64 Replies to “President Romney a Disaster for America’s Conservatives?”

  1. Conservative principle #176:
    Don’t reject the good and embrace the bad because the good isn’t perfect.

  2. Romney’s resume shows him to be an experienced and sound administrator who can keep to a budget, and that sounds good to me. Republicans’ pursuit of ideological purity — looking under every rock and stone for any hint of reddishness — will be their downfall.

  3. Disagree. 4 more years of Obama and the damage will be too deep to fix.
    It would have been like sticking with a Paul Martin Natural Governing Party (or endless Trudeaupia) instead of the Conservatives, even though Harper is a very timid small c’er in many ways. At least we’ve turned the ship a bit and have begun heading in the right direction. It’s preferable to continuing in the wrong direction and crashing said ship.

  4. Over and above the fact this is hilarious, it’s prescient and true. But, I do love the reference to Gordon Brown. That’s terrific.

  5. Delingpole is right about “Mittens” Romney being a potential Obama clone but he won’t do it intentionally. He’s in way over his abilities in a POTUS position so he will rely heavily on “advisors” – advisors who are largely the same Strausian elitist left authoritarians who ran Bambam’s policy agenda.
    The obvious way to counter this is pair Romney up with Ron Paul as VP. Paul will keep Mittens away from the wolves in the state department and do an excellent job of domestic policy.
    A tag team like that even I could vote for as corrupt as the GOP RINO brass is I belive Paul’s passionate constitutionalism will prevail in policy making.

  6. It is not a conservative policy to “cut to the bone” by making a 12% cut in the rate of increase of federal spending. We want a decrease in government, not a decrease in the rate of growth of government.
    Romney == McCain == Hudak
    My prediction is that America won’t go like Ontario. Instead, conservatives will ignore the presidency, and have majorities in Congress.
    Not to mention the Supreme Court being 5-4 in favor.
    We’ll see…

  7. Some Republicans’ search for “the next Ronald Reagan” is so obsessive and focused that Ronald Reagan himself wouldn’t be able to pass muster.

  8. “Because I’ve seen what happens, America, when you elect yet another spineless, yet ruthless, principle-free blow-with-the-wind, big government, crony-capitalist RINO squish.”
    Imho Delingpole is spot on. There are few differences between the two,possibly an easing on the eco-fascism with Mitt,but as for smaller government…?

  9. Leaving aside the gratuitous insults to his readers, among the glaring omissions in Delingpole’s piece are the conditions under which AliBama would be preferable to Romney. President Straw Man with Repub. majorities in both houses, and no SCOTUS vacancies is one thing; President Man Child with a Dem Senate and one or two SCOTUS appointments is another. There is such a thing are too much harm.

  10. Besides, as I’ve become increasingly convinced, the Republican Party is at least half the problem. The DemocRats are going to get decimated, Romney is going to be four years of Obama Lite, and a third party will emerge to eat both their lunches.
    The time of Big Government is coming to an end, or we’re all going to be microchipped and bar-coded across the forehead before 2020. No happy medium.

  11. IMHO The GOP is in a particular predicament. It comes down to choosing between the best candidate to beat Obama and the best candidate for President.
    They appear to be mutually exclusive.
    eg. Romney is arguably the best candidate to beat Obama but he would make a mediocre president.
    Paul could be a great President but doesn’t have a hope in hell of defeating Obama.
    Perhaps that’s why the GOP appears to be concentrating on winning Congress.

  12. Americans unlike Canadians tend to do things in a big way. Many Americans now realize that the leftward creep of their government and society requires a huge purge and a person backed up by truly constitutional conservatives in the House, the Senate and every level of government to set the country back on the tracks that the American Founders placed the country. They see Mr. Romney as one of the Republicans who are “left-wing” lite. Americans are brave enough to make drastic changes to their government…I don’t think that characteristic is in the Canadian DNA so we disparage it.

  13. I like Delingpole but he says Romney is Cameron and provides no reasoning as to why he thinks this is the case. Sorry I don’t buy it and I don’t understand why people figure Romney is a liberal in disguise.

  14. I can’t stand Romney, but he’s better than Obama.
    Why oh why couldn’t John Bolton have run? Or Allen West, or Sarah Palin, or Mark Rubio, or Bobby Jindal, or even Jeb sodding Bush or Giuliani or Chris Christie? Sometimes your country really does need you, guys.

