38 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. If you are a Leftist, please punish your parents by refusing to have children.

    Better yet, punish them by aborting your Leftist self in the 80 or 90th trimester. It’s never too late.

    1. And punish your parents by refusing to accept any gifts of charity or inheritance from your parents. Tell them to leave all their money to the animal hospital.

    1. “Donning” their brown shirts? Dude, they never had any other shirts.

      The reason socialism requires mass graves, is because socialism means you are in prison. Being thrown in prison, when you already live in prison, is no punishment at all. So, execution becomes the only actual punishment in a socialist system.

  2. I guess in response to some stool like this I could tell the relatives the don’t have the strength of character to live the lives my wife and I did. I could point out the busted marriages, the train wreck children, the fifty somethings who don’t have a pot to whiz in, I could do that, but I think I’ll save my breath. And let the asset distribution in my will do the talking.

    1. And let the asset distribution in my will do the talking.

      I heard stories about that from my former stockbroker. Hell hath no fury as a beneficiary who didn’t inherit what they felt they were entitled to. Hell also hath no fury as a descendant or relative who’s been left out of a will.

      While I was preparing the probate documents for my father’s will, I found out that, at least in B. C., an executor needs the approval of the named beneficiaries before actually proceeding with actually filing those documents and, ultimately, distributing the assets. I can well imagine what sort of squabbles that requirement has caused. (Fortunately for me, because my mother died before my father, I was the sole beneficiary, which considerably simplified matters at that stage.)

      1. I was the Executor of my Mother’s Estate when she passed. Eye opening on a lot of matters and people involved. Some who thought they were to be recipients are still trying to find out what was left behind, eight years later. I was her “minder” prior to death, at a respectful distance I might add, I lived “out of country” for all intents and purposes, but had the foresight to become joint on her accounts just to keep an eye on things financial. Online banking is a godsend for that, while drilling a well 4000 km away. I didn’t appreciate the import of that arrangement until she died.
        A bunch of Probate was avoided and stuff wasn’t tied up at her demise.
        She had Macular degeneration so bad that forward vision was seriously impaired, but it didn’t affect her card playing as she could see fine at the Mariner angles of East and West of the compass. Cards were held in her left hand to West as she was right handed. Right hand was there to ante the pot, or shoot anyone who cheated. She died in Ontario. Didn’t need anyone’s permission, but the banks were all curious about those “joint” accounts that were closed and cash dispersed according to her will. Banks have got the stickiest fingers.

      2. Lawyers who do estate work have a special term – “waiters” – not people who serve food in restaurants but rather, people who spend their adult lives waiting for an elderly relative to die so that they can inherit the estate and live comfortably off that. I’ve seen “waiters” who were either cut out of the will or found out the estate wasn’t worth anything close to what they expected and boy, it isn’t pretty.

    2. Plus Uggeley:

      In BC we have a lovely thing called the “Wills Variation Act”.
      A judge — increasingly a female — may consider the distribution unfair. There was a case in which an excluded black sheep child not only got included but even with a higher share than his siblings on account of his life struggles, for which of course everyone but himself was to blame.

      SO WHERE POSSIBLE DISTRIBUTE BEFORE DEATH or if assets justify do an inter vivos trust which a judge cannot tamper with.

      1. My plan is to have absolutely no assets left, and my last cheque bounces after I am gone.

        Any assets I have will be disposed of before death.

        1. Settling estates is a common topic of conversation among some of the older hams I meet at an local flea market that’s held annually.

          At the last one I was at, I overheard a conversation between two of them. One was describing one attempt at settling an estate, though I didn’t hear if he was referring to himself or someone he knew. The punchline was: “Did my parents hate me?”

          It seems that having a lot of leftovers, many of which are whatzits, is quite common. I’m at the stage now where I have a lot of miscellaneous items to get rid of. Most of them will probably be donated to the local Salvation Army because it’s not worth the effort to try and sell them.

          1. Mom lived in an old folks home, so what was left of material items were “donated” to any staff who wanted…after I checked the pockets and drawers.and the left overs went out to the trash. You’d be surprised where and what folks squirrel stuff away. Sally Anne wasn’t interested to my surprise. Found a lot of cash!

