Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Friday night old-time radio crime-detective show, here is the Music To Die By episode of Casey, Crime Photographer (1948, MP3, 6.6 MB, 28:36), brought to you by the Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation. Interestingly, perhaps, the last word in the show, before station identification, is Canada.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

98 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Quote of the day.
    “In related news, Obama, who hasn’t even run an office in his life, will be making all the big decisions about the economy for at least four years.”
    “MSM response: But he’s the smartest person to ever live and the mere thought of him sends thrills up our rectums.” Posted by: TheQuietMan

  2. Please, somebody, give us tonight’s Coren show with Sid Ryan.
    It’s on its way …

  3. Sounder-good one.
    I believe the scientific term is to “set one’s sphincters all aflutter”

  4. What’s with the huge whinefest over at Ezra’s WRT the HRC’s? Believe me …I followed this issue long before it hit the blogosphere. Gwen Landolt was the frontrunner on calling the HRC’s for the shams they are.
    So why are so many so-called CPC’ers caving and turning their backs on PMSH over one interview?And in the interview PMSH acknowledges the abuses.
    The past election was not a ‘single issue’ campaign.PMSH did not make any empty promises before the election. Does anyone know if Lynch has NOT been warned or raked over the coals by Nicholson?
    The comments at Ezra’s are unbelievable….they are all ready to vote for Iggy…in spite of the fact that the HRC’s are Trudeaus baby, and the sacred cow of the Lib party.
    Kate…you have been quiet about this.

  5. Kathy’s posting was just what I needed after the disappointment of the Harper interview.
    But it still hurt to read that interview.

  6. The comments at Ezra’s are unbelievable….they are all ready to vote for Iggy…
    bluetech, I share your frustration and the frustration of the doubters that you refer to. But I also agree with Ezra’s admonishment to be patient because legislation doesn’t change overnight (usually).
    None of the dissenters at Ezra’s site will be voting for the Liberals. It’s all frustration-bravado.

  7. The other Michael Coren segments are being uploaded. Just keep checking my account – I’m going to bed.

  8. I’m watching Micheal Coren – Part 2. Though Sid Ryan comes across as soft spoken, he truly is nothing short of a Bureaucratic Little Nazi, isn’t he?!
    In many way he reminds me of that HRC twit who was interviewing Ezra Levant. She appeared to be as nice & reasonable as could be, but yet she was there to possibly take away Levant’s right to free speech.
    I did love how Coren exposed Ryan’s hypocrisy on this whole matter. Never once has he ever considered condemning or boycotting Hamas of Hezbollah or the IRA (in days past). Nor China or Cuba or North Korea or Russia either. Somehow, in his mind, they’re just not so bad.
    God Help Us!!! (to the atheists out there, “Nature Help Us!!!”)

  9. Shouldn’t Ryan be more concerned and busy with what’s currently going on in his own industry as a union leader rather than spouting-off about international politics?
    One might think that a union leader would be really busy these days trying to help solve the current economic crisis that threatens to put thousands of his minions, err, um, members out of a job.
    Then again, priorities are priorities, and those who Ryan supposedly represents don’t have much of a say in the matter, do they.

  10. Oops, my bad. I was wrong.
    I was under the impression that Ryan was with the CAW.
    In my defence I offer: similar animal, different breed, same lefty outlook.

  11. Robert W wrote: “I did love how Coren exposed Ryan’s hypocrisy on this whole matter.”
    Coren corrected Ryan by saying “The most basic tenet of a democracy is voting” (Ryan claimed it was “freedom of the press”).
    Freedom of the Press as long as it’s saying what I want it to.
    Freedom of the press is a great thing, but when the press has been co-opted, becomes partisan or just stupid, freedom of speech has to come into play.

  12. Paul,
    Sid Ryan has a personal right to say whatever he wants and boycott whoever he wants. But when challenged about why he isn’t applying the same morality to other governments he offers a pathetic non-answer.
    I have several friends who work for unions. Almost every one of them would leave their union if they could. But they can’t and that is a tragedy.
    I’m more than a little worried about what will happen this weekend. When you have such fervent HATRED in the hearts of so many protesters, violence can easily erupt. Let’s all hope it does not.