  15. Delingpole is smart and generally knows what he is talking about – I think that’s true in this case as well. However, if the Republicans can win the House and the Senate, it matters less who the president is.
    On the other hand if Obama wins, and the House and Senate end up controlled by Democrats then the USA will see its darkest hour. Never before in history would there be such a guaranteed assurance of the rapid decline of a country than if the Dems and Obama were to get a clean sweep. You would have a Marxist Commander in Chief and a throng of worshippers who would jump at his every command.

  16. @james…how about Romneycare (socialized medicine), his desire to not only increase the minimum wage but to peg it to inflation, he only talks about cutting spending vs closing down government agencies that are not required. He panders to the unions. I’m not an expert but you could start with those.

  17. “The time of Big Government is coming to an end, or we’re all going to be microchipped and bar-coded across the forehead before 2020. No happy medium.
    Posted by: The Phantom at February 17, 2012 1:07 PM”
    I think it’s probably the latter,phantom.whether it’s Mitt or Barry in Office.

  18. Obamas trolls derailed the last Presidential election,
    never again.
    and millions of other Independents don’t give a crap who wins the Republican nomination we are voting for him..
    there are 73 million pissed off Catholics,
    and 84 million pissed off gun owners..
    We despise the Nazi/Democrat party,
    and plan to crush it..

  19. Dellers makes some good points but misses the big difference between a POTUS and PM.
    A PM has god like powers and via his/her party controls the purse strings. A POTUS can be neutered to quite a degree if both Houses of Congress are against him.
    So four more Bam-Bam years, while very bad, will actually provide the necessary economic catharsis for a true financial renewal.

  20. Romney is better than you think, and he’s electable.
    Delingpole gets paid to entertain, and entertain he does.
    Listen to what Romney says, not to what others say he means.
    In the end, it’s all you really have to go by.

  21. The idea that any Republican president would be as bad as Obama is nuts. If we give this clown 4 more years, a majority of the Supreme Court will see our constitution as an impediment, not a guide.

  22. Classic mistake by those bred into the British parliamentary system, in which there is only one main battle, that being for the House.
    Romney ain’t great, but we have to be resigned to support him AND take control of Congress. After all, the spending money comes from the latter; control the money, and you control the presidency.

  23. I don’t think we know what sort of President Gov. Romney would be; we need to ask him and to listen to and judge what he says. I do know that in 2008 conservatives fell over themselves touting Romney as the conservative alternative to Sen. McCain. What has changed over the past 3 years to have tarnished his conservative brand so badly?
    Right now conservatives should be focused on supporting principled conservatives in their House and Senatorial (and state) primaries and turn out in force to support them at the general election. It is not just that staying home will yield four more years of Obama but that it could lead to loss of a conservative majority in the House and the chance of a greater conservative presence in the Senate.
    The struggle must continue on all fronts.

  24. “Romney + Republican House + Republican Senate = Conservative Government”
    Posted by: half canadian at February 17, 2012 3:49 PM
    Yeah. And if we had bacon, we could have bacon and eggs, if we had eggs.

  25. If Romney is elected, it is highly probable that the House and Senate will be Republican.
    It will be impossible for any Republican Congress to ignore the will of their base if all the government is Republican. Romney, the House and Senate will all be dragged, kicking and screaming, into doing the right thing, regardless of their own personal desire to spend like maniacs and apply their personal genius to re-engineer America into a shape determined by them, the other half of America’s ruling class.
    By the way, Romney has vowed to repeal Obamacare, which is a read-my-lips pledge similar to the one which George HW Bush broke and which cost him the election to Bill Clinton, a guy who carried more political baggage than any 3 previous candidates in US history. .
    Any Republican in the WH, paired with any Republican Congress will make huge reversals of Obama policy. It’s that, or lose the next primary.

  26. Let’s quote form Wikipedia:
    “Romney served as governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007), with a generally conservative record that included economic expansion. He balanced the budget every year of his administration with out increasing taxes or increasing state dept. Romney turned a $3 billion budget deficit into a $500 million surplus by reducing government spending and added 80,000 new jobs by the end of his term. In 2004, 2005, and 2006 Governor Romney proposed cutting the state income tax from 5.3% to 5.0% [5]. Although the Democratic super majority in the state legislator refused to budge.”
    Although some might object to Romney increasing fees, that is secondary (or even tertiary) to the fact that he balanced the budget in what we can assume was a hostile legislative environment.

