The Libranos: All In Da Family

PLEASE FORGET YOU EVER SAW OUR SLEAZE: WE Charity won’t be managing Student Grant program, says Minister Chagger’s office.

From the comments;

Yesterday I mentioned that Marc Kielburger sat as a director for two entities. The first turns out to be ME to WE Styles, Inc., a private company that consisted of one clothing store in Toronto. The store went under during the Wuhan quarantine. The second is Prince s Charities Canada, a charity of Prince Charles. It is legit, even though, well, the Prince is not.
I did find out that brother Craig Kielburger has two numbered companies, which can be seen here.

According to Wiki, numbered companies in Canada have numbers assigned to them from Industry Canada, if the person wants his corporations as a numbered company. There are essentially two reasons for them The first is that the entrepreneur is holding the company until he can find a good brand name for the company. The other is for tax avoidance or money laundering reasons, etc. Note that brother Craig s numbered companies are now four years old. […]

Here is some info on 14 Candlelight Drive, Richmond Hill, ON, where Craig Kielburger s two numbered companies are based:

According to the above link, the house is valued at $1.9-million. It would be interesting to see who owns this house.

76 Replies to “The Libranos: All In Da Family”

  1. Good news this. What is good about this is that it brought media attention to the Kielburger WE Charity sleaze. And for once the media cartel were interested in the sleaze. The bad news is that the cartel might drop any and all investigations — scrutiny that is sorely needed.

    1. Someone should pull title on the property. I have access to the Alberta title system, but not Ontario… Any Ontario Realtors want to do some digging?

  2. Yeah, there’s a bit of scurrying going on, but don’t interpret it as rats leaving the ship. They’re just moving to another part of the galley.

  3. 74% minorities/diversity
    23% rural

    74% big cities
    23% old stocks.
    Sounds about right. I can smell a liberal majority soonest for Blackie.

  4. “return any funds that had already been received”
    AH hahahahahaha.

    Sure that’ll happen.

    1. Return funds? Undoubtedly they’ll deduct processing and handling fees, plus any ‘expenses’ already incurred.

      Oh, I forgot to add overhead.

  5. The one that got away 🙂 Fingers, cookie jars and innocence – of course it was all meant sincerely.

  6. Wow -dodged a bullet there – now if we could just track down the other 249,100,000.00 +. But at least it’s not a 16 dollar orange juice.

    1. Speaking of Concerned, I am concerned about how soon a $16 orange juice will become an everyday reality.

  7. This entire WE project reminded me so much of the hitler youth program and had the same intent at brainwashing youth IMO.
    Glad the Libturds had enough backlash to have to pull the pin on this bullshit future vote buying project.

    1. Took it away from WE because of bad publicity, but I don’t know if the program is actually cancelled. Yes, Hitler Youth exactly.

  8. Sophie should have pretended she liked Justin’s kiss and she would still have a job with WE.

  9. “Help heal their communities” to recover from government media fear-mongering?

    No. It was to buy votes from the “64%” visible minority community.

    Liberals are disgracefully dividing up people by playing identity politics. Again. Damn them.

  10. Hahaha.

    Looks good on the The Bong and his incredibly bad judgement. He can’t get anything right.

  11. Good ‘they’ve’ quit this nonsense. How do we know that ‘they’ won’t resurface under a new name? The K. brothers have some numbered companies just waiting for a name. Big question is why the “WE CHARITY” needed to know the applicant’s race and whether they were a member of the #LGBTQ Community? Stinks eh?

  12. Sweet Lord, but the Liberals are corrupt! How can anyone with an ounce of integrity vote Liberal.

    1. Most Canadian men are castrated sheep and most Canadian women are obnoxious, ignorant little Karens.

  13. backing down when the evidence of corruption is clear? that’s no way for a good liberal to act.

    Da liddle t’ief must be so ashamed.

    How long before Justin get’s kicked out of the party?

    1. Libranos only throw a leader overboard if they lose and are of no more use to the party. The long knives come out only then.

      1. abtrapper, before last election Christa freefart approached the Bronfmans to she if they would install her as leader. So the desmaris are not the ones running the libtardo’s, its the Joos

    1. It’s not systemic racism against whites–it’s “social justice” for thousands of years of white privilege.

  14. The WE brothers issued a statement that stinks of CYA virtue spew. It is actually on the CBC website, which I hold my nose to scan now and then for fake news.
    The brothers “took this decision reluctantly” and patted themselves on the back. Between the lines….kiss off Blackie.
    Sophie must be inconsolable. Blackie should give her a sympathy kiss.

    1. Something strange is up when even CBC featured this story and was mildly critical, and they were first to break it. But Kielburger probably sealed his fate when he outed Jr as a liar, a couple of days ago. Jr does not take personal criticism lightly, or at all. And some of the more responsible media were starting to dig in to the mess. It was beyond Telford and Butts control, so We had to go. But as Ezra says interesting to see the cost of contract breaking.

  15. Who can possibly run the program? WE was the only group that had the resources to run the program we were told.

    A $2million house for a community organizer. Not too shabby.

