43 Replies to “Wuhan Review”

  1. Well masks are generally a waste of resources and effort unless you are doing surgery or work in a dental office doing ‘aerosol producing procedures’. Moreover, there is no benefit to wearing the low grade masks generally available to the public, other than preventing your own coughing, hacking and wheezing on someone else. How do I know this…well my wife is a dental hygienist who gets gussied up in her moon suit to go to work; replete with gown, face-shield, cap, gloves, and an industrial strength mask.

    The best advice: wash your hands, keep your hands AWAY FROM YOUR FACE, and be sure to hug your family and close friends.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

    1. A mask prevents the virus from spreading just as well as underwear prevents a fart from smelling up a room.

      1. If airport security is to be believed, not having a mask cover one’s nose will guarantee that grannies will die on Prince Edward Island overnight.

        Then again, the maolings of airport security love bullying and intimidating people.

      2. A mask prevents me from getting a $400 fine from City of Ottawa Bylaw Fascists and then getting arrested.

        1. Looks like fear of government is your problem. How about 50 thousand show up in the streets without masks? Not going to happen in cowardly Canada. At least about 100 k of Montrealers had some courage last week.

          1. The government has the power to take everything from you so yup, I fear that. Cowardice. Sure.
            No government will ever take anything from Joe Dunno Biden or Justa Dink Trudeau, Nancy P. or Rob Fatty Ford or Dalton McGuilty.

    2. Exactly….was at Walmart yesterday with the wife. About to get out of the car, we found we had only 1 mask..oops. Meh, Walked in the store, her wearing a used surgical one and me nothing. Immediately 2 Diverse Canadians pounced on me for not wearing a mask. So I ask them, how am I to wear one when they are only sold in stores and to get in said stores..I needs a mask.

      The look of utter confusion clearly showed. Ahhh, it finally dawned on them and I was “allowed” in.

      Found some cloth ones and as I’m breaking open the bag, I notice a disclaimer on the bottom

      “For NON Medical use only”

      So what’s THAT tell ya…??

      1. That should tell you that all masks including those for “medical” use cannot stop a virus or a fart.

  2. It would’ve been so much better if Cooper and Biden had kissed.

    I’m becoming increasingly frustrated at the endless covid fear mongering. The morbid death count on the tv news, the constant panic being spread by teachers and our ‘leaders’ just to score power points. This social media drip, drip, drip of virus insanity has, and will, cause a significant toll on mental health. We’ll see it for years.

    My kid, a great kid, came up to me tonight, stood ten feet away and told me he has a runny nose. He was teary eyed. I asked him why he was so upset; “I’m worried for you dad, you have asthma.” The kid earned himself a hug and a reactine. I reminded him that harvest time is the worst time for my allergies–he probably has a bit of that going on.

    Can you imagine the endless fear messaging being pounded into an adolescent that causes them to twist the sniffles into a death sentence for dear old dad?

    We then spent some time looking at real causes of death in Canada. For his age group, accidents, suicide, and cancers are the top three. It was a good time to talk about mental health. My son’s classmate tragically killed herself and that had been on his mind. So maybe covid insanity isn’t all bad, it opened an opportunity for us to talk about a difficult subject.

    Sadly, though, I believe many of us are suffering in the isolation. Us oldsters tend to think we can ‘tough-it-out’. Mental health is just health and I hope people can reach out and find resources if they need some help.

    1. Many are suffering from the isolation. There seems to be great panic over elderly dying in care homes, but is anyone thinking sbout how the isolation is impacting them? Deprived of social interaction with family and friends? Anyone with a touch of dementia will go downhill fast. Our society has become paralysed by fear of death. I believe isolation is contributing to care home deaths.

    2. Thank you for sharing, alecincgy. Your son sounds like a fine, young man. I agree that many are suffering in isolation and it’s going to get worse as we head into another lockdown.

      LindaL, we window visited my mother-in-law in LTC yesterday and the decline is noticeable and heartbreaking. Normally, we would bring tea and treats, I would give her a manicure, and we’d laugh a lot. Now, we talk on the phone for 30 minutes, separated by glass, just like a prison.

      I spoke to my soon-to-be 81 years old aunt in Calgary yesterday and she was in good spirits despite months of being housebound and isolated from the few friends she has left. Prior to Wu Flu, she wouldn’t hesitate to call a taxi, pack up her walker, and head out to shop. I’ve been thinking about visiting her to help her shop and stock up her pantry for winter but I would be putting her at risk, wouldn’t I?

