Oh, Shiny Interactor!



Personally, I don’t much care what Mr. Trudeau did at a beerfest back in 2000. If he did it he should just come clean, do his grovel, take his lumps and move on. But he can’t, because in his zeal to prove his feminist credentials he has insisted that the only appropriate response to any form of sexual misconduct – no matter how slight or how ancient – is zero tolerance and punishment.

68 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Interactor!”

  1. Ok this is getting legs now. That didn’t work did it? I mean I don’t think a leftist would buy that do you?

    1. Leftists defend disgusting pigs like Justin all the time.

      He not only acknowledged that the woman was a nobody in terms of her workplace but now this prevarication shows what kind of liar and sleazebag he and his Liberal cohorts are.

      People voted for this.

  2. “Part of the lesson we have to learn”? NO, most normal people have no lesson to learn, because we are not a groping, elbowing, high priestess of feminism, that thinks she is above the law. You are smarmy little puke, Justin. In typical liberal fashion, your inappropriate lewd acts are someone else’s fault. You are the puke here Justin and the media party cannot cover your ass forever.

  3. “If I had known you were reporting for a national paper, I never would have been so forward.”

    So what he allegedly did only matters when its a woman of consequence, someone that can have an impact on his public persona; otherwise all bets are off?

    What a juvenile, smarmy, frat-boy, piggish, halfwit little fop we have for a “leader”.

    1. Elitist snob. Anyone can grope a local reporter but not a nat’l one. Different views of the same incident? Nothing new but in the context of sexual misconduct , it seems a little disingenuous.

  4. Unfortunately, I expect PM MushMouth Slimeball will slither right past this like a greased pig.

    1. I had commented on this subject on a different tread where I said that what he did was typical for a young unmarried male and so this subject is being overblown. I was cutting him some slack at the time, he who is without sin can cast the first stone. However I am not without a similar sin. But I changed my mind on the topic for this weasel, he should have just owned up to it fully and go from there. But he is being a weasel on the issue. It’s insulting to weasels.

  5. “Part of this awakening we’re experiencing as a society…”

    Some of us have been thinking before we vote for decades now. Thanks for publicly announcing that the stupidity and hypocrisy of your actions are causing some of your support base to start waking up.

  6. It’s a tired saying I know, but “it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. “ applies almost perfectly.

    JT has made statements/assertions that cannot be walked back. This either dissipates due to lack of interest or pressure mounts until he steps down. Apology is not an option that saves his prime ministership.

    I think it now is more likely the latter outcome. The key is that this is a very simple story. The public won’t get lost in the details. And that makes it black and White / open and shut. And without the MSM able to run cover for him (and already losing credibility by the day thus going into self preservation mode) with social media driving the narrative with or without them.

    1. oh lordy lordy.
      how many times has THAT phenomenon blown up in the face of the weasel-of-the-day?
      TURDoo is convinced after a lifetime of things going all his way, that he is immune.
      well well well TURDoo, let’s see if YOU are the special 1-in-30 Billion ‘with a B’ who have graced the ‘pages’ of this realm and are in fact utterly and permanently ‘immune’. hmmmm?
      and the fun part is to see how many of your TURDites fall with you.
      captcha real persnickity today

  7. The feminists are silent on this same as they were with the Oval Office rapist.
    He’s one of them.
    Unless someone steps forward or something new develops this thing will probably grind to a halt.
    Too bad, watching bongo go down on this issue…

  8. I watched the video, Just in is a liar trying to get out of this the only way he can…make it her fault. As Just in said ALWAYS BELIEVE THE WOMAN!!! VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!

  9. Unfortunately our Presstitutes and Liberals share the same standards.
    Watching this stupid self righteous twit get roasted via the internet is priceless comedy.
    Hey just like Huffy Post and their doxing, this twit set the standard and insisted “his rules”.
    Watching these creatures twist an spin is great,their desperation is pure delight.
    Like the eyebrow malfunction, most Canadians will stare and go WTF?
    Who shaves their eyebrows?
    And who makes apologies like the one in the Creston Paper?

    Defending the indefensible is a great place for our “State” media.

  10. I always do.

    When a woman (or man) admits to having been raped by a liberal or globalist, it’s invariably the truth. Victims of globalist outrages usually have little to gain by coming forward and everything to lose. The mainstream media will see to it the victims become the laughing stock of the planet, if they’re lucky.

    It’s the women with histories of drinking problems and easy virtue who suddenly materialize when a decent, patriotic Canadian or American gets anywhere near political power who are not to feel trusted. These are usually being paid handsomely to serve up a mixture of complete slander and wild exaggeration, to be swallowed whole by the mainstream media.

  11. I hope that female reporter comes out into the limelight unless she can’t due to a contractual keep your mouth shut lawful agreement and payoff?

