62 Replies to “Canada Is BACK!”

  1. good…ride his little nelly a$$ into the ground as only Trump can

    ridicule and make fun of him…maybe a few voters will catch on

    1. No, Libtards are too arrogant about their (lack of) intelligence.
      I read some comments on the Sun about PM Soiboi giggling about Trump. You can’t fix stupid.

        1. Alberta get your Check book out, because froggy needs to keep that $7.00 dollar day care and keep importing Saudi oil to their unilingual pipeline free paradise.

      1. Canadians have been brainwashed, ORNAGE MAN BAD, ORANGE MAN BAD, by the constant drone of propaganda from the Liberal Propaganda Ministry, AKA, CBC, CTV, GlowBull, etc.
        No thinking required, just be told what you should think from the $600Million BRIBED Media.
        Nothing will change in this country until there is a serious economic crisis. The draining of investment in this country is gaining speed, massive deficits will affect credit ratings and interest rates, the brain drain is starting to assert itself again. The only thing that saves this place so far is a 75 cent dollar, and an American economy that drives Central Canada only. BC is only surviving due to low interest rates, the ENDPee is at war with large employers and resource industries as well.
        When the crunch comes, it will devastate the whole country. Will it be a 60 cent dollar? Higher interest rates? Massive deficits? Inflation due to the Trudeau Magic Money printing machine? We shall see, but it will be our kids that ultimately pay for it…….but then again, it’s millenials that are in love with TruDope, and Meethead, who has similar but more extreme spending ideas.
        Just fitting I suppose. Meanwhile, Alberta is being treated like the bed wetting red headed step child…….

        1. Wow! Payback is bitch, eh Trudope? Best mind your tongue in the future.

          Or here’s an idea!? Say it in French … to your crack Trade Rep. Freeland … it will take weeks for Trump to get it translated … ha ha ha ha ha ha! Idiots in charge of Canada

      1. When the chart says “2016 dollars” it does not mean that the data was drawn in 2016. When you are comparing dollar values collected over a period of time you want to deflate them to ca common base year to adjust for inflation. The chart probably comes form paper that does that.

        What the chart shows is that unproductive in Canada prosper relatively to unproductive in US and this happens at the expense of the productive. It is an excellent argument for less social safety net not for more of it. But Dizzy, being a POS demagogue that he is, in his usual style, twists those results around to show what he wants.

        Regardless, once you adjust those figures for taxes paid they are likely to show different results.

        Furthermore, Stat Can PPP adjustment is notoriously unreliable. But then again, they are not a statistical agency but merely a part of Aladdin’s propaganda machine and surveillance apparatus.

          1. Be quiet I was talking to an adult human. Not everything needs to be dumbed down to your level. When I feel like insulting you some more you will be informed, until then leave the conversation to adult humans.

          2. If the conversation were left to the informed you’d never open your pie hole, and neither would almost anyone else here.

          3. Ok subhuman, in that case why don’t you converse with those equally informed to you somewhere else? In the meantime kindly FOAD.

    1. Nice article … now how many unskilled Central Americans, Africans, Syrians and global riff-raff does Canada have compared to the US? How many illegals living in Canada? We’ve got at least 33M of em. And are taxes considered in these numbers or just gross incomes? And I assume you’ve adjusted for the low value of the Canadian dollar? For starters.

      1. California, once the land of growth and Reagan, but now a Democrat plantation, has the HIGEST percentage of poverty in the US.
        ( 50,000 Democrat government workers are studying to figure why, and what taxes and intervention can be more done to fix this. Bless their hearts,)

    2. I meant that most Americans are better off than Canadians. Trump has really turned their economy around. In fact, the US economy has never been as strong as it has been for the last three years.

      Canadians on the other hand are suffering economically and their standard of living is in steep decline under our current liberal government.

      And as for Bloomberg, I provided the link to demonstrate how biased and left-wing that news organization has become. They lie just like CNN and the CBC.

      Sorry for the confusion.

    3. // In NOW you mean 2016 //

      It’s not my “Now”. If you had clicked through.

      Most Canadians Are Now Better Off Than Most Americans
      Middle-class people in the U.S. are losing ground to their peers in other rich countries.
      By Justin Fox August 29, 2019, 6:30 AM MDT

      But I suppose you and Colonialista will be giving us the MAGA version curtesy of an up-to-date Trump tweet.

      I see that some faux dizzy has chimed in above.
      Kate, you should have some check on this.

      1. “Kate, you should have some check on this.”

        I actually e-mailed Kate about that a handful of years back and Kate said, “It’s not like you’ve got a copywrite on that nic.”
        So I wrote back, “Shame if such a practice as nicking people’s nics were to become an epidemic, nudge nudge.”
        Kate then deleted some of the imposter’s comments. This has been a problem for years.
        Another problem is people using multiple nics, pretending numerous different people are agreeing with a particular line of argument by a commenter.

