50 Replies to “Fairy Tale Environmentalism”

  1. As with all things from the liberal/environmental movement, it’s all about appearance and perception. Not a whit of substance from those quarters, whatsoever.

  2. Why have guys on bicycles charging those orange batteries?
    Did they just rent those solar cells for a prop in the shoot or don’t the solar cells put out enough juice to charge the batteries before hand?

  3. I don’t understand those commercials.
    We’ve gone in a few years from minivans doing awesome wheel drifts on desert flats to a stationary vehicle promoting inertia?
    Weird man, weird.

  4. I’m sure the crew and equipment all arrived at the shoot via mule train….no wait….forgot about methane from mule farts. They must have hand carried everything to that site.

  5. Union-rate featherbedders will be having orgasms over the wretched excess of headcount needed to make such a commercial.
    FYI, just going outside as opposed to filming in a closed set / studio almost triples the cost IF the weather stays good, and it multiplies from there if the weather gets nasty.
    Somewhere I hope there’s VP Marketing at Hyundai who has secretly started the search for a saner ad agency.

  6. First, the fact that the commercial was filmed using a bunch of Birkenstock wearing Bicycling Bolsheviks(Adler’s term) is likely the reason the commercial SUCKS! You should be very proud you filmed a crappy commercial. Doesn’t anyone care about quality anymore? It reminds me about how I’m supposed to be happy that my office provides “Fair Trade Tea”, and I’m supposed to ignore the fact that it tastes like isht!
    Second, can you blame them? The people that eat that isht up are the people they’re trying to sell cars to.

  7. Like all of you when I first saw the commercial on TV I realized what asshats Hyundai and the ad agency are.
    But what I found most pleasing is the miserable faces on the driver and his passenger. Someone should have prompted them to smile like they were enjoying the ride or something.
    Or perhaps they saw thru the carbon-free nonsense by take 15.

  8. Water, pumped through rubber hoses, collected in plastic bins sitting next to bicycles with rubber tires, plastic brake parts, fenders, nylon cables and reflectors,next to the cars with scads of those products incorporated into them, next to green morons writing with plastic pens containing artificial ink incorporating plastic polymers,next to plastic water bottles..blah blah blah..
    There is a sh*t load of petroleum products present on that set…
    The carbon footprint is actually out of site, off this earth, out of bounds, off the scale..you get the picture.
    Face it greenies, betting living through chemistry!

  9. “Like wow, man. Dude, pass that joint over here.” This green advertisement rates on the scale of importance, at the same level as the cure for cancer. At least that’s the impression I’m getting from these dinks.

  10. Hyundai are okay cars, the engineers designing them and building them don’t make ads though. It makes sense that if you want to get young greenies to buy cars, the ad agency has the right idea. Remember, for those eco-nuts, truth and reality don’t necessarily matter.
    As for the production, Rube Goldberg would be proud.

  11. ” You can drive this car guilt-free because we saved one trillionth of the carbon you will emit in the next year! ”
    Clearly this ad is made for people who “feel” more than they think…like leftists maybe?

  12. Don’t they realize all those pesky humans in the commercial are exhaling carbon dioxide? How dare they endanger our environment by producing a gas necessary to the continuation of all life on earth.
    The filthy polluters should be shot! Shot, I say!

  13. The message is:
    Buy our cars and drive them knowing that because the commercial we shot in the U.S. was so environmentally friendly you don’t have to care about the carbon footprint of the car you bought from us that was probably manufactured on the other side of the Pacific Ocean and shipped over to you.

  14. I have an idea how about not making the commercial like that how about hiring a camera crew stand them at various locations and take video shot’s of the car driving through the twisty roads seems so much easier that way ….
    ohh wait they do that already.
    How about every single material item including the cardboards sign made from tree’s reminding people not to litter and to point out what is recycleable…lol these people are friken retards
    especially becaseu they are touting low or no carbon ..i have an absolutley awsome idea ..how about we don’t make the commercial or the car ..and everyone invovled in making this commercial put’s a garbage bage over there head and a zip tie really tight around there neck and slowly kill them selves with out releasing any carbon into the atmosphere…..ohh wait how silly of me if we got rid of every molecuele of carbon every thing that has leaves or is green would die …hmmm so silly.

  15. What a joke! This commercial is as big a farce as the environmental movement is. Bunch of watermelons.
    Colin sums it up well @ 3:38.

  16. I think these are retarded commercials…
    Does the f###ing car actually work? I mean if I was even to buy one (not likely now) I want to turn the f”ing engine on and go someplace… its a car!

  17. These should be used as IQ tests. Anyone who buys a volt, or believes in AGW should be institutionalized. For there own good of course.
    Those that promote commercials like this put in a room where they can make Macaroni pictures with finger painting.

  18. I smell a rat.
    It’s claimed that they are charging the battery using bicycles. So let’s just crack some numbers shall we?
    A single human can generate a maximum of 100 W via kinetic energy such as pedaling a bicycle. As a machine, a human being uses about 100 W for metabolic functions and has about 100 W available for useful work.
    Now the Hyundai Sonata has a 34 kW electric motor. So, that means that you need 340 people to produce all of the energy that the motor will demand, and 34 kW isn’t a very big motor (that’s 40 HP for all you old-fashioned types than aren’t up with these new hipster times). It’s going into a battery, so 340 people pumping for an hour will give it one’ hour’s driving energy.
    If you have only 34 people then they have to peddle for 10 hours to give it one hour’s battery life, and one hour is about the storage capacity of the battery. This is assuming no significant friction or heat losses in the electricity and peddle systems themselves.
    I don’t see near that many bicycles on the set. So they’re either lying or exaggerating grotesquely.
    Of course even if this fantasy was true, it’s still a lie. What powers all those people peddling bikes? Oh yeah, how was all that food produced and shipped? If you do an energy consumption analysis, what you will find is that because of the huge inefficiency of the human body in using energy, more fossil fuel was consumed than if the car had simply been powered by gasoline. It’s why we got rid of the oat-burners more than half a century ago. Biological systems are hugely inefficient in producing kinetic energy.