    1. A $2million house for a community organizer. Not too shabby.

      That’s because he’s doing important work and needs to be rewarded.

  16. Let’s have a thought experiment shall we.
    What are the odds that the 35,000 applicants all belong to liberal riding associations?

    It’s the MO of liberal party scams.
    Government creates program for which nothing is actually achieved or produced other than some “advertising”. Program is structured such that it is outside of parliamentary oversight or is run exclusively out of the PMO.
    Said program disbursements seem to end up in ridings where the liberals need to retain support or in selected demographic areas.

    Normally this stuff is hidden from view and only gets leaked when someone takes too big a cut, or someone in caucus feels they are getting cut out of the action. Such a scenario plays out if the leader feels threatened by ambitious MP’s, or an ambitious MP thinks it’s time for a leadership change.
    Btw has anyone heard from the red dwarf lately?

    1. Think the leak came from a civil servant (union type) that felt they got slighted because of the outsourcing to a “private” charity.

      There may be a division happening within the federal bureaucracy. On one side the establishment that has been around for years against the new kids that Butts and Telford have working for their agenda.

    2. When even your own supporters start dumping on you then you should probably back down. It was not any brave media report, or an effective Opposition politician, or even a disgruntled Liberal back-bencher that brought this house-of-cards down. It was pissed-off progressive “allies” of the Trudeau regime who complained. The rats are being extra noisy as they abandon ship…

      “Mr. Trudeau’s claim that WE Charity is the ‘only one’ that can administer the new grant program is not only factually wrong, it’s also insulting to our members,” said PSAC National President Chris Aylward. “PSAC members have worked hard to support the government’s rapidly evolving response to the pandemic and remain committed to continuing doing so.”

      “It is absolutely incorrect to believe that WE is the only organization in Canada that can implement this program, and there is no doubt that in order to deliver what they’ve committed to, they will have to collaborate with other organizations.”… Maryann Kerr, CEO of the Medalist Group, a firm that provides philanthropic services to the “social-profit sector.”

      1. I think the division is between those that have been around the civil service pre 2015 and those that Butts finessed into an opening much to the chagrin of the established order.
        You know Butts comes in with the clerk of the privy council and tells HR, “yes we understand but you know I speak for the PM when we think it’s better that you select this candidate, and you know how he feels about getting his way “

        It would appear that the unaccountable exercise of power the civil service aided and abetted is now upsetting them.

        This could get interesting real fast.

  17. The sleaze of a corrupt leviathan administering this form of free stuff is a minor sin. The major sin is the existence of the myriad of state tentacles, programs and bureaucracy that are there for the sole purpose of leaking-back a fraction of what is borrowed or taxed to do so.

  18. numbered companies are sometimes just numbered companies because there’s literally no use for a name in some circumstances. you want to put some asset in a company for some legitimate reason but you don’t need it to have a public face, ever. Like say a real estate holding company. leaving a company with a numbered name isn’t really a mark of tax avoidance or some scam.

    1. Like when the founder of a so-called charity wants to pay less tax on his $2-million dollar mansion?

  19. WE hath been caught with our hands in the cookie jar.

    WE are not so honest and in the case of JT, also not so smart.

  20. The whole ‘paid to volunteer by the government’ is out and out communism.
    The thin edge of the wedge.

    1. “But the Liberal plan would give “grants” to volunteers based on the hours worked. What’s more, the Liberal pay scale, the equivalent of $10 an hour, is less than the minimum wage. In effect, the government is violating minimum wage laws to hire students at discount rates, and calling it “grants” for “volunteering.” ” Kelly McParland, National Post, June 30, 2020

      Plus, Trudeau would get to funnel at least $19.5-million, for “administration fees,” to his friends, the Keilburger bros, who are trying to save their embattled, scandal-ridden charity. No communism here. More like a mafia shakedown.

  21. “According to Wiki, numbered companies in Canada have numbers assigned to them from Industry Canada, if the person wants his corporations as a numbered company. There are essentially two reasons for them The first is that the entrepreneur is holding the company until he can find a good brand name for the company. The other is for tax avoidance or money laundering reasons, etc. Note that brother Craig s numbered companies are now four years old. […]”

    UTTER NONSENSE. Numbered companies exist that way in all provinces, as registered entities in the province, or registered a federal entity (ie operating Canada-wide). As the other reply indicates, they are often used as holding companies, which can holding anything – assets, or other registered companies.

    Note to commenter: Stop using Wiki as an authoritative source! Consider it a gossip source.

    1. You are mostly correct. Almost every farmer, every restaurant owner, consultants of all types, and contractors have numbered companies to organize their business activities (including me), at least we did until Trudeau branded us all as “tax-cheats.” Why the founder of a charity needs numbered companies is beyond me. Charities already get enormous tax breaks and advantageous financial benefits from the government. Maybe the charitable spending that goes on in WE is to provide its founders with a lifestyle far above what would normally be expected. I guess CRA frowns upon charities using their cash to, say for instance, buy off government officials in Kenya.

