28 Replies to “Nastiest Campaign Ever”

  1. “What’s wrong with being a nutmeg dealer?”
    Nutmeg, like all spices, grows in the tropics.
    Like Dune, the Old World ran on Spice.
    Nutmeg dealers were traveling salesman who often sold carved replicas of nutmegs instead of the real deal, kinda like how in the early part of the 20th century flimflam men sold gold painted of leafed bricks as gold bricks in America.
    We look at people of bygone ages as different from ourselves, but they thought of themselves as contemporaries of the ‘new era’ just as we see ourselves and they had the same motives, strenghts, weaknesses, and appetites as we do.
    The only difference between us and them is our accessaries and technologies.

  2. Is The Great Orator incapable of saying the word “pundit?”
    He says “pundint.”
    I learned as far back as elementary school how nasty political campaigns were in the 19th century, with politicians owning their own newspapers that printed scurrilous lies and embarrassing truths.
    I don’t know what’s more demoralizing: that our president – a man with a law degree from Harvard – is so ignorant of history that he would say such falsehoods; or that we have a voting public so ignorant that they would swallow his populist nonsense.

  3. POWinCA, notice also how Obama refers to the sorry state of affairs that exists “when pundits start shouting, and politicians start calling each other’s names…”
    I assume he meant “when politicians start calling each other names,” as opposed to “yoo-hoo…Senator Gilbertson…

  4. “or that we have a voting public so ignorant that they would swallow his populist nonsense.”
    Obama sold hope, as in ‘I hope those are real nutmegs.’
    There were a few real nutmegs on top, to salt the bag, but underneath there were only carved wooden replicas.
    Ultimately, he has turned out to be a flimflam man.
    People whose trust has been betrayed aren’t ignorant.
    Even though many of us saw who Obama and his cohorts were, if we hadn’t got the truth from the right blogosphere and instead had relied on the MSM as so many others we would have been betrayed too.
    Some people right here on SDA who had learned of Obama’s character still had hope and expressed that they hoped, for the sake of their children, that “Obama would succeed”.
    You only have to go back in the archives to read how they felt and hoped.
    I was not one of those people who had false hope.
    I see the world in stark contrasts of black and white.

  5. And then the “dirty to a whole new level” crowd brings in Anderson Cooper, that pampered CNN poodle, to carry the message. I’m surprised his next line wasn’t “by the Republicans and the Teabaggers,” (something he might just know about …).

  6. Didn’t Obama inform us that, even though he had no facts, he ‘knew’ that the Cambridge police ‘acted stupidly’.
    And that doctors cut off limbs and took out tonsils not for medical reasons but because they were greedy.
    And anyone who earned over 250,000 did so, not because they earned it, but because they were greedy.
    And that Arizonans would arrest you, if you were just walking on the street with an ice cream; and that the Tea Party was called ‘tea baggers’;
    and Hispanics should get out and vote against their enemies, the GOP…
    And that America was not exceptional but similar to every other nation, thereby ignoring the massive scientific and technological achievements of America;
    and going around the world apologizing for the pre-Obama America; ..and so on.
    If you want insults and smears of America and Americans, all you have to do is listen to Obama.

  7. There was one thing back in the old days that allowed candidates to draw line: Duels.
    You attack a candidates family and the next thing you know your out on the field of honor with a pistol in your hand. That was the fate of one Charles Dickinson that slurred the honor of Andrew Jackson’s wife after being goaded by Jackson’s political opponents. Jackson even gave Dickinson the first shot before he killed him.
    I wonder how many libtards would be slurring Sarah Palin if duels were still around?

  8. What? There was no political correctness back in the founding fathers era? Who would of thought?
    Yes, when men were men…And Women had not acquired the right to vote just yet…
    Nowadays, with effemination at it’s peak, it’s women like Palin and Backmann who are leading the charge for true Conservatism; inspiring millions of breadwinners, child raising, mortgage responsible females in the process.
    In a sense, the 20th century was in a large part women’s own political experiment…How else to explain “nanny state” idealism but not link it to primordial maternal instinct?
    And it seems to have come full circle as they now seem to want to head back to the founding principles.
    Guys, we are going to be kicked out of the kitchen and back behind the plow soon!
    “You’ve come a long way, Baby!”

  9. “It seems a return to civility is not possible”
    Wait a minute, did I miss something?

  10. Benjamin Franklin used to do air aerobics in the nude every morning. Enjoy the visual.
    These men where just enjoying the freedom of expression with out persecution.

