The epicentre of poisoned energy dialogues – a “cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts…moving straight to intimidation”

“…the American left has lost its mind. It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts… ” says Matt Taibbi, a staunch liberal, of Rolling Stone magazine – a hotbed of the left. Even those within the left’s tent are starting to realize the damage their “shaming, threats and intimidation” are leading to. And that explains, among other things, the disastrous energy narrative we are drowning in. Read on…

13 Replies to “The epicentre of poisoned energy dialogues – a “cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts…moving straight to intimidation””

  1. “We need the world to know that disagreeing with such venomous bombast is not the same as declaring support for every one of Trump’s wild-eyed positions.”

    Oh, why are you still bending the knee to the prejudices of evil men?

    President Trump’s positions are not “wild-eyed.” He is not the one convinced, on the evidence of nothing but the spite, malice, paranoia and self-loathing of a few thousand immensely rich sociopaths that the peoples who built the industrialized world are vermin to be eradicated as threats to their power and wealth. Our betters, put baldly, are lunatics, whom a sane world would haul off to insane asylums.

    He is the leader of a revolution—the only genuine workers’ and peasants’ revolution in living memory. That does not mean he plans to haul innocent people off to extermination facilities and replace them with simians too stupid to organize successful slave revolts. His enemies do.

    President Trump judges men by the content of their character. That’s why his enemies hate him so much. Their character is evil, if the word has any meaning. And he views them with the contempt and revulsion they deserve, and that they elicit in anybody with a soul.

    1. That’s our view. It’s not the view of those that Terry is hoping to reach with that article. If he talks to them in their own language, there’s a chance they might listen. On the other hand, if they’re speaking Swedish and he’s speaking Japanese than lack of understanding is a given. Regardless of whether they think they get each other.

      I fully agree with most of what you’ve said, but that’s because we’re on the same side of the culture war. Is it still worth trying to talk to them? Ultimately, yes. If Michael Moore can recognize how his side is going off the rails (not that he’s becoming a more responsible member of society) then there’s hope for them all.

  2. I think there are 2 reasons for what has happened during the last 3 weeks: 1. This is the launch of Michelle Obama’s bid for the Democratic VP nomination OR 2. This is an internal struggle within the Democrat Party between the radical left wing and the establishment. The radicals are upset about Bernie’s loss and this is their revenge.

  3. “The American Left has lost its mind”
    Lost ;One unused virgin mind,guaranteed to have never had an original thought processed by it.
    The “Feelz” camp are behaving perfectly normally ,for them.
    The failure of those close to them,to have laid a clue stick up along side their head,reflects badly on their families.
    If we wind up having to deal with them,it is only fair that we also “reward” those who enabled these idiots and allowed them to run loose.

  4. I believe the Republican party wants Trump gone. They don’t want the world of lobbyists and pay to play further disrupted any more than the Dems do.
    The fraud about to be perpetrated by mail in pretend votes will do it.
    No voter ID means a Democrat win.
    Eventually mendicant 3rd world immigration will make Texas and Florida permanent blue states, then the Dems own the Presidency.
    Demographics decides destiny.

  5. Time to see the Donald on the cover of the Rolling Stone, with bigger and better hair, and a classic Fender telecaster turned up to eleven.
    Wanna whole lotta Trump.

    1. Totally! With PDJT working the slide effect on his Les Paul custom. Wanna whole lotta a Trump … baawaaaaaaaawahhhhaaaaaa. Bam bah de de bam ….

  6. John R. Psychotics in the grip of their psychosis and unable to think rationally.

  7. I have come to the conclusion that the further left a person’s politics are, the more he/she/it displays the signs of sociopathy. Yep, lefties are, by and large, sociopaths.

    1. Sociopaths or just elitists, who know better than those they are trying to lead? Because THEY are superior (and they know that they are) that means that they can successfully make all of the beneficent changes that society needs.

      The reason that those same changes have resulted in death and destruction every time they’ve been tried has only been that the right people weren’t in charge. This time, THEY will be. (And they’ll be the first with their backs to the brick wall if they ever do get their revolution, but they’re too dumb to recognize this. The revolution always eats its own.)

  8. ” The Left have gone nuts”? Seriously? Progressives are winning on almost all fronts. If they are going nuts it must be from euphoria. Conservatives talk a good story but actions count and there is little of that, especially in Canada.

  9. I’ll sum that up for y’all: Jump on mob bandwagon, be shocked when mob burns your house down, despite the fact they have said it is their goal to do so, for decades.
