18 Replies to “May God Bless Them All”

  1. Quite moving. The courage of these young men and women is inspiring. God bless them all, and bring them safe home.

  2. By “this holiday season”, we can assume they meant “this Christmas”.
    God bless’em all!

  3. Tears.Thats all I have.Being ex myself,I know what they are going through.May God bless and protect them all.

  4. Thanks to Fred Thompson for putting out a Christmas ad not about himself. The Reaganesque imagery and sentiments are both smart politics and right. Ed Rollins, who directed Ronald Reagan’s 1984 reelection campaign, must be kicking himself over at Mike Huckabee’s headquarters.
    Charles Krauthammer gives an assessment of the state of the war in Iraq and of relations with Iran and North Korea.

  5. A few faces in my thoughts were, “They’ve got more courage and integrity than the nay-sayers, will ever–or COULD ever–have, especially those in the MSM who spin this War.”
    May God en-courage and protect them and their families.
    War IS Hell. But sometimes, someone’s gotta do it. God bless the United States of America.
    And God bless our Canadian troops who are making a huge difference in Afghanistan. It would be great if someone could mount a tribute to them on YouTube…

  6. “God bless the United States of America.”
    Absolutely, BATB! Ever notice how the Left reviles the U.S. constantly, but whenever disaster strikes anywhere in the world, they cry,” why aren’t the Americans doing something”?
    And the Yanks are usually already there on the ground, instead of doing photo-ops. Example, the great Tsunami, in which the US dispatched a Navy fleet while the rest of the world was still waking to the scope of the disaster.

  7. Bingo! right on, dmorris!
    The USA: the whipping boy of the Western Left.
    I’ll take the strong, silent, let’s-just-do-it- type over the snivelling, whimpering, whining, look-at-me, look-at-me, lefty, do-gooder-exhibitionists any day!
    BTW, MERRY CHRISTMAS and Every Blessing of this Holy Season!!

  8. Maybe Fred could be cloned and smuggled across the border. Of course his accent would stand out just a bit up there.

  9. God bless Fred for using the troops in such a tasteful manner and God bless America for being there when you need a country bombed and can’t do it yourself. After all, who would Jesus call?