  19. What I want to know is, how do I get that Eco-Consultant job? I’m sure I can make sh1t up and letter recycling signs with a Sharpie just as good as that chick.
    Ok, maybe not with a straight face like she does it…

  20. I’ll take a Hyundai over GM or Chrysler. At least they areusing their money and not mine to make their ads.

  21. The Eco consultant looks like she could use a bath and the rest of the crew look like rent a riot anarchists. also check out the extensive use of aluminium in the staging, cyc supports and rigging.
    There are honest attempts to green the Movie industry ,or at least cut waste.Improvements have been made and are ongoing, but this commercial is complete compost.

  22. The Hyundai corp is hardly any different from any other business …..
    They already have a core of intelligent customers who recognize their products as good value and now need to grow their market.
    Their merketing people figured out a strategy to sell cars to very stupid poeple so ….the ads are suitably assinine.
    The target audience is the people stupid enough to buy into the green hype…. that’s it.

  23. Now we need Obama selling this lemon.

    “Don’t drive it in a ditch!”
    “Don’t let them have the keys!”
    “You assholes sit in the back,
    and keep your mouths shut!”
    “If it doesn’t sell,
    we will stimulate you with 40 billion dollars.”

  24. Well,that does it, I`m convinced.I am pushing my silverado to work on monday .Hope I won`t look silly.

  25. Did they buy carbon offsets for the carbonated drinks consumed? You’re not really green unless you pay into that particular extortion racket.

  26. I think it could easily be demonstrated that doing that ad the conventional way – by shooting the car moving along the road using another moving car to carry the camera would have taken far less fossil fuel to assemble the materials and set-up the location and hook-up the bikes and batteries and build the treadmill etc. Etc. Etc.
    Like all fads, “going green” is an incredible waste of time and money and thus, resources in an attempt to surpass the joneses . The irony is that “going green” is basically a futile and often counter-productive attempt to consume less of the latter. Thus making it more silly than pretty much all fads up to and including pet rocks.

  27. Those advertising whores are to corrupted science what Walt Disney Productions was to wildlife in nature.

  28. A little of topic but not really, I found this post on a used car ad (a ’67 mercedes sedan to be exact)
    “…This Mercedes has no seatbelts in the back, and the ones in the front are of the airliner lap-best variety. There are safer cars out there for sale. Cars with thick slab like steel pillars cocooning you from the outside world. Cars with 7 airbags. Cars with airbags for your knees. They have fancy GPSs that will tell you where you should go; they have systems that will brake for you, before you even notice that the car in front of you is slowing down.
    This Mercedes has none of those things. This Mercedes barely even has brakes. This Mercedes doesn’t even have a conventionally operational heating system, or a radio. There are no power windows, locks, or mirrors. This car does not have seven airbags.
    And those other cars, Their horns make cute little beeping noises, so considerate to not be rude. They don’t have horns that sound with the arrogance and fury of some long dead Mongol warlord. They don’t come with apocalyptic snow tires, all spikes and brutal tread. You cannot fix those cars on the side of the road, using a wrench as a hammer. Those cars will never force you to think, never allow you to exercise your own ingenuity. In those cars you can’t stand up illegally through the sunroof from the back seat, and watch the moon with the cool night air blowing through you air.
    Richard Nixon once said “Human existence is in the struggle.” You could buy a car that will try and hide you from all the dangers of the world, but it won’t save you; all the alarms, all the air bags, and the low sodium lattes in the world won’t save you. Some day you will die. But at least you can die with the wind in your hair….”
    There is a cultural pushback against the idea that progress means an evermore coccooned life – one that is regulated to be so. I want to die with my boots on, not as a result of some government regulated and mandated mercy euthanasia program. This is very much an aspect of the Tea party movement. It is an elemental part of what liberty is.

  29. Greenwash!
    I’ll do my part to save some CO2 by continuing to drive my eight year old car (with sunk CO2 costs) rather than buying a new Hyundai which creates more CO2 in production.
    That’ll learn ’em!
    I would love to put Ms. Gropper’s entire life under a microscope to see what her carbon footprint is.

  30. I wonder how many of them had to fly to the ad location? How did they get from the airport to the shoot, from the shoot to their hotel? How did the caterer get their meals to them: rickshaw? Etc., etc. Much ado here about nothing.
    What asshats.

  31. What a bunch of crap that commercial is. Didn’t make a carbon footprint? What? How about getting to the job. How about eating food. How about power to run the lights? and on and on and on…..

  32. Oddly enough, commercials don’t make either my needs or wants lists. I have no problem with energy, in all of it’s beautiful forms, reserved for my needs and wants.
    Frankly, I think that 4% co2 is way to high for any commercial – we should have zero tolerance for co2 for these type of activities.

  33. I think Hyundai should just close the door and walk away – think of all the Carbon Off Sets which they could have!! Will continue to stick with my Toyota, thanks.
