Free Ethical Oil!

The US State Department is starting to release 1.2 million public comments on the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. Going into the comment period, environmental groups geared up to show their muscle. They promised that they would deliver one million comments from ordinary Americans who oppose the pipeline, which would create an estimated 20,000 jobs. The one-million comment march would, according to the pipeline’s foes, show a strong grassroots opposition to it, while also showing strong support for President Obama’s position scuttling the pipeline.


As the 1.2 million comments begin to emerge from the State Department, more than half of them turn out to have come from Americans who support the pipeline.

14 Replies to “Free Ethical Oil!”

  1. WATERLOO, ON, May 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are to blame for global warming since the 1970s and not carbon dioxide, according to new research from the University of Waterloo published in the International Journal of Modern Physics B this week.
    “The climate in the Antarctic stratosphere has been completely controlled by CFCs and cosmic rays, with no CO(2) impact. The change in global surface temperature after the removal of the solar effect has shown zero correlation with CO(2) but a nearly perfect linear correlation with CFCs – a correlation coefficient as high as 0.97.”:
    The peer-reviewed paper published this week not only provides new fundamental understanding of the ozone hole and global climate change but has superior predictive capabilities, compared with the conventional sunlight-driven ozone-depleting and CO(2) -warming models.
    The paper is available online at:

  2. It would seem the oligarch who’s interests will be hurt by the pipeline have been remiss in their “donations” to the anti pipeline movement. You can only buy so many rent-an-activists before public opinion washes away your concocted meme.

  3. The US government needs to engage the postal service and web oversight to the same ends and degree as the IRS. It’s been done before. My Grandma communicated with family members back in Poland in the 30’s and 40’s, and none of the letter came through without the dark blank ink of the censor covering anything that was “inconvenient”. Fortunately, the censors didn’t know the idioms of the people they were covering. Grandma knew about the holodor because of a seemingly innocuous line that slipped through uncensored: “the rivers are full of fish”. The rest of the line, unwritten, is “while we without boats starve on the shore.”
    Once the people have been properly cowed, then we can have the promised paradise!

  4. Funny how when people have no jobs,and some pride left to want one,they can change things.Not that it will make any diff to the Zero.

  5. Every day, more and more people just tune out the eco hysterical fear mongering drumbeat as just more Chicken Little, the Sky is Falling.
    Environmentalism is a giant self inflicted wound, a movement so enthralled by their self perceived moral superiority they believe any means are justified to achieve their glorious ends.
    Which is why environmentalist are subject to a terminal case “just make sh*t up” if they think it will work. That works for awhile, but in the end people sense the disconnect between their forecasts and what is really happening and just tune the eco loonies out.
    That is what is happening now. Cry wolf too many times and nobody believes anything you have to say.

  6. Well, that must have been embarrassing.
    These guys can’t even drum enough low-information voters to sign their petition let alone think of an affordable, practical fuel source as an alternative to petroleum. Aren’t these guys embarrassed?

  7. BC hasn’t rejected the pipeline yet, they have said they do not have enough information yet.
    Still fun times to happen yet. Wait until they they start rolling rail tankers on the existing track and build the three natural gas lines to feed the planned exports.

  8. I think it is time Alison Redford questions the environmental concerns of north eastern BC gas running through the pipelines presently here in Alberta, I believe BC gas and oil to be a stupider breed of gas and oil, far more prone to spillage and leakage and general pipeline mayhem, than is our well heeled intelligent Alberta gas and oil. Albertans have spent100 years developing well behaved oil and gas, that just knows it can help lift mankind out of poverty and despair while the breed of oil that comes out of BC causes the friction and leaks in the pipelines. The BC government should be forced, by Harper, to pay Alberta a royalty fo all the headache of dealing with their juvenile oil and gas that runs through Alberta. Makes as much sense as Christy Clark and her band of political dildos, you agree Fred.

  9. Your comment reminds me of the letters that my paternal grandfather exchanged with relatives back in Russia during the 20 and 30s. If some relative died because of natural causes the person wrote so and so died because of cancer, heart attack or whatever; if the person died because of government action then the sentence would read so and so died with no cause mentioned. They also sent family photos with a photo of the deceased government death assisted person on the wall behind the live person or persons in the photo.
    This of course was only during periods when letters were allowed into the country. If arrests were made, then homes were searched for incriminating evidence which included letters from foreigners.
    Oil pipelines? At the moment it does seem that the Luddites are in the driver’s seat and the sheeple are being duped by the politicians for political purposes.

  10. The problem is that the enviros now have the ear of governments so even if their retoric is now falling on deaf ears among us, the great unwashed, they don’t care. The European Union have now gone too far to turn back and Obama is trying to catch up quickly. Ontario is now talking about building thousands of more fans despite the fact that medical reports are showing the danger of having them near you and the electorate are now getting a clear picture of just what it is going to cost them in increased power rates. Once a government begins its slide into insanity it is almost impossible to turn back even if a new government comes to power.

  11. tit-for-tat games are played by children.
    at least Gordo & Ralph agreed on a few things.

  12. // the oligarch who’s interests will be hurt by the pipeline have been remiss in their “donations” to the anti pipeline movement. You can only buy so many rent-an-activists before public opinion washes away your concocted meme //
    Which oligarchs?
    // The initial batch shows large volumes of form letters to State organized by industry and environmental groups //
    The pjmedia article simply celebrates the fact that the American Petroleum Institute & the CEA assembled more letters.
    Presumably they are smart enough not to base a decision based of battling lobby groups & their form letters.
