Standing Up Against Obama’s Pravda Comrades

If one didn’t know better, you might conclude that the entire script of Charlie Rose was written by the Obama regime:

Hopefully all Republican candidates have learned what John McCain failed to.

36 Replies to “Standing Up Against Obama’s Pravda Comrades”

  1. 1:29 ws all I could stand.
    Rose sits at this desk, hunched over, looking like a vulture picking at a carcass.

  2. Republicans of all stripes have to challenge any and all comments from the MSM and they are totally controlled by the left. Limbaugh really does an effective job of showing how the media gets its marching orders. He will do sound bites on a particular issue of all the MSM and how they report it; all the clips use the same language as if they were actually reading someone talking points – which proves they are.

  3. Too easy …………
    You are guaranteed to get slimed with liberal propaganda on CBS.
    Santorum should have gone there ready for a fight.
    Knowing full well that CBS and their ilk are the ENEMY and goofs like Rose the front line.
    You do not jump into the enemy trenched with being armed to the teeth and all I saw of Santorum were teeth.
    These Republicans have given the American people (once again) a field of defective weaklings whose only attribute is that they are still better than Obama. So …. since when is being simply “better than the worst president ever” good enough?
    Since when is being simply unfit versus being toxic and corrosive good enough?

  4. Why exactly is this news?
    What the guy said amounts in its entirety to nothing.
    It illustrates how do the republicans get caught in a nothing argument and how easily the press aggents of the socialist Democrats can masturbate the non event into getting republicans to stick their head up their collective ass.
    A simple let’s talk some real stuff and get unstuck on stupid will do. End of story, move on.

  5. Much of the MSM media has become nothing but the propaganda and brainwashing arm of the Democrat and Socialist parties of United States.
    Santorum was right, Obama has gotten a free pass for years on all his friends.

  6. We Canadians know all to well why we had to endure 16 years of Peeair, it was because the CBC and their fellow occupiers in the media continuously told Canada of his great intellect, his superior this and that and “shazam” the stupid of Canada, kept voting for the Turdo the commie idiot, just like the stupid of the US will vote for the inept clown Obama. When you have this kind of bought off media and evil cheerleaders like Oprah and Soros, and you have the collective intelligence of the Oprah audience, there lies the silly putty just waiting to be moulded into a Rat voter and get their share of Obamas “private stash” of handouts. The media is the enemy of anything good and right, they are the same people who will rail about how many reporters have been killed around the world while denigrating the very countries that have no reporter deaths. j

  7. Where is Chris Christie when you need him?
    That said you have to wonder why he would lower the flag in NJ for a drug/booze addicted whatever she was. Any ‘grunt’ killed in Afgan would have deserved it more.

  8. see that’s the problem with the left. It’s about sex all the time. The most important issue, the economy, doesn’t matter one bit to them.
    Same thing here. First thing our little Justin P.J. Trudeau brings up is abortion and ss marriage.
    Coincidentally, isn’t there a Dipper MP bringing forth a private members bill, forcing taxpayers to pay the bills for medications, too? Could they trot out the “mean Harper won’t pay for women’s contraception” crap too?

  9. “If one didn’t know better, you might conclude that the entire script of Charlie Rose was written by the Obama regime:”
    They didn’t have to write it for him. Charlie Rose’s tiny brain moves on their policy track all by itself. That’s why Santorum’s an idiot for going on that show and reasoning with Rose. If you’re going to go on that show as a Republican, you’re going to get knifed. You can’t beat a guy on his own show, he edits it.
    You want to take on Charlie Rose, you get him on -your- show. And you dismantle the commie SOB 14 different ways, you don’t reason with him.
    Still, Santorum would have gained points with me if he’d called Rose an idiot for focusing exclusively on sex when the damn country is going bankrupt.

  10. “If one didn’t know better, you might conclude that the entire script of Charlie Rose was written by the Obama regime.”
    It’s being written by MediaMatters and they are all sharing the same information.

  11. Regardless of the slimy lefty MSM, I wouldn’t buy a used car off Santorum.
    The man doesn’t have an ounce of leadership charisma, and reminds me of any-town “the dolt next door”.

  12. see that’s the problem with the left. It’s about sex all the time. The most important issue, the economy, doesn’t matter one bit to them.
    Oh the irony. It’s Santorum who, like the idiot he is, keeps bringing up the horrors of contraception and gay marriage and the such while all the candidates other than Ron Paul dodge anything of fiscal importance.

    Get rid of your iPad. Problem solved.

