New Rules

I shouldn’t admit to enjoying this, but I do.


Post developing with more from the Portland caravan as I find it, including a shooting in downtown that appears to have left one man (white) dead. Andy Ngo is the best starting point, as usual. . (just getting up to speed on this, I was busy with non-blogging stuff today).

The shooting was captured on livestream here. (18:02 mark)

The victim is being identified as a member of Patriot Prayer.

Update: The identity of the shooter (shown at a different time) is being tracked down by 4chan and others. [edited to remove false hit on the ID] Update — a different individual has been identified that seems to match the description.

Related — vehicles from Oregon keep showing up across the country, including Washington.

23 Replies to “New Rules”

  1. No doubt, the local news will report that right-wing extremists attacked “peaceful” (or should it be p*ssful) protesters in a drive-by painting.

    1. Throwing urine at someone is an attack with a bio-weapon.

      If teargas is a chemical weapon, well then …

    1. Look at Robert’s link at 2:55 a.m.
      He was shot in cold blood by Antifa thugs.
      If Portland does not investigate this, this should be declared a federal crime, and the Portland authorities should be arrested accessories.

      1. +++ O B, all these enabling politicos and police refusing to uphold the law should be arrested, you are correct they are complicit. As far as the police go, the old I was only following orders, was no good at Nuremburg and it is no good now.

  2. Meanwhile, mayor Ted Wheeler is begging President Trump not to send in federal law enforcement.

    One begins to wonder what the mayor really knows about what’s going on here.

    If federal agents return to Portland, they should make finding out a top priority. Arrest the mayor and hold him without bail until a way is found to persuade him to talk. Start with waterboarding.

    1. Yup, and as soon as Trump wins on November 3rd, the actual civil war will commence! The “action” happening now, is just the warm up.

      At that time, we either stand firm and push back, or we stick our collective heads between our legs, and kiss our behinds farewell. Logistics should start now, get your supplies in and stock up on “all” necessities” then gird up for the commencement. Don’t forget two way radio’s, as we’ll need private comms.

  3. It’s no longer a civil society when thugs and looters are allowed to form movements and riot in the streets.
    The people are not protected.

  4. Antifa/BLM are like a big festering boil under the skin..
    When it gets big and painful enough, someone will lance this boil.

  5. That van or one painted like it showed up in our little town in northern Oklahoma 2 weeks ago. They and people in other vehicles camped at a campground at our city lake. They stayed 3 days and did not (as far as I know) show themselves in town. All in town knew they were there thanks to fakebook. They were watched 24hrs a day by Native Americans, Black Americans, and White Americans. We all came together to protect our town. Were we armed? I couldn’t say. Protect your own.

  6. A month or so ago we passed the “Riot Kitchen” van headed north on I-5 between Portland and Seattle. One of our company, a retired canine LEO, clued us in that those were bad guys in that van. He got a treat then and another when we saw they’d been arrested in Kenosha. Keep your powder dry, folks, and your friends, family, and neighbors close. It might be a hard winter.

  7. What is being hidden/downplayed by the media is the size of that caravan.
    They assembled in a large mall car park (Clackamas Town Center) about 15 miles from downtown Portland.
    They left in a nose to tail convoy.

    As the head of the convoy was passing through the center of Portland, they were still leaving the car park.
    That is 15+ miles of nose to tail trucks and cars.

    There was at least one local TV news chopper documenting this, of course the live stream from that was not used in any news broadcast that I could find, and has now gone.

    MSM says several hundred … no, it was several thousand.

  8. Word of advice for the guys shooting paintbaIIs at the Antifa Trash. “put the paint baIIs in the freezer for 6 hours next time, then shoot the bastards. Aim for the eyes, throat, and baIIs.”

  9. Thanks for the advice, James. That’s something to write on the inside of the bunker door and the dash of the car.
