44 Replies to “Tommy Douglas, You’re Next”

  1. Yet it will still practise eugenics to cull the black population.

    In other news; James Short Park in Calgary, Alberta to be renamed. I suggest Nellie McClung. Oh, wait a minute, wasn’t she for sterilising blacks, natives and Chinese?

    1. It may have been Nellie McClung, but she was not alone. There was a very strong “scientific” consensus around that time about eugenics and the need to “improve” the human race. Christians – and in particular the Roman Catholic church – stood against this.

      Fast forward: we have a family member who is seriously disabled and who would have been disposed of during that “enlightened” time. Said family member is very much valued and cherished; and watching the indomitable spirit in the face of serious adversity keeps us all grounded and grateful.

    2. If they didn’t cull the black population, white Americans would be looking for a new homeland because the US would be like Liberia by now.

  2. I just can’t seem to find an easy contact for Kiefer Sutherland to pass this on to him!

    1. Only if one looks at the reason for the abortion. Inconvenient to be visibly pregnant during a vacation? OK. Forgot to take birth control? OK. Medical risk to the life of the mother? OK. If the abortion is requested for reasons of sex selection? Not OK.

      And imagine the angst to come if there is a gay gene that can be tested for in-utero.

      1. Gay genes will be discovered, as gay people have existed in all populations world wide for centuries at about 1% or less. Often, they took on roles as shamans in indigenous populations.

        1. Once that gene is discovered and the chance of one of them getting aborted then the left will suddenly start calling for the death penalty for getting an abortion.

    1. They lost the support of Boston Pizza! Oh, horrors! Now I have an excuse to boycott that chain, even though I didn’t think their pizza was all that great.

      1. Boston Pizza used to be great when it was a hole in the wall on the south side of Jasper Avenue between 106 and 107 Streets. Then I guess the name got bought out by that pompous sphincter and the pizza went to excrement.

        1. I wasn’t aware of who owned the chain or that it even changed hands. The Boston Pizza trust unit still trades on the Toronto stock exchange.

          I spent many hours in the BP near Whyte Avenue and 109th Street while I was an undergrad. Over the years, though, I did notice that the pizzas weren’t as good as I remembered them and I stopped going their outlets. I can’t recall the last time I was in one of them.

          1. Yea, don’t stop supporting Boston Pizza, until the shares recover……… 🙁

            FYI – I believe it was a retired Edmonton police “person” who started the franchise back in the day.

      1. The Extreme Emokarens.
        They wouldn’t even have to change the logo.

        Edmunchuk Extreme Emo Karens
        would give a delightful EEEK as the logo.

        Now just to factor in chronic traumatic encephalopathy and we’ll have a winner.

      2. Actually, it was the Edmonton “Ernie s” (I think “Ernie” is a the reluctant soy boy partner of “Karen” who needs sex without a face mask, but only when she wants it). The soy boys Ernies did this.

        1. Heh – some good ones…………

          I was thinking something along the line of Edmonton Ener-green, Greta, peoplekind sort of thing.

          They should start each game with the Black Canadian National anthem (on two knees) and then the Gay National Anthem, and then the Indigenous National Anthem, and finish up with some Village people. Take say around 3 hours and go home.

          Watch those ticket & merchandise sales soooooooar!

    2. They want to keep the double “e” in the name. How bold of them.
      How about calling them the Eviscerated Edmontonians.
      The green and gold can become the gangrene and mould.
      Piss off…lousy team also.

    3. Erik – Fans of 60s pop music may want to click this YouTube link while it’s still available. After they realize what a racist, bigoted piece of cultural appropriation that it is, it will be gone. Hint, the offense is right in the title: Manfred Mann “Mighty Quinn (The Eskimo)”

      Dylan did a cover as well. And George Jones had a song about Eskimo Pie. Collectors items all…

      1. L-One of my favourites from the era and obviously a tribute to heroic Quinn, the Eskimo.

        No, if Edmonton rejects the inspiration of male archetype heroism, then a funeral pyre is their fate. The best hope for them and maybe all of us, is as a phoenix resurrected.

    4. If they are going to keep the double E logo why not make a really political statement and add an E to call themselves the Triple E’s? But make it a play for WEXIT.

    5. How ’bout the Edmonton Bankrupcty and Asset Liquidation and Forfeiture proceedings? I think the CFL may have just jumped the shark.

