30 Replies to “Q: What Do You Call 92 Burning Citroëns ?”

  1. CBCpravda called the demos in France,” peaceful”.
    there was one quick photo of the burnt out bus at the end.
    but they are happy again today on their website , big article on the Khadrs.Including nice innocent pictures of the youngest murderers making them look like happy schoolboys.
    CBCpravda .All Khadr, all the time.

  2. At war with radical Islam
    Lorne Gunter, National Post
    Social housing must be counted as one of the greatest failures — and there are many — of the “progressive” thinking of the 1960s and 1970s.
    Nearly everywhere large public housing projects have been built, they have become incubators for crime, drug dependence, fatherless families, unemployment and welfare. Rather than lifting minorities out of poverty, social housing has herded them together where they are easier prey for bad people and bad ideas.
    So, at least some of the troubles in the Paris banlieues (suburbs) in recent years can be attributed to France’s version of mass public accommodation…

  3. From the “religion of peace”, France Jihad Dept:
    Let’s see…one reads from different sources of averages from 100 to 300 per day of French “youths” car arsons. Now apparently we can add 2 or 3 or 4 nightly municipal bus arsons. Splitting the difference on the estimates, using 150/day and 3 buses/day as an average, that works out to approx. 54,750 car arsons and 1,095 bus arsons per year by French “youths”. Assuming for the sake of discussion an average value of $15,000 per car and $200,000 per municipal bus, that works out to $1,040,250,000 per year in the cost of French “youth” vehicle arson.
    But those are just numbers. Consider the atmosphere in the urban French neighborhoods adjacent to the “youths” neighborhoods.
    Each French family owning a car likely has to park it on the street, leaving them to wonder if they’ll still own a car in the morning or just a burned-out wreck. For those Frenchmen taking public transport, the now have to fear, yes fear, “youth” attacks on the bus in which Dad, Mom or the kids ride in. Beatings of the driver and at least some of the passengers appear to be the norm. Today, a woman from Marseilles is in intensive care, with burns over most of her body from the gasoline bomb the “youths” used in attacking the bus in which she was riding.
    What’s the answer? More Police? News reports today say that the French authorities had an extra 4,000 police patrolling the “youth” neighborhoods yesterday, with no apparent effect in stopping or even limiting the “youth” violence and arson.
    So, send in the Army? The problem there is that the French Army is now composed of 15% “youths”, with that percentage steadily increasing every year. The French military and government now have to wonder how much they can rely on units of the French Army.
    These figures of percentages of “youths” in European countries’ militaries are similarly increasing. Among others, Mark Steyn has noted the demographics in Europe mean that every year there are less and less native Europeans young versus “youth” young. The pool of availably young manpower for the Armed Forces becomes more and more a “youth” pool. This makes a military solution to law and order and national security more and more problematic ever year.
    Tell me again why “diversity” and “multi-culti” is so wonderful and why Western Democracies should allow practically unlimited immigration from the “youth” countries?

  4. Tell me again why “diversity” and “multi-culti” is so wonderful
    Crisis in Re-Education
    I hate hate crime. Thank any God but Christ, there exists in this country the Canadian Race Relations foundation….

  5. Dave — how much could you ever rely on the french army? As General Patton said: I would sooner have a Panzer division in front of me than a french division behind me. The only fight I would have with the French is against anybody that would help them. Let their pompous arrogant attitude get them out of this one. The only thing this Country has to worry about is if it gets really bad over there the Bastards might start immigrating over here.

  6. LGF this morn.: French Jawdropper of the Day –
    “You think you’ve seen French appeasement at its worst. Then they go and do something like this.
    Last year’s French riots were triggered by the deaths of two “youths,” who fled a police ID check, broke into an electrical substation to hide, and were electrocuted when they touched something they shouldn’t have.
    Last Friday officials and residents of Clichy-sous-Bois, scene of some of the worst rioting, dedicated a monument to these two disenchanted fleeing criminals:”

  7. Re: cal2 “high voltage sign in arabic
    70 virgins in neon”
    I guess two of them are burned out already??
    Probably the only two good looking ones.

  8. Western Canadian, you have a point.
    As far as your other point, immigration by native Frenchmen to Canada when the inevitable happens and the ____ hits the fan in France and EUrope generally. I’d guess it’s likely they’d mostly go to Quebec, n’est-ce pas? (Frenchmen moving to the mini-wannabe France, with very similar arrogant provincialism.)

  9. Western Canadian and Dave, that is just what we are holding our breathe for, a whole influx of French speaking immigrants from France to mix with the French speaking Haitians, Algerians, etc. Gives you goose-bumps just thinking about it.

  10. Would burning vehicles constitute an overall contribution to reducing greenhouse gasses?If they keep that BVPN [ burned vehicles per night] ratio.It will make a significant differance!
    Not a leftie but just gauging their reaction.

  11. As far as I’m concerned, they can burn as many citroens as they like, @#*&, those things are ugly!

  12. no-pasaran.blogspot.com….has the best, wickedly sarcastic coverage of what’s happening in France which is being very under-reported by the French media.
    How long before this spreads to Holland, Germany and London?
    A friend of mine that just returned after a few months in Israel told me that there is a significant number of French Jews arriving there.

  13. I’d call it:
    92 2CVs B Gone
    At least I hope they were 2CVs. Gawdawful little pieces of…
    Hope the DS and the SD models were spared… they were definite classics and worthy of admiration… freakin’ weird-looking, though…

  14. This is the blabbering jackass who narrates a seirra club propeganda program PLANET FOR THE TAKING and the best he can do is to go live on aisland far far away from here

  15. Hmmm … I guess Paris public transit riders will need to call on Bernard Goetz.
    For those too young to remember he was the guy who blasted a groups of muggers in NYC subway with a .45 or maybe a .357 … whatever it was a large calibre gun.

  16. World Report on the CBC this morning (only heard as a byproduct of Tom Allen’s great program, “Music and Company”) of the burning cars and buses in France and a woman close to death as a result:
    “not unexpected” (the riots, that is, because it’s the anniversary of last years riots)
    “poor, unemployed youth from North Africa” and no mention of “Muslim” anywhere in the report
    I like French Fry and Car-B-Q…
