasn’t the best of citizens.”
      No, he was one of the worst of citizens.

      ” Maybe he had a drug problem.”
      His problem became a problem for anyone who crossed his path.

      “But he didn’t deserve the treatment he got at the hands of the police that day.”
      He could have simply surrendered with grace. But he had lacked grace all his life.

      1. Everyone has a right to due process. Anything else, makes you a hypocrite like Maxine Waters.

        1. Northeront.
          You do irony ,here?
          “Everyone has a right to due process. Anything else, makes you a hypocrite like Maxine Waters.”
          Except Good Democrat Minion Chauvin?
          He don’t need no due process,no fair trial by his peers,no jury free of outside pressure.
          Cause the Mob knows he gott’a be guilty.

          When can we start the Witch Trials?
          Burn the Witch.
          Loot their family.
          Murder all who protest.

          Same old madness.

          1. For what little its worth I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on Floyd if he was on fire but due process, absolutely.

          2. @Northeront:
            You seem to be new here. But I am sure you have already came to the conclusion that you can’t reason with these knuckleheads. This place is loaded with them. But it is fun to read their silly ignorant comments.

    4. His prior record is irrelevant to this case. EVERY trial must be based only on the evidence that pertains to that case or there is no justice system.

      He did NOT have his knee on Floyd’s neck for 9 min 29 secs, he didn’t have it on his neck at all, it was on his shoulder.


    5. This could all have been avoided if Chauvin had been fired or put on permanent desk duty years ago.

      1. In that case, why were his superiors not prosecuted?

        I have news for you. The average person is a f+cknugget, par excellence. The harder you make it to be successful as a cop, the fewer good cops you will get. Get ready to do one of two things: pay a F+CKton more for policing, or surrender the streets to the drug gangs who WILL step up, while the ‘official’ cops cower in their precincts.

        Like South Africa. Or Haiti. Or Medellin. Or Mexico.

        Chauvin is a symptom of what a f+cking shit job it is being a good cop already in the modern West.

        This is about to get a whole lot worse for you. Hope you are well-armed.

        1. “Chauvin is a symptom of what a f+cking shit job it is being a good cop already in the modern West.”

          Spare me. They get solid pay and sometimes a license to kill.

          “In that case, why were his superiors not prosecuted?”

          Because they didn’t kill George Floyd.

      2. NO….,
        If Floyd had not tried to pass a (fake) 20 dollar bill.
        Or just not taken and bunch of drugs
        Or just gotten into the police car.

        But he didn’t. The killed himself.

  19. A new principle in American justice has emerged: Innocent unless blacks will riot.

  20. Surprise, surprise. Erin O’Toole is celebrating the decision as a victory against racism. Fuck the CPC. I can’t wait for the next time one of their drones calls wanting donation money.

    1. ME too I have voted for that party for more that 50 years, never again as long as this idiot O Stool is the party leader. His policies that he has recently been announcing and promoting have almost guaranteed Turdeau a Majority Government in the next election, not another nickel till this guy is gone.

    1. The Law of Unintended Consequences is about to bite you hard in your cross-dressing @$$.

  21. The judge was, I think, very canny. If gutless. He knew the fix was in and – I think deliberately – allowed dozens of incidents of prosecutor malfeasance. Any one of those is grounds for an appeal. I think he knew that anything less than a guilty verdict was going to be a catastrophe and so kept his thumb on the scales during the whole trial while all but shouting at Nelson, “hey, I’ve got my thumb on the scales and you could totally appeal on that basis”. During closing he outright did say that Waters’ incitement was grounds for an appeal while denying the motion to dismiss.

    I may be overestimating his cleverness but he got the best possible result a judge could hope for – a verdict that keeps himself and the jurors alive while handing the defense a guaranteed appeal.

    1. You are 100% right on this. And I’m sure the jury picked up on it. It gave them an out, and in 6 months when Chauvin gets a retrial, the mob will perhaps by then be on to their next cause for ‘outrage’.

