25 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. Watched Mike Rowe many times but didn’t realize what a great, sensible, intelligent speaker he is with something worth listening to say.

  2. Yes, here in Canada. My dad rode the rails and saw a guy have his head cut off when an open freight car door slam shut.

  3. 7 million potential ISIS recruits right in the heart of America. Even a 1% success rate would be catastrophic for the US. Ask yourselves this: what is ISIS selling? The longer you sit locked out of work, downtrodden, disempowered and emasculated as a male, the more that sales pitch will start to resonate.

  4. I have a well paying white collar job and, as Mike Rowe points out, pretty much have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. But I don’t want to give it up and take a more gratifying job because It would mean taking a big pay cut and consequently moving out of my current “well to do” community. Unfortunately, because I live in a deep blue state dying state (New Jersey), the surrounding communities are in a remorseless state of decline and so I’m not willing to take that step. Family obligations prohibit me from moving out of this sh*thole state so essentially, I sit here and suck it up.

  5. The rules of the railroad are written in blood. Whenever someone dies they write a new rule.

  6. The hell does a theoretical matriarchy have to do with the laziness of millions of men?
    I didn’t bother watching the video (I don’t waste time with Tucker)-does the millions include retirees?

  7. Saw the whole thing Friday night. So that’s what a rational discussion full of human values sounds like.
    Real life examples applied to the issues of the day, whuda thunk it!!
    I was thinking we need a Tucker Carlson in Canada, to bring on the radical moderates and break down their half-baked theories before they retreat to talking over points and arrogant ignorance. Then again we need everything that a responsible media requires.
    The collectivist broadcasting corporatists control the medium, so therefore the message.
    We have the Canadian equivalent of Pravda, all nice reportinskies lining up behind the almighty party.
    Irresponsible media leads to irresponsible government; our history tells us, it’s where we come closest to actual conflict.
    If we let these collectivists rule us they most certainly will. They are incompetent (we’re going to Mali under UN command?) on a range of issues and the West is not going to allow chanting global village idiots force us to rail our bitumen. It will tear the country apart from the inside if lollygagging government is further permitted to prevent pipelines, the obvious transport choice, with their paralysis by analysis.
    It’s time to wake up. Rant over; for now.

  8. My old Dad rode the rods as well. 13 kids in his family (2 different mothers – death during childbirth). The farm only supported so many mouths. He knew about the hobo jungles and what a bindlestiff is.
    Idle hands are indeed the devils workshop. Take a look at what goes on at the rez. Nothing actually but therein lies the problem.
    I don’t watch faux news. Decades ago I realized cable news was just another entertainment channel. I once took a filler 3wt journalism course. I didn’t learn much but I did come to realize what a fraud most journos are. A study of William Randolph Hearst in the class opened my mind.
    Men are not lazy, if raised without a work ethic…..

  9. The rules of the railroad are written in blood. Whenever someone dies they write a new rule.
    The same has been said about aviation. Many aircraft designs evolved because someone had died.

  10. Mike Rowe is a well-liked, fairly soft-spoken dude, maybe that is why he seems to get away with politically incorrect positions that others in the limelight get tagged for. Of course he is absolutely correct here, but SJW’s should be having a heyday with his ‘mancentric’ approach.
    I think Mike Rowe and Jordan Peterson would be the perfect team to collaborate together on a positive life/work guide for today’s somewhat lost young men.

  11. Yes UnMe. We know you’d rather not watch a couple of ADULTS discuss an issue that affecting all of society and is sadly ignored by the rest of the media. Mocked by some. CBCs Wendy Mesley is interviewing Kathy Griffin today. I KNOW EH? What a GET. That’s more your level. You can watch and Tee hee hee as they hate on that mean ole Trump guy.

  12. A feeling of being worthwhile is key.
    Video : “Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson explains the clear documented science why it’s relative poverty and not poverty itself that causes crime. He goes on further explaining the role of the male dominance hierarchy in context of relative poverty and crime.”

  13. Sid … I feel your pain out here in CA … where (at least) I have nice weather as a consolation … however even that is losing its lustre as Jerry floods the the State with Illegals, and Debt. However … what I’ve read about YOUR new governor would have me fleeing to Kentucky … tomorrow!

  14. Link is acting strange. It works from my original search but doesn’t link if copied from the text in my post. As an alternative use Google search for:
    and it will be found in the search, top of my search. Jordan Peterson – Poverty causes crime? Wrong! – The Gini coefficient

  15. 1. I have a serious man-crush on Mike Rowe.
    2. I believe that men are hardwired to yearn for usefulness and productivity. However our DNA has programmed us to need, and use, FEEDBACK to spur us forward. What I mean is that men need to SEE what they have produced. Like a days worth of chopping and splitting wood fills the firewood crib. Or a Contractor sees a new house rise out of the dirt as a direct result of his efforts.
    Our increased specialization and white collar service-based jobs are taking us further and further away from our needed Feedback. We now toil on some tiny part of a giant project that divorces us from seeing any direct results of our labors. The movie Office Space got it exactly right … it is soul crushing to work for “Inetech” … producing TPS reports every week.
    In my opinion, Dirty Jobs are what man is hardwired to do. Jobs that bring the satisfaction of SEEING the fruits of your labors. It’s why so many people enjoy gardening, or cooking, or other basic human endeavors … to get the positive feedback of SEEING a job well done.

  16. ah jeez kenji. you bin peekin’ at my CV?
    I did the ‘dilbert’ thing aka I.T. for 3 decades, got tired of shelling out thousands in ‘upgrades’ and went into construction as an electrician’s helper (dovetailed my innate abilities).
    end of the day, oh look we’se just added ‘nuther floor to the building.
    oh look, I just finished all the lighting in the main lobby.
    gee thanks boss for clearing up the details of 3-phase wiring. etc etc.
    the truly MOST gut based satisfaction and sense of accomplishment you cite.
    one day I was so blood shot eyes from drilling concrete for hours the blokes @ the beer store refused service !! LOL!!!

  17. Not in the FIU case … because bridge design is “settled science” … no … the intelligentsia (sic) responsible for the FIU bridge design and construction FAIL … decided to be more clever than all of those who have gone before. Sorry, you can’t fkcu with Issac Newton.
    I wonder what “super”computer crunched out the “correct” answer with flawed, junky, input? Sometimes a slide rule and longhand calculations are easier to check than some idiot programmers nightmarish code.

  18. There are days I yearn for the long hot summer of moving sprinkler pipe (doing the job that Americans JUST won’t do) on the Oregon hay ranch. 3”-30’s and the beastly 4”-40’s … picking up each length of pipe … filled with water, ankle deep in mud, draining it, and walking it 30 feet laterally. In the 95deg. Summer sun with swarms of mosquitos swallowed if you gulped a breath of air.
    But … when you saw the alfalfa become a green deeper than you’ve ever seen, growing into an impossible height all tangled goodness for bovine appetites … it made the exhausted noonday meal of a daily Thanksgiving dinner’s worth of calories go down with ease. And the ice cold 6-pack of Blitz beer go down easy into my 17yo overheated body core.

  19. Then there is that Dylan Thomas view
    “A job is death without dignity” as opposed to real work

  20. How about mechanical engineers in the automobile industry? They tried out many of their new designs on the race track. Every time somebody died, they would redesign the faulty part and send another test pilot out on the track.
    We are all guinea pigs driving around in our cars, but after 110 years they have almost got it perfected.
    So of course they are now trying self driving cars. Bring on the Lab rats!