          2. Found a lot of cash!

            About a year and a half ago, I found a large cache of my mother’s “mattress money” while going through her bedroom closet. It didn’t last long as it went back into the house for repairs.

            I tried donating some of my mother’s fabric to a local thrift shop. The staff got all snooty on me about the fact that it smelled “musty”–yeah, stuff tends to get that way after being stored stuffed in boxes for several years without being in fresh air.

            I ended up donating the fabric to a local sewing store, which was glad for the free inventory. Just about every time I went there with a new load, there would be some of what I had previously delivered outside drying in the sun.

        2. That may well happen with us too. Puts me in mind of the story about the heiress who had a family estate of $35 million or so. Married six times, she died with $3500 in the bank. One more small dinner party and her timing would have been perfect

  3. Hey, NYT! The joke’s on you! My parents and all my grandparents are gone now and I never became a father. I guess I can do as I like, can’t I?

    1. By the time in my life that I felt I could afford to support and provide for children, I was a tad too old to start up. So I took a pass.

      With the future looking rather bleak, I am kinda glad to not be leaving anyone behind to pay the bills that my asshole generation of criminal politicians racked up in long their careers at the trough..

  4. And a rousing chorus if “Tomorrow Belongs To Me” while you’re at it.

  5. These idiot journalists don’t realize what they are doing. They are writing ads for Trump 2020 for free. The number of silent Trump voters increases with every op ed like this, especially those calling for defunding the police and letting the feral animals look after your safety instead,

    1. Well, not too sure about that. Among the 3 subscribers they still have, you think anything they write will change anyone’s mind on anything?

    2. “They are writing ads for Trump 2020 for free.”

      In 2016 Clinton paid for triple the ads of Trump but Trump got priceless free advertising. It looks like the free haul in advertising for Trump can only get bigger in 2020. Constant lunatic criticism of Trump is herding the voters into Trumps camp. Nothing learned from 2016.

  6. “Get” so creepy and cultish? It’s always been that way. Welcome to the club, 300 years late, dude.

    Has cult member Dizzy tried to lie it’s way out of this one yet? Rizwan? Andrew? I am just going to assume all the usual creepy cult trolls have already done their trolling, tried their epic unfunny Trump line for the day, and not even bother perusing the comments on this one.

    Their trolling is just so unoriginal, there is no point. They haven’t provided a laugh in freaking decades here.

    “the cult that just mails it in”

  7. These kids need the wisdom of their grandparents.

    I was talking to my old uncle recently who told me his SFU educated granddaughters called him a nazi. He’s a highly successful entrepreneur whose estate is sizable.
    Wonder if they’ll refuse anything they might get from the estate when the time comes because of his ‘nazi’ leanings.

    He’s the furthest thing from a nazi there is. Those little girls need to get a grip.

  8. There’s a quote from Song of the South that is ironically fitting. Please don’t throw me in dat briar patch!

  9. So many lawyers busy rewriting wills. I wonder what/who the money will be left to? So. Much. Money.

  10. I can actually sort of understand the op-ed writer’s frustration. No, his editor doesn’t actually give a damn about the black man. She just wants Trump overthrown and assassinated.

    If she thought for a minute her client’s tribe was likely to get any real power, our editor would have postponed the meeting indefinitely— so she could fly to Tel Aviv that night and beg for asylum, because the first act of the black supremacist revolutionaries would be to rape every white woman they could find, and our editor figured Israel would have to take her in, Granny being a survivor and all.

    (Granny lied about that, as she lied about so much else—she was a Hitler Youth who allowed the Americans to “liberate” her, and figured a sob story about the camps was the easiest way to get to the United States—but her granddaughter enjoyed her genteel victimhood status too much to ask questions.)

    Not that the editor ever had a kind word for Zionism before this, but whatever allows her to escape consequences would work for her.

  11. Funny thing is all these whiz-bang kids that are so educated today with their various diplomas and certificates have been fed the illusion that they are on the brink of the biggest transfer of wealth in history by their illustrious educators. The problem with wealth transfer is that it is not automatic!!!! Full Stop. Just because you think you are going to inherit everything that your parents and grandparents worked and saved for, doesn’t mean it is going to happen. Especially more so if you have the audacity to denigrate the society that they sacrificed and work hard to create.

