15 Replies to “This Is CNN”

    1. The winner, hands down, of that particular world record is PM IQ80 himself.

      “He’s never uttered a syllable, not one syllable that hasn’t been a grotesque platitude of stupidity.”
      Professor Gad Saad

    2. the world record for stupidity belongs to the viewers who actually believe anything that cnn or any of the m s m.

  1. Says Wiki: Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford (born March 17, 1979), known professionally as Stormy Daniels, Stormy Waters, or simply Stormy…

    Know professionally?! And Wiki wonders why people like me don’t give them money. Hello Wiki, it’s her WHORE name.

    Unlike Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels is not her real birth name. Why? Because Stormy Daniels is her video pr0n Who-er name.
    And somehow CNN is Stormy Daniels’ champion because they would rather raise her status to newsworthy than Donald Trump doing statesman-like Presidential things. She is a WHORE. Donald Trump is NOT the Prince of Wales. Neither was JB Clinton. Get over it.

    Donald Trump was not elected by people who wanted him to be their Savior. Trump was elected by people who wanted him to be THEIR WEAPON against the evil unelected Deep State represented by weasels in BOTH PARTIES, the Media Party, and against CNN in particular.

  2. And this is the result…

    **During the first week of May this year, CNN averaged just 859,000 total viewers and 286,000 demo viewers, which represents a jaw-dropping collapse of 23 percent and 29 percent, respectively.

    By comparison, year-over-year in primetime, Fox News is up 5 percent in total viewers (2.24 million compared to 2.359 million) and experience only a 1 percent drop in the demo (453K compared to 448K).**


    1. “The adult film actress will speak at the Higher Limits Cannabis Lounge about her life and work in the adult film industry as an actress and director.”

      I love the replacement of “porn star” and “pornographic films” by the euphemisms “adult film actress” and “adult film industry” respectively.

      No one is fooled.

      (Reminds me of those who insist on “sex worker” instead of “prostitute”. I always tell them: “The litmus test of whether you really believe ‘sex work’ should be considered a legitimate profession is this: would you be pleased if your son or daughter came home and announced they’d decided to become a ‘sex worker’?”)

      1. I would be upset if they came home and announced they were going to become a preacher, so your point JJM!!!

        1. Lol, because all that truth about God would actually make your head spin and green projectile vomit..I would pay to see that!!

  3. I can see why CNN would disparage Trump. When Monica Lewinsky was being deposed CNN’s hero Bill Clinton did something truly useful i.e. ordered an air raid that killed a camel and blew up an aspirin factory.

  4. You gotta remember, Trump is crushing CNN every chance he gets.
    The thing is that he is basically one man and his comment of tweet takes a second.
    The CNN is at it 24 hours a day and of necessity must talk stupid.
    It’s the law of nature.

    Anyway, it was to be expected.
    You will notice the mass media cartel follows every verb coming out of Trumps mouth. The next thing they do is clear it with the big giant head and then they spin it never actually knowing what it ends up like.

    E pericoloso sporgersi

  5. They have been incorrect in their analysis every step of the way. They are unable to recognize or understand it. They believe impeachment is imminent and the Russians stole the election . And dammit they are going to prove it .