      For the skeptics, see https://lawofselfdefense.com/live-chauvin-trial-day-15-witness-jury-intimidation-cranked-up-to-11/ and https://lawofselfdefense.com/chauvin-trial-day-15-wrap-up-case-is-in-the-hands-of-the-jury-verdict-watch-begins/ for some examples.

  22. Chauvin and Floyd knew each other and they had run-ins on more than one occassion.

    George worked as a bouncer in a bar, the same bar that Derek worked at, or outside of.

    They were not strangers.

    Background: counterfeit money was being laundered out of the bar. Pallets of US $1, then $5 and finally $20 bills were shipped thru the port of Vancouver BC, crossed the border and shipped by rail to Minneapolis, destination was the very bar they worked in. Rail documents for shipping prove this to be true.

    Floyd was trying to pass off one of those $20’s at his favourite corner store as indicated in the following story. Thus the reason why the police were called for trying to pass the counterfeit money. And, surprise-surprise, Chauvin shows up because he knows what’s up and as to put a lid on the situation so it doesn’t escalate. Boy, was he wrong.

    The police station was next door to the bar, both of which burned right after the death of Floyd. Hiding evidence of the money laundering of counterfeit currency?

    Was Chauvin sending a message to Floyd that he got caught with his hand in the honey pot and everyone else had better not jeopardize the operation? Remember, pallets of cash.

    Chauvin is a very dirty cop, he was part of the counterfeit currency scam.

    He did not deserve this verdict today. Floyd was an opportunistic hustler, pathetic porn actor, derelict father and husband and used copious amounts of substances to try and dull the pain of a shattered life. The drugs and covid 19 finally culminated in his early demise, with Chauvin kneeling on his back and shoulder, as the unedited video proves

    Evidence and truth were suppressed as the narritive was more important, today.

    The US legal system showed it’s true colours, and they match China’s colours, it the Red, White and Blue


    1. Absolutely, this was alluded to in the days following his death.

      So the question is, did Chauvin deliver the co-deGras by injecting Floyd with Fentanyl to shut him up ?
      Ordered to by his masters , the CIA ?

    2. “Chauvin shows up because he knows what’s up and as to put a lid on the situation so it doesn’t escalate.”
      Do you have even the slightest clue of how a police dispatch system works?

      1. How did it happen that Chauvin appeared out of the thin air to arrest a guy he has worked with? Chauvin knew about the counterfeit money, and knew that Floyd knew about it.
        You actually think this was alll just random? Really, Sherlock?

  23. Anyone who said Floyd was murdered is a liar. Plain and simple. If you disagree, kindly reply using your real name, with factual evidence. What you pull out of your a$$ does not qualify.

    This is copied directly from the coroner’s report. Download it yourself if you wish to check.

    III. No life-threatening injuries identified
    A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae
    B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal
    C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries
    D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other
    than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column
    injuries, or visceral injuries
    E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and
    lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks
    negative for occult trauma
    IV. Viral testing (Minnesota Department of Health, postmortem nasal
    swab collected 5/26/2020): positive for 2019-nCoV RNA by PCR
    (see ‘Comments,’ below)
    V. Hemoglobin S quantitation (postmortem femoral blood, HHC
    Laboratory): 38% (see ‘Comments,’ below)
    VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing
    performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at
    9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine)
    A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
    1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
    2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
    3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
    4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
    5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
    Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
    6. Cotinine positive
    7. Caffeine positive
    B. Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol,
    isopropanol, or acetone
    C. Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids,
    amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
    D. Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL

    1. Gotta love these armchair ‘experts’ posting lists they don’t understand full of medical terms they don’t understand.

      1. Just like reading your posts. Your banality is ever-flowing, your world view is perplexing and has no solid foundation. Feet planted firmly in mid air.

      2. I’ll put me medical back ground against yours any day Un-jerk!
        Bet you. I’ve seen far more dead and dying then you ever saw on a TV show.

      3. “No life-threatening injuries identified”

        lets listen to UnMe’s medical expert explanation for this one.