  11. Terry tory; you have also taken note of the fact that the Palin Bachman Odonnell Haley Angle Nohm Whitman etals have more nads than all the girlie men from Obongo to Bwaney Fwank. These so called men should take note of who will save our way of life here in North America. When men forget they are men, and start believing the Olbermans, Matthews, Behars etc., run around being politically correct, watching and thinking clowns like Al Gore, Jon Stewart and the 45 degree foreheaded Bill Mahr are smart, they are done. Lead on girls, your direction is correct for families and the future.

  12. bartinsky, you’d be describing the group REAL Women here in Canada, which has been around since 1983. Its members are airline pilots, engineers, teachers, stay-at-home moms, etc. (they even allow men to join) and they’ve been treated exactly the way Sarah Palin’s been treated: with utter contempt by the chattering classes.
    Their motto: Women’s rights but not at the expense of others’ rights.
    It tells you something when common-sense, something for everyone, agendas are trashed while biased, illiberal, politically correct manifestos are celebrated and pushed on the populace.
    Finally, the Wizard’s Curtain is being pulled back and people are catching a glimpse of who’s really running the show: not the good guys.

  13. boballab…
    not ‘slurred’ the honour…i would think ‘sullied’ the honour is the fitting word..

  14. Slightly OT but the references to dueling….
    Perhaps this had more influence than generally appreciated.
    “Colt made all men equal.” NO….his product just altered the rules.
    …….if first you don’t succeed you can try try again 5 more times….that is unless the other fella succeeds first…..
    It was not Colt’s revolver…but rather how it was made….the first instance of a mass produced precision device with interchangeable parts…a process that made all following industrial products possible….such as internal combustion engines….automobiles…aircraft….

  15. Our forefathers were also able to stand behind their words with the fullness of conviction and truth. They had the freedom to say what was on their heart without fear of lawsuits and endless hours of money-sucking court time.
    It would be great to see a modern day duel, televised by Fox News: “…and don’t forget to turn us on this Saturday afternoon at 3:00, when we will feature the latest installment of ‘Take Back Your Words of Eat My Lead’ when we will feature Gerry “your a whore” Brown vs. Griffith ‘no, that’s my housekeeper’ Harsh IV.’ (Meg Whitman’s husband)
    Now that would be entertainment!!!

  16. “It can seem like a return to civility is not possible.”
    ~Barack Hussein Obama
    You Democrats started it.
    Admit fault and swear off of it, including using the race card and every other identity group card, and only then can a return to civility become possible.
    Ever heard a progressive apologize and admit fault without dissembling?
    Neither have I.
    A return to civility is not possible.

  17. The Prez is doing another of old Saul Alinsky’s tricks,”accuse the enemy of doing what you’re doing”.
    The worst offenders, the most un-civil people are the progressives/Democrats/Liberals. When anyone disagrees with them, that person become the Devil Incarnate,and there is no limit to the viciousness of their attacks.
    The Obama supporters also seem to have no problem with committing physical attacks on the opposition at rallies,as we’ve seen.
    Civility? Not with your bunch in charge,you socialist community-organizing leech.
    No insult intended.

  18. Obama’s so lucky nobody knows any history; he can say pretty much anything in that nice baritone of his, de haut en bas, smirking in benign-ish condescension (seriously, watch those few seconds where he’s speaking again; the man is so transparently phoney; no, not exactly phoney. Clinton was phoney. I don’t know just what word I want for Obama. He’s something. The body-language alone marks him out as a narcissist. Imagine he wasn’t in politics [where some degree of narcissism is not rare]; imagine you worked with him or met him socially. How quickly would you realize that there was something wrong with the man?)
    p.s. I am given to understand that ingesting large amounts of nutmeg can make you hallucinate. I almost tried it once in high-school but then I panicked and made myself throw up, so I’m only going on hearsay here.

  19. Terry Tory, bartinsky, and batb are right. The common denominator of all these women is conviction, and their origins lie outside the mainstream Republican machine. Thank goodness the senior party hacks could not prevent their rise to de factor leadership of the Republican/conservative voters. Palin’s metaphor of ” mama grizzly ” is appropriate; they fight defensivey, because no one else in the party will.
    Faced with these women who possess no power other than that conveyed by their integrity, courage, and intellgence, the president’s men foam at the mouth in impotent rage.

  20. I second small c conservative’s comment. Hopefully, just maybe, the women will be able to restore some of the brass and give it a sheen.
