44 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Vitruvius: Many thanks for the Borge, which I only got around to a few hours ago.
    Murray Rothbard: Keynes, the Man
    John Maynard Keynes, the man — his character, his writings, and his actions throughout life — was composed of three guiding and interacting elements. The first was his overweening egotism, which assured him that he could handle all intellectual problems quickly and accurately and led him to scorn any general principles that might curb his unbridled ego. The second was his strong sense that he was born into, and destined to be a leader of, Great Britain’s ruling elite.
    Both of these traits led Keynes to deal with people as well as nations from a self-perceived position of power and dominance. The third element was his deep hatred and contempt for the values and virtues of the bourgeoisie, for conventional morality, for savings and thrift, and for the basic institutions of family life.
    [italics, bold mine]
    The biggest surprises for me: he had a single term in Economics at Cambridge; for the first 18 months after the publication of his magnum opus, General Theory, no one had a clue what it was all about; his shameful treatment of von Mises and academic rivals at Cambridge; how all of Hayek’s disciples abandoned him and moved over to the Keynes camp [Keynes=statism=POWER which too often trumps intellectual integrity]; that he eschewed principles, believing they had no place in public affairs; that he proudly tagged himself an immoralist.
    Keynes was a true rotter and his rotten legacy lives to this very day.

  2. CBC
    “Ask Al Gore and David Suzuki…
    As you may have heard, on Wednesday (Nov. 25) Q has the privilege hosting two of the most prominent environmental activists and spokespeople in the world: former U.S. vice-president Al Gore and scientist and broadcaster Dr. David Suzuki. They will be here together in Studio Q.
    And we’d like you to get in on this unique conversation.
    If you have a question for Al Gore and David Suzuki, we’d love to hear it. If you had a chance to address these two, what’s the single most pressing question that you would you ask them?
    Post it here.”

  3. Perhaps the Sharia Barbies could also come with their own container of glue or solvent to dissolve part of their face after they decline a marriage with a muslim “male Barbie” ? unfortunately, “new” doesn’t seem to be commenting this week, so we’ll never know what sort of apology she could muster for these women’s photos…
    also posted at Atlas Shrugs …
    visual warning…

  4. from Medellín’s El Colombiano…
    “Rebels of Colombia’s largest rebel group FARC charge landmine victims money for destroying a mine that was meant for the army…”
    the going rate for destroying the property of FARC seems to be $25 – $500.

  5. FOX news reports that the Islamist Five will plead ‘not guilty’ at their New York Circus Trial, and, will blame the US foreign policies for their actions of 9/11.
    So, just as we all knew, this will be a Bash Bush agenda, just at the time of the next elections. All part of the Obama-Chicago-Gang style of manipulation of the people.

  6. That’s strange, because back in the UK before these emails etc were released:
    and now this, post release:
    NYT seems a little “prissy” about this when their competitors in the UK seem to have no qualms about discussing the issue openly before and after.

  7. This is clever design to strip the socialist naked, just like that, also it is funny.
    ”Palinophobes Hate First, Ask Questions Later”
    By Jonah Goldberg
    ……….one supposed Palinophobe took dead aim at the former Alaska governor’s writing chops, excerpting the following sentence from her book:
    “The apartment was small, with slanting floors and irregular heat and a buzzer downstairs that didn’t work, so that visitors had to call ahead from a pay phone at the corner gas station, where a black Doberman the size of a wolf paced through the night in vigilant patrol, its jaws clamped around an empty beer bottle.”
    Have a read.

  8. and some commentary on the video recording of Vladimir Horowitz…
    Vitruvius he seems to playing this work, “without mercy” I know nothing of him really, but he does have intensity and an amazing skill set. wow.

