Trump is a Difficult to Understand Genius

“The media are a herd of puppies and Trump is the master with a red rubber ball. He throws the ball and all the puppies chase the ball ….”

11 Replies to “Trump is a Difficult to Understand Genius”

  1. More like a retard manipulating retarded followers. The media are a school of piranhas and Trump’s getting torn apart.

    1. unDork, Trump is a geeknee us, and you are a stupid failure, and an unwitting unusefull jerk off with no life experience, no street smarts, and nothing to add to any conversation. A fool with a idiot IQ of about 110 like you can not determined the intellectual level o,f any one with and IQ higher than your’s, misses scientist, wanna be intellectual

      1. “A fool with a idiot IQ of about 110 ”

        You got 110, 115 max. He is about 90, 95 maybe. Just well trained. but glitches too easily and incapable of independent unindoctrinated thought.

    2. I guess it is not retarded to be a pro-drug libertarian who admires the Chicoms, who proudly execute drug dealers and pretty much outlaw their own subjects from owning so much as a slingshot…

      Your hypocrisy and self-contradiction are amusing.

  2. Dear Canadian Human Rights Commission:

    The allegedly all caring UnDork used the “R” word. He clearly has no empathy for those who truly have mental disabilities. To what address should we write you to #Cancel him?!?

    1. Dear Robert.

      R-word is like N-word you can use if you identify as a member of the group.


      1. The R word is a perfectly acceptable word it just depends on whether or not you are using it as an insult or a valid description. When it comes to undork, he is projecting.

    1. Heh, yeah right.

      UnMe is the SDA usefull idiot that allows commentors to springboard off his silly uninformed drivel giving them a soapbox to say and provide what they otherwise would never have said.

      I for one never want him/ her/ it to stop. Unme is like Obama was as “Americas greatest gun salesman”!
