29 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. There are always ZERO consequences for fraudulent behavior by Democrat politicians, zero, zip, nada zilch. Without any consequences (such as a million dollar fine + a decade in prison) what is there to deter future Democrat frauds? …nothing.

    These election scams will continue forever until the other team – our team – starts shooting in earnest. The Founding Fathers would have been shooting starting November 4th around 3 am and continuing right up until January 6th.

    1. Defunding Police
      No bail
      Mass Prisoner release
      No shoplifting prosecution under $1k
      Vast numbers of drivers without insurance
      ANTIFA walks free
      Homeless encampments on every street of America

      I could go on … but our nation of LAWS is being dismantled … by the Left half of the political spectrum. One Law at a time

    2. Jail time and a million dollar fine for not following the APA?

      How much time should Trump serve when he signed clearly illegal and unconstitutional executive orders?

      1. Illegal? Clearly? Says who? Democrat so-called “justices”? Was that before, or after said justices visit to Lolita Island?

        Eff off, no ones is buying your snakeoil crap anymore, asswipe.

  2. Ahhh, does this not invalidate the election results? As such should not the legislature be calling for a special election? It is not only the Presidential election suspect, but every legislative seat, judgeship, local politician and any office attached to this election cycle.

    Now I know everyone will say, “It will not change anything!” You might think so, however like an asterisk next to a MLB baseball player suspected of using steroids – it sure does diminish reputation and legitimacy. When it comes to politics it is not good to be discovered to be in office because of fraud and it sure does not help when you want to push an agenda – people tend to stop complying.

    1. No. Not even close.

      No judge in their right mind will throw out ballots cast in good faith. That’s what we have here.

      1. Yes, what we have here are oracular powers that can read the minds of the entire electorate.

        I’m looking forwards to the audit results from Arizona on how many mailed ballots that were counted were never folded (to go into an envelope).

        1. Oh you mean the duplicated ballots like other jurisdictions? No folds doesnt mean fraud. Yet another bogus narrative.

          1. I’m sure the same was found elsewhere and not investigated there, either. A copy of a folded page will still have traces of the fold that a high resolution scanner would detect, so is moot to my point.

      2. And the good faith of the caster (or not) is apparently evident without ESP? Who knew?

        Tell me, when did you lefties begin to believe in magic?

  3. I’m sure that this can’t possibly be true, if it were the NYT or WaPo or CNN would have mentioned it.

  4. I wonder when she will be going to trial? (Sarc off)

    Mike Lindell’s “Scientific Proof” on rumble has a physics prof that found a link between 2010 census and vote results. A strong link.


    I’d be interested in what SDA statisticians think of this. Hour long video, but the basics are laid out in the first 15 to 20 minutes.

      1. so alla POLL Pad, what do you make of my link, WI voting machine have internet chips in the mother board, could that be why the DIMoKKKrap DA threatened the lawyers who audited the machines for the MJ vote with legal consequence if they spoke out about what they discovered. Or are you still protecting your ultra stupidity?

    1. Mind blowing JB. THIS. Is what I call a smoking gun. Well worth the watch. Now it needs to be seen by a judge in a courtroom.

    1. Unfortunately Lev, you are correct. Until “the people” rise up and push back with a vengeance, the cheating and lying, the fraud will continue. Just like the latest attacks on buildings in Portland, when there are no consequences for bad behavior, the behavior gets worse. Apparently, you can riot and burn, murder and rape with impunity, but don’t you dare “meander” through the peoples house. Until they start shooting and reclaiming their right to exist as free people, they will be subjugated by thugs and robber barons. Same with us in Canada. I’m not sure shooting is needed yet in Canada, but testicles certainly are in very short supply!

    1. I realised what CBC had become about 20 years ago. I can’t seem to gather the intestinal fortitude to watch it. I wonder what it’s like watching that echo chamber of high school feelgood activism masquerading as news.

  5. That the judge confirms there was voting fraud also confirms that the entire Main Stream Media are liars who work for the Democrat party. ( same in Canada, they work for the liberal party )

    They – the MSM – knew there was a lot of evidence of voting fraud, they still lied about it, and will lie about it until they die.

    it is so damn freakin obvious that there was a lot of voting fraud, only a blind man ( or a leftist) cannot see that !!!

  6. more voting fraud

    Pensylvania was sued, lost, and now they have to remove THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dead voters names !

    some of them dead for 20 years !

    those names were used to commit voting fraud

    but all the media of the planet are swearing on their mother`s head that there was absolutely no fraud at all !


