52 Replies to ““His campaign slogan should be ‘I told you so.'””

  1. As capable as Romney would be, I still appreciate the value of military experience for someone who is expected to the lead the country in time of war or crisis.

  2. Here are my comments from SDA on May 29,14
    NONE of the GOP with the title “Senator” are remotely qualified to be POTUS. Period!
    It looks to me like Mitt Romney will run again. IF, and that’s a big “if” he can win the nomination; he appears to be the best candidate available for the GOP. He clearly is, and was, the only person READY to lead TODAY.
    Furthermore, although it is unconventional in modern American politics; I believe that Mitt Romney is the most ‘electable’ candidate running against Billory. Why? I believe that Mitt offers the voters a unique opportunity to redeem themselves for the previous election. Quite frankly, today Mitt is obliterating POTUS every time I see him; and, making a stark contrast to POTUS in knowledge and statesmanship, and is creating an atmosphere of ‘what could have been’; for those voters that today feel hoodwinked.
    All of that said, I believe that Rick Perry and Jeb Bush are contenders; but, as I’m alluding to above, it is worth considering that the Democrat ammo has been already spent on Romney, and it will be difficult to hash-up the negative campaign to the same level as 2012.JMO
    Posted by: indiana homez replied to comment from Paul in Calgary on May 29, 2014 1:45 PM | Reply

  3. Mitt Romney just wants to be the one who fills Joseph Smiths prophecy that a Moromon will be a president. Look it up if you don’t believe me. That’s what America needs another President with a messiah complex.This guy is Tim Hudak in a RINO suit.
    With like Obama Religious aspirations. Though he is a Patriot, except of course for his loyalty to the welfare corporate state with the Political elite as his Master.

  4. Romney is a rich idiot RINO. Like Hudak on steroids.
    The perfect chump to hand off a butchered and looted country to.
    Then the Democ-Rats can spend the following four years blaming him
    for everything corrupt they did to destroy the US.

  5. This…this is a joke right? Nobody could be dumb enough to back the least electable GOP nom since Dewey right? Especially a guy who is more than 90% the same as Obama?

  6. Mitt Romney is the best president the Americans never had. He has executive experience and he has been proven right in retrospect on everything that Obama has got wrong (come to think of it, has Obama got anything right?).

  7. Headline should have read,”Republicans/conservatives Never Learn”.
    If the psychopath Hillary Climton runs for the Democrats,the right must meet her with a candidate that can thrash her in the debates and out-political-correctness her.
    Condoleeza Rice for President.

  8. I’m actually glad Romney lost. He’s the worst GOP president America never had, next to maybe McCain. He’s the prototypical GOP centrist establishment crap weasel. Loves big government, promoted proto-Obamacare. If he were president we would already have an Ocare ‘compromise’ enshrined politically that preserves the worst of Ocare and all of the problems would be blamed on the GOP. And I’m sure he’d continue the NSA spying and demonization of the hero Snowden and marginalizing the libertarian faction of the GOP ie its only worthwhile part. And of course, we’d continue with lots of wars for the American taxpayer to finance.

  9. Job Wanted; President.
    No people named ‘Bush’. No first term Senators. Executive experience required.
    Will not hug allies’ enemy after a hurricane.
    Initials required, MR.

  10. Condi is not a politician; and has no intent or desire(I believe) to run(hope i’m wrong).
    Like Ben Carson, Condi Rice does not have the expirience to make a proper run for the nomination.

  11. bingo
    the political analysis at this site leave quite a bit to be desired.
    reading the comments, it seems that most folks don’t have a clue what it will take politically to win an election; nor expirience wise what it will take to be a good POTUS.
    A drastic mistake it will be if the GOP chooses a loud-mouth from the Senate as their nominee; just like the Dems did.
    To save America, it will take MORE than winning an election in 2016. The USA and the GOP don’t need a savvy politician; they need an executive who can lead the country once the election is won.

  12. RIGHT. Clearly the smart money is on Romney look at what an awesome campaign he ran last time. /sarc
    Rand Paul is the only one I really care for but there are some really interesting GOP governors too.

  13. IMO, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are best suited to represent the GOP in the next election based on specific skill sets that are needed at this time.
    An honorable mention goes to Scott Walker, John Kasich and Jeb Bush.
    In the end, like I said above, IMO Mitt Romney is the best candidate to beat Hillary; because the Dems have already spent all of their ammo against Mitt(what will the MSM report on now?). Mitt is UNIQUELY QUALIFIED to run the country at this date and time; as his skill set is specifically suited to today’s domestic situation(no leadership, no direction, in need of rescue). Mitt has a once in a lifetime opportunity this election cycle as he can clearly demonstrate in ‘hind-sight’ that he was the right choice in 2012; and give the folks a chance to absolve themselves from the past mistake at the polls.

  14. One thing I never understood is the American system of dumping their parties nominee after a failure. If we did that we wouldn’t have Harper. Believe it or not, people do learn from mistakes.

