62 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. Yeah but unfortunately we have a lot of crazy people in it. Tampering is the only logical reason I can think of. Don’t remember any recalls.

  2. A while ago, they were talking about putting small ads on apples – that didn’t happen 🙂

  3. Didn’t you hear? It’s the new egg registry, out just in time for Halloween & Gate Night. This is sure to make eggings a thing of the past!

  4. “How do they get the chickens to do that???”
    An IUD in the form of a small pad printer with an auto serial numbering die is inserted up into the chicken’s… *stopping myself*

  5. This is one reason I only buy free-range eggs. Way to elicit confidence in the consumer…it’s like a little reminder…’this egg may be poison’.

  6. This must Ignatief’s new Liberal proposal and just in time to eliminate the hollowe’en pranksters.
    It’s the federal egg registry. Every honest omelet maker will be forced to register their eggs under threat of jail time in the coop. The pranksters of course will not register because … well they’re pranksters.

  7. Been eating these marked eggs for a few years now.
    These are Omega-3 type eggs and we eat them because we think they taste better. Yolks are more yellow because of the flax in thier diet.
    Never saw regular eggs with the tattoo on them.

  8. “These are Omega-3 type eggs and we eat them because we think they taste better”
    Try the free range ones…they taste even better. I have trouble eating the pen raised ones…you can taste the stress from the chickens.

  9. BTJ,I know what you mean. However,if you bring them home from the market in one of those enviro bags, that will make them taste a bit better.

  10. “However,if you bring them home from the market in one of those enviro bags, that will make them taste a bit better.”

  11. It takes the stressyness taste out of the egg. Another little trick is to walk or bicycle home from the store.

  12. I’d like to give you some more tips,but I’ve got to go. I’ve been cooped up like a pig all day.

  13. What a bunch of yahoos.Eggs are eggs.But then you get the nerds that pay 5 bucks for “free range” dozen.Stupid is as stupid does.

  14. I’m sorry, I missed the part where the state is forcing companies to imprint eggs, or where providing us with useful information about the food we buy has somehow become evil.
    We do all realize that eggs are mass-produced, yes? There are no little girls with baskets collecting eggs from contented hens on straw nests and delivering them to the stores…
    Go back to the 1950’s and the WB toons with the gophers and the factory farms. It was real then, it’s real now, 60 years later. The “nanny state” has nothing to do with it.

  15. “It takes the stressyness taste out of the egg. Another little trick is to walk or bicycle home from the store.”
    You’re a tool. Are you saying that there is no taste difference between eggs produced from hens cooped up in a tight little pen fed unnatural food, and those that are given more natural conditions?
    You’re a typical right wing simpleton, just lumping anything that seems ‘progressive’ (even though raising chickens in ‘natural’ conditions is CONSERVATIVE…it is how it was traditionally done) with other ‘progressive’ things.

  16. My prefernce has nothing to do with whether or the hens were “stressed” or not. I don’t give a flying fark how they were produced. I just enjoy the taste of them.
    Does everybody have to search for a hidden agenda in whatever one does?

  17. I prefer the “free-range” also, some of the brands do taste better.
    As for the pecking in their own crap, doesn’t bother me. Many of the vegetables I eat are also grown in crap. 😛

  18. We used to feed pollywogs to the chickens, they loved them. Don’t recall whether they tasted fishy or froggy or whatever, but I’m sure it would have driven the animal rights people crazy, ‘cept I don’t think there were any then, except in England, maybe.

  19. So conservative eggs are better. How about chicken wings? I bet the right wing taste better than the left wing.

  20. I first encountered this practice in Dresden,
    in Germany, in 2006. Each egg had a different
    serial number. I thought to myself, “well, that’s
    how Germany won the war” 🙂

  21. Arty:
    Friend of ours had a marine pub, he had a regular special-
    ‘solidarity chicken basket’ It was all left wings and assholes.

  22. “However,if you bring them home from the market in one of those enviro bags, that will make them taste a bit better.”
    and BTJ says …Huh?
    Zing right over his head, BTJ is still doing the dogs tilted head bewilderment routine.
    Glorious preator, …glorious..

  23. One would hope that BTJ is consistent in his dining preferences, and purchases only free-range tofu.
    Picture the plight of the factory-farm tofudebeests, shackled in legs irons, and force-fed petroleum distillate and trimmings from plastic bag factories. Hear their pitiful cries of angst! Have you no heart?

  24. Orlin in Marquette at 6:45 PM: “EXCUSE ME, but what is that? Has Canada completely gone bizarro?”
    You mean we just noticed?

  25. “You’re a tool. …
    You’re a typical right wing simpleton, …”
    Keep it classy BTJ. Say what does that stand for?
    Bobby, Teddy, Jack?
    Braying Totalitarian Jackass?
    Bully Talking Junk?

  26. Repeat after me, bowing while you say it:
    BJT is a saint.
    BJT is a saint.
    BJT is a saint.
    Repeat until you puke, all over his prairie oysters – er – eggs.

  27. gordinkneehill at October 31, 2010 8:37 PM
    If BTJ is munching way on tofu he’ll be overjoyed to know it is people like me that produced the soybeans to make it.
    Hope he chokes.

  28. Speaking of tofu… believe it or not did have a decent meal of it once.
    Fresh butternut squash, little browned cubes of tofu, strips of red peppers mixed in a hot curry & fish/soy sauce on basmati rice. Washed down with large quantities of very strong IPA of course. In my defense I thought the tofu was some sort of spicy sausage meat initially.

  29. “You’re a typical right wing simpleton, just lumping anything that seems ‘progressive’ (even though raising chickens in ‘natural’ conditions is CONSERVATIVE…it is how it was traditionally done) with other ‘progressive’ things.”
    Posted by: BTJ at October 31, 2010 6:51 PM That makes my night.

  30. Just sitting back having a coffee and enjoying all the funnin going on.
    BTW, don’t forget, all the nitrates and salmonella in the organic truck farm products should be showing up in about a month or so.

  31. Before long the busybodies will have us sorting our waste for recycle. At that point it will be time to buy a gun.

  32. So now BTJ suggests we have ‘progressive’ chickens?
    Well the yolks on you…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”