    2. Here is the Wiki entry to numbered companies:

      As can be seen in the link, it says that some numbered companies can be shell companies. Pressing on that link, one sees that shell companies can be used for tax evasion or money laundering. I realize all sorts of small business entrepreneurs use numbered companies — and hats off to our small-business brethren out there. But in the instance of the Kielburgers, there has been a lively discussion of how their private ME to WE corporation interacts with the WE Charity, as to pricing of goods and services and other interactions between the two organizations.

      Note that yesterday I posted that Marc Kielberger s private corporation — Global Impact Fund, Inc. — is located 6500 Main Street (suite #5), Williamsville, NY in Erie county. This one-person company is used to hold personal earnings of the Kielburgers (royalty fees, speeches), as well as — according to a Globe article posted yesterday — fighting unwanted lawsuits. Interesting that this private company is located in an unassuming building across the border. Just saying.

        1. Any average post-office box in the Cayman Islands is the corporate headquarters of thousands of anonymous numbered companies.

      1. Every corporation has a number, and a “numbered company” is a company like any other. Not every corporation is intended for doing business with the public, and if it’s not doing such business it does not need a name, and there’s no point wasting a name on it. There is no secrecy or concealment involved and obsessing over “numbered companies” is childish and stupid.

    3. GoP, try context for once, numbered companies are to obscure ownership, it take a lawyer ($$$$$$) for most people if they want to pursue one for any reason, thus discouraging many to do so. That was according to a liberal lawyer I once used.

  22. Sorry to rain on your parade, folks, but the notion that numbered companies other purpose is tax avoidance is absurd.
    A huge portion of mom and pop companies across Canada are numbered corporations “operating as”.

    1. ole, some are, many are not, and that is why the Turd expounded about tax avoidance as to mom and pop operation, he should know, he is a libtard. And there is a difference between SOME and ALL!!!

  23. Yup, Canada’s stinking incestuous “elite”.

    Like a pack of wild dogs: licking and sniffing and slurping and humping each other before setting out together to prey on the taxpayer.

    F*&^%$g trash.

  24. This story was broke by the National Post. Wonder why that happened and who (in the civil service) gave them the manilla envelope?

    Whoever did this calculated that the usual suspects (cbc, g&m red star) couldn’t be trusted to go with it.

    Verrry interesting

    1. The cancellation was barely mentioned at the Liberal Party’s Toronto Star website.

  25. Anyone else know that Marc Kielburger was a creep the very first time that you saw him as a young teenager?

    1. The Kieleburger brothers were the Greta Thunbergs of the 1990s. Creepy media darlings. Future cult leaders.

  26. “The first is that the entrepreneur is holding the company until he can find a good brand name for the company. The other is for tax avoidance or money laundering reasons”

    They are talking about numbered companies. With a numbered company the registration number typically followed by Canada Ltd., Alberta Ltd. etc. is the name. I’m guessing that close to half of Alberta companies are numbered companies. They are typically not marketing to the public and a name is irrelevant and not something devious. My commercial landlord has a numbered company.

    1. Every single corporation is a numbered company. Those that go on to open stores, factories, farms, and service providers then establish a “trade name” under which they build a recognizable brand. Nobody buys furniture from “4125644 Canada Limited” or orders pizza from “984342 Alberta Limited.” They buy furniture from “Leon’s” and pizza from “Boston Pizza.” A small minority of numbered companies are used for nefarious purposes, no doubt.

  27. I remember these kielbergers while growing up.
    Big mouthed little buggers.
    Save the children, oh wonderful children saving other children.
    Always knew they were grifters.

    1. Yup. Like Greta, it was obvious from the outset what they were and who was using/coaching them.

      Well, obvious to us. Our media couldn’t smell a skunk if it pissed in their faces.

  28. JustUN loves it when he can get out there in front of a bunch of naive SJW’s and talk $hit or throw a lot of taxpayer money at them.

    But to adults, he is shallow, weak and a man-child who can’t handle being pushed back on because he know not what he is talking about. He’s fine talking about his socks but beyond this needs Butts and his talking points.

    WE is crooked, WE have a lot of explaining to do..

  29. Skimming cream off the govt (taxpayer’s) teat has always been a better way to make money than owning 5 well performing McDonalds.
    No need to worry about a customer base if you have sufficient influence amongst the political parasites.

  30. Ok by the Ethnics Comissioner, just one problem, when I looked up who is the EC Wiki said Marc Dion who just happens to be on sick leave.

  31. Dollars to doughnuts WE cancelled the contract because far too many annoyed Canadians (and others) were taking a very hard look at their operations and not liking what they saw. The Kielbergers must be hoping the hunt will die down now they’re supposedly out of the picture.

  32. Another ethics commissioner investigation. That ensurers this just doesn’t disappear. I’d say it has a good chance of succeeding.

    Bongo is the most entitled prick this country has ever had to endure.

  33. Abt-

    He’ll be known as TEFLON TRUDEAU!!

    He’ll get away with this saying he wanted to help the unemployed young people due to Covid-19.
