Liberal-Bloc Work To Further Human Rights Amid Stephen Harper’s Hypocrisy!

In the faux furor (which reminds me more than a little of the Rove “contraversy” last week) over Stephen Harper’s comments about the legitimacy of the SSM bill being passed by a Liberal-Bloc coalition, this little propoganda piece that was circulating in Ontario just a couple of weeks ago is timely reading.

Stephen Harper confirmed that he is willing to collaborate with the separatist Bloc Qu�b�cois to drag Canadians back to the polls before justice Gomery has finished hearing witnesses and issued his final report.
He has said that “Canadian’s don’t need to form the kind of judgments that Mr. Justice Gomery is going to form.” If he is referring to matters of guilt or innocence those are judgments in which Ontarians, and Canadians, are very much interested.
It wasn’t too long ago that Stephen Harper was falsely telling Canadians that the Liberals would find a way to prevent the Commission from carrying out its mandate and that it was absolutely essential that Justice Gomery be allowed to complete his work before an election was called.
Now he is the one putting national unity at risk, once again proving that, in his mind, political opportunism trumps the best interests of Ontarians.
We believe that Stephen Harper’s comments and actions are indeed counterproductive, and should offend every Ontarian who wants Justice Gomery to complete the job entrusted to him.
As our first act in office, on December 12th, 2003, this government cancelled the sponsorship program. We made sure that those implicated were removed from their positions as crown corporation executives. The Government has also filed a lawsuit against 19 defendants, including several communications companies and their directors to recover $41 million. And of course, it was this Liberal government that appointed Justice Gomery.

Does the frequent use of the word “government” here suggest that this was a taxpayer funded ad for the LIberals?

This government has absolutely no intention of preventing Justice Gomery from getting to the bottom of things. With his conclusions in hand, rest assured that we will act swiftly and surely to ensure that those who did wrong face the full consequence of their
In contrast to Stephen Harper’s political games, this Liberal government has remained committed to making Parliament work for Canadians. We know that Canadians expect us to deliver on our commitments, and that’s exactly what we’re doing with Budget 2005.
We’re investing in our communities and cities, which will receive more than $1.9 billion over the next five years as a result of this Liberal government’s decision to transfer a portion of federal gas tax revenue to municipalities. This means that by year five, Ontario will receive $746 million per year in stable and predictable funding for better roads, improved transit systems and more sustainable infrastructure.
To encourage regional economic development in communities throughout Northern Ontario and rural Southern Ontario, we’re providing significant funding to the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor).
Our national initiative for early learning and child care will give Ontario’s families the assistance they need. And our billions of dollars in funding for the environment – including investments in wind power and the Great Lakes Action Plan will help us meet our Kyoto commitments, keeping our environment healthy and sustainable for future generations.
Along with new funding for international aid, support for settlement and integration programs for new Canadians, billions of dollars for our military, assistance for Canada’s farmers and producers and help for Canada’s First Nations, Inuit and Metis, these initiatives will result in a better quality of life for all Ontarians.
It is these very priorities that Ontarians said they wanted us to focus on when they went to the polls and last year. It is why they voted for a Liberal government. We have delivered what we said we would, and we will continue to deliver.
Ontarians know what they would get with a Conservative government. They would get a neo-conservative, backwards-looking government that would rip up the Kyoto Accord, privatize health care, leave cities and communities to fend for themselves, offer up a pittance for child care, and reverse any progress made on Equalization.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – the Gomery Commission must be allowed to complete its work. We believe in due process and the independence of the judiciary.
Stephen Harper should quit playing partisan politics with the best interests of Canadians. This Liberal government is committed to moving Canada forward.

18 Replies to “Liberal-Bloc Work To Further Human Rights Amid Stephen Harper’s Hypocrisy!”

  1. In this country of PC gone mad,it’s amazing that nobody has thought of the BQ’s role before when it comes to voting on life-changing decisions. It appears that after the next election, the BQ will begin the push for independence, a referendum likely, and the face of Canada is likely to change. Good for Quebecers for extricating themselves from a banana republic where leaders have little or no vision other than to hang on to power and use tax dollars to reward friends and family. If the Bloc had integrity, they would abstain from votes like SSM, knowing that they will not be around to bear the repercussions of their decisions, leaving the rest of us to deal with the fallout from decades of social engineering. Mr. Harper, to my mind, has once again recognized what other leaders refuse to: that in matters of major significance, Quebec continues to wag the dog, which is unfair to the rest of us, not to mention irresponsible on the part of national party leaders.

  2. The other effect of Quebec separation is that the division of power will no longer be Ontario and Quebec vs all others. It will be Ontario vs all others and all others will have a greater proportion of the government seats.