    1. There doesn’t need to be a payoff and non-disclosure pact back in the day; it could just be the woman seriously not wanting to put her family and employers through the hell we all know would descend on them should she become public. In her shoes, I would stay very, very quiet.

  12. The perfect example of “being hoist by one’s own petard”. Show this dilettante no mercy.

  13. PM Douchebag. Hope his stoopid wife cuts him off. He’s still dipping his wick elsewhere anyway and she knows it. Maybe when he brings home an STD that’s prevalent at pride parades she might have had enough.
    Spawn Is The Biggest Hypocrite Ever.

    1. His “stupid” wife knows that Justin will stick it in anything with a pulse. She just doesn’t give a damn as long as she gets to play with dolls in Rideau Cottage.

      No worries about the STD’s. Those kids aren’t even Justin’s.

  14. I have no use at all for Trudeau, but I also have no use for these so called victims that come out of the woodwork to accuse people of perceived or real slights 18 years after the fact. There’s just too much of this politically correct crap feeding the victim mentality that really should have a “best before date” attached to it. Unless there are confirmed witnesses it’s just, he said…. she said and the guilt is automatically applied to the male. Not right,… not fair , not even for a jerk like Trudeau.

    1. She didn’t. The article is from 18 years ago and was published days after it happened.

    2. Same here, but as James indicates, the woman did not suddenly vome forward, and is preferring to not do so. The story is suddenly discovered in a year’s ago new paper– long before “metoo”. The main reason people are upset is because it is a clear case of Justin’s hypocrisy. He has shown no sympathy for other men caught harassing women, no matter how old the incident. or how ambiguous the circumstances. He poses as a “feminist”, but I also am aware of his cheating on his wife. We also don’t care about that, except that that too makes him a big phony. The Prime Minister is a phony!

      1. precisely.
        the core issue is the hypocrisy, NOT the event, date, reporter’s preference to stay anonymous,
        it is pm liar’s brazen, glaring HYPOCRISY.
        he did it to himself. gawd bless karma, ohhhhh SHE will have her way. SHE is patient and will wait decades if necessary to avoid collateral damage. SHE has the TURD in the crosshairs.
        my take on it, it IS gaining momentum. none of the msm want to look like a fawning silent admirerer of pm groper. well, except for the cbc lapdog.

  15. When a woman makes accusations of sexual harassment or impropriety she must be believed,so said Justin The Worst when professing to be a feminist. What has changed in your world Justin? Are you disavowing those feminist beliefs now?Could it be that suddenly your own past indiscretions are no longer protected by the Laurentian Elite and their bath water drinking media? I am sure that the Backroom Power Structure of the Liberal Party will whip the media back into being their pitbulls and make these problems disappear.

  16. That will be good enough. It ‘s on to the only thing that matters – saving us from Donald Trump. Just watch.

  17. He likely can’t recall any negative interactions because he was high at the time, so that makes it OK. /sarc off

  18. He doesn’t look too prime ministerial does he. Stammering and looking away. Can’t look at the crowd.
    A phoney – caught in a lie.
    Soapy is a participant in a sham marriage the same as Maggie was with pee-aire.
    PET isn’t in the homosexualiist hall of fame for no reason. Bongo is his father’s son.

    1. @ Adtrapper: There are pictures(comparing the young Castro to the adult Justin) that make a plausible case that Bongo’s father is Castro.

  19. Nobody would give this story legs until uber Liberal Warren Kinsella posted the Creston BC editorial on his twitter account.
    What the hell is up with that? Have some high ranking Liberals had enough of the Justie the Clown Show?

    1. nold, some high ranking liberals around here had conservative signs on their lawns for the provincial election. I think “old school” liberals may be trying save the parties by getting rid of the low IQ dummies that are running things now. Todays liberal parties are way off course as to old liberals.

    1. Quote from above article:
      Patty Hajdu✔
      “What Rachel doesn’t acknowledge is that at the foundation of women’s empowerment is the ability to choose if, when and how she will reproduce.”

      Technically if one is pregnant, reproduction has already occurred.

  20. At the top of the 11 pm news tonight, and since this story won’t go away about Trudeau and the female reporter, aka ” REPORTERGATE” [COIN PHRASE] here goes, in case you missed it: the reporter in question is no longer a reporter by profession. Perhaps, she should leak her story to the author, Andrew Morton. At least she’d get paid.