  9. Two Reader Tips here for the price of one.
    First, are Kate and her minions familiar with this bit of historical entertainment?
    How Socialism Came to Canada as an American Import
    If not, this would be a good feature on a slow news day, or any time the NDP is on a Yankee-bash.
    Tip #2 actually comes from a post in the Mudville Gazette about how the 2009 hurricane season seems to be winding down without any major hurricanes. They quote a Discover interview with longtime hurricane authority Dr. William Gray:
    With last year’s hurricane season so active, and this year’s looking like it will be, won’t people say it’s evidence of global warming?
    G: The Atlantic has had more of these storms in the least 10 years or so, but in other ocean basins, activity is slightly down. Why would that be so if this is climate change? The Atlantic is a special basin? The number of major storms in the Atlantic also went way down from the middle 1960s to the middle ’90s, when greenhouse gases were going up.
    Why is there scientific support for the idea?
    G: So many people have a vested interest in this global-warming thing – all these big labs and research and stuff. The idea is to frighten the public, to get money to study it more. Now that the cold war is over, we have to generate a common enemy to support science, and what better common enemy for the globe than greenhouse gases?
    Are your funding problems due in part to your views?
    G: I can’t be sure, but I think that’s a lot of the reason. I have been around 50 years, so my views on this are well known. I had NOAA money for 30 some years, and then when the Clinton administration came in and Gore started directing some of the environmental stuff, I was cut off. I couldn’t get any NOAA money. They turned down 13 straight proposals from me.

  10. [quote]If you have a question for Al Gore and David Suzuki, we’d love to hear it. If you had a chance to address these two, what’s the single most pressing question that you would you ask them? [/quote]
    First: Repeat after me.. I swear to tell the truth & nothing but the truth…
    1. Will you admit guilt & return all the Money?
    If the CBC goes ahead with that farce they will pay a price. It is like doing an interview with Bernie, the ponzi king, and asking for his investment advice.

  11. CTV is wondering why the CWB and Revenue Canada ‘were’ sharing sensitive personal info for an ‘undetermined’ time …and can’t seem to find the answer.
    Well, that is because in the 90’s farmers were going broke by the scores and the CWB was left with unpaid cash advances.
    Then Ag Canada took over the CWB collections,
    and used an inter-departmental information sharing agreement, so as Revenue Canada could seize income tax returns from persons owing CWB.
    And they did.

  12. Re Keynes: When his General Theory was published, a reputable economist of the day, Henry Hazlitt, noted that there was nothing in it that was both true and original.
    Keynes was a Fabian socialist, and as we all know the entire left-wing viewpoint is a fantasy, derived from the false philosophies of Kant, Hegel, Marx and their descendants.

  13. The post by jt at 11:42 represents a real first step in the media coverage of the climate emails along with the implications.
    Great catch…these are scathing observations.

  14. Be sure to catch the latest at Watt’s Up With That.
    There is comment about the computer programming used in the climate model(s).
    Speciffically, it pertains to the “trick” used to “hide the decline”. The researchers have said those are “in” terms or colloquialisms for how to properly include certain data.
    It appears ….not so!
    With the computer codes available it seems that the programming was designed to be a ‘trick’ in the usual sense, to give the reasearchers the results they wanted. So it’s a smoking gun scenario.
    If this verified, it means climate results ,at least in part, have been proven to be rigged.

