74 Replies to “February 13, 2021 – Reader Tips”

      1. He can get away with it because he’s the unTrump. He’s like our Boy Blunder.

        1. At what point did we assume that he started calling the shots? Someone is and it clearly isn’t captain depends.

      2. Mike T

        I had no thoughts about Xiden UNTIL that VP debate with Paul Ryan. He was a complete and total asshole and drunk, I thought. Of course Paul Ryan was too, but a moderate asshole.

        Xiden is history’s best argument for term limits. ONE
        And the very best example of Hayek’s chapter Why the Worst Get on Top in The Road to Serfdom. .

    1. DeSantis is good for Florida. One down season would ruin everything for the State. They would suffer great economic hardship, especially if the Snowbirds didn’t come for the winter season.

      Wonder what DeSantis thinks about Newsom?

      P.S. too bad we have the clowns we have here, we aren’t so lucky.

      1. N R, Florida is already hurting as Canadians mostly have opted to stay home that is billions in losses. We will in all probability never be returning to our perch down there. Many of those who live in the same condo group also are of an age where the bullshit has overwhelmed sanity and they like me are unwilling to put up with it. A friend of mine in Daytona has told me that the usual Canadians that are there this time of year are not showing up. Cowardly people forcing others to live the way they dictate, forcing insanity and misery on all around them. We need gallows erected all over this country and the promise that they will be used against the fascist tyrants that are making our lives miserable with their unnecessary actions.

        1. VOWG

          I have an old friend from Newfoundland who told me at about age 13 that he would winter in Florida when he retired. Leaving aside the stunning novelty of a 13 y.o. planning his retirement, what is more stunning is that by God he retired at age 49 and has wintered there in a nice little trailer (cost: $5G only), for approx. 23 years.

          This winter he did not return. Sadly the reason seems to have been Orange Man Bad. But there it is. I doubt he’ll be returning. I also suspect that his views on Trump may soften, tho I won’t be doing the softening.

    2. Biden responded: “Address me as Mr. President or President Biden.” DeSantis bluntly said: “I will not, and you can go fuck yourself.” DeSantis then hung up.
      Gee, he sounds like very old white guy!

    3. Well if what DeSantis said to zhou bin Xidin is verbatim..??

      “…DeSantis said: “How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians.”

      Biden responded: “Address me as Mr. President or President Biden.” DeSantis bluntly replied: “I will not, and you can go fuck yourself.” DeSantis then hung up.

      I’d like to see him the next President of the US..!
      Now if only Canada had someone with 1/10th the testosterone of the Florida Governor…

  1. CANZUK … not a snowball chance in hell if the values are genuinely based on Judeo-Christianity, Roman Law and the Westminster edition of government. But since the Queen cannot dissolve parliament without a consenting vote in parliament, the idea of a Constitutional Monarchy becomes moot. In the meantime, both Australia and New Zealand have evolved into virtue signalling post-modern, secular rainbow nations soundly devoted to the CCP and UNEP, especially New Zealand under Comrade Ardern, welded to the UN Global Migration Compact, UNFCCC, UN ‘Transformational Agenda’, UN Urban Agenda Habitat III, and to super-division and its apartheid fruits, ethno-elitism. New Zealand terminates 1:5 pregnancies, welcomes euthanasia and tops the OECD youth suicide rate. Why would a sane world want a piece of that dystopian reality? And Canada arguably leads the world in curtailing free speech. Who wants to be part of some bizarre Anglo version of a severely twisted NWO that bears literally zero resemblance to the ‘British Empire’ of yore? I refuse to accept people are that dull witted.
    However, consider this. Perhaps the neo-Marxist corporatist globalists actually realise the demonstrable folly of “multiculturalism,” and in so doing, as the EU implodes under its Regressive edicts that are no more or less than a neo-Marxist social, economic and biological dead-end, the formation of a new trans-national global trade bloc with a nod to the Anglosphere might conceivably work. At least it’s worth a try they (?WEF) think, which is possibly why a few years ago, Canberra already signed off on a closer relationship with the EU.
    So where is the US? It should definitely be part of this.
    Give me the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence any day over the current democratic atavism that is the UK, with its thought police, cultural police, world wide leading CCTV scrutiny, and treacherous Fourth Estate now become Fifth Column. The BBC, CBC, TVNZ, ABC are all exactly the same indoctrinating and propagandising vomitus. Doesn’t that at least tell you something?