    And what about Trudeau’s excuse? He should, actually resign as Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal party, forthwith. Three of his Ministers lost their Cabinet positions and therefore a took a paycheck cut sofar in this P. M.’s regime, then fair is fair…


  21. Justin Turdeau
    – found to be unethical
    – didn’t declare a gift ($100 fine)
    – groper – didn’t really apologize. Took him about three weeks to memorize his lines so he could talk to the media about it.
    – never really did an honest days work in his life
    – after getting a free vacation in the Bahamas, he gave millions to Aga Khan for his charity
    – accepts money for the Pierre Elliot Turdeau foundation and expects us to believe there is no “quid pro quo”
    – lies (a lot)
    – takes lots of vacations on the public dime even though we pay for a vacation home for him to use
    – wants us to believe he is fighting to prevent climate change – even though he lives in a 25 room mansion (called Rideau Cottage ha ha ha) and rides around in a gas guzzler (surely someone could fit a big SUV with batteries so it would be an electric Justinmobile)
    In short a lying, groping, sleazy, entitled, and less than honest, politician

    Time for Justin to go.

  22. Let me say I am opposed to these “sexual harassment” persecutions but…

    … every excuse he gave has been denied others even when innocent. Just ask that Ontario PC leader guy, whats-his-name. Where is his “zero tolerance”? He even managed to bring up his dead brother,

  23. Woha… mmmm… That’s so woke.
    So…. this long awaited realization, this awakening that we are having as a society
    requires reflection to consider the heavy heavy concept that being groped by someone might feel differently than groping someone. It’s the same interaction but somehow different.
    Perhaps, Mr. Trudeau, you should reflect upon this:
    Pretending to be a leader is actually very different from having to be led by a pretender.

    1. “the heavy heavy concept that being groped by someone might feel differently than groping someone. It’s the same interaction but somehow different”
      It looks like we’ve come a long way from Clinton’s ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’ to Trudeau’s ‘I feel I did not have inappropriate interactions with that woman but if she feels that I did that’s fine too and I hope we’re all fine with it because after all, I’m a woke feminist man and I’m fully attuned to a woman’s feelings’.

      1. Groping is a feeling that you feel, well, WE THE PEOPLE FEEL:

        Where’s the so called Laurentian elite when you need them? Tell Justin Trudeau his time is up. They’re supposed to now say it in Parliament at the next opportunity, QUOTE : FOR GOD’S SAKE LEAVE, MISTER TRUDEAU UNQUOTE. This is what Harper requested of Jean Cry-tien after making the case in the HOUSE OF COMMONS, for him to leave. MISTER Leader of the Opposition you need to go too, because you’re not doing your job either, after we get a new leader, we need to have him make the case and have him cite the reasons, on the record, in Parliament. Election time vote the Conservatives back in to do a Doug Ford and abolish the stupid Trudeau record of trashing Canada. So far he ‘s thrown the baby away with the bath water. Canadians have taken a bath with this nut case.

        The PM met with Doug Ford yesterday in Toronto, and afterwards had a little PRESSER stating that he set Doug Ford straight and corrected him about Canada’s obligations to the U.N. Well hardy har har, TRUDEAU thinks He’s Ford’s BOSS now. Since when does the PM go to a province directly like that? Now peoplekind can say HE has people buying anti-emitics, send me some GRAVOL.

  24. Justard has been rehearsing this pathetic act for weeks now while the Media patiently stay silent while they wait for their pet idiot to perform his act and this sorry spectacle is the best the moron’s could muster. Justard is a terrible actor, he should have stuck to molesting and snow boarding. Isn’t it wonderful how the Media douchebags quietly and nervously allow Justard to act out his “I don’t know whats happening man” act. Well, at least we know now that when Justard molests someone its “society’s fault”, not Justards. Is this really the best script Telford and Himmler could write? Its society’s fault? What in the F. Justards weird facial expressions are bizarre… what on earth is he smiling about? Just a grinning half wit I guess.

    1. I agree. And notice the similarities, as to media reporting in Canada, with that which took place with Trudeau in India. First, it was the conservative blogs in Canada which fanned the groping story, then a few conservatives in the media. Then major international media outlets discussed it. On then did the pro-Liberal media cartel in Canada (CBC News, CTV News, the Star, the Globe and Mail) broach the subject, but only reluctantly. There is a pattern here.

  25. Sorry …….I don’t have to learn anything . All I got out of that presser was deflect , obfuscate and silly platitudes but then again look at what we are dealing with here . Narcissistic fool………………………

  26. The Prime Minister is a hypocrite. I simply cannot stand this fool, and I absolutely loath the complicit idiots who supported him and especially those who still do.

  27. This shines a huge spotlight on Justin’s humanity, his character and now his leadership.

    I would think that most of us commenting on this blog have done some regrettable actions in our lifetime. Direct, wilful, selfish, inexcusable actions which we would take back if we could.

    I stand at the front of that line.

    That said, it seems disingenuous of our Prime Minister to hold high standards for all but himself. But, I believe he is just acting according to the script set before him. His handlers are losing grip, the gaffs and brain-f*rts are starting to pile up too high to be ignored any longer. Or, so it would be with rational and normal functioning people. But not in Canada, not at this time in history.