  13. Well, it looks as though jadewarr, warren kinjerkoff and the poseurs at the HRC’s finally had their wish come true.
    We have nazis in Canada all right, and the f@#$ers are protesting against jews in Toronto.
    Well done you filthy pieces of librano/moonbat/dipper garbage.
    Keep up the good work!
    GO ARMY !

  14. Goreacle’s dinosaur footprints.
    “Germany is experiencing one of its coldest winters of the past 100 years, with the mercury dropping as low as minus 34.6 degrees Celsius (minus 30.3 degrees Fahrenheit) in the mountains in the south.”
    “Madrid airport closed as Europe seized by frigid weather” (breitbart)
    “YouTube – Al Gore: The North Polar Ice Cap Will Disappear in 5 Years
    13 Dec 2008 … Five Years. Mark it down.Al Gore spoke to a German audience this week at the opening of a dinosaur park. In this German news clip you can …

  15. Israeli smoke rounds… though containing phosphorus covered felt wedges , are not designed as anti-personnel rounds or anti-material rounds.
    “The M825 White Phosphorus (Felt-Wedge) is a 155mm base ejection projectile designed to produce a smoke screen on the ground for a duration of 5 to 15 minutes. It consists of two major components, the projectile carrier, and the payload. The projectile carrier delivers the payload to the target. The payload consists of 116 WP-saturated felt wedges.After ejection, the WP felt wedges fall to ground in a elliptical pattern. Each wedge will then becomes a source of smoke. The projectile is ballistically similar to the M483A1 DPICM family of projectiles.”
    Yes there are phosphorus rounds of a very different nature but the claim is that they are not being used.

  16. “the role of artists and intellectuals* in occupied France.”
    “Collaborative Artists
    The French cultural establishment’s inglorious response to Nazi rule
    The history of France under German rule during World War II is a depressing tale of collaboration, corruption and subsequent denial that taxes the will of even the most determined Francophile. Perhaps not surprisingly it was not a French scholar but an American one, Robert Paxton, who produced the first serious examination of the period (1940-44), followed by the Swiss historian Philippe Burrin and a group of young French historians working out of the Institut d’Études Politiques in Paris. Now comes Frederic Spotts, a British writer known for his studies of German history. With “The Shameful Peace” he lifts the lid on one of the least known — and most shameful episodes — of the period: namely, the role of artists and intellectuals in occupied France.”
    The Treason of the Intellectuals:
    “Trahison des clercs in politics. … trahison des clercs. (1927- ). Term originally used by the French philosopher and novelist JULIEN BENDA (1867-1956) to …

  17. Exxon supports carbon tax
    A trading program, known as ‘cap and trade,’ “inevitably introduces unnecessary cost and complexity” that reduces effectiveness, said Tillerson. They require a vast expansion of regulation, he said. a carbon tax “can be more easily implemented” and is the “most efficient means of reflecting the cost of carbon,” said Tillerson.
    “Such a tax should be made revenue neutral,” he said, which requires other taxes to be lowered so that the overall tax burden isn’t increased.
    Please someone (gord tulk,RIK,philip shaw?) ANYONE help me out with This one !!!
    Does Exxon want the tax for upstart capital to drill at todays oil prices?
    Or are they going green?
    Or is this just a decoy for Obama?
    This one really messed up my brain HELP!

  18. Robert W, Mark Steyn’s latest needs to be sent off to Sid Ryan.
    With such vile hatreds allowed to be showcased, how long before we witness violence in our streets?

  19. MOGADISHU, Somalia – Five of the Somali pirates who released a hijacked oil-laden Saudi supertanker drowned with their share of a reported $3 million ransom after their small boat capsized, a pirate and port town resident said Saturday.
    Pirate Daud Nure says the boat with eight people on board overturned in a storm after dozens of pirates left the Sirius Star following a two-month standoff in the Gulf of Aden that ended Friday.

