88 Replies to “If We Stop Eating Whale Meat, The Terrorists Win”

  1. Uh oh, I just watched them both, and backlash’s split view screen clearly shows the Whalers steering into the Bat Boat. Yes, the Bat Boat accelerated, but only to try and get out of the way, oppps, to late.
    But, Hey, If you are stupid enuf to play chicken with a Million Ton Vessel then you deserve it.

  2. EBD — that was my first thought. It would be nice to know what was being said in Japanese.

  3. Mark Peters:
    I viewed the clip twice. Paul Watson’s claim that they were rammed is a tsunami worth of BS.
    The “Ady Gil” initially idling, was clearly powering forward in the last seconds before impact, given the water jetting behind the craft. Hardly taking ‘evasive action’ when the pilot of the craft is moving directly into the path of the Japanese vessel.
    The “SS” (Sea Shepard) Society clearly set out to damage their own ship. A wave or two different and they would be very dead and very stupid.
    Welcome to a Titanically totaled craft…
    And BTW when you fly the “Jolly Roger” on your craft you open yourself up to a whole lot of ‘whupp ass’!! They should be happy the deck gun didn’t take them out.
    If they want to play at ‘Marauders of the Sea’, they shouldn’t be too surprised if they are treated as such.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. The Japanese whaling industry is one of the few issues that I agree with the eco-nuts about.
    There is absolutely no reason why we should allow them to be hunting whales through a loophole designed for research.
    The Japanese government subsidizes these guys with millions of dollars because there is very little market for the meat. Whale stocks are dwindling. Whats the point here?

  5. This is a great first step towards Sea Shepard führer Paul Watson’s 500 million world population…

  6. It takes a lot to make me side with the japanese Whalers. Those anti-whaling pirates manage to do so. It’s a shame they couldn’t have sunk the Bob Barker as well. And then sunk themselves.

  7. Breaking news…..Paul Watson is heading to the moon to stop the whalers up there!! Claims he saw a documentary called Futurama about the original moon landings…..

  8. Thanks Trappedintrudeapia – I appreciate an expert opinion.
    It’s funny, a left-leaning friend of mine watched the vid, and our opinions on who was at fault were completely different.
    It’s an interesting psychological take – two seemingly intellingent people, observing the same evidence, coming to radically different conclusions, both reinforcing their political bias!!

  9. As someone with some marine experience i would suggest the Nippon vessel appears to have been the aggressor in the collision,…~ Trappedintrudeaupia
    Aggressor? It wasn’t the Japanese ship that sought out, pursued and engaged the other.

  10. I wonder if senile old Bob Barker could be talked in to donating a few more bucks to have Watson and his Ship of Fools spayed or neutered?

  11. “You scratched my anchor!”
    Posted by: richfisher at January 6, 2010 11:07 PM

    Bingo! GMTA…

  12. Nice down riggers and rods on the SS moonbat.
    One boat kept circling to get in front of the other.
    One boat appears to have been dragging a cable behind it to foul the screws of the other.
    One boat brags they sink whalers.
    One boat is flying the skull and cross bones.
    I’d shoot every harpoon, bullet and flare I had into her.

  13. Hans……
    [….And BTW when you fly the “Jolly Roger” on your craft you open yourself up to a whole lot of ‘whupp ass’!! They should be happy the deck gun didn’t take them out.]
    True but then our people don’t summarilly execute the Taliban either…..pity…..

  14. Syncro – Couldn’t Pamela just be invited aboard as ballast? It would be cheaper and she wouldn’t need a consultation fee.

  15. Yup Pammy she would float for sure! Anyway I don’t like the whalers I really don’t like the Pretend pirates in the bat-boat is there any way we could have them Both sink? WIN-WIN

  16. Hi, I’m Japanese and my husband is Canadian.
    I can translate what they are saying.
    Cameraman: Right now the ADI came out and is bothering our ship.
    The Adi came out and hit our ship.
    They came out and tried to stop us and hit our ship!
    When I was an elementary school kid I ate kujira (whale meat)that was served in our school lunch. I loved it!

  17. Is that screaming we hear one of those sound pirate repellers? And if so, who is using it? I presume the whalers.
    As someone has already said, the little black boat is under way going forward through this whole video. There was plenty of tie to reverse engines and at least try to avoid the collision, I would think.

  18. larben
    Judging from Pamela’s nautical themed video with Tommy Lee she’s a lot more durable than that crappy carbon fiber batboat.

  19. Thanks for the translation, Megumi. Are you sure someone didn’t say “Greenpeace twits” in there somewhere?

  20. When I was an elementary school kid I ate kujira (whale meat)that was served in our school lunch. I loved it!
    Tried muktuk once; can’t say that I’d shoot a whale for it.

  21. “Rules of the Road indicate that in the event of collision, vessels shall alter course to starboard. The smaller boat was in the wrong from the git’go. Crunch. Lucky no one killed.”
    The other rule that is applicable here is the vessel approaching on your port (left) side has to give way. In that instance the Ady Gil had the right of way, whether they were moving or not.
    Personally I think the best outcome would have been if they both ended up on the bottom.

  22. “First reaction to this: WTF? The Bat Boat?”
    Also my first thought. Loved the cute little skull and crossbones too. Very bad insurance day. I also loved the parting lovesquirt as they started to flounder.

  23. I think the commercial whaling piracy operating out of Japan is disgusting. Australian politicians need to harder up and send some Collins Class subs down to the Southern Ocean, put these Japanese criminals back where they belong.

  24. I think the commercial whaling piracy operating out of Japan is disgusting. Australian politicians need to harder up and send some Collins Class subs down to the Southern Ocean, put these Japanese criminals back where they belong.

  25. I agree with you Simon!
    The Japanese government are too arrogant to stop whaling, while the fleet crews themselves are completely brainless….
    An ‘experimental torpedo program’ would be the best solution!

  26. Are most of the people writing on this thing completely retarded???!!!
    GREENPEACE is a completely seperate organisation to SEA SHEPEARD, the guys involved in the collision…
    If you’re going to stand up for these Jap pricks, at least get your facts right!!!!

  27. Hey everybody , I have a great solution that I picked up in Copenhagen.
    All the whaling industry needs to do is create whaling credits and send them to third world dictators. If it would work to reverse climate change , a few fish should be no problem.