    6. If they want to keep the old logo, I suggest the new name should be the Edmonton Eejits, as my pal Padraic says they are “fookin’ eejits” for bowing to the leftard p-c pressure.

  3. That halfwits should not be allowed to breed is self-evident. This was one of the very few proposals “progressives” had that would have been genuinely progressive. Which was why it was never systematically applied.

    On the contrary—the only people who ever supported socialism because it had genuinely improved their lives were people too lazy and stupid to function outside a prison, a slave plantation, or an institution where someone else handed them everything and made all the adult decisions.

    The only people in Romania who did not fall to their knees and thank God when Nicolae Ceausescu and his whore Elena were brought to justice were the Gypsies. Under communism they were guaranteed lifetime employment no matter how stupid and drunken they were, enjoyed all the free stuff they wanted, and were free to dump any unwanted brats on the state to be raised at white people’s expense. White Romanians hated them for it, and still do.

    1. Back in the day, was travelling to and from eastern Slovakia as had family studying there. The only warning the Canadian government issues was about the Romany (aka Gypsies). Took note of that. Otherwise, always felt very safe in going about, even though I was obviously a non-Slovak. Those were good days.

    2. Unfortunately obviously your parents were allowed to breed. Assuming they were not halfwits, they must have been genetically incompatible.
      This is what, your fifth screen name here? As the Chinese proverb says, new bottle, same old wine.

  4. The other good news is, the second-place Greatest Canadian was Terry Fox. A truly deserving candidate who used self sacrifice, not other people’s (tax) sacrifice, to better the lives of Canadians and people all over the world.


    Tenth place Wayne Gretzky asked his voters to vote instead for Terry Fox, so CBC may claim there were voting irregularities to disqualify Fox so that PET would win.

    1. F-that #1
      Mine is Dad, WW2 engineer corp. Lost his twin bros on D-Day, 2 days after they turned 25. Dad lost part of left leg sweeping for mines 6 months later, survived. His older bros shot in stomach during training.
      That’s grit, bravery, fortitude. Love them.
      Terry Fox a brave guy too, hobbling along on one good leg, saw him north of Lake Superior away from limelight, digging in., determination. A cause for the greater good.

      1. Nonamebrand – or maybe your grandma who lost two good sons, parts of the other two… and a bunch of potential grandkids.

    2. With all due respect, as a Yankee and an outsider, may I respectfully suggest there were plenty of unhinged Canadians already in 2004.
      First place: Guy responsible for your great national single payer medicare which cause Canadians to cross the border to get real medical care.
      Third place: Pierre Trudeau, who was willingly cuckolded by Fidel resulting in your current monstrosity.
      Fifth place: David Suzuki. ‘Nuff said.
      Sixth place: Lester Pearson. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. That should be enough to damn him.
      Sir John MacDonald, your first Prime Minister, is the only other person in public life mentioned. The other top ten finishers, in truth, did accomplish great things and demonstrate what a great country Canada is.

      To be fair, it just may demonstrate that the CBC polls have always been biased.

  5. They won’t reject Sanger, they’ll just move her into the closet for a while. When she re-emerges, they will be advocating for the abortion of any white child, as atonement for all our WHITE sins.

    [I really do pray that this prediction is wrong]

  6. Errr…..I thought by the statistics that abortion in the US is massively a “service” delivered to the under-classes?
    You might say that a calculation is possible on what murders and violent crime and waste of taxpayer’s money that prevents….I couldn’t possibly comment.

    1. Yup, the left sees History as whatever narrative they decide history to be. If it’s politically inconvenient today, they can shelve history to be rewritten tomorrow.

      Such is the life in Neverland.

  7. Without looking at the numbers, bet you the rate of muslim abortions is near zero.
    You don’t reach critical voting mass without all wombs to the frontline, all hands to the pumps.

  8. This is fun
    Edmonton Errors
    Edmonton Effortless (They never make an effort)
    Edmonton Excrement (sorry about that one)
    Edmonton Eyeless (just watch them try to find a receiver)
    Edmonton Ethnics
    Edmonton Excrutiants (They’re excrutiating to watch)

  9. The ESKIMO’s are killing their own goose….NO.?
    But then, all Pro sports have caved to the PC BLM-AntiFa Socialist IPCC Cabal now haven’t they..?

    In the end I could care less they get no gelt from me…other than what’s Expropriated from me in my municipal taxes for a new arena that I’ll likely never get an opportunity to use or visit.