  15. Totally lance. When the electorate says ‘no thanks’ what they’re really saying is ‘more please’. Look at how well that worked out with Hudak. And for that matter, Romney, who already lost to McCain in 2008. Conservatives know that real winners are actually losers.
    And Harper! Conservatives should totally model their efforts on a guy who repeatedly failed to gain a majority despite having cartoonishly bad opponents, only to squander it on increasing internet surveillance, spending, and criminalizing prostitution.

  16. For the reasons I’ve stated, if Mitt got the nomination; then yes, the “smart money” is on Mitt to be the best candidate to run against Hillary. That said, likely any candidate from the GOP is an underdog in 2016, so “smart money” is relative. Also consider this, his expirience campaigning and running for POTUS SHOULD leave him battle tested and a stronger candidate. This is a very unique situation(a second kick at the can).
    Rand Paul might win the nomination, and might win an election; but then what? He has demonstrated that he is incompetent on a number of levels, including his unrealistic foreign policy views. Furthermore, he has absolutely no experience that qualifies him to be a GOOD POTUS. Surely the BO experience has demonstrated that being a good/great politician is not nearly enough to be good/great POTUS. That’s what Senators are, politicians. Period.
    All of that said, you are a TROLL, and disingenuous in everything you post here; so I’m wasting my time with you.

  17. JT said, “When the electorate says ‘no thanks’ what they’re really saying is ‘more please’.”
    You do know, JT, what electorate stayed away the last election to lose that Presidential bid, right?

  18. Right. One only has to look back at the last 6 years of O-dumber and all of the messes he has created.
    I may not be a huge fan or Romney. But he does have a back ground of getting things done.
    O-dumber………… zip!

  19. Sometimes I just wonder. Tim Hudak; “the Ontario Electorate are stupid!”-“Ontario is about go down the chute”-“today’s voters cannot get around an attack ad campaign”-“a decent person cannot beat a corrupt government”.
    Now! all of the above is still true, but it is Hudak’s fault.
    Now! if the lame steam media had payed attention to the facts, the U.S.A. would not have a bumbler in the White House.
    Romney is a loser!-Romney has a religious agenda!-Romney doesn’t have political experience!
    Is everyone commenting representing a specific branch of the G.O.P. or is the Jackass party in a blind panic at the thought of running against a candidate with experience; capable of generating funds; understood today’s situation two years ago against a proven biased media.

  20. I’m not that fussed about Romney.
    But the “first Mormon president” business is a nonsense.
    So what if he did become the first Mormon president?

  21. “He has demonstrated that he is incompetent on a number of levels, including his unrealistic foreign policy views.”
    AHAhA no Rand Paul’s foreign policy views are completely 100% realistic. It’s the TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE neocon twerps who are totally unrealistic and need to lay down and die already having cost America ridiculous sums of money.
    “You do know, JT, what electorate stayed away the last election to lose that Presidential bid, right?”
    I don’t know what you’re getting at.
    “I may not be a huge fan or Romney. But he does have a back ground of getting things done.”
    In the private sector. Private sector experience never helps in government, contra what ‘conservatives progressives’ want to believe.

  22. I’d love to see someone with balls to take the GOP nomination and clean up the mess left behind by Obama. That guy, IMO, would be Trey Gowdy.

  23. Mitt Romney is the worst thing to happen to the Republican Party since John Wilkes Booth.

  24. Mitt Romney: The John Tory of US federal politics.
    Dear GOP, please no more establishment losers like Romney, McCain, Dole, Bush I.

  25. I am more interested in an “Independent” like Rand Paul as President, so we can get back to the 3 branches of the Republic.
    The Democrats & Republicans can fight over the Congress or lick each others balls.
    Romney has said he is not running.. Period!

  26. Funny to see all you idiots dumping on Romney. Do you honestly think he would have been as bad as Obama?
    The intelligence of the average voter is approaching zero, and the comments in this thread prove it.
    If you are sitting around waiting for the next Reagan then keep waiting because they come around once every 50 years give or take a few decades.
    In the meantime perhaps you can find something better to do than slam a man who worked his ass off to try and get elected and who was 10x better than the fool that was eventually chosen.

  27. For someone questioning everyone’s intelligence you seem to have entirely missed the point. No one is questioning whether Romney would have been a better President than Obama but that’s entirely beside the point: Romney didn’t win. If you can’t win, then you don’t get to be president
    Why would any right-thinking person want Romney (who you note was beaten easily by a fool and has failed in two of the last three national campaigns he has ran) to be the next nominee? Given that he couldn’t beat one of the worst first-term presidents in history, doesn’t that maybe suggest to you that, you know, you might not want him to run again?

  28. Ross Perot is the best President America never had. If he had been elected in 92, just think of how different the finances of the USA would be right now.

  29. Yep – only Condi can beat Hillary. And I maintain that if Hudak were a tranny he’s be premier.

  30. The same electorate that stayed away in Ontario. 52% voting. Given that the unions would be somewhat successful with their GOTV, that leaves perfectionist or LIV conservatives who stayed home. Now we get at least 4 more years of the appalling green energy act, continued hidden raises for the public sector, and last but not least, 4 years of looking at that hideous gloating face. All this instead of reduced taxes, reforms to union rules, and 100,000 less leaches.