  20. CBC = Radio-Canada.
    CanPress puts up 18 paragraphs re slur to O.
    Canpress puts up 2 paragraphs at the bottom re slur to PM Harper.
    CBC/Radio Canada not “sorry” for PM Harper “lobotomy” “joke”.
    “CBC sorry for Obama racial jokes
    By Nelson Wyatt, THE CANADIAN PRESS”
    “Véronique Cloutier, producer and president of Novem, and Louis Morissette, executive producer in charge of content for Bye Bye 2008, speak at a press conference in Montreal Friday, Jan. 9, 2009. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes”

  21. Further to Mark Steyn,
    5,000 Muslims march through Milan, make impromptu stop at Catholicism’s 3rd largest church and conduct a mass Muslim prayer that is seen as intimidation by the Milanese:
    “The sight of ranks of men and boys kneeling in prayer in the piazza directly in front of the Gothic building incensed many Italians, with photographs carried on the front pages of many newspapers.
    A member of the right-wing, anti-immigration Northern League opposition party said the mass prayer, in protest against Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip, was “an incredible provocation”.
    Mario Borghezio, who is also an MEP, said: “The prayer to Allah recited by thousands of fanatical Muslims is an act of intimidation, a slap in the face for the city of Milan, which must remain Christian.” Muslim leaders now want to meet with Milan’s archbishop, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, to “clarify” what happened at the weekend, when the demonstrators diverted from their previously agreed route and staged the impromptu prayer to Mecca.”

  22. A few questions/comments:
    1) do the dead pirates get 72 virgins?
    2) how do you spell surrender monkey? C I T I Z E N O F F R A N C E
    3) it would appear that the polar ice cap has moved to Kingston, as it was minus 26 at 0630 this morning
    4) Liz….with jerk off’s running around Toronto praising hitler, the violence in our streets should be here any time now
    GO ARMY !

  23. Mississauga Matt, what message could we take from a horde of Muslims praying at a Catholic church, ‘we are taking over’?
    Those fanatics know how to provoke intimidate and gain the support of Leftists around the globe.
    How long before western democracies weed out extremist fanatical elements, or, is the horse already out of the barn?
    The large anti Israeli demos in our streets are an ominous sign.

  24. Cross posted last night at Angry in the Great White North:
    ‘Just watched Sid Ryan trying to talk his way out of a paper bag with his back against the wall.
    He didn’t do it. But he sure tried. He kept insisting that a “civil society” needs to speak out against the suffering in Gaza and didn’t mention at all the suffering in Israel. It disturbed him that the Israelis had more sophisticated weapons and seemed able to more successfully (with more casualties) counter the Hamas assaults. In other words, Sid endorses “equality of outcome” not equality of opportunity. Never mind that the Gazans could better protect their citizenry and provide for their educational, literacy, and medical needs, if they chose to allot more of their resources to these concerns. Instead, Hamas spends most of their resources on weapons with which to fight the Israelis.
    None of these facts were relevant to Sid. When challenged as to why academics in Canadian universities from countries other than Israel whose human rights records are dismal (Sudan and China as two examples) weren’t being targeted for boycotting, Sid had no logical or plausible answer. He did, however, congratulate “academics” like Judy Rebick for speaking out.
    He looked whipped. I hope he knows that his job is on the line. His credibility is already in total tatters.

  25. A MUST SEE interview showcasing the Canadian Media at it’s finest.
    Tonda MacCharles of The Star shows the hard-hitting interview style that catapulted her and such contemporaries as Jane Tabor and Kady O’Malley to the pinnacle of Canadian journalism.
    Michael Ignatieff faces the type of embarrassing questions and embedded editorial innuendo that Liberal leaders must always face when they meet the National Press Gallery as leader for the first time. Serious journalism with a big J.
    Sadly, per usual, I suspect some of our media’s reflexive anti-Americanism crept in, as this interview was noticably tougher than previous Liberal Leaders had faced.
    This interview should become a staple at journalism schools across the country, as it is a beautiful example of the Canadian Media interrogating a Liberal Leader in a way that only they can.
    Stephen Harper couldn’t imagine this type of treatment in his wildest dreams.

  26. I see the scrawny Ace Hordes have launched another of their morning counter attacks.
    They are to be commended for their abject relentlessness. Thought we had seen their last gasp yesterday. Ahead a full point now.
    Now they’re using Japanese hooters to gain unfair advantage..
    Back to the barricades and counter attack their counter attack!