  3. Stephen Harper was correct in stating that the Liberanos would try to derail the Gomery Commission- they tried several times. The truth WILL come out! And those found responsible for ALL of this corruption and dishonesty, WILL be held accountable for it!

  4. > The truth WILL come out!
    Dave, I wish it were so, but I do not believe it will ever be; just look at the history. The time has come to diminish, gather one’s belongings and go. Oh, Canada, I weep for you.

  5. But the Liberals have expressly denied to Mr. Gomery the right to make any conclusions of guilt or innocence. All that the Liberal government is allowing Mr. Gomery to do – is to DESCRIBE what happened. He cannot evaluate or judge the situation. He cannot assign blame; his report becomes trivialized. The Liberals have set this up. Note that Chretien wants assurances that he will not be blamed for anything; such an action shows how corrupt the Liberals have become; they are telling the judges what their decisions should be.
    Equally, since the Sponsorship scam refers to at least 300 million, then the lawsuit asking for 41 million to be recovered is trivial – especially since it is highly doubtful that there will ever be any results to the lawsuits or recovery of the money.
    And – key players continue to function in the government, including Mr. Martin.
    Another interesting facet is that this obvious Liberal propaganda states “We made sure that those implicated were removed from their positions as crown corporation executives”. How, before an inquiry took place, could the Liberals know who was implicated? Surely hearsay would not suffice. Or is it rather the case that they set up the scam – and therefore – already knew which people were expendable.
    I repeat – this Liberal propaganda can boast about having appointed Mr. Gomery, but, they also were very careful to ensure that his report could be, in itself, contested. They restricted his inquiry report to pure description without analysis or evaluation. Descriptions can be contested because they can be redefined as ‘subjective’. We’ve seen how the Liberals redefined the Grewal incident, how they redefined the Inky Mark incident.

  6. Strangely enough I heard this very hate-Harper scolding repeated (virtually word for word) by the Librano spokes-thingie on Newman’s morning “politics” broadcast….funny how rumor/innuendo/character assassination of any Librano opposition is passed along unquestioningly by the Kanukistan MSM..truely curious.

  7. The perfect solution: QUEBEC SEPARATION !!!!!
    Then all the queers can move to la belle province and live la vie gay. And normal people could have the real Canada back.(the rugged, outdoorsy, proud individualists with integrity Canada that I was born into – not the whiny, corrupt, gay, hypocritical pansy “peace-keeping” Paul Martin’s Canada that is being inflicted upon us). And everyone could live happily ever after.
    Plus these added benefits:
    – We’d be rid of the two major sources of whining in the country : queers and separatists
    – We’d be rid of all of the Quebec lawyer gangs (including the martins, the chretiens and the mulrooneys) They’ve wreaked enough havoc already.
    -We’d be rid of the Montreal mafia gangs (I’m still wondering whether these guys are hired by the libs – much like how the Stones hired the Hell’s Angels at Altamont – or whether they are the ones actually running the country)
    -We could have a sensible, efficient government that did what was right for the benefit of the country

  8. The MSM/Liberals have always promoted the idea that the Conservative’s attempts to form the next government was “counterproductive” for the country, and that Harper’s every move in the house on behalf of his consituents was “political opportunism” — the tacit suggestion being that he should be a good Canadian and stop trying to defeat the Liberals, and that if he would do that, maybe his approval rating in Ontario would go up.
    The MSM/Liberals are absolutely shameless. In the heady days surrounding the non-confidence vote in parliament, when both Harper and Duceppe were shaking their heads at the revelations coming from Gomery, the MSM/Liberals repeatedly accused Stephen Harper of putting national unity at risk by aligning himself with separatists — blithely ignoring the fact that federalism is barely breathing in Quebec due to outrage over Liberal tactics.
    And now in the last few days when Harper notes that the Liberals made a deal with the separatists, Harper is described as being “under fire”(CP). No less a luminary than Jack Layton says that Canadians are tired of all the fighting in parliament, and that they just want all these Liberal policies to be implemented as soon as possible, so that the nation can “get on with it’s business”.
    “Stephen Harper should quit playing partisan politics with the best interests of Canadians. This Liberal government is committed to moving Canada forward” — this from the propaganda piece Kate has brought to our attention. Does that statement not sound like a state’sponsored soundbite from some foreign country with dubious democratic principles? The arrogance of the MSM/Liberals and their supporters when they speak on behalf of “Canadians” is revolting.

