20 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. I have no problem with Berkeley California setting themselves up for easy liquidation by La Raza.

  2. The big question in California is whether it is also legal to sterilize immigrants. I vote no. Just those born in America.

  3. With a little luck and determination, Californians can achieve this lofty goal. Like lemmings, they need just find some seaside cliffs to ceremoniously march off. I look forward to that.

    1. Good stuff. If they fail to march off the cliff, is it ok if I push them?

  4. I once knew some NDP/Liberal folks who thought there were too many people in the world. As I did not care if I continued to be friends with them, I suggested that they kill their daughter, her husband, their 3 grandchildren and then themselves. That would be a good start. There was silence and then they hung up the phone.

    1. I believe P.J. O’Rourke offered the best summation about the perspective of overpopulation ideologues:

      “Just enough of me, way too much of you.”

  5. After the session all the councillors got in their cars and drove the point home.

  6. Stable climate?

    Fossilized beaver skeletons and fossilized trees, carbon dated to 2 million years ago, have been found on Ellesmere Island at 78 deg North. Obviously the earth was a lot warmer then. And the planet is still here.

    Then a series of ice ages came, wiping out all the beavers, trees, and every other form of life in Canada. I do not want a return of the ice age to Canada.

    Stable climate? Nah.

  7. The birth rate in these centres of liberal superiority is probably so low, all they have to do is keep the barbarians out and their carbon emissions should approach zero in thirty or forty years.

  8. What happened to New York being underwater by 2013 or the Maldives in 2018? Nothing these intellectual midgets predict comes true yet they continue on.

  9. “man-made global warming”
    How sexist. Shouldn’t that be human-made global warming?

    1. “Shouldn’t that be human-made global warming?”

      Oh no, it’s “man-made” all right.

      Haven’t you forgotten that the “patriarchy” is the root cause of all our ills?

  10. How long before they will suggest Stalin’s method, or Hitler’s. Gulags and gas chambers have a proven track record for population reduction.

  11. Hey Berkeley students, nothing stopping you from stepping off the planet.
    Except your own sense of self-importance.