  13. Mark Steyn: Handing out condoms on the Titanic
    “Testifying before Congress, Timmy Geithner referred only to “demographic challenges” – an oblique allusion to the fact that the U.S. economy is about to be terminally clobbered by $100 trillion of entitlement obligations it can never meet. And, as Chart 5-1 on page 58 of the official Obama budget “Analytical Perspectives” makes plain, your feckless, decadent rulers have no plans to do anything about it. Instead, the Democrats shriek, ooh, Republican prudes who can’t get any action want to shut down your sex life! According to CBO projections, by midcentury mere interest payments on the debt will exceed federal revenue. For purposes of comparison, By 1788, Louis XVI’s government in France was spending a mere 60 percent of revenue on debt service, and we know how that worked out for His Majesty shortly thereafter. Not to worry, says Barry Antoinette. Let them eat condoms.
    This is a very curious priority for a dying republic. “Birth control” is accessible, indeed, ubiquitous, and, by comparison with anything from a gallon of gas to basic cable, one of the cheapest expenses in the average budget. Not even Rick Santorum, that notorious scourge of the sexually liberated, wishes to restrain the individual right to contraception.
    But where is the compelling societal interest in the state prioritizing and subsidizing it? Especially when you’re already the Brokest Nation in History. Elsewhere around the developed world, prudent politicians are advocating natalist policies designed to restock their empty maternity wards. A few years ago, announcing tax incentives for three-child families, Peter Costello, formerly Timmy Geithner’s counterpart Down Under, put this way: “Have one for Mum, one for Dad, and one for Australia.” But in America, an oblivious political class, led by a president who characterizes young motherhood as a “punishment,” prefers to offer solutions to problems that don’t exist rather than the ones that are all too real. I think this is what they call handing out condoms on the Titanic.
    Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, distills the current hysteria thus: “It’s as if we passed a law requiring mosques to sell bacon and then, when people objected, responded by saying ‘What’s wrong with bacon? You’re trying to ban bacon!!!!'”
    Americans foolish enough to fall for the Democrats’ crude bit of misdirection can hardly complain about their rendezvous with the sharp end of that page 58 budget graph. People are free to buy bacon, and free to buy condoms. But the state has no compelling interest to force either down your throat. The notion that an all-powerful government would distract from its looming bankruptcy by introducing a universal contraceptive mandate would strike most novelists as almost too pat in its symbolism. It’s like something out of “Brave New World.” Except that it’s cowardly, and, like so much else about the sexual revolution, very old and wrinkled.”
    So there you have it, the state wants to give you one last good ‘rogering’ before slippng beneath the waves.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  14. iPad doesn’t support “flash” videos. Only mp4/m4v… so that means it’s YouTube or nothing basically.

  15. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that when (amoral satyromaniac, but of course that wasn’t widely known back then) JFK became President it was a huge deal – overcoming “establishment” bigotry against Catholics etc., yay progress, yay tolerance. Santorum (whom I don’t much like as a candidate, but then I don’t like any of them) is a devout Catholic, and his adherence to basic, universal Catholic doctrine is now being sold by the establishment as weird and terrifying. Yay tolerance?
    That being said, Santorum should make it clear, or possibly someone should try to make it clear to Santorum, that personal religious beliefs re. contaception could have no possible bearing on anything the president might be empowered to try to monkey around with constitutionally.
    (Remember when Bachmann and Perry were still viable candidates, and the spectre of “Dominionism” and theocracy stalked the fevered imaginations of the lefty commentariat? Well, I guess that whole paranoid mindset transfers easily to the Papist menace.)

  16. They asked Kennedy if he would be taking his orders from the Pope, Kennedy convinced them he wouldn’t.
    Santorum needs to do the same, while committing to defending the constitution, if he does he’ll be the next Pres.

  17. I always liked Harry Truman’s answer to concerns about JFK and the Pope. “Its not the Pope that I’m worried about its the Pop”.
    What Conservatives everywhere need to understand is that we can not let the leftist media set the agenda. When Santorum is asked about his religious beliefs the question falls into the ‘have you stopped beating you wife’ category. Rick, grow a pair and call the sniveling sycophants bluff. Tell them point blank that we are not here to discuss religion we are concerned about running the nation. Charlie Rose if you want to talk theology then go to Sunday School and discuss it like everyone else.

