12 Replies to “Obama’s Infantilization of America”

  1. Democrats don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING.
    Republicans don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING.
    Liberals don’t understand THE DEBT CEILING.
    Allow me to explain:
    Let’s say, you come home from work
    and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood.
    Your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
    What do you think you should do?
    Raise the ceilings or pump out the shit?
    Your choice is coming next November. Don’t miss the opportunity.
    h/t .. Anon Email

  2. Yes but where are all the infants in the economy going to come from when they are handing out condoms everywhere?
    Mark Steyn: Handing out condoms on the Titanic
    Americans foolish enough to fall for the Democrats’ crude bit of misdirection can hardly complain about their rendezvous with the sharp end of that page 58 budget graph. People are free to buy bacon, and free to buy condoms. But the state has no compelling interest to force either down your throat. The notion that an all-powerful government would distract from its looming bankruptcy by introducing a universal contraceptive mandate would strike most novelists as almost too pat in its symbolism. It’s like something out of “Brave New World.” Except that it’s cowardly, and, like so much else about the sexual revolution, very old and wrinkled.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. I think Bill O’Reilly is either hoping or thinking the blogs saying PMSH should take charge of the U.S.A. Therefore all Americans will need to learn French.
    Mind you that did not work in the great white north so it may be Spanish. Cheers;

  4. I dislike Obama and his policies a whole lot. BUT, as I see it at the moment:
    1. The Republicans don’t have a candidate and they’re not going to get a candidate who can win the next electiopn.
    2. The Democrats will win the election by bribing the taxpayers with their own money (again).
    INHO the U.S. is F***ed!

  5. “It’s like something out of “Brave New World.” Except that it’s cowardly, and, like so much else about the sexual revolution, very old and wrinkled.”
    ROFLMAO. Thanks Hans.I needed a laugh after surgery for a busted paw.(but you still owe me a keyboard)

  6. I think Newt Gingrich is the best choice for Republican candidate. Even if he becomes president it will be very tough. If he doesn’t, there is no hope for the USA.

  7. Wanna bug a liberal? Try this:
    Say, “I can’t stand Bill O’Reilly”.
    …. Pause … . get affirmation.
    Then say, “‘Cos he’s too damn balanced”.
    Tho’ I guess, to be fair, he’s just playing devil’s advocate here, eh? Questioning from the point of view of the entitleists.
    Or is he? Anyway, he drives me nuts.
    Do we get kudos for being “fair and balanced”?
    Or do we merely bolster the enemy?
    Doesn’t the LEFT hate O’Reilly with a white-hot passion despite his fair-minded bullshit?

  8. Bill is not only the biggest spinner around, he’s a fence sitter and an idiot, to boot. Krauthammer always looks less than happy/impressed when on The Factor.
    I guess Krauthammer gets paid to prop Bill up: otherwise, I don’t know why CK puts up with Bill’s unintelligent and egotistical blather.

  9. MND, I didn’t read your comment until after I’d posted mine.
    No, I don’t think Bill’s just playing devil’s advocate. I think he’s stupid and always playing both ends against the middle so he can pretend he’s right no matter which way things end up. Like you, he drives me nuts. I don’t watch him anymore, except in clips.
    (At first, years ago, I liked Bill—like the narcissistic boss I once had. After a few months, I realized that he’s altogether a phony and an opportunist. If Laura Ingraham’s on we’ll watch The Factor. Otherwise, we pass. I’m still puzzled about CK’s involvement with the show. He seems to barely endure it. No surprise.)

  10. Krauthammer misses the point which all but the best conservatives miss. He takes Obastard at face value on supporting the middle class. This is the big lie. The effort is to destroy the middle class.
    “Philanthropist” recognizes the Kipling effect of back yard imperialism. I just wanted to emphasize and agree that they still love to Take Up The White Man’s Burden.
    I agree with Kroket, and cannot for the life of me explain the actions of conservative voters beyond the cumulative effect of the subversive media.