  27. Both Claire Hoy and Michael Coren stated that they didn’t think that Ryan was a bigot nor antisemitic. I think they have made an error in judgment.
    Ryan himself new he was wrong on this one and he looked the part. He appeared to be like a schoolboy who was caught smoking in the boys room and sent to the stern principals office. He didn’t have his usual self righteous indignation which is so prevalent amongst the lefty moonbats.
    If I may, please add my thanks to Mississauga Matt for posting the links.

  28. Its a Nanos poll jcl, and everyone in Canada knows Nick Nanos’s nose is so far up any liberals butt that is handy, a hard turn could break his face in half. His quesrions are along these lines, “If Ignatieff could cure your sisters cancer, would you vote liberal”. Toronto just love it.

  29. G:
    Re exxon “supporting” a carbon tax.
    1. They want to get on BO’s good side politically especially as they are one of the few companies that is still making money. They do not want to become a sacrificial lamb.
    2. Given a choice btwn C & T and a tax a tax is indeed the better and most efficient method of reducing carbon emissions.
    3. Taxes are however, massively unpopular – just ask steffie. Therefore if you don’t believe in agw supporting taxes is your best choice because it is the least likely to happen.
    4. Follow the money. A big part of carbon taxes is that they are to be reinvested in reducing emissions. Exxon could be a huge recipient of funds to do research on reduction tech. And then use that tech to make more money.
    4. Cap and trade would be a nightmare for a multinational like exxon to administer and their is no money in it.

  30. For those of you who haven’t voted today for kate, get to work. The Ace of Death is ahead of the Dead Animal by about 400 votes. Get to work. Beat death and allow the Animals to LIVE!

  31. Pull the other one…
    (Via SWJ) Peter Spiegel and Jeffrey Fleishman, Gaza Strip tunnels prove daunting for Israel
    Some of them are said to be big enough to accommodate railroad cars. They may reach a depth of 60 feet, and are reported to be equipped with cables and electric motors that move food, fuel — and probably some of the heaviest rockets that Hamas aims at Israel.
    They also are one of the main reasons fighting is continuing in the Gaza Strip…
    For residents of Gaza, however, the tunnels bring far more than arms. The territory’s borders have largely been sealed since Hamas took control of the territory in 2007. The tunnels are the main conduit for normal commerce and a lifeline for food and medicine.
    Smuggling through the tunnels is also a primary source of income for Bedouin tribes long neglected by the Egyptian government. One smuggler, who gave his name only as Abu Mohammed, said that gasoline and food made up the bulk of his business…

  32. Gord Tulk:
    Owe you one and thanks. I didn’t see this one coming.
    “A big part of carbon taxes is that they are to be reinvested in reducing emissions” Like Gordo Campells Suezucci slush fund? and Olympic funding ripoff?
    This smells bad.
    I see your points above and agree to the lesser of many “evils:, BUT … Exxon is going to eat this tax (which they will pass on to the consummers) and still pay out to sequester CO2 thus rising the price of oil for
    the Goreball?
    I’m trying to follow the money on this one and it gets screwier. The low price of oil is killing Russia and opec faster than anything I could think of. Why screw with that via a tax on a premise that is falling apart (AGW/CC)?
    Thanks again for the input. I’m just messed up right now. Some introspection is in order

  33. Exactly – those tunnels bring in not only the military supplies but also, food, gasoline, medicine etc – all in limited and low supplies since Israel set up the economic blockade in 2007.
    So, by setting up this blockade, Israel hasn’t stopped the movement of guns, missiles etc. Instead, it has increased the emotional Will to bring them in and use them.
    What would have happened if Israel had instead, rather than setting up the blockade, interacted directly with the Palestinian workers (NOT Hamas) and enabled them to continue to produce their fresh fruits/vegetables etc, and ship them to Israel. Allowed the Palestinian workers who had jobs in Israel to continue to work there (yes, checkpoints would be necessary as they are at our airports).
    Would a population have turned to anger and tunnels and Hamas? Or would Hamas have been cut off at the knees, so to speak, by going around it – and working directly with the local Palestinians, to enable them to economically live and prosper?