    Justin is of the Elite. He sees himself above others. His statement about the interaction is telling. He said that if he knew the reporter in question was from a national paper he would never have done the deed. But if she were just one of the lesser plebeians in his nation, then she was tantamount to fresh meat for the consuming. There is a pecking order in place and he is well aware of it and took advantage of it.

    That is Yuge.

    Us and Them.

    And nobody in the media are willing to call out the PM on that attitude.

    Because the media are of the same mentality, they cannot see the white house in the snowstorm. They are tone deaf at the highest level. That is the crux of this whole issue.

    Blind leading the blind.

    1. according to a person that was in town that day, Just-In was the talk of the town, as his actions a behavior was not just restricted to that one incident. It is that one incident is the best documented. We may yet see some one come forward and shoot the stupid fool’s BS down. At least one can hope.

  28. Surely Canadians are beginning to realize that a Liberal government should never be an option. Throughout history Liberal governments have always been a screw up.

  29. So here is the road block that finally shuts the “feminists” up, albeit temporarily, for sure. At least we can now say, in current and truthful terms, that they don’t actually stand up for women, but instead, a political party. That is their prerogative and I give them every right to do that, but now a lot of their meaningless slogans have to be heaved into the trash.

  30. Looks like there are two kinds of women in the world. The kind that must be unconditionally believed when they accuse a man of groping and the kind that accuse Justin Trudeau.

  31. I sincerely hope this is pm ponysocksturd’s chappaquidick.
    oh, by the way ponysocksTURD, it is not all that noteworthy to claim the WOMAN in an unwanted SEXUAL encounter in fact truly DOES have a ‘different’ experience.
    are you attempting to set another legal precedent like the 10.5 MILLION?

  32. I suspect JT’s mealy mouthed and incoherent statement is a precursor to the following imminent announcement :

    ” JT has dealt with this issue and will be moving on as all right thinking Canadians should. We should reflect on the fact that JT is the world’s leading promoter of women’s rights. His role is invaluable in the global sense and it would be truly tragic if some distant and now disproven allegation were to interfere with his historical mission.
    However this interaction has raised important issues. In that vein JT is pleased to announce that, in conjunction with Canada’s national broadcaster, he will soon be crisscrossing the country with a number of his female cabinet ministers attending festivals and other outdoor events to hear from Canadians on gender equality.”

    1. Yeah, notice how Justard and his Media pals repeat the mantra that Justard molested this woman “some twenty years ago” like that makes a difference… the tard wasn’t as woke back then and hey, that was a long time ago bro, back then it was okay to molest whoever one liked.

  33. If I see Trudeau, this summer on the campaign stump, oh, rather, attending festivals and and other outdoor events with his female cabinet ministers crisscrossing the nation talking about gender equality, I’m going to go up to him and instead of taking a selfie with him, but on the pretense of taking a selfie with him, I’m going to gently grab his crotch and give his bawbag a nice long gentle feel and a squeeze and a little shake at the end for good measure.

      1. Just kidding. A regrettble statement. So, just wondering how the P.M. would like some of his own medicine because that reporter has no voice.

    1. HAHAHAHAHA… good one. But you have probably upset all the prudes in here:-)))

  34. .

    Justin , over and over again , belabors the point that one person (himself) may have one impression of the incident (he enjoyed the grope) …. and another person (the girl) may take it as an offense …..

    No kidding Sherlock Trudeau …. that is exactly what a sexual assault is , and has always been.

    The good news is that he is hanging himself by his own words which is fun to watch. Years ago a famous Canadian journalist …. a Gordon Sinclair type , was asked about Justin ever becoming a Liberal Party leader or Prime Minister ….. the reply was …. NO …… Justin inherited his mothers good looks …… but unfortunately inherited her brains too .

  35. For heavens sake will someone get a carefully planned photo op of the Tardo jogging shirtless,,, said the Media. Here’s Justard tardsplainin his narcissism… “I was FAIRLY confident, I was VERY confident that I hadn’t ACTED in anyway that I thought was inappropriate”… see, Tard is “fairly confident” no wait, Tard is “very confident” that he hadn’t ACTED in anyway that HE thought was inappropriate. There you have it, whether Tard ACTED inappropriately or not is irrelevant because it comes down whether or not the Tard thought it was inappropriate. Hope that clears it all up… molest away Justard you old molesting hypocrite you because its okay for you to molest whomever you like just as long as YOU don’t think YOU’VE done anything inappropriate, it doesn’t matter one bit what your victim thinks or feels, mmmmm k. I think that just about clears this all up, right? Seriously, what a stupid asshole.
