Why bet against human ingenuity?

“…bring back into focus the role of human ingenuity, which is what got us to this wonderful place in history. By incentivizing the oil/gas community to do something, they will bring not just their full entrepreneurial mindset, but also the unbelievably large array of infrastructure and knowledge and research capabilities.”  Read on…

10 Replies to “Why bet against human ingenuity?”

  1. “Why bet against human ingenuity?”

    Because Leftists hate Humanity and hate ingenuity itself as a thing. Ingenious men are the ones constantly overturning their beloved plans and schemes.

    Henry Ford struck the greatest blow against tyrants ever in history. He screwed them forever more with his CHEAP, INDIVIDUAL transportation machine. The Internet is nice, but it is a small thing compared to the modern automobile. That’s why the Leftists go after oil and gas. They hate the idea of all that freedom of movement. It really offends them that the peasants can pack up and -leave- the socialist Utopia whenever they want.

    1. Yup, the Nazis were really into restoring the peasants to their place on the land, and having access only to people’s cars (volkswagon). They, the elite, would have choices. Their lessers didn’t deserve them.

      1. Alternatively you could say the Nazis made a way to allow the masses to have automobiles for the very first time. The Volkwagon was the Model T of Germany – the first mass market car.

        1. The NAZIS were communists/socialists, first. National Socialist Workers Party, translated. “Right” wing? Just slightly right of Stalin and Mao. Think kamps for wrong think/genetics. Pigs were treated better. Happening right now in Chinah. And what’s with the COVID Kamp rumors here? Forgot already? Who are the LPOC love child? Chinah. https://spencerfernando.com/2020/09/06/trudeaus-radical-economic-schemes-increasingly-line-up-with-his-past-praise-for-communists/

          But hey, dope is legal now and the bars were open first, before business. Bread and circuses.

      2. Mostly he just let them have access to putting the cars on layaway and stole their payments to finance the military.

    2. Hey Phantom, I’ve never quite looked at it from that perspective before. I would agree, it is also why they want our firearms. As you succinctly stated, “peasants can pack up and -leave- the socialist Utopia whenever they want”. They also can’t be stopped from leaving when they are armed as well. Essentially, anything coupled to FREEDOM, is a real thorn in their craw!

  2. Our masters do not keep us around so we can think. They keep us around to obey.

    If they could replace us by robots and order the robots to slaughter us all, they would do it in a heartbeat. The ultimate mission of Silicon Valley is to allow them to do just that.

    Humanity is the problem that our masters expect robots and computers to solve. Call it Marxism stood on its head, with capital expropriating and liquidating the human proletariat.

  3. Read “Why We Drive – Toward a Philosophy of the Open Road” by Matthew B. Crawford
