42 Replies to “Dude”

  1. “I think it would make a lot more sense for you people to go to the folks who aren’t interested in funding global AIDS and chant at that rally!”
    Who wants to fund global AIDS! I want to fund treatment of AIDS, not fund it.
    If it were bush this’d show up in some collection of “Bushisms” as an example of his ‘stupidity’
    Here he pleads like a frustrated and impotent schoolteacher with his class – “Come On guys!”

  2. I really and truly feel a little sorry, not for the man himself, but for what the office of the US Presidency has been reduced to.

  3. It was President George W. Bush who got passage of a Congressional bill for a $15 BILLION anti-aids aid package for Africa.
    Bush and Secy of State Colin Powell led in putting this program together with a very strong administrative process of ensuring the funds actually went to medical-related expenses for treatment of AID patients and HIV-positive patients in Africa. This instead of the usual result of foreign aid to Africa, where almost all of the aid is stolen by dictators, their cronies and henchmen.
    Of course, this has gone down the Obama/Democrat Memory Hole, to facilitate Obama/Democrat pathological lying.
    TOTUS, your new theme song is that awesome blues song, “The Thrill Is Gone”, by BB King.

  4. Kate, your post’s title perfectly sums up what this is all about.
    Obama has degraded the stature of the presidency even more than Clinton managed and even more than Nixon. His lack of respect for the institution typifies his lack of respect for what America represents.
    After November 2nd his approval ratings could really tank as the fad of obamaism goes the way of the pet rock. Only a poorly led and badly disciplined GOP could screw up the termination of a second term of Obama as potus.

  5. Ps- that he’s campaigning this close to election day in a state where the senate candidate has a double digit lead in all of the polls says a lot about his lack of stature and/or how shakey even the most secure dem seats are this time around ( if he campaigns in Barney franks district you will know that a dem apocalypse is nigh). That he isn’t going round the clock speaking for Barbara boxer is amazing.

  6. As all too often happens Oblamebush/leftists projects his/their shortcomings on his/their enemies (rightists). A independent adjudicator would have to rate the typical leftist as being far more racist, sexist, homophobic, and otherwise vastly more intolerant than your average Canadian or American Conservative.

  7. Here you will find some numbers on funding AIDS programs by the bad, bad “the other side”.
    Note that these are from variety of sources; some are absolutely, violently against Bush. Some are absolutely disgusting though by their own comment, they introduced the numbers.
    Also note that the current occupant of The White House did not have to do anything about the subject since Bush did virtually all the footwork for him, right here:
    “PEPFAR was renewed in July 2008 with the intention of spending $48 billion from 2009 to 2013”
    2001 AIDS funding, “the other side”:
    …….the Ryan White CARE Act, which received $1.8 billion this year,……
    2003 AIDS funding, “the other side”:
    President Bush’s 2003 budget plan calls on Congress to increase federal HIV/AIDS funding by nearly $1B.
    2004 AIDS funding, “the other side”:
    FACT: President Bush’s budget introduced four days after his State of the Union only sought $2 billion for the year” (2004) for AIDS……..
    (Note the rest of the sentence that blames Bush that he broke a promise, what a stretch, what a load of garbage.)
    2005 AIDS funding, “the other side”:
    U.S. funding has increased by only $2 billion during fiscal years 2004 and 2005, according to the Journal.
    2005 AIDS funding, “the other side”:
    The AIDS legislation Bush signed will shift care and treatment money to rural areas and the South.
    The House on Dec. 9 agreed by voice vote to renew the $2.1 billion-annual Ryan White CARE Act.
    2006 AIDS funding, “the other side”:
    Since taking office, Bush has put a special emphasis on increasing aid to Africa, increasing direct US aid from $ 1.1 billion in 2000 to $4.2 billion in 2006.
    2007 AIDS funding, “the other side”:

  8. If I had been there, I would probably have been chanting “OH BUM-MER” too. Except I might not have stopped when he held up his hand.

  9. Re: aids and anti-aids funding:
    – Another case where Obama is totally clueless (if not an outright lier). (Someone has described Obama as “an uneducated child”, which, unfortunately is very accurate.)
    – Of course Obama wanting to fund “global aids” will not be picked up by MSM, that would be not be loyal of them.

  10. Maybe he ought to send his goons to stomp on their heads.
    Did you notice the chants of “O-ba-ma”?
    The cult of personality is alive and well, but some of the cultists drank too much of the ceremonial whine.

  11. EBD….you spelled ceausescu wrong but i still love you…i was there BEFORE les enfants terrible took charge of the proles and believe me the joint stunk even then..
    where was i?..oh yes…the very idea you had of comparing the ONE with Nicolae is was and will be a signature event in my final understanding of why i love you..
    have i told you i think you’re a clever lovely minx or minkie or whatever…something warm furry clever forever unpredictable droll clever and adorable…

  12. of course the ineffably Dowsonish yet hip ‘white man’s wind’ was the first hint i’d met something emotionally tectonic…and that my pathetic life had finally taken an uptick…
    gee…i hope yur a ghirl….

  13. ” The respect that he deserves. Well, maybe not but I don’t feel too bad for him. ”
    That is misplaced sympathy. Politics, as Obama conducts it, is war, and he aims to ever extend and solidify his conquest. Political attacks on him, like this heckling, is merely self-defense, in the eyes of the hecklers.
    The rest of America should wake up, and make the impeachment of Obama priority number one.

