When The Democrats Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

We already knew this.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.
Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.
After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

(You do know that we already knew this?)

32 Replies to “When The Democrats Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. There were two (2) customers that financed the lying “research” for the dossier.
    Who was the other customer? Rumors were that it was a Republican Presidential Candidate that dropped out? Fusion GPS is still holding out on supplying that name.

  2. How is it?
    The Clintons appear to be a couple that is so corrupt, so criminal, so low (there is hardly anywhere to go but up) and are set aside as though nothing happened.
    It could be that there is one or a number of really, really self-important characters that this couple has something on.
    There are the theories of people dying, there is also saying where there is smoke, there is fire.
    Notice, when Rodham Clinton is asked about anything, in congressional hearing or by those that claim to be journalists, Clinton will always without fail will say “that has been dealt with, that is old news, that is history” and heh, what difference at this point does it make.
    The latest denial was in the same vein,”…. Hillary Clinton said Monday that renewed focus on Russian uranium deals approved during her tenure is nothing more than debunked “baloney”…” right here
    You can go on you tube to look and hear precisely those excerpts mentioned. The mystery remains, why was Clinton never pressed further, it basically ended with those statements as though that was the end of the story.
    There is something curious about that and somewhat of a mystery how the questioning dies down.
    It is also interesting how this weird couple hangs in there together. One would thing that the female does not allow male anywhere near her, the male hunting constantly everywhere to get some of the horizontal activity.

  3. The Democrats paid for unsubstantiated garbage so the government had an excuse to start an FBI witch hunt and convince a FISA judge to allow spying on the Trump campaign. Basically, they used the government against their political opponents.
    Like Putin would. They all belong in jail.
    The drones at the CBC are desperately surfing the NYT site to find out how they should cover this.

  4. “Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.”
    If that does not refer to Jeb Bush I would be surprised given how against U.S. President Trump the Bushes continue to be.
    (Dynasties we Hates them says Gollum Oz, …What do they haz in their Tricksie pocketsez?!)

  5. I honestly don’t know which republican was paying F’n GPS but I suspect McCain was the intermediary.

  6. You are on to something that may turn out to be true, though like Clintonistas do it may just die down into nothingness.
    Did not think that low energy Jeb would leave it alone.

  7. (You do know that we already knew this?)
    Yes. The Left prepays their mercs, win or lose or they don’t get their mercs to play without pay.
    Play for pay is what it’s all about. That is how we hang them. Follow the money and the evidence is there every time.

  8. If you jailed ALL the crooked politicians, their advisers and the inept and crooket bureaucraps, the jails would be full, and there wouldn’t be anyone left to run the swamp. People who think it’s only the lefties who are crooks and inept haven’t been watching the political show.
    James Files,the shooter on the grassy knoll, was not put in jail for helping kill Kennedy, he was jailed because of what he knew about WH Boosh and Wanker Klinton and their gun and drug operation through Mena Arkansas. Killing Kennedy was endorsed by damn near every one in government at the time.

  9. so you say “killing kennedy was endorsed by damn near everyone in government”. Doesn’t that suggest there was some justification? We haven’t had a consensus since.

  10. Of course mccain was involved, he was the one that ‘leaked’ the report and he was the one that first started paying for it.
    Investigate mccain, you will find he is nearly as dirty as a clinton – unimaginable as that is.

  11. Clinton’s organization is mafia-like. COmey and co. have been her agents for decades before they landed big roles in government.

  12. “The Democrats paid for unsubstantiated garbage so the government had an excuse to start an FBI witch hunt and convince a FISA judge to allow spying on the Trump campaign. Basically, they used the government against their political opponents.”

  13. John McCain did not even run as a candidate in the 2016 GOP race.
    I would think it would have been someone who did run and might plan to run in future, thus the secrecy.

  14. Yep – create fake information to kick start and investigation. Someone should be in jail for obstruction of justice.

  15. Read the book (Shattered) and it is amazing the Shiite she and Bill were involved in, Right up till the time Bill, (under investigation) met the Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss her/his grandchildren.
    Hillary told a group of supporters that if that SOB Trump wins, All our Funking asses are going to Hang.

    Hollywood movie sex assault, Large Popcorn with Pepsi, and Donald Trump tweeting.
    It doesn’t get any better than this.
    Three Whinos leaving the Senate and not seeking reelection.
    Damn what could be coming next?

  16. Blockbuster scoop on Tucker Carlson’s show last night:
    “According to Carlson’s source, the actual collusion with the Russian government in Mueller’s crosshairs appears to be between Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, Clinton crony and DC power-lobbyist Tony Podesta (his brother) and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.”

  17. I agree with the theory that if you want to find what the left are guilty of, just look at what they are currently accusing their opponents of doing.
    Yet another case where this reasoning seems absolutely bang on.
    BTW, as I have stated on this blog for well over a decade now, our Democracies will die if the power imbalance between the parties and the voter is not addressed. Here in Canada, I already feel that the next federal election is back to being just a choice between our two elitist Royal Families…. yet again. The Reform movement and it’s dreams were pretty well just ignored by the Conservative establishment, until they died of atrophy.
    So, did the Tea Party experience kill any enthusiasm for a third party in the US? Or, is there ANY trust left in the GOP to do right by the deplorables? I am not sure if the GOP swamp can ever be effectively drained of it’s PC worshipers.

  18. Exactly. Way worse than Watergate. Now let us see what will come of this. Hopefuly DNC heads will roll.

  19. I wonder if there’s true facts contained in the dossier but names were changed to protect the guilty. For instance could HRC of stayed in the same Moscow hotel room as BHO and due to a weak bladder and coughing fit accidentally peed the bed? Truth tends to be stranger than fiction… Where’s the National Enquirer when you need’em?

  20. Also…I wonder how many victims associated with the “Clinton body count” could have involved Russian agents keeping things at, uh, arms length. Kinda like having a leathery fairy “Godfather” watching you wellbeing. Oh and a third wondering is how many DC swampland creatures are functionally fluent in Russian? Knowing the language of your masters might be a requirement. If you let your imagination go wild it could seem like this whole Trump-Russian collusion thing was invented by…the Russians. That run the swamp and have for many years.

  21. Just speculating, this does make one wonder if the Ruskie uranium shakedown confidential informant might soon disappear or perhaps commit suicide?

  22. Oh, yeah! Obama is a MASTER of projection. (He of the “if they bring a knife, we bring a gun” mindset.)

  23. This is not News; it is only Hidden News By the Smearedia and their buy-off Politicos of The Democrat Party of America.

  24. I’m telling you…..solve the murder of Seth Rich, the DNC staffer & BernieBot who leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks…and you’ll have to build a new prison to house all the convicted Clinton cronies, assorted Dems, media hacks, and dirty FBI/IRS/DOJ slobs. I’m just glad that I’m likely old enough to see the truth come to light (we hope) after Hill and Billy are eating worms.

  25. Why do you people worry about the cost and difficulty of imprisoning the treacherous and treasonous?
    When Progressives commit crimes it is OK,they are doing so for your continued well being.
    At least that seems to be the institutions response.
    The institutions enable these fools and bandits.
    Kleptocracies are beyond reform.
    The only way the citizen will get free of these hyper parasites is French Haircuts.
    For all of our Polyticks and those who have enabled their stupidity and theft.
    As every “successful” socialist government has proven,dead people in ditches are an affordable way of dealing with your enemies.
    Assuming President Trump continues to support law and order, popcorn sales will skyrocket.

  26. If this takes eight years to untangle, that should place the end of this affair in the first year of President Pence or President Cruz’s first Administration. By that account, there’d be 4 additional gubernatorial elections as well.