  27. He’s right.
    We’ll slow the car down, but we’re still going to go over that European cliff soon enough.
    The problem isn’t the president. The problem is the people. More circuses!!!

  28. And I saw the same arguments about Harper, still do.
    Give Romney a congress he can work with rather than one he has to compromise with. As in get a majority, at least, in the Senate and then he has 2 solid years.
    Cameron is in a coalition and a minority. What else is he supposed to do, just like Harper. And now Harper has a majority and he has moved to the right.
    Delingpole is usally a little more intelligent….he had missed the mark here\, completely

  29. So a liberal, a moderate and a conservative walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “What’ll it be Mitt.
    The point is that the GOP has not picked its candidate yet. Of the remaining GOP candidates Mitt is third on my list behind Rick and Newt. However if the GOP opted for a complete crackpot like Ron I would still pick him before Barry.
    Of course I don’t have a vote because I am not an American but I concur with Rick@4:29 “The problem isn’t the president. The problem is the people.”

  30. Rick @ 4:29:

    The problem isn’t the president. The problem is the people.

    On the latter, you are too right! But can’t there be more than one problem? President Hate America First—a.k.a., President It’s Payback Time, Whitey—is a very big problem.

  31. Joe, not being American hasn’t stopped a lot of people from voting. You don’t even need to be alive to vote and it’s racist to verify your identity when you do vote. So by my understanding anyone is encouraged to vote. Breitbart is right it’s time to play by the left’s rules.

  32. Romney = Obama
    It is the same game with different names.
    The MSM loves him, which scares the f*** out of me.
    No, we are in the grasp of the Powers That Be.
    It does nor matter if they are Democrat or Republican, they are the F***ing same.
    The US is SO F***ed….

  33. A little perspective, please.
    Romney is a better conservative than McCain.
    Romney is a better conservative than Dole.
    Romney is a better conservative than H W Bush.
    Romney is probably a better conservative than W Bush.
    Romney is probably a worse conservative than Reagan.
    Let’s focus our hopes and efforts on Romney getting a better congress than Reagan.

  34. This is turning into an anti-Obama campaign much like the last election was an anti-Bush campaign. The market crash in October 2008 pissed off enough voters that the turnout was highest since ’68. It was that increase in angry voters that gave the election to Obama. Even with a 63% turnout, that still leaves a majority of eligible voters that didn’t vote. It comes down to whether or not enough of them will get pissed off by November to kick Obama out. The three major market crashes have all happened in October. If it crashes again this year, then Obama is very likely out.

  35. A few days ago, I had lunch with a group of really hard-assed conservatives. All were down in the mouth about the rabble seeking the Republican nomination and, to my surprise, some said that, because Obama has matured, moved to the right and “learned on the job” they’d vote for him rather than for any of the Repub’ contenders. (And pray for Republican control of both houses I guess.)
    Romney has proved himself to be a power-hungry flip-flopper and a serial liar. (See Joe’s joke at 4:51) Gingerich is one of the slimiest individuals to ever seek the presidency. Santoram is an uber-religious nutbar. Paul has a lot of good ideas but, the diggers of history have identified him as a 911 Truther and an anti-Semite.
    Heaven help the world if any of these 4 becomes POTUS.

  36. “There is no difference between Romney and Obama. They are the same man”
    Haha, good one. You forgot to add “GO RON PAUL!!!!!” to make the delusion complete.
    There ARE problems with romney, with romneycare taking top spot: this makes attacking obamacare on conservative principles very difficult.
    Anybody equating romney with obama, however, is taking a soothing mental holiday from current political and current events. That’s nice, but DO return to earth before voting if you’re an american.
    mhb23re at gmail d0t calm

  37. “the diggers of history have identified him as a 911 Truther and an anti-Semite.”
    Smear artists and liars are not ‘diggers of history’. Ron Paul is unequivocally not a 911 truther or anti-semite. Anybody who says otherwise is a giant hole.
    Ron Paul is for all his flaws the only one worth supporting. The only way Romney would be worth it is if Ron Paul got leverage over him and made a deal. Otherwise, best case scenario is re-election of Obama with massive GOP majorities that prevent him from causing further damage. The partisans here will moan and cry about ‘puritanism’. They’d have a point except for Hudak, Tory, McCain, and THE REST OF CONSERVATIVE ELECTORAL HISTORY. Besides, for the non-partisans ie people who can think, the objective is not to advance the GOP it’s to advance freedom.