  15. O’narcissist:
    “*This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”
    “**The real problem may be Mr Obama’s friends — or rather, those among his formerly most enthusiastic supporters who are now having second thoughts.”
    “**Former Allies Turn on Obama Over His Failure to Deliver on Campaign Promises
    The Australian
    GAZING from the Great Wall of China last week, US President Barack Obama appeared to be making the most of one of the perks of White House occupancy — a private guided tour of Asia’s most spectacular tourist spot. White House aides exulted that choreographed pictures of this moment would make front pages around the world. Yet an experience Mr Obama declared to be magical turned sour as he returned home to a domestic revolt that is fanning Democratic unease.
    It was not just that the US media have suddenly turned a lot more sceptical about a president with grand ambitions to reshape politics at home and abroad — even one previously friendly newspaper noted dismissively: “Obama goes to China, brings home a T-shirt.” Nor was the steady decline in the President’s approval ratings — which fell below 50 per cent for the first time in a Gallup poll last week — the main cause of White House angst. Mr Obama remains more popular than Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton a year after their elections, and both presidents eventually cruised to second terms.
    The real problem may be Mr Obama’s friends — or rather, those among his formerly most enthusiastic supporters who are now having second thoughts.”
    “Barack Obama – Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?”
    “The “small people”, the “rank and file”, the “loyal soldiers” of the narcissist – his flock, his nation, his employees – they pay the price. The disillusionment and disenchantment are agonizing. The process of reconstruction, of rising from the ashes, of overcoming the trauma of having been deceived, exploited and manipulated – is drawn-out. It is difficult to trust again, to have faith, to love, to be led, to collaborate. Feelings of shame and guilt engulf the erstwhile followers of the narcissist. This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  16. Albert Goreacle’s “C”esaMe CRU Report: The Mad Warmists.
    “5. C is for “condoms.”
    Besides going vegetarian, alarmists ultimately point to the climate change problem as one of overpopulation. They say the only way we can accomplish their goal is to limit, and even reduce, the number of people on the planet. Yet when you suggest that they be the first ones to go in support of their own cause, they get mad!”
    “The 12 C’s of Climate Alarmism
    Today’s report about political developments surrounding the global warming issue is brought to you by the letter “C.”
    1. C is for “carbon dioxide.” Environmental extremists and major news journalists call this gas that is exhaled by all animals, and that is food for plants, a dangerous pollutant. Yet we would all die without it. That makes me sad.
    2. C is for “climate change.” It used to be called global warming, which many activists with a socialist bent warned would bring more catastrophic weather events, elevating seas, and economic ruin. They said because humans continue to produce greater amounts of carbon dioxide — a “greenhouse gas” — that they are causing global temperatures to rise. They mostly blame the humans’ burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil for increasing this dangerous CO2.
    But now because the planet isn’t warming in conjunction with these CO2 increases, the activists call it “climate change” instead. That way they can still justify trying to make us stop using fossil fuels, without regard for what the weather does.
    3. C is for “cool.” That’s how it feels outside lately. For all the histrionics of recent years over the coming warming, this summer saw extremely cool temperatures and now the media is rife with stories of early snowfall. But this still fits with the new all-encompassing terminology, even though scientists say they don’t get it.
    4. C is for “cattle.” The wiggly warming advocates say we’re supposed to stop eating beef because they produce so much methane, which is an even stronger greenhouse gas than CO2.” (more)

  17. CRU/AGW is big? You aint’its heard nothing yet.
    AbNormal says*: Mrs. Dion is gonna jump into bed with Taliban Jack LaytoNDP.
    Will Liberal Citoyen Dionky follow? It’s a what? Troisamerde.
    Our FactChecking Dept. has corrobotaed it’s true: Giggles** says:
    “**Ms. Krieber’s is an expert in terrorism”.
    It’s Iffy’s best scenario: Free at last; the Citoyen Albatrosses are gonzo.
    “*Credit the NDP”
    “**Family spat spells more PR misery for Liberals”

  18. Reuel Marc Gerecht, Major Hasan and Holy War
    For those of us who have tracked Islamic militancy in Europe, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s actions are not extraordinary. Since Muslim militants first tried to blow a French high-speed train off its rails in 1995, European intelligence and internal-security services have increasingly monitored European Muslim radicals. Whether it’s anti-Muslim bigotry, the large numbers of immigrant and native-born Muslims in Europe, an appreciation of how hard it is to become European, or just an understanding of how dangerous Islamic radicalism is, most Europeans are far less circumspect and politically correct when discussing their Muslim compatriots than are Americans…

  19. FPI Fact Sheet: The case for a fully resourced counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan
    During the time that President Obama has been mulling the way forward in Afghanistan, a number of politicians, advisors, and analysts have put forth various arguments against a significant increase in troop strength and a counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy. The arguments, when closely considered, expose a default resistance to completing the mission, not a thoughtful dismantling of the pro “surge” case. Below you’ll find a list of the most popular critiques of General Stanley McChrystal’s COIN strategy and resource request, each followed by clear refutations from relevant experts…

