10 Replies to “There Goes The Narrative”

    1. I am old enough to remember when assault or murder committed because hate were treated no different than those committed because sunshine and lollipops

    2. Does “Pacific Islander” include coastal tribes (including the Haida) in BC? Asking for a friend…

  1. I am so old that I can remember the 20th century, when about 100 million people were killed due to communists, socialists, asians, Germans, Russians, Japanese, etc.
    And The USA , Canada, and other former allies actually put an end to it….for a minute or two.
    Not only that, Nuremberg happened.
    Then, we got prosperous, ingenious, lulled, complacent, amused…and…
    Now it is game on…again.
    Nothing new under the sun, eh, Solomon?

  2. This is almost as bad as D3R (Democrats R the Real Racists).

    No one cares if blacks commit more hate crimes. All you do with this is buy into their argument.

  3. It’s always nice to see statistical evidence confirm what my casual observation has revealed.

    Now … we need to see the “granular” racial breakdown of Asian “Hate” crimes in 2020. And watch the “black” category … and “homeless white dude” category … spike up above all others. PROVING the current narrative of Trump-inspired violence against Asians is utter rubbish. What’s with the Left always Hating and spreading LIES about their political opponents?

  4. Facts roll off leftists like olive oil in a teflon pan.

    Leftists are convinced that blacks are little innocent angels and that whites are murderous monsters and facts don t matter to leftists.

    but almost everything in western civilization is controled by leftists ; education, information, media etc etc

    we are a train heading for a brick wall and leftists are chanting; ” faster! faster!”

  5. The graph is misleading.
    It’s rare that anyone other than a white person is charged with a hate crime. The hateful motives behind the crimes committed by non-whites is usually ignored, especially if the crime is committed against a white person.