        1. Thanks for the headsup.
          A forum I frequent once had a borderline personality type who had a dozen or more nicks.
          Whenever one of her posts was disputed she offered warm support to herself.
          This ended when a Japanese poster collated certain “tells” – spelling mistakes, & the like –
          and laid them out.
          I don’t imagine there will be much confusion between “dizzy” & dizzyminime, given the opposite orientation of the pretender

        2. “Kate, you should have some check on this.”

          The real conundrum is that post-modernists feel they are advancing society by frequenting conservative blogs and posting comments to disrupt the narrative. There are agitators on SDA who are consumed with contempt for those who do not embrace the need to destroy everything that makes America great. Stealing my nic is right out of the antifa handbook.

          I don’t imagine there will be much confusion between “dizzy” & dizzyminime, given the opposite orientation of the pretender

      2. Most Canadians Are Unable To Pay Their Bills Every Month
        Middle-class people in Canada have unsustainable amounts of personal debt.
        By Justin Fox August 29, 2019, 6:30 AM MDT

        Trump just tweeted a day or two ago about the massive job loses in Canada.

        There is a faux dizzy pretending to be a marxist on this conservative blog.
        Kate, you should block his IP.

      3. “I see that some faux dizzy has chimed in above.”

        Don’t worry about that. We all know he is fake. A huge improvement relative to you but certainly fake. None here will believe that you have all of a sudden grown a functioning brain cell.

  2. Yes but Blackie has promised us thousands of green energy jobs. Soon everyone can have a minimum wage job screwing solar panels on government buildings. We also give teachers anything they want and have the best homosexual parades in North America. And don’t forget Blackie is sending us all camping this summer. He is so wonderful. Just ask the Unifor media if you don’t believe me.

    1. LOL. Christ, you never disappoint.

      “Soon everyone can have a minimum wage job screwing solar panels onto government buildings.”

      That is bloody gold. It is going to become my go to response when faced with enviro-derangement and “capitalism bad” socialist panty waists.

    2. Thank you OJ, from the bottom of my heart, for that belly laugh. “Screwing solar panels to government buildings” It’s gold Jerry, gold!

    1. “Did Libs. and Media know about this bad news before the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”… Yes, of course.

      1. Question is: What did Scheer’s Shadow Cabinet know and why didn’t they tell the rest of us?
        Loyal Opposition? What does that mean?

  3. The Trump economy, is a result of doing everything the opposite of what the Democrats and Liberals have said is the right thing to do.

    The Democrats and Liberals are “shit-Midas”

    Everything they touch… turns to crap.

    1. Notice though, two leftist dimwits on the thread, still spinning their lies.

      1. Obongo set up the economy that Trump is ruling over…..well, well, logic suggests and questions why Obongo would want Trump to look good? (Hint, Obongo didn’t cut taxes and regulations in 2018, which jump started the economy.
      2. Canadian health care is free…….some Canadians are just drop dead stupid, about 60% of them……

  4. Canadians who support that idiot Blackie or who pretend Canada is better than the USA need to explain how Canada is free and safe without American might.

  5. Now you will hear the dreaded words of every taxpayer. The Federal Government is going to create jobs. This means Fake Infrastructure and more borrowing and more taxes. And money awarded to their friends and Corporate Buddies in return for GRAFT. Fake infrastructure is when Governments hand out money in ridings they want to win building shit nobody needs or wants. I watched a local small town that had just built new sidewalks a year before. Get Federal money and a big sign, tear up the new sidewalk and insert paving stones the following year. Ignoring how much CO2 their Graft was creating. Ha Ha Ha. If its not that its Billions for their favorite Corporate friends like Bombardier or the annual handout to the Nuclear Industry, or massive transit lines to no where, but huge handouts of tax dollars.

  6. Don Jr. for Prime Minister.

    If I learned anything from this last election, you can be US born and lead a Canadian party without too much fuss.

    Off course it will be Don Jr. 2024 — MAGA III (This Time It’s Personal).

    1. DJT Jr. will be elected in 2024 to keep the good times rolling. 8 years of his father as POTUS will be followed up by 8 years of Donald Trump Jr as POTUS. Then America will truly be great again. Once Saskaberta is admitted as the 51st State in the Union, The Donald Trump Sr. will have his likeness carved into Mt. Rushmore as the President who reunited Alaska with the lower 48 states.

  7. They are holding impeachment hearings in the US House Judiciary Committee on Monday. I think that the Republicans should point out just how much of a clown show and mockery that this supposed impeachment is by introducing a few of their own Articles of Impeachment, such as:

    President Donald Trump has been known to unfairly demand Two Scoops of Ice Cream, when all others receive only one. (CNN actually reported on this scandal in 2017!)

    PDT lords it over his luncheon guests using larger salt and pepper shakers than theirs. (Yes, Mediaite in 2017 and Business Insider this week documented Trump’s bullying)

    PDT is notoriously known as “Orange Man Bad.”