      The last time we saw family was Christmas. Two milestone celebrations were canceled this year. Each family cottaged separately. At what point do we say, “enough?!” Nobody wants to die but everyone is afraid of living.

      1. If you have a Christian Kingdom world view, “to live is Christ, to die is gain”.

        Oh death, where is your sting?

        Me and my family have zero fear of death, as we are assured of a better life to come. Death is a door which each of us are moving towards whether we like it, believe it or embrace it. I earnest laugh and mock those who live in such fear here in the West. The dominnt world view right now is so full of paralyzing fear. There is literally horror in the eyes of people who see me coming without a mask on. All i can do is smile and feel sorry for them.

        I drive 200+ km for my commute each day to/from work. I have seem the fear in the cars as we pass down the highway. I have seen people wearing a mask AND a full face shield inside a vehicle. Nearly hit the ditch I was laughing so hard.

        My question is: is it better to live a short life with gusto and fullness than a long life with many regrets of not engaging and sharing life despite dangers all around us?

        1. Agreed, Glacierman. Sadly, too many (family and friends included) have turned their backs on their Christian upbringing and scoff at those who have faith, or at least try to keep the faith.

          And, yes, there are dangers all around us. I came very close to being hit by a car the other day. If I hadn’t been killed I would have been very messed up. I was very shaken at the time but now I chuckle thinking I could have proven that one has a better chance of dying in a car accident than from Wu Flu.

          1. I think that the overall quality of drivers has declined.

            Skills fade with lack of practice. Masks distract.

            Good driving is just another casualty of the rancid bat soup.

        2. I think this whole bizarre reaction to the virus reflects complete spiritual impoverishment. Even thinking we can control the spread of a virus is delusional– it’s like thinking we can control the climate. And the rushed vaccine agenda is a nightmare.

      2. Much more than this Plague of Wuhan is killing people, the overreactions are taking away the living of lives. And then we die anyway.

  3. “Pandemic Theater”

    Yep, had they been concerned with limiting the spread they would have banned the BLM riots, they did not do that, so they are not concerned. Every government’s priority is to act convincingly enough as if they were doing something. They have no long term strategy to combat this thing. They are playing whack-a-mole hoping that eventually they get a better idea of what to do. They all want to deflect the blame for any death that can be pinned on Wuhan Flu (henceforth WF). Deaths that occur due to lockdown and are unrelated to WF (for example from inadequate health care or suicides from depression etc) are also blamed on WF or on people who don’t submit themselves to draconian anti WF measures and thus allegedly spread the disease.

    Yes, it is a serious disease. No, I will not waste time arguing for a millionth time that it is serious. But it is nowhere near serious enough to castrate the economy, bankrupt the middle class and impose the police state. And bankruptcy and police state are the price we are paying for the theater. This is not a conspiracy theory. I don’t think that they are so opportunistic as to use WF as an excuse to cynically ram the police state through backdoor. I think they really don’t know any better so their natural reflex is to order people to stay put while they pretend they have a clue what to do next.

    One last thing I will consider taking any vaccine after every MP, MPP, mayor and Judge together with their families are vaccinated.

    1. Re “One last thing I will consider taking any vaccine after every MP, MPP, mayor and Judge together with their families are vaccinated.”

      A Peking Pox vaccine description I saw yesterday was

      “Politics in a syringe”

    2. If they do not know what to do, thry are easily manipulated and follow the crowd. If the WHO says masks everywhere, then it’s masks. Some have an agenda to use WF for control and they have been very successful. The plan is easily implemented when so many politicians and bureaucrats simply follow what they are told to do. It took great courage for Sweden to buck the trend based on their public health guy thinking for himself. It does not help that politicians are blamed for any deaths that occur, when in fact the overall health of the population is the most significant factor in lower death counts — not preventing transmission, which I believe is an impossible goal. A virus will run its course, one way or another. “Slowing the curve” is not preventing deaths. The longer view is that politicians will also be blamed for economic devastation which will happen when they can no longer borrow money. Of course many individuals have already been hit with personal economic problems as so many small businesses are lost. We are being governed by fools and their incompetence is being papered over with lies.

      1. The little bit of approval that Doug Ford has got from the media has gone to his head, and he no longer thinks for himself. The bureaucrats are running the show. Unfortunately, their focus is myopic. We have become a “country of the blind” as in H.G. Wells’ classic story.

  4. The insanity continues. Only a complete and total refusal of the people’s participation will stop foolishness. Have I mentioned that we are stupid?