  20. (PDF warning) My Cousin’s Enemy is My Friend: A Study of Pashtun “Tribes” in Afghanistan
    Military officers and policymakers, in their search for solutions to problems in Afghanistan, have considered empowering “the tribes” as one possible way to reduce rates of violence. In this report, the HTS Afghanistan RRC warns that the desire for “tribal engagement” in Afghanistan, executed along the lines of the recent “Surge” strategy in Iraq, is based on an erroneous understanding of the human terrain. In fact, the way people in rural Afghanistan organize themselves is so different from rural Iraqi culture that calling them both “tribes” is deceptive. “Tribes” in Afghanistan do not act as unified groups, as they have recently in Iraq. For the most part they are not hierarchical, meaning there is no “chief” with whom to negotiate (and from whom to expect results). They are notorious for changing the form of their social organization when they are pressured by internal dissension or external forces… What this means in practical terms is a need to focus on ground truth, looking at local groups and their conflicts, rather than arriving with preconceived notions of how people should or might, given the proper incentives, organize themselves tribally. Most of Afghanistan has not been “tribal” in the last few centuries, and the areas that might have been… have changed drastically over the past 30 years…

  21. href= “http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/obama-inspires-palin-connects/article1372198/” >Rex Murphy on Sarah Palin
    Everybody is focused on who Sarah Palin is, but they are missing “who she is not”. The crucial element to her phenomenon is that she is not a snake in a suit nor a poser propped by empty rhetorics nor a marionette running on a strings of latest polls.
    Ironically, a part of her persona has been created by lame stream media. They made her real to the bone and in the Internet age one has to be seen real and honest. Phony leaders like Harper, Ignatieff and Layton not need to apply. We need Canadian Sarah or better hundreds of them.

  22. Meanwhile, Libranos resume fundraising in downtown Toronto
    Rat spotted inside downtown eatery
    By Kevin Connor, Sun Media Last Updated: 23rd November 2009, 1:32pm
    Kyle Fisher almost lost his lunch when he discovered a restaurant he frequents has rats.
    The Toronto Sun has obtained pictures of a large rat lounging on tables and chairs of the Famous BBQ Express at 385 Queen St. W.
    “The disease aspect is scary. I don’t want to catch anything with everything else going on,” said Fisher, who works at a clothing store a couple of doors down from the restaurant. “I’m shocked. They are really nice people, but I’m not going to eat them anymore.”
    The Sun took the photos to Toronto Public Health and they immediately arranged for a new inspection of the restaurant, which had a green pass indicating it had received a clean inspection in October.

  23. Keynes was a Fabian socialist, and as we all know the entire left-wing viewpoint is a fantasy, derived from the false philosophies of Kant, Hegel, Marx and their descendants.
    Posted by: nv53 at November 23, 2009 3:49 AM
    And completely, and utterly embraced by the ‘Conservative’ government, who has hoisted the largest expansion of the government, deficits, and debt on your children’s backs.
    They have delivered to you the largest permanent structural increase in the size and scope of government – in the history of this nation.

  24. Mississauga Matt: the ROM ” … was voted 8th ugliest building in the world by members of VirtualTourist.” My name for the Crystal — which isn’t by any stretch of the imagination a crystal, BTW?
    Mars Attacks.
    I live just a few blocks from this abomination and never walk by it without recalling that the integrity and preservation of textiles are most threatened by exposure to light and have had to be specially protected by custom-made window coverings (ouch! paid for by the Toronto/Ontario taxpayers) and, because there are very few straight walls, hung on specially made hanging installations (ouch! again, paid for by the Toronto/Ontario taxpayers).
    What a rip off. I suspect that the custom-made blinds and hanging installations were designed and executed by the architect of the Lee-Chin Crystal, Daniel Libeskind, who just happens to be married to David Lewis’s daughter Nina and is brother-in-law to Stephen Lewis.
    ‘Wonder how Libeskind got the gig? He’s sure made a bundle at the expense of the Toronto/Ontario taxpayers for one of the ugliest “landmarks” in the land.