  31. Right, so the fact that Romney did not win is all his own fault.
    Remind me never to go into politics.

  32. “Funny to see all you idiots dumping on Romney. Do you honestly think he would have been as bad as Obama?”
    A used condom would be a better president than Ogabe, even Hitlery would be better. So what? Why do you set your standards so low?

  33. I said, “You do know, JT, what electorate stayed away the last election to lose that Presidential bid, right?”
    J.T. said, “I don’t know what you’re getting at.”
    The conservative vote. So concerned were the ‘true’ conservatives that less of them voted for Romney than McCain.
    I wonder how they feel now?

  34. Exacty, QFT:
    Greg said, “Given that the unions would be somewhat successful with their GOTV, that leaves perfectionist or LIV conservatives who stayed home.”
    But don’t worry about Just Truth…JT..J.T…Justin…..
    He’s so ‘concerned’ about the GOP brand.

  35. I wonder how they feel now?
    Don’t know. They *should* feel 100% vindicated and glad for their decision, and only regret that they didn’t vote for Gary Johnson. There is little reason to believe that Romney would be a lot better than Obama. Certainly he would continue to be awful on civil liberties, foreign policy, and almost everything else. If you think there’s a real difference you’re deluded. BTW your sense of entitlement to the votes of other ‘purist’ conservatives is exactly the same attitude the establishment GOP tw@ts have towards those rowdy TPers. Your thinly butthurt over it is delicious. Want our votes? Nominate better candidates and quit whining when you don’t.

  36. If Romney runs again it would be to avenge his father who didn’t become president. But how to bore the American electorate with Hillary and Mitt as candidates. Snore… I would love to see Ted Cruz run. Condi Rice was not successful as Secretary of State, though compared to Hillary she was a giant.

  37. I agree.. Hope he does it.I’m sure he has learned from the previous mistakes, and others think that as well.

  38. Romney was governor of Mass., but during that tenure also passed ‘Romney Care’ which tells me that he might not be too intent on repealing it but only willing to tweak it.

  39. Rommey would be the very best choice American’s could make for the next President. If anyone can save the US, it would be Romney. I am concerned, though, that they cannot be saved.

  40. The previous mistakes were on the part of the voters. Romeny did quite well. I also hope he runs again, though it would take a lot of courage to do so.

  41. Romney would be majorly better than Obama. He is far stmarter and happens to have the best interests of the US as an objective — I suspect Obama is working for the Saudis. Re Foreign Policy, in the debates it became clear the Romeny has a good grasp of international issues and the role of the US. By contrast, Obama seem quite foolish. It is hard to fathom the purpose behind some of his foreign policies. Ordinarily I would agree that there is little difference among the candidates. In the case of Romney, however, he is independently wealthy, and in my view he is not beholden to the money interests that manipulate campaigns. Romney would be a refreshing change, but are Americans smart enough to elect him?

  42. So as per usual just truth is butt hurt because he knows everything and everyone else is a big poo poo head dumb dumb.
    What everyone is missing is the fact that the key areas that determine the out comes of the vote like Cali,Florida,Ohio ect ect are run by unions ,socialists,Marxists,and by ppl who vote for more free sh!t.
    you could run the best conservative the world has ever seen or known for president but the morons in those locations would still determine the outcomes of the elections. If you look at the election stats red vs blue in the last election america is still a solid 2/3’s solid red. but the states that have the most electoral college votes are run (into the ground) by dems.
    So the remedy? not sure. I think it starts by winning hearts and minds in those tough liberal strong holds.
    Romney is a centrist and he is great but right now at this point america needs a president that is willing ot say NO!…Alot!
    Oh yeah I was a fan of rand Paul until he started calling for amnesty , and calling ppl crazy for wanting voter i.d. laws. I like Allen west,i like Palin,I like Cruz,I like DeMint (original tea party member) i like Trey Gowdy, I do like Romney and Rand Paul but Rand Paul is moving to far towards the center he doesn’t see that amnesty will guarantee libs in power for a decade or 2 and then it will be to late. Romney is worldly and predicted the Russian monster in the last election and everyone made fun of him and Palin both for saying it. I could live with Romney being president he would get the economy moving,But i would prefer someone a little more in your face i know those types don’t get elected ….often…but that is what the ppl want and who can back it up with solid decisive intelligent decisions needless to say anyone will seem that way after this bumbling putz is out of office.
    God help us all!!

  43. Actually it is Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, People’s Republik of Californicate is too far gone. But your brother point still stands.

  44. Near the end of the 2012 campaign, Romney lost the stomach to finish Obama off. One of Mitt’s sons said later that his father had decided that he didn’t really want to win. (After the debate where CNN’s Candy Crowley interjected to support Obama on Benghazi.) The Republicans need someone with fire, preferably military experience, and a solid grasp of the Constitution. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Trey Gowdy, with Allen West as VP running mate?

  45. mark my words; NONE of those people will get a whiff of the GOP nomination.
    You folks must understand; a loud-mouth Senator will not win anything; nor will be capable of much if they do win.
    We need leaders with expirience. Period.
    Might as well run Mike Duffy for PM if you get my drift.