  18. When talking about contraception and sexual behaviour (the Charlie Roses of this world want the Santorums to sound like hicks), why don’t people like Santorum talk about ADULT SEXUAL LICENSE AND ITS MULTITUDE OF CHILD VICTIMS? The game is: DO NOT take the MSM’s decrepit theses and language as given: reframe the argument and throw factual darts!
    E.g., In the contraception trap Rose tried to set up, Santorum did get as far as “the whole laundry list” of bad things of sex outside of marriage—and then didn’t articulate it. There are statistics galore about the multitude of children whose lives have been wrecked by the sexual excesses of the “adults” in their lives. It used to be that such behaviour was considered shameful. Not any more.
    Santorum and other Republicans should be trumpeting the HORRENDOUS FALLOUT on our kids and all of society when parents (of all ages and orientations) are allowed to act (out) like incontinent toddlers re their sexual appetites. Honestly, I’ve never heard Republican or Conservative politicians grab the sexual license agenda and turn it upside down: “Let’s not talk about protecting the SEXUAL DESIRES of adults, but the MOST BASIC NEEDS of our kids.” That’s a powerful scenario. It needs to be used.
    Imagine turning the tables and asking Charlie Rose about this: I’ll bet he’d be thrown for a loop. That the Republicans and Conservatives allow the MSM to frame the issues and then play along is disastrous. Sarah Palin knows how to play her own game: there are a lot of politicians who need to figure that out too.

  19. Newt’s best feature is that he has taught the Republican politicos that there is no downside to putting reporters in their place.
    With Gingrich as with Gollum:
    “I sense he has an important role to play in this story. For good or ill I cannot see.”

  20. Why do these guys go on Leftist hostile shows. When they know they will be bush whacked.
    Rose is just another Obama lover . Who just care about their Marxist Messiah. It makes me laugh when he says that he wants to talk about the economy. I wonder what Rose has to say about Obama’s Cocaine addiction? His past. Never happen.

  21. The problem with politicians like Santorum is that they go on shows like Rose’s looking like the high school kid who saved his dog from a fire. They all have this stunned, deer-in-the-headlights look, the same fixed, uncomfortable (and, to viewers, insincere) smile, and the same attitude that reads like they’re outgunned before they say a word. Trust me, there aren’t a lot of geniuses in the media, so if you go on like you’re dealing with an equal – or perhaps someone whose record and qualifications might actually be less substantial than yours – you’ll have the edge from the moment the red light goes on. This is even before we begin to address the essentially hostile arena that people like rose preside over.

  22. Indeed, I can’t figure out when any of them go on the MessNBC troglodyte (dyke) shows, such as REd, Maddog, Mr Tingles, etc. There is no upside there.
    Ditto for CNN and the other leftard MSM organizations. The candidates need to drive the message, and not let the MSM carry the ball. That’s a losing strategy, that for some reason, they allow to happen.
    The only thing recently I’ve seen, is John Sununu giving it back better than they tried to give it to him. Otherwise, the candidates need to IGNORE MessNBC entirely.
    If only they learned Kate’s moniker, “Pleasing your enemies…..”

  23. Over at Power Line today. (THIS is what Santorum should be talking.)
    Posted on February 18, 2012 by Steven Hayward in Books, Culture, Social Issues
    “Charles Murray Vindicated”
    ‘That’s not actually the headline of the lead story in today’s New York Times, but it could be. The actual headline (in the print edition—online slightly different of course) is: “Unwed Mothers Now a Majority Before Age of 30.” But the subhed is where Charles’s thesis comes in: “Most Rapid Growth Has Been Among White Women in 20s.”
    ‘And the lede sentence circles back to Charles’s main argument: “It used to be called illegitimacy. Now it is the new normal.” But as Pat Moynihan warned us almost 50 years ago (and got nothing but attacks for so doing), the society that accepts this as “normal” is asking for lots of trouble.’

  24. Santorum and other Republicans should be trumpeting the HORRENDOUS FALLOUT on our kids and all of society when parents (of all ages and orientations) are allowed to act (out) like incontinent toddlers re their sexual appetites.
    Or instead of talking about make-believe Bad Things that supposedly occurred as a result of sexual freedom, republicans could talk about actual bad things like the 15 trillion dollar debt burden.

  25. @greybrush
    Of course… so used to YouTube on SDA, the blank threw me.
    LOL…need the island of sanity provided by SDA to know I’m not alone out here in our nation’ s capital….Keeping the IPad, faults and all!

  26. Even in America there is a limited appetite for theocrats. If Santorum is the nominee Obama will win in a landslide.

  27. You know those stickers people have on their car windows, with the mom, dad, two kids dog cat and hamster? A really sad thing I’ve started seeing lately is just the mom and one kid, plus maybe a goldfish or something.
    But religion is the danger that’s going to destroy us all, and Santorum is a freaky fruitloop. Don’t belive you’re lyin’ eyes, Mr. Phantom, big government has it all under control.

  28. I thought Senator Santorum ( I know he is former) handeled the situation quite well.
    I also think it was an opportunity to reach some independent voters and this was accomplished as well as can be done within the understanding of doing “what is possible” in a biased format.
    I believe he also successfully conveyed awareness CBS will say at some time; (we have extended an invitation for “Rick Santorum” to be here and he hasn’t shown up regardless of the event and the schedule Santorum has. Cheers;