    1. “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in ranks of the insane.” Marcus Aurelius

    2. I was wondering what these guys were smoking. Quebec would have to be invaded. The mere idea would trigger them threatening separation and joining the EU.

    3. The UK, Australia, NZ have become the fascists we all fought against. You think Trudeau is bad, how would you like to be ruled by third world fascists in London?

  2. Do you have State Induced Mysophobia’s? You may be entitled to a Federal Disability Check. Hey you believe MSM Shit you will believe that too.
    Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs. The term was coined by William A. Hammond in 1879 when describing a case of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) exhibited in repeatedly washing one’s hands. Mysophobia has long been related to compulsive hand washing.

    1. It is the most common OCD.
      From the web:
      “Obsessive fear of germs or dirt and the compulsion to wash the hands over and over is one of the most common manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). For people who suffer from OCD, hand washing goes well beyond a concern with cleanliness.”

      Can you imagine this, then followed by Lacklotionphobia?
      Or Lackfederalchequephobia?

  3. No, each country is manifestly different now… Probably just as well now, too.

    Maybe under the nominal “reign” of Queen Elizabeth, such a union might have been possible. Under any other member of the royal family, not a chance! And I was a monarchist…! Now, I wish I could move to Pluto…

    1. And I was a monarchist…! Now, I wish I could move to Pluto…

      Same here. I was a staunch supporter until the next generation started their antics. Blame it on Koo Stark…..

  4. https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/bcreg20210212a.htm
    https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/files/bcreg20210212a1.pdf (This document is highly detailed)

    The long and the short of it is that the Federal Reserve has put their “Severely Adverse Scenario” forecast for the coming 9 quarters as producing, among other things, a 10% unemployment rate, GDP shrinking until Q3 2022, the Dow Jones falling to 17,700 in Q4 2021 (56% of its current amount), extremely volatile markets, and generally low oil prices.

    It will be interesting to see how this prediction plays out. For some reason they took the time to readjust their severe scenario from what it was in December; don’t know if they’ve ever done that before.

    1. As Biden and his greenocrats drive up the cost of electricity the US is in for a long period of economic pain.

      Pent up consumer demand when the pandemic ends will counter this in the short term.

      And with Biden killing off the US oil industry, can you say higher gasoline prices?

  5. Seems replacing the Governor General is not a pressing matter. Our Lord and Master is too busy searching for vaccines and shovelling out our money to compensate for his failures in preparation for an election.

  6. Does Adolf The Gay Pirate really know where his vaccines are coming from? He stated yesterday to his loyal drooling media that the Astra Zeneca vaccine was coming from South Korea. Then his lackies quickly corrected it by saying they were coming from India. Now they are saying its coming from the States.

    1. Hey OJ – I know that the T.O. Star is a Liberal lap dog, but they printed this article by Restaurant king Charles Khabouth that trashes Trudeau!! Read it before it’s gone.

      “when I ask if he would ever hire Justin Trudeau after the PM’s pandemic response…“Listen, he’s a drama teacher…The guy went from being a schoolteacher to the prime minister of a country. How does that make sense?”

      “Why were long-term care homes — ground zero for the majority of deaths — in no better position during the second wave? Why aren’t we paying heed to the emotional toll of lockdowns? One recent survey, he notes, found the pandemic has damaged the mental health of 76 per cent of Canadians. And most of all, why is the vaccine rollout so slow we are now wondering if we’ll get the jab before we die of old age?”


      1. Excellent synopsis of the state of affairs we are in. It’s a sad mess, they’re dragging their feet with vaccinating the elderly across the country both in and out of long term care residences as well.
        We heard big talk from provincial leaders and others about improving care when it was brought to light just how badly the people were being cared for in some LTC residences and little has been said since, no followup reporting.


        1. VOWG

          AGREED 100%.
          It’s the elderly that seem to have the most adverse reactions.
          I told my daughters recently that I will not take the quickie guinea pig non-vax and have already been planning what I’ll happily forfeit by not complying with a vaccine mandate. It’s everything but food, and I’m not sure about that even.