    1. Only a complete and total refusal of the people’s participation will stop foolishness.

      Agreed, but too many–in fact, just about everybody–does as they are told because “it’s the right thing to do”, “it might keep someone safe”, “the government told me so and we need to trust the government”, “we’re in this together”, or some such malarkey.

      As I mentioned on another thread, I seem to be the only one who’s calling the government’s bluff on this whenever I go into a store. Everyone else is an obedient sheep, likely for the aforementioned reasons.

      Has the plague gone away? Nope. Conveniently, when there seems to be progress and a remote hint of sanity returning, there’s always another “case” or “spike” or “outbreak”. At this rate, we’ll be told to wear masks ten years from now.

    2. Given the number of abject Imbeciles, walking and driving wearing their masks…? Which includes the majority of Non Caucasions in Calgary/Edmonton.

      Not a hope in hell.

      1. Earlier today, I went maskless to 3 stores here in Edmonton. I even went through the shopping centre bare-faced (making sure I went in the wrong direction and used the wrong doors), and encountered a security guard passing by me.

        I was never challenged or scolded.

  5. Biden is whispering in Cooper’s ear

    Cooper was probably hoping that Biden would stick his tongue in Cooper’s ear.

  6. I think things are simmering with an ever growing number of people.
    But not me.

    I keep my head down because compliance keeps me out of trouble, anonymous, out of jail, with no loss of hard-earned money.
    I have a duty to others to protect them. If that gets violated, then SHTF.

    But I’ve even stopped sending a few polite emails. They’re useless.
    Every single bastard like Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau and Butts that are grinding us down will point to someone else like the “experts”.
    For now I’m saving my brass for the Long Game.

  7. Theater indeed.

    A massive distraction/coverup for the negligence of our cringing politicians who (a) failed to shut down flights from China (b) failed to introduce effective screening and isolation at our international points of entry (c) despite multiple pandemic warnings and an aging population, failed to develop and maintain health systems that could adequately respond to situations like this.

  8. There’s too many in positions of power that are infected with the old schoolmarm attitudes. ‘There are rules and they will be followed’

  9. Relax folks, it’s just more lying.
    You know, saying one thing in public and doing the exact opposite when they think we can’t see them.

    At the heart of so much of this is the simple fact that that they are liars.
    You couldn’t explain the concept of honesty to them.
    They would never understand the idea that dishonesty is corrosive to society.

  10. For all the mask lamenters out there. All bylaws have exemptions for medical conditions.
    You’re under no obligation to disclose your personal medical information to anyone. Even police officers can’t demand it from you.
    I have told at least one Dudley DoGoodnik who got into my grill to mind their own fking business and he slinked away without too much fanfare. I’ve yet to be told to leave by a proprietor. But I’m quite sure that’ll come soon enough.
    To this day…I haven’t worn a mask and I never will. I refuse to be a slave to someone else’s flawed science.

  11. I like BC’s approach where mask mandates are up to business and organizations. Lots of people wear them now and that’s their choice. I respect the mandates in stores and what not as much as I hate it. There’s no way I’d comply with a government mandate though.

  12. Most of what officialdom dictates we do to combat COVID is just so much pandemic theater: the viral version of airport security patting down grandma in the wheelchair as Osama Bin Taking Flying Lessons breezes on through.


  13. Stan Nails it.
    We live in a Kleptocracy people.
    Lying is the default position of the bandits who rule.
    They chose to lie,even when truth would serve their intentions better.
    For you cannot live large by stealing from the rest of the citizens,unless you lie,lie often,lie smoothly,lie moistly..
    Government is the biggest lie of our time.
    “We are from the government,we are here to help you”..Help you love your chains,help you fall,help you into wage slavery,forever.
    The National Debt represents wage slavery for generations,your children’s children’s children are being enslaved..so a bunch of parasites can feast well today..
    “Investing in Welfare”.

    Sweden is the moose in their grill,for so many condemned Sweden’s rational approach to the threat of the Wuhan Flu…So certain,so righteous…so wrong.
    Clueless and useless are (almost) credentials when applying for a Government Job.
    Public Health has long been a warehouse to park the most inept.
    Now we almost have a real pandemic and the useless and clueless are unable to even read their lines.
    We have seen the quality of government health,in glowing technocolour for the last 6 months.
    Levels of stupidity and incompetence never seen in ages.
    They are the biggest threat to civil society.
    Fire them all.

  14. Ear, nose, and throat specialists will tell you they’re all connected. Whispering in someone’s ear is almost the same as kissing them.