  9. Two things come to mind when having to swallow once again drivel and hogwash from the libranos and the msm: CEO’s of note have issued a statement about the fact that the Liberals have set the country adrift economically and that we are on the sidelines as it were.
    Hmm. AMONG those CEO’s worried about the economic impact of those deals Martin has made with Taxpayer dollars to stay in power at all costs, IS one Mr. Desmarais Jr. of PowerCorp.
    Now isn’t THAT interesting. One of the hands in Martin’s back mouthing the words he utters has a knife in it!! :-).
    The other interesting thing to note is the choice of US Ambassador to Canada by President Bush.
    David Wilkins most definitely has the president’s ear. A laconic, religious and loyal politician he ought to be in for quite a surprise in Ottawa.
    Then, again, Ottawa itself might get quite a surprise itself.
    Seems to me that Martin’s shenanigins playing fast and loose with Canada’s democracy and tax dollars has not gone unnoticed in the halls of power in the US and elsewhere. I wonder how much time Mr.Martin, et al really have?
    Once the worm turns it will be even more useless for Martin to run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off and try to make deals.
    IF , and it looks likely, SSM passes tonight, Harper has sworn to revisit the bill when he forms government.
    Not the WHEN and not the IF. 🙂

  10. Well now , I’m havin’ a brew saluting the end of the Canada I born was to ………..sigh I’m too old for this crap but what gets me I’m still working and paying those horrible taxes to a government that doesn’t deserve it

  11. To those of you who seem to want to get rid of Quebec so badly, just vote Liberal in the next election. Elect a majority Liberal government and they’ll be gone in a flash.
    Ironically, only Quebec and Alberta seem to get it; the Liberals are not only bad news for their respective provinces, they are simply bad news, pitting region against region, Christians against gays, rich against poor, single-income families against dual-income families, etc.

  12. Several commentors here seem to think the seperation idea for Quebec is still alive.
    Look into it and you will learn Quebec no longer has any wish to leave the fold.
    Seperation fever during it’s hottest lavesque inspired time was only 50 / 50. Today the fever is more likely 10 / 90, but Alberta is another matter.
    Harper stated the blunt truth. The Gomery exercise was supposed to remain in camera and then handed in to the Martinites where it would have been buried as “investigations in progress”.
    Major slip-up however. Concrete, iron-clad evidence incriminating Liberal officers became public.
    There is no doubt now about guilt and direct knowledge, and who the hell decided the enquiry must end for an election anyway?
    Has no one heard of a two month recess?
    In a civil case like this, you can bet the two main *Perps*, Chretien and Martin, would both be headed for the crowbar hotel.
    Harper tends to blurt out the obvious truth without the varnish of genteel political *spin*.
    I think he would be a breath of fresh air and I would like to see him running Ottawa ASAP.
    What the hell kind of a PM fires his Canadian crews off his Cdn. Steamship Lines, hires crews through Barbados and ducks paying taxes to Canada in favour of Barbados anyway?
    What a total two faced disgrace Martin is.
    Just my gentle and humble opinion. 73s TG

  13. It is rather interesting to read some of these blogs & newspaper items, that now are saying Harper is a hypocrit for his statements on the Bloc working with the Liberal government, but it is not hypocritical of the Liberals to be saying that it is to make government work. And the MSM seem to fall all over themselves to report it in any way to make Harper look bad.
    Yes, had Quebec separated years ago, we would not be in this quandry, as the government could have been revamped to make it work better for all Canadians.
    If we ever manage to rid ourselves of the Liberals in Ottawa, a holiday should be given in celebration!!

  14. It is rather interesting to read some of these blogs & newspaper items, that now are saying Harper is a hypocrit for his statements on the Bloc working with the Liberal government, but it is not hypocritical of the Liberals to be saying that it is to make government work. And the MSM seem to fall all over themselves to report it in any way to make Harper look bad.
    Yes, had Quebec separated years ago, we would not be in this quandry, as the government could have been revamped to make it work better for all Canadians.
    If we ever manage to rid ourselves of the Liberals in Ottawa, a holiday should be given in celebration!!

  15. Being conservative, i am an optimist at heart, but basically this country …and its voters need a lot of work. so much so that one wonders if it is even possible. i believe much of this political apathy that has been so evident over the past few years has been bred into us as a country. gomrey, ssm….normal politically minded civilians would be up in arms….ie. if this was tried in the same way in the US, it would not be tolerated even with the lib media spin. us as a country have never really had to fight for our freedom….and today it is clearly evident with the lack of seriousness in political debate in the public. it is my belief that we conservatives who care about our country need to try to educate the masses of libs about the errors of their ways. a big task for sure, i’ve been doing it for years, but i do belive it can be done…but the toughest part would be to come from the holdouts of the tredeau and j cretin eras. its time to get to work.

  16. Derrick, you are 100% correct. It is time for us to get to work.
    If I lived in Ottawa, I would be demonstrating on the hill with a sign protesting the Liberals. Marching with a placard demanding the Gov. General call for an election.
    Placards demanding *Scrap Gun Registry*, and *Push Bill C-11* would be OK also.
    Odd how the CPC seems so quiet about everything.
    People are going to think that the CPC are content with the Libscammers as the Government. 73s TG C-11 at