        2. VOWG – A 65 year old friend of mine just got a Pfizer jab in Texas. No side effects, so far. It is not risk free. But it’s the only thing I’ve seen so far that will stop the sheep from screaming to lock us up (or down). We CANNOT continue to lockdown our economy, our society. The T.O. Star article I referenced above was slightly off. It should have said “(the government’s and health officials’ responses to) the pandemic has damaged the mental health of 76 per cent of Canadians. Wave 1, wave 2, now wave 3 and 4. We know that it is not spreading at restaurants and businesses, but the kneejerk reaction is to lockdown. If the medical and political professionals worked for a company, their management would tell them, find a win/win to this crises or lose your frickin’ job!! Instead, their lopsided recommendations are seen as irrefutable by all the people who have no fear of losing their job, their business, their homes.
          Sorry, but I see more and more people out of work for a year or more coming to me for help. I can’t help them. Only a revived economy can help them. I can’t say the vaccines are safe long term. The ones I had when I was little worked for me with no side effects. Ditto for my kids. I hope and pray the COVID vaccines work as well.

          1. The sheep can all die as far as I am concerned. Vaccines you took as a kid and an mRNA shot are poles apart.

    1. Rumour has it that Biden will announce spending on a new US aircraft carrier. It will be named the USS Barack Obama.

      The carrier will be solar powered; having it’s enormous flight deck covered with solar panels.

      Hunter Biden will be in charge of design and procurement.

    2. You would need an acre of solar panels to run a tank. And we would only fight battles in bright sunlight.

    3. JOe…

      Well theres Stupid and then there completely INSANE…looks to me Mr Stoltenberg is the Definition for INsanity.

      So no war in winter, thats for sure..!!
      Oh, and while we are at it, let’s turn the wings of all military aircraft such that they are Solar panel Covered as well and just think, we can transform the KC-135’s into Lithium Battery Motherships..!! …..the possibilities are ENDLESS..!!

      Unhinged IMBECILES.

  7. And now Blackie’s CBC this morning. Millions will die in Ontario unless the province is locked down forever. Doug Ford is Hitler. Blackie is doing a great job with vaccines. Everything about Blackie is wonderful. More being black is wonderful stories. Trump is Hitler stories. Canadians are racist bastards.

  8. Last night, during a commercial break on another channel, I channel-surfed to Genella Massa’s Canada Tonight news-show, on the CBC, to see what was up with Bag-over-her-Head. She was just starting a segment called “the entertainment panel”, where the panel treats the enthralled audience with the latest Hollywood buzz.

    But, voila!, we were treated to seeing another Bag-over-her-Head as a contributing panel member, call her Bag-over-her-Head #2, plus another Muslim woman with no bag over her head. Both answered questions from Bag-over-her-Head #1.

    The three spent the entire segment discussing a cutting-edge topic during this time of economic quarantine: Justin Timberlake’s recent apology to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson. The sorrowful young man felt guilty for things he said about Ms. Spears, a former girlfriend. And he apologized to Ms. Jackson for the infamous “wardrobe malfunction”. The three panel members — auditioning for Iran TV — agreed it was sextist, having a white man partially disrobing a black woman. And the three were upset that Timberlake got to do another Super Bowl performance three years ago.

    Our tax dollars at work.

    1. Is this part of the rationale for the continued farce that is the impeachment hearing?
      Those hearings are all I am getting on the news.
      So not only is the news cycle still continually on “Orange Man Bad”, as Trump hatred was all the Dems ever had, but Biden can make all these hugely bizarre changes with most of the media and citizenry focused elsewhere.

      1. There is no media worth discussing, call them what they are Propagandists. They are not Journalists just cheesy PROPAGANDISTS and in Canada they are all Organs of the STATE.

        1. You would have to be stone cold stupid not to see how dishonest and partisan the media is in NA.
          Name me one Democrat/Liberal leader that hasn’t been lionized by the media.
          Name me one Republican/Conservative leader that hasn’t been kneecapped by the media.
          The Media has been stealing elections my whole life.
          Trump has been the only one to fight back.
          That should be the minimum ongoing requirement for Conservative leadership.
          $#@%^&#@ loser Conservatives!!!
          Docile cows chewing their cud on the brisk walk to the communist gulag.

