21 Replies to ““2400 tourists a day flock to the area…””

  1. 2400 tourists per day flocking to an imminent danger zone can only augur well for the future of the human gene pool.

  2. One way airfare from Nashville to Legaspi Phillipenes = $ 3859
    Helicopter charter from Legaspi to summit of Mt Mayon = 3 bottles of scotch and probably 20,000 Euro’s
    Leaving Al Gore up there = priceless
    Taking Suzuki with him =2,000,000, bonus Aeroplan miles

  3. Once again, Kate says more with a headline and a picture than others could say with a full page of newsprint.

  4. Just an aside…that photo that we know so well, of Darwin in old age, tends to obscure the fact that when the old boy stepped aboard the Beagle he was 23 years old.

  5. Yes, I can imagine Kate is one of these people one often sees at parties.
    The type that speaks just a few lines the whole time and each sentence is just a few words – but they never fail to set everyone back on their heels for hours, heh !

  6. i spend inordinate amounts of time backpacking and mountaineering in the Canadian Rockies. you cannot imagine the head shaking idiocy i’ve seen on the roadside; people walking up to ruminants and black bears.
    Walt Disney was a curse.

  7. I understand that Angelina Jolie was awakened last night by the ticking of a clock secreted under the stairs…
    That’s not good.

  8. Just as an aside, I have to say I can’t think of any nation as put upon by Nature as the Philippines. Typhoons, tidal waves, mudslides, earthquakes, volcanoes – it never seems to end.
    All this in a country that is over 95% Roman Catholic.
    The Philippines – the nation as Job.

  9. “i spend inordinate amounts of time backpacking and mountaineering in the Canadian Rockies. you cannot imagine the head shaking idiocy i’ve seen on the roadside; people walking up to ruminants and black bears.”
    Makes me think of (the late) Timothy Treadwell.
    Nature can be brutal.

  10. Bart:
    Actually, Pinatubo erupted in 1991, and some attributed to it colder weather for the next few years. This of course is red meat for the AGW crowd, as it gives them non-manipulated data that shows the world was cooling before the “hottest decade on record”.
    I don’t know if Mayon is as big, but if its eruption proves to be, it will be interesting to see to what lengths Mann, Jones et al will go to “hide” this particular “decline”.

  11. a district official was chastised for renting out an all terrain vehicle so the eco-tourist crowd could get a real close up look at the hot spot:
    who remembers the slew of pics that came out when mt st helens popped including the very sad one showing the body of a young boy in the back of a pickup truck that failed to outrun the ash cloud?

  12. I visited Mount St. Helens a few years back. The scale of devastation was very hard to grasp. The fact it was a side eruption made it much more destructive. I heard a report that Mayon has a slight chance of doing the same thing. Now matter how hard we try to pretend otherwise, everyone loves to watch things go boom.

  13. “Now matter how hard we try to pretend otherwise, everyone loves to watch things go boom.”-dp
    Such a basic truth.

  14. “Now matter how hard we try to pretend otherwise, everyone loves to watch things go boom.”-dp
    How do you spell “NASCAR”, anyway?

  15. Why do you need to spell NASCAR? 😉
    I couldn’t help noticing the Filipina online dating advert at the link. There’s some speed dating opportunities there if you can get the airline ticket to your heart’s desire…before the volcano blows.
    (Is it just my imagination, or are there a hell of a lot of lonely women looking for Mr. Right or maybe Mr. Good enough?

  16. DanimVan: “Is it just my imagination, or are there a hell of a lot of lonely women looking for Mr. Right or maybe Mr. Good enough?”
    No, it is not your imagination, I keep getting emails from them all the time. Word must have gotten out about me.
    Then again, come to think of it, must have been since i clicked on a link about circus horses.