  25. Meanwhile, as Iffy’s stomach turns:
    Did you know this? “*Harper is a Member of Parliament for a riding in Calgary.” (Sweater/T Canadian Press)
    Citoyen Dionky to Iffy: Je t’aime, Iffy. RSVP.
    “Dion pledges loyalty to Iggy despite wife’s opinion”
    “Other Liberals were playing down the impact of Krieber’s pessimistic prediction that their party is headed for the dustbin of history.
    “Well, she has her own history, her own views,” said Liberal finance critic John McCallum.
    “I don’t think she’s an opinion leader within the Liberal party and therefore I don’t think the story is going to last.””
    “*Canadian lacrosse team presents sweater to Prime Minister Stephen Harper
    OTTAWA — The Canadian men’s field lacrosse team has added Prime Minister Stephen Harper to its roster of supporters.
    The Prime Minister met in his office with Dean French, the team’s executive director, on Monday afternoon and was presented with a national team sweater bearing the number 10, which represents the team’s 2010 target of winning a second straight world title.
    “It is an honour to be presented with a jersey from the men’s team of Canada’s national summer sport, lacrosse,” Harper said. “I know all Canadians will look forward to cheering on Canada as the players compete for the world championship in July and once more bring the gold back to Canada.”
    The world tournament is held every four years. Canada’s 15-10 win over the United States in the 2006 final in London, Ont., ended a 28-year American winning streak. Manchester, England, is the host city in 2010.
    “We’ll need all the support we can get to beat the Americans again,” said French. “We know that the Prime Minister is a devoted fan of Canada’s winter sport, hockey, and we hope he’ll be cheering us on when we take Canada’s national summer sport onto the world stage again in Manchester.”
    Joining French to talk lacrosse with the Prime Minister were defenceman Brodie Merrill of Orangeville, Ont., faceoff specialist Geoff Snider of Calgary and high-scoring forward Merrick Thomson of Hamilton. Merrill and Snider helped Canada win the world title in 2006, all three were key players for the Toronto Nationals when they won the Major Lacrosse League pro field crown last summer and they’ll have prominent roles in the 2010 lineup.
    “Winning the world championship in 2006 was a special experience,” says Merill. “It is rare in life to have the opportunity to represent your country.”

  26. WSJ – Obama Union Rules: A federal agency rips up 75 years of labor policy.
    The National Mediation Board, which oversees labor relations in the air and rail industry, this month moved to overturn 75 years of labor policy.
    The board plans to stack the deck for organized labor in union elections. Under a proposed rule, unions would no longer have to get the approval of a majority of airline workers to achieve certification. Not even close. Instead, a union could win just by getting a majority of the employees who vote. Thus, if only 1,000 of 10,000 flight attendants vote in a union election, and 501 vote for certification, the other 9,499 become unionized.
    This radical break with precedent is the handiwork of President Obama’s appointees to the three-member board: Harry Hoglander, once president of a pilots union, and Linda Puchala, former president of the Association of Flight Attendants.
    The board got a request to adopt the jerry-rigged voting standard from the AFL-CIO in September. Without a hearing or invitation for preliminary views, the Obama duo drafted the AFL-CIO demand and published it in the Federal Register. It’s now subject to a 60-day comment period, after which Ms. Puchala and Mr. Hoglander will no doubt vote to inflict it on all the nation’s airline and rail carriers.

  27. Pursuant to my above post regarding the CBC’s stellar journalism. They posted the story from the associated press. This story contains the statement about records being kept since 1998. Someone commented (not me) that 10 years was pretty weak to be making assumptios. CBC must have agreed with him because they updated the story,and changed the date to 1958. The associated press story still has the original date. Hmmmm—http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/UN_UN_GREENHOUSE_GASES?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2009-11-23-12-01-46,—– So is the AP story wrong or did the CBC go from ignoring news to making up the news?

  28. Interesting,Mr. Macdonald, rumour has it that a team at the University of Arkansas have done the same with banjoes.

  29. hardboiled: “… the ‘Conservative’ government, who has hoisted the largest expansion of the government, deficits, and debt on your children’s backs.”
    Yes, I too would have preferred that the Harper government inform the country that stimulus is a fraud. But do you really think the other parties, had one of them been in office, would have been more restrained?