  9. The Globe and Mail treats us to why white people have polluted “feminism” (a case of the left eating its own):

    Here are the first two paragraphs of this opinion piece:

    “As the 2017 Women’s March approached in the United States, contentions between white women and women of colour were documented extensively in the press and on social media. As calls for literacy across race, class, orientation and immigration status accelerated going into the march, a cohort of attendees reportedly cancelled trips and reconsidered their participation. The growing demand to incorporate the realities of women and non-binary people who were not white, straight, cisgendered, able-bodied, citizens and middle to upper-class signalled to some self-identified feminists and march attendees that the event would not centralize their issues. This resulted in some women writing Facebook posts that read, “I’m starting to not feel very welcome in this endeavour.” What this division ultimately put on national display was their true ideology: white feminism.

    White feminism is a very specific ideology and practice toward achieving gender equality, which pulls considerably from colonialism, imperialism, labour exploitation, and – its biggest signature – advocating individual ascension and accumulation of wealth and power as the foremost path to gender progress.”

    Posting this just to keep readers up to date with the latest jargon from academia, published in the middle of a year-long quarantine with a vaccine shortage in this country.

    1. I resent the gross mis-characterization by the latest wave Marxist-feminist rabble.
      It was the 3rd wave whites of who self-identified as front-holers who polluted feminism.

  10. 4 eyes? Great idea economically. However, culturally and politically a frigin disaster if the leftist elite are running things. Then again, think of all the lamb chops we could have here in Canada. But why stop at 4 eyes. Bring in all of the commonwealth countries. Then we would really have a powerful economic trading block.

    Check out my two books: Kurofune: The Black Ships, a love and war story set during the Pacific War; and Monk’s Orchard, about a English farming family trying to survive the religious fanaticism of the Protestant Reformation. You can find info on both books at my blog: shakeyjay.ca.

  11. “Bring in all of the commonwealth countries. Then we would really have a powerful economic trading block.”

    What you mean to say was 4 economic powers and 30 remains of failed Marxist experiments.

  12. Anyone else get the mobile phone “Emergency propaganda alert” that says new strain detected and shit your pants if you believe the news and/or your IQ is less than 75?

  13. Impeachment hearings forever!!!! Well its not like anything else is going on in the States or the world.

  14. Josh Freed’s column in the Montreal Gazette has been appearing on Saturdays for over twenty years now – long enough to make us wonder how he still has anything to be funny about. But “our speed-crazed, tech-obsessed, password-plagued, financially- jittery, fitness-fetishist, gluten-sensitive, fatness-fearing world” is absurd enough to keep him laughing, and to keep us laughing with him, writes Eric Boodman of mRb or Montreal Review of Books, about Freed’s book, “He Who Laughs, Lasts”

    Here is Freed’s article in today’s Gazette, it’s a good one:


  15. I want everyone who is afraid of dying from the who whu flu to get it and do one of two things, die so we can all get on with our lives ,or, live so they understand that it is not going to kill us all and we can get on with our lives. It is a fix with no downside.

  16. Very Old White Guy – re THE VACCINE. Your statement is correct. The vaccine is bogus. No doubt out to kill all the elderly.

    AND – the pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued if their vaccine kills?? Sound fishy ?

  17. Impeachment Farce is over.


    Seven Republicans voted in favor.

    Romney, Moocowski, Burr, Sasse amongst the Republicans deciding to retire.

    Personally, I think if the Commander in Chief or any other supposed tyrant wanted to overthrow the government, asking a bunch of unarmed people to break into the Congress is not the way to do it.

  18. Newfoundland cancels in person voting. They’ll allow mail in voting only.


    Is this a trial run by the Liberals for a vote by mail federal election?

    My mother is very excited at the prospect of mail in voting. …She’s been dead for three years, but hey, every vote counts, right?

    But wait you say. That’s a criminal offence. Uhm, Trudeau can tell that to my mother when they charge HER.

  19. The Covid 19 plot thickens yet again.

    I’m just guessing but it looks like surprise endings all around for a lot of politicians.



    “According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,1 a vaccine is “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” Immunity, in turn, is defined as “Protection from an infectious disease,” meaning that “If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

    Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claim this to be the case for their COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, in their clinical trials, they specify that they will not even test for immunity.

    Unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the COVID-19 injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nanolipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus.

    They do not actually impart immunity or inhibit transmissibility of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to keep you from getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you do get infected.

    As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine, and as noted by David Martin, Ph.D., in the video above, “The legal ramifications of this deception are immense.”

    “lessen the symptoms”

    Might as well be using Ivermectin or HCQ.

  20. MACBETH. “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more.”
    Wm. Shakespeare