  14. I’m not sure that Obama really finds the hecklers irritating; he uses the opportunity to pose and look “noble” for the cameras. It’s a delicate balance…. As to the “we fund, they do not” claim – never let the facts get in the way of a good story, especially on the campaign trail.

  15. Hey begley @ 5:47 and EBD: Get a room, will ya? EBD @ 11:22, for the benefit of we ignoramuses, would you care to elaborate on your intriguing Mrs. Ceausescu reference?

  16. We have a new name for Obama courtesy of Youtube commenter UncleFacts:

    “the other side is not” funding global AIDS. Hey Toonces*, you manchild, your predecessor, the one you like to blame all your f*ckups on, spent more money on AIDS prevention, cure, and education than any of the next three democrat presidents. Thanks again FiftyTwo Percenters for inflicting this petulant, thin skinned, unvetted, incompetent asshole on the country.

    * Toonces, the Driving Cat is a fictional sketch character from the NBC television series Saturday Night Live…Toonces was the family pet of Lyle (Steve Martin in the first sketch, thereafter by Dana Carvey) and Brenda Clark (Victoria Jackson), an enthusiastic couple who would allow their cat to drive the family car. At first, they were delighted that their cat had such an ability, but were always horrified to discover (too late) that Toonces was actually not a skilled driver at all. The running gag was the punch line: “See, I told you he could drive! Just not very well!”. Inevitably, Toonces would drive the car over a cliff whenever he got behind the wheel. This sequence was characterized by someone in the car yelling “Toonces, look out!” with the Toonces puppet appearing to scream also, followed by the car falling off a cliff, and sometimes exploding (as shown in a series of stock footage scenes—sometimes the same one used multiple times within a sketch).

  17. Thinnest. Skinned. Precedent. EVAH!
    The hilarious part is that He is being heckled by the Llleft, He gets more respect than that from the VRWC.

  18. I am gratified that I am not the only one to see a ” Ceausescu ” parallel…..
    The growing reaction of the crowd (which was likely select obamatrons) to an arrogant, would be dictator…is eerie.
    The speed with which a few heckles can morph into violent action is breathtaking and must make the Secret Service detail very nervous.

  19. Nick: Elena Ceauşescu was the arrogant wife of Romanian dictator Nikolae Ceauşescu. She and her husband were executed days after a huge crowd of people attending (compulsorily) one of his speeches started heckling and hissing at him.

  20. Obama on the death of Ted Sorenson, JFK’s speechwriter:
    “I was so saddened to learn that Ted Sorensen passed away. I got to know Ted after he endorsed my campaign early on. He was just as I hoped he’d be – just as quick-witted, just as serious of purpose, just as determined to keep America true to our highest ideals.
    From his early days desegregating a Nebraska pool to his central role electing and advising President Kennedy to his later years as an international lawyer and advocate, Ted lived an extraordinary life that made our country – and our world – more equal, more just, and more secure. Generations of Americans entered public service aspiring to follow in his footsteps.
    Even as I mourn his loss, I know his legacy will live on in the words he wrote, the causes he advanced, and the hearts of anyone who is inspired by the promise of a new frontier. My heart goes out to his wife Gillian, his daughter Juliet, his sons, Eric, Stephen, and Philip, and the entire Sorensen family.”
    Egotistical much? He started to exist and be relevant after he endorsed Obama’s candidacy

  21. Erik Larsen: That’s one hell of a cheap shot. People making these obligatoraly mawkish little speeches almost always try to make a personal connection to the deceased.
    MariaS at 12:42 – Right on, although the Pres.’ himself has contributed to the loss of respect for the office by s–t like going on late night TV shows. Whatever happened to gravitas?

  22. Erik – no, you’re right. It’s hardly the most egregious example of Obama’s egocentrism, but you are correct – I don’t think he could describe something unless it referred to him.
    Oh, and Happy Hallowe’en!

  23. Funny, but weren’t a bunch of Tea Party rallies disrupted earlier this year by “spontaneous demonstrations” from people who showed up with professionally printed signs and bull horns? So, it’s OK by Will if people disrupt Tea Party rallies, but he throws a hissy fit if they do it to him?
    Can’t wait for Tuesday.

  24. nick…
    never you mind….the ethereal mindly thing i share with EBD is of no consequence…and certainly NOT worth the price of a motel room…
    it’s a Belshazzar moment actually….
    but it still made me gladsome to know people thinkening to me exist…
    btw EBD…years ago i called it the “Romanian moment’ and was told by friends that that dear fellow Steyn(i’ve met him..shook his hand!) had used the phrase in one of his opinion pieces…i jokily ‘complained ‘ to him about poaching MY expression…he didn’t deny it ut did tell me to sorta piss off…
    he owes me one…one day i’ll meet him again and lay it all out for him…

  25. These people reacted to President Obama’s speech like the Romanians did in 1989 to a speech of Ceausescu, the communist dictator, when the anti-communist revolution started.
    See for yourself here:

  26. Obama will go down in the Guinness Book of records for the most speechifying by any World figure in known History. Soon I bet?
