28 Replies to “Andrew Breitbart visits the Occupy L.A. Protest”

  1. we have a protest in Vancouver right now, primarily native women wanting justice. They have been blocking the busiest intersection in Vancouver, Georgia and Granville street for at least an hour. All buses are blocked on Granville.
    Mayor Robertson is losing more votes by the minute. There are a handful of police around not wearing hats.

  2. Andrew’s minder, was as fat as Michael Moore. How can a man that fat actually do any job? … other than perhaps driving a truck or beating the crap out of conservatives when the opportunity arises..

  3. stephen ottridge: “we have a protest in Vancouver right now, primarily native women wanting justice.”
    Are you sure that this is what they want?

  4. #TROTSKY … If I hear one more manifesto I am gonna scream.
    #STALIN … Calm down dude at least I will always be your comrade.
    #LENIN … LOL @ Menshevik five year plan.
    #STALIN … FU Lenin … windbag … go back to Zurich
    #TSAR … You know we’re armed here, right?
    #LENIN … FU Stalin, just because nobody can spell Dzughashvili, and now you’re a frigging revolutionary socialist? You suck.
    #TROTSKY … Can’t we all just get along?
    #STALIN … Bourgeois swine. Can you lend me ten rubles, I’m good for it.
    #LENIN … Cheap capitalist smartphone, wait until we have good Russian smartphone, then nobody calls Lenin a windbag. LOL @ Stalin he’s so 1905.

  5. Best line… “He’s in prison for robbery because he’s poor”. NOT because he broke the law, NOT because he stole but because he’s poor.
    Oh, and stupid enough to get caught.

  6. Two observations:
    1. Breitbart was wearing a Che T-shirt. THUMBS DOWN!
    2. Question to the self-described Socialist woman at the end, who had stated she’d mostly learned this from her friend in prison.
    Q. “What was he in prison for?”
    A. ” Robbery, because he was poor.” THUMBS DOWN!
    The logical ultimate extension of the woman’s expressed explanation is the Law of the Jungle. It’s OK to take anything that you don’t have from anybody who does have it. Which translates directly to the Marxist saying “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” I’d say THUMBS DOWN! again, but some Occupy ______ (Wherever) Socialist Commie retard would probably think he needs my thumbs more than I do.

  7. What will the VPD do when the Occupy mob meet at the Art gallery on Wednesday I believe. There will be way more of them than the current native demo and of course including all the anarchists?

  8. This is nut’s , you know i am tired of this boring stuff why don’t they do something?
    I don’t get it ? They are out of work because of what? who ? They don’t even know they have downloaded the program to there brains but there brains are not connected to the internet so they blame bush ,and capitalism but that’s it , there program gooes into rabble mode just ramble on and on about oppression and so on but no solid real true point’s .
    becasue they have none , they don’t want to work , they want the money the capitalists have earned but they don’t want to work like the capitalist’s , obviously with the exception of unions and politicians who don’t do anything but abuse capitalism .

  9. This is Obamba’s “Change you can believe in”.
    Most of these people have never put a nickel into the “System”. Those few that have, have recovered most of whatever they put in through, welfare, unemployment insurance, student loans, etcetera… That is one reason the US is 14.5 trillion in debt. It pays out more than it takes in. These people are owed nothing, but they want to take from those that have put in more than their fair share already.
    Corporations and “rich people” did not acquire their wealth from nothingness. It came from selling products and ideas to people willing to pay for them with money they had themselves earned.
    All the so called “Free money” out there in the hands of the rich was never these people’s money to be claimed back. If they have a problem with taxation on their goods and services, they need to join the Tea Party and march on Obamba’s Whitehouse to demand better representation of their tax’s, along with Executive and Congressional investigations into criminal activities in the banking system and Wall Street.
    That will never happen because these useful idiots work for Obamba. They helped put him in and they constitute the “million man civilian army, with equal strength to the military” that he promised when taking office.

  10. Watching these clips on the news etc of the protesters reminds me of Atlas Shrugged. How long until John Galt closes up shop. It is already happening, any jobs that can be off shored are already leaving America as fast as they can. Especially those without expensive infastructure.

  11. The North Korean’s assign minders to silence the most extraordinary kind of human beings. The SEIU assigns minder to silence the least extraordinary kind of human beings.

  12. The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
    The principle of free speech requires . . . that we do not pass laws forbidding Communists to speak. But the principle of free speech . . . does not imply that we owe them jobs and support to advocate our own destruction at our own expense
    Ayn Rand

  13. She had three influences … two are professors of the order of “give me socialism or give me tenure”.
    The other, her best friend … and obvious idiot who did robbery because he was poor. So what he is saying is “give me socialism or give me jail”.
    And she chose to look no further for guidance, information or opinion. She is exactly what is required for any political party to succeed in bring in a Marxist regime. She is easily influenced, not very curious, not very bright and for the leachers who infest the left, she is one screwable coed.
    I’ll take cookie baking ladies of the Tea Party any day.

  14. She is the product of a typical University Puppy Mill. No clue after years of brainwashing and a big fat debt which she feels you should pay for. Each University slot for a student in Canada costs the taxpayer 60,000 dollars for 4 years. That is the cost of infastructure, prof’s, upkeep etc. Canada has way more University’s than we need for our population. They are so desparate now for jobs, that they are trying to break into traditional blue collar areas. Pretty soon the experts will be demanding that you need a Degree for truck driving. Look at the overpaid babysitters at daycares. In some Provinces they need some kind of degree, to make minimum wage in a daycare. No wonder they are unhappy. I listened to one dummy on talk radio whining how she had spent all these years in University and taken on thousands of dollars in debt, and all she was qualified for in the end was a high end babysitter in a daycare…And she felt overwhelmed and demanding that the Gubmint forgive her debt. All her bad choices…The TEAT PARTY. Where’s My TEAT Bro…..

  15. These are not the dregs of society. Drug addicts have more intelligence.They don’t even rate that. There the waste we hide from by flushing the toilet.

  16. I remember watching Sonia Sotomayor being interviewed or whatever they call it in the Senate. My observation at the time – to the vehement horror of the leftist in the room, I worked out later because you’re not allowed to say this sort of thing about a latina – was “she’s just stupid. If she worked in a deli, she’d mess up your order.” I’ll say the same thing about grad-school blondie at the end. Universities are such a scam. The poor twit undoubtedly thinks she’s part of the intellectual elite.
    And ponytail dude really puts the “thug” in “Union thug”, doesn’t he? Is it legal to follow someone around in public?

  17. Ah yes, those Marxist professors. Nice of them to brainwash our kids about the attributes of a failed system.
    Looks like the Felix Dzerzhinsky wannebe following Andrew around has gained a little weight and let his hair grow..

  18. Peter O’Donnell- Now THAT’S funny. I am presently reading the ” Conquest of a Continent” ( Siberia )
    by Bruce Lincoln. Your dialogue fits right into the text.