    And the greatest crime of them all,

    President Donald Trump stole the 2016 Presidential Election by getting more Electoral College Votes than the Sainted Felonia von Pantsuit. This! Despite all the pre election polls showing that Hillary was going to win in a landslide.

    For that crime alone, Trump must be Impeached!

  8. Haha…score.

    You would have to be a liberal voter or an economist not to have seen huge job losses coming in canada. Well at least tmx is getting done so Alberta will have more money to keep this craphole anchor/”country” afloat for a bit longer. We may as well separate and join Venezuela as stay in this confederation.

    And just to make one thing very clear. This is absolutely not the fault of Trudeau. This is the fault of every single canadian that cast a vote for him or any of the other commies…and yes I’m including Scheer. Reap what ya sow.

    This is not a problem of a screwed up leader. It’s a problem of a screwed up people that have no clue. Canada is done.

    The longer Alberta stays, the worse it’s going to get for us.

    1. You are right JB the Con Commies in some ways are worse than the Lib Commies because dummies think when they vote CON COMMIE they will get less Liberal programs. Yet Scheer BS supports every Trudeau program. WTF UP. Get out of the Gulag Alberta Force Kenney to a Binding vote for a UDI.

  9. Having declared a climate emergency, the Liberals have more important worries than polluting jobs. Behind closed doors they consider these numbers a good thing, maybe they’ll try to come up with 71,000 more middle class government jobs which have the benefit of not polluting as much as private sector jobs.

  10. Wow. Donald Jr. is spot on. Learning to troll just like dad. He speaks for millions of Canadians.

    Not only did the US create all those jobs, and Canada lost 700k equivalent jobs, but the US trade deficit narrowed to the lowest number in 17 months, partly due to small decrease in imports from China, 0.2%, and a material increase in exports to China, 3%.

    1. There’s no such thing as a ‘trade deficit’. The decrease in imports from China is simply America being less able to buy stuff.

      1. Thank God. Everyone’s garages , basements and attics are stuffed. Flatscreens in every room. Back yard snowmobiles, boats and trailers unused. Every kid over 10 car blocking the garage. Too much stuff.
        Poor China. We did our best. Bought everything you made. Two of them.
        Maybe some vendor financings to North Korea. What? Little short yourself? Yeah. That happens.

  11. The 71,000 missing jobs is just the adjustment countering the record fake jobs they added just before the election. Ain’t rocket science, just fraud.

  12. Imagine that, if we don’t buy products made or produced by fellow Canadians, such as oil and gas, they lose their jobs and our economy tanks.
    Now if the rest of us would never buy anything sourced from Quebec or BC.

    1. I was going to replace my skidoo summit with another one this winter…but of course I will now be buying a Polaris rmk instead. Made in the usa! As were my redwing work boots. I make a concerted effort to either buy Albertan or Saskatchewan or USA. I try to support liberty not fascism and tyranny.

      I was about get a set of blizzak lt tires on my truck this fall. Luckily I found out they’re made in Quebec before I bought them.

  13. I’m sure that mocking the President behind his back like the Sock did the other day will really help our economy. Good thing we have the Sock model at the helm of the ChiCom leaky ship known as Turdholeland, or we might be in real trouble… also… “the budget will balance itself”… and this is how you “grow the economy from the heart out”… the voters of Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal sure are smart… I look forward to Peeair and Justines Media declaring how these job losses are just fantastic and how Princess Turdhole continues to be infallible, just like his Dad… also… Trump bad… who would have ever dreamed that transforming Canada from an English Nation into a corrupt french speaking ethnic Nationalist Socialist State run by a minority of french talkers from Queerbek would be a bad idea… I guess that mentally disturbed midget from Queerbec, Peeair, was wrong… but thats “unpossible” and also, ” the Balkin States are not a thing”… I’m sure the sock model actor guy running the show will be able to fix everything by imposing more taxation, “filling Ottawa with more francophones”, that should help, create a Ministry of the Middle Class, that should really help, and wearing a snappy pair of new socks, now that will really really help the economy. Maybe if the Liberals change the National Anthem again, then the economy will get better.

  14. Looking to the US is probably the last thing the PM should be doing next to looking to pre-Ford Ontario. Our problems are bad. The US is a bankrupt welfare state with growth as mediocre as ours.

  15. Wonder what he thought when Canada added over 100k jobs? Thats the equivalent of over a million!

  16. Great UnMedicated, Allan and Dizzy all in one thread. The critical mass for the big bang of stupid has been reached.

  17. This is a simple fake punt…. Hillary will run again in 2020,, The Democrats are all Pelosi freaks….

  18. Well, if those job losses were public sector, I’d be doing cartwheels.

    In any event, turdo la doo can (and will) fix those job figures with a thnap of his fingers. Just a matter of creating more pretend work in more make-believe government jobs. Loth of thummer proramth I thuthpect.