    Mention everyone in the your will and the reasons for your benevolence or lack thereof and when the ‘losers’ get through with the challenges to the will the lawyers will once again laugh all the way to the bank.

  12. In the communist society the left are trying to impose (and a fair assessment is that they are rapidly succeeding), the media have taken on the role of village doctrine cops, those party functionaries who kept an eye on the citizens and reported to the party if anyone held anti-Soviet views. The first level of punishment for that was self denunciation, appearing before a committee and recanting the unacceptable views. The second level was internal exile to a work camp or mental hospital where you could be treated for “sluggish schizophrenia” (the disease communists invented to explain faulty thought processes). the third level was death — if you had things the local committee wanted, you could be moved ahead to level three and executed. Guess who got your possessions.

    As insane as it must seem to many of us, this is what many in our society want. They think it will create a utopian society of peace and harmony. God will have no place because the supreme authority will be the party, or in this new variation, the society. Your leftist friends, family and business associates already think this way. And they see you and me as reactionaries who cannot fit into their developing utopia.

    All that is missing is the Antichrist figure suitable to rule over it with an iron fist. Obama had pretensions, but he turned out to be somewhat too lazy to be that evil. We can see a few other candidates out there. Fear the day when any one of them might totally succeed.

  13. They are going by Lenin’s and Trotsky’s textbooks, but you sit on your hands and turn the other cheek.
    They will slaughter you. I do not really care about that. What I care is that together with you, they will try to slaughter me.
    Knowing Canadians, I will have to stand and fight alone. You are all hat, no cattle. All words, no action.
    You had received free land grants 150-100 years ago, but now you are selling that land to developers for millions and move to Florida to live off that money, while new immigrants have nothing but mortgages for exorbitantly expensive townhouses and have to pay enormous taxes, to fund your retirement.
    Canada is a wholesale fraud, and you are getting that which you deserve. Sucks to be you.

  14. This is the logical extention of the children who never heard “NO”.
    Now it is “macro aggression” for any other person to refuse their demands.
    They don’t wanna hear it and they ain’t gonna hear it.
    And will attempt to inflict harm on any who they ‘respect’ who tell them any honest truths..
    It is actually quite funny.
    The upcoming collapse of the fiat money,will leave them horrified.
    For they have no skill,no value to barter with.
    Now because of a lifetime of never hearing no and getting away with ignoring those who refuse their demands..they will not listen and will ban verbal communication..

    Setting themselves up for some very hard knocks.
    For in situations of extreme duress a single warning will be spoken or posted.
    After you have adequate self protection??
    A “community backhoe”?

    1. This is the logical extention of the children who never heard “NO”.
      Now it is “macro aggression” for any other person to refuse their demands.

      Tell me about it. I was in all sorts of trouble while I was teaching because I didn’t yield to whatever niggling demands that the kiddies made of me.

      If they didn’t get what they wanted, they would go over my heads to their department administrators, who being spineless, would give them whatever they wanted. I, on the other hand, would often be forced to attend meetings with them, as well as the brats, so that I could be subjected to public humiliation and be forced to “confess”. (Sound familiar? Of course, embarrassing me in public was a deliberate act intended to destroy whatever authority I might have had left and to encourage them to continue with their antics.)

      Nobody liked it when I refused to do so. I knew when I was right and I wasn’t going to back down.

      That was more than 20 years ago. Now those miscreants and malcontents are either approaching middle age or are well into it. Many of them, by now, will have spawned and will, no doubt, have taught their wee bairns their “secret to success”. Working for and earning one’s rewards is an anachronism now.

      Meanwhile, the administrators who so joyously and unhesitatingly threw me to the wolves are resting from their labours and enjoying their big fat pensions.

      That’s one result of the “student as customer” doctrine. And people wonder why I speak ill of the post-secondary educational system…..

  15. When Paul Krugman is forced to resign, we will know that Brumaire has arrived.
    At least in this Cultural Revolution, no heads have been lost.

  16. Welcome to Nazis Germany, Soviet Russia and Mao’s Communist China where the finest thing that you can do to a loved one is to turn them in to the punishers for some imagined crime.
