8 Replies to “They Should Build A Big, Beautiful Wall”

  1. Now is the time to deport en masse. For their own safety of course. Go dream in Mexico.

    1. Yes COLON, send infected messicans back down there so they can infect more messicans, and then they will sneak back across the border and cause a pandemic in the southern USA. Just what is needed , and uncontrolled contamination supply. You stupid knows no bounds

      1. Enema, you’re getting lass and less entertaining and more and more rabidly pathetic with every post.

  2. Mexicans don’t die of viruses, they kill them.

    Does anybody know how a virus works its way from its creation to its end.

  3. From the article:
    “Mexico so far has confirmed 26 cases of the coronavirus, with no deaths. In the United States, 41 people have died.”

    Most cases were from people that came from outside of the country. First case in Mexico City, came back from Milan..

  4. I like how the whole Kung flu debacle only proves Trump absolutely right about, number one – the importance of secure borders, and number two – how dangerous and destructive the Communist Chinese dictatorship is to the entire planet. That is all.

  5. I wholeheartedly support Mexico building a WALL on the US border. To prevent an American invasion
